FUJII Garuda
Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Professor (Full)
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
- +81-26-269-5521
Mail Address
- g_fujii★shinshu-u.ac.jp
- 2023
Professor (Full), Institute of Engineering - 2021 - 2023
Energy Landscape Architectonics Brain Bank (ELab2), Next Generation Cluster Research Center, interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research, Shinshu University - 2019 - 2023
Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering - 2014 - 2019
Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering, Shinshu University - 2013 - 2019
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University - 2012 - 2013
Assistant Professor, Department of Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Systems Science and Technology, Akita Prefectural University
Educational Background
- 2009 - 2012, Nagoya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
- 2007 - 2009, Nagoya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
- 2003 - 2007, Nagoya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research activity information
- 2024
Japan Association for Computational Mechanics, Young Investigator Award - 2023
The Young Scientists' Award, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the MEXT - 2021
日本機械学会 設計工学・システム部門, Frontier Achievement Award from JSME Design & Systems Division - 2017
日本機械学会 設計工学・システム部門 奨励業績表彰 - 2011
Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering, 日本計算数理工学会講演賞 - 2011
Nagoya University, 名古屋大学 学術奨励賞
- (Invited Talk) Location camouflage by topology optimization
Garuda Fujii
05 Dec. 2022
Lead - (Invited Talk) Topology optimization for manipulating thermal waves in macroscale
Garuda Fujii
ThermoMeta2022, 19 Aug. 2022
Lead, Last, Corresponding - (Invited Talk) Thermal Reversal-Cloak via Topology Optimization
Garuda Fujii
ThermoMeta2020, 07 Aug. 2020 - (Invited Talk) CMA-ES Based Topology Optimization for Thermal-Electrical Bifunctional Devices
Garuda Fujii
The 42nd PIERS, 20 Dec. 2019 - (招待講演)CMA-ESを用いたトポロジー最適化によるクローク・カムフラージュ・イリュージョン
第21回研究集会, 06 Dec. 2019, Invited - (招待講演)トポロジー最適化の基礎と最新展開
第87回 形の科学シンポジウム「生物と医学にまつわる形と物理法則」, 07 Jun. 2019 - (招待講演)CMA-ESを用いたトポロジー最適化の開発とその展開
2017年度年次大会【F12100】設計工学・システム部門,計算力学部門企画「設計工学とCAEの最前線」, 03 Sep. 2017, Invited - (招待講演)ランダムレーザーの低閾値化に関する研究
JASCOMEシンポジウム2012, 20 Mar. 2012, Invited
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Cloaking an object from both electromagnetic and acoustic waves via topology optimization
Garuda Fujii
Metamaterials'2021, 21 Sep. 2021Thermal Electrical Bifunctional Cloak Designed by Topology Optimization Based on CMA-ES
Garuda Fujii and Youhei Akimoto
ICMAT 2019, 27 Jun. 2019, MRS SingaporeTopology Optimization for Acoustic Cloak Incorporating Acoustic-Elastic Coupling
Garuda Fujii and Masayuki Takahashi
ICMAT 2019, 25 Jun. 2019, MRS SingaporeCMA-ES based topology optimization for external cloaks
Garuda Fujii
META 2018, 25 Jun. 2018Multi-Objective Topology Optimization for Carpet Cloaks
Garuda Fujii
WCCM/APCOM2016, 27 Jul. 2016Topology optimized carpet cloak by means of a level set based topology optimization
Garuda Fujii, Masayuki Nakamura
WCSMO-11, 09 Jun. 2015Color characteristics of delayed plumage maturation in the male red-flanked bluetail tarsiger cyanurus
Gen Morimoto, Takahiko Hariyama, Tuyoshi Ueta, Garuda Fujii, Aakihiko Kosaku, Takeo Kuriyama, and Kiyoshi Miyamoto
26th International Ornithological Congress, 18 Aug. 2014Study on the performance robustness of optical cloaks designed by means of level set based topology optimization method
Garuda Fujii, Tsuyoshi Ueta, and Mamoru Mizuno
ICMAT 2013, 30 Jun. 2013Level set-based topology optimization for anti-reflection surface
Garuda Fujii, Tsuyoshi Ueta, and Mamoru Mizuno
ICMAT 2013, 30 Jun. 2013Topology Optimization for a Dielectric Optical Cloak Based on an Exact Level Set Approach
Takayuki Yamada, Hayato Watanabe, Garuda Fujii, Toshiro Matsumoto
Digests of the 15th BiennialIEEE Conference on Electronic Field Computation (CEFC2012), 11 Nov. 2012, IEEEDependence of threshold of random laser on the amount of disorder
Garuda Fujii
MHS 2011, 06 Nov. 2011Study on transition from photonic-crystal laser to random laser
Garuda Fujii, Toshiro Matsumoto, Toru Takahashi, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
MHS 2011, 06 Nov. 2011A study on transition from photonic-crystal laser to random laser
Garuda Fujii, Toshiro Matsumoto, Toru Takahashi, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
The 6th Nagoya University - UCLA International Symposium, 26 Aug. 2011Detailed analysis for low-threshold laser oscillation in randomly distributed dielectric media
Garuda Fujii, Toshiro Matsumoto, Toru Takahashi, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
ICMAT 2011, 26 Jun. 2011A study on effect of filling factor for laser actions in dielectric random media
Garuda Fujii, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
ICMAT 2011, 26 Jun. 2011A level set-based topology optimization method for three-dimensional compliance problem using boundary element method
Shinichiro Shichi, Akihisa Suzuki, Takayuki Yamada, Toru Takahashi, Garuda Fujii, and Toshiro Matsumoto
WCSMO-9, 13 Jun. 2011Finite element analysis of laser modes within photonic random media
Garuda Fujii, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
FEMTEC 2011, 09 May 2011Finite element analysis for laser oscillations in random systems composed of dielectric materials
Garuda Fujii, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
MHS 2010, 07 Nov. 2010Finite element analysis for laser oscillations in random systems
Garuda Fujii, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
MHS 2010, 07 Nov. 2010Finite element analysis of laser oscillation and anderson localization of electromag- netic waves in a random configuration of dielectric material
Garuda Fujii
The Second Symposium of Young Researchers, 26 Mar. 2010Finite element simula- tions of anderson localization in random systems
Garuda Fujii, Toru Takahashi, Toshiro Matsumoto, and Tsuyoshi Ueta
MHS 2009, 08 Nov. 2009Electromagnetic-acoustic biphysical invisibility cloak via CMA-ES based topology optimization
Garuda Fujii
WCSMO14Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- CMA-ESによる非線形トポロジー最適化の開発と超弾性メカニカルクロークへの応用
科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(B)
2020 - 2025 - 熱伝導の“反転”:サーマルリバーシングメタデバイスを実現するトポロジー最適化の開発
公益財団法人TAKEUCHI育英奨学会 2020年度(第6期)助成金
2020 - 流体迷彩構造の設計を指向した非定常問題に対するトポロジー最適化の開発
科学研究費補助金, 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
09 Jul. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2020 - CMA-ESを用いたマルチフェーズトポロジー最適化法の開発と光デバイス応用
科学研究費補助金, 若手研究(B)
2017 - 2019 - メタサーフェスを用いた新機能音響デバイスの最適設計法の開発
科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(C)
01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019 - 広周波数帯での不可視化を目指したワイドバンド光学迷彩のトポロジー最適化法の開発
科学研究費補助金, 若手研究(B)
01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017 - 第31回(平成25年度)研究助成(公益財団法人 カシオ科学振興財団)表面効果を考慮した光学デバイスのレベルセット形状表現に基づくトポロジー最適化法の開発
公益財団法人 カシオ科学振興財団
01 Jan. 2013 - 第28回(2012年度)マツダ研究助成(マツダ財団)フロントガラスへの応用を指向した無反射構造のトポロジー最適設計法の開発
01 Nov. 2012 - 光学迷彩を指向した光制御に関するトポロジー最適化法の開発
科学研究費補助金, 研究活動スタート支援
01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2014 - 有限要素法によるポーラス・コロイドフォトニック構造の特性解析
科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(C)
01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014 - Invisible cloak
- Topology optimization
- Finite element analysisphenomena
- Evolutionary Computation
Academic Contribution Activities
- Peer review
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2021 - Peer review
Materials Today Physics, 2021 - Peer review
Nature Communications, 2021 - Peer review
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020 - Peer review
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020 - Peer review
Expert Systems With Applications, 2020 - Peer review
Materials Today, 2020 - Peer review
Advanced Materials, 2020 - Peer review
Advanced Materials, 2020 - 2020 - Peer review
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020 - 2020 - Peer review
日本機械学会論文集, 2019 - 2019 - Peer review
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2017 - 2017 - Peer review
Mechanical Engineering Journal (JSME), 2016 - 2016 - Planning etc
2017 日本機械学会 第 30 回計算力学講演会(CMD2017), 近畿大学 東大阪キャンパス - Planning etc
2016 WCCM XII&APCOM VI, COEX, Seoul, Korea - Planning etc
2016 日本機械学会 北陸信越支部 第 53 期総会・講演会 - Planning etc
2015 日本機械学会 第 25 回 設計工学・システム部門講演会(D&S 2015), 信州大学工学部(長野キャンパス)