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Kai Moriguchi|Shinshu University Researcher List

Kai Moriguchi

Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Agriculture

Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural and Life Sciences Division of Forest and Environmental Symbosis Sciences 

Associate Professor 


  • PhD, Shinshu University

Research Keyword

    Forest resource management

Field Of Study

  • Forest science, Forest Management


  • 2024 - Present
    Shinshu University, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2019 - 2024
    Kochi University, Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Sciences, Lecturer
  • 2018 - 2019
    Kyoto University, 地球環境学堂, JSPS Research Fellow (PD)
  • 2017 - 2018
    Shizuoka University, Faculty of Agriculture, 特任助教
  • 2015 - 2017
    Shinshu University, 総合工学系研究科, JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)
  • 2013 - 2014
    東京大学秩父演習林, 任期付技術職員
  • 2012 - 2013
  • 2011 - 2012
    Nagano Prefectural Forestry Research Center, 木材部, 非常勤研究員

Educational Background

  • 2014 - 2017, Shinshu University, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology, Department of Mountain and Environmental Science
  • 2009 - 2011, Shinshu University, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture, Department of Forest Science
  • 2005 - 2009, Shinshu University, Faculty of Agriculture, Forest Science
  • 2002 - 2005, 埼玉県立春日部高等学校

Member History

  • 2024 - Present
    大径材利用戦略策定委員会, 高知県木材協会
  • 2024 - Present
    事業評価技術検討会委員, 四国森林管理局


  • Towards the globally sustainable use of forestlands and wood resources: Estimating fair timber price deriving supply curves in a proven stable state
    Kai Moriguchi
    Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 199, 107285-107285, Dec. 2023, Refereed
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Estimation of fractal dimension of trees using LiDAR point data with sequential data decimation
    Kai Moriguchi
    Remote Sensing of Environment, 295, 113722-113722, Sep. 2023, Refereed
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Direct costs of final cuttings in two Japanese cypress shelterwood stands
    Dai Otsuka; Mikiko Matsui; Kai Moriguchi; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masahiko Nakazawa; Seishiro Taki; Masashi Saito
    Journal of The Japan Forest Engineering Society, 38(2), 107-114, May 2023, Refereed
  • Towards sustainable and accountable subsidy design: Identifying effective subsidisation systems for forest stands
    Kai Moriguchi
    Journal of Cleaner Production, 414, 137539-137539, May 2023, Refereed
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Modeling Tree Stem Volume of a Given Processible Diameter Class of Quercus phillyraeoides in Muroto Region, Kochi Prefecture
    Kenta Tabuchi; Takeshi Kudo; Kai Moriguchi
    Journal of the Japanese Forest Society, 105(4), 123-128, Apr. 2023, Refereed
    Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Accessibility of logging trucks on public road networks in a mountainous area.
    Suzuki Yasushi; Yoshimura Tetsuhiko; Hasegawa Hisashi; Aruga Kazuhiro; Saito Masashi; Moriguchi Kai; Shirasawa Hiroaki
    Journal of The Japan Forest Engineering Society, 38(2), 115-122, Apr. 2023, Refereed
  • Estimating divergent forest carbon stocks and sinks via a knife set approach
    Shitephen Wang; Satoru Takanashi; Chiung-Pin Liu; Dian-Rong Li; San-Wen Chen; Yu-Ting Cheng; Kai Moriguchi; Masako Dannoura
    Journal of Environmental Management, 330, 117114-117114, Mar. 2023, Refereed
  • Accelerating forest stand selection for subsidization using neural networks
    Kai Moriguchi; Hiroaki Shirasawa; Kazuhiro Aruga
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 205, 107595-107595, Feb. 2023, Refereed
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Effects of the Change of Harvesting Profit Induced by the Increase of Wood Use for Biomass Fuels on the Annual Supply and Minimal Expense for Subsidy
    Kai Moriguchi; Hiroaki Shirasawa
    Journal of the Japanese Forest Society, 103(6), 435-442, Dec. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Estimating the Availability of Unused Materials for Woody Biomass Power Generation Using the Forest GIS
    Matsuoka Yusuke; Hayashi Uichi; Aruga Kazuhiro; Shirasawa Hiroaki; Toyama Keisuke; Moriguchi Kai
    Journal of the Japanese Forest Society, 103(6), 416-423, Dec. 2021, Refereed
  • Developing reliable and fast simulated annealing for stand-level forest harvesting schedule with virtual dimensionality reduction
    Kai Moriguchi
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 191, 106494-106494, Dec. 2021, Refereed
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Identifying optimal forest stand selection under subsidization using stand-level optimal harvesting schedules
    Kai Moriguchi
    Land Use Policy, 108, 105674-105674, Sep. 2021, Refereed
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Damage of Ubame Oak, Quercus phillyraeoides by Oak Ambrosia Beetles, Platypus quercivorus in Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture
    Kohsuke Ikezoe; Kai Moriguchi
    Journal of the Japanese Forest Society, 103(4), 273-278, Aug. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
    Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Spatial relationship between damaged understory and felled trees during the final cutting in a shelterwood forest
    Dai Otsuka; Kai Moriguchi; Tetsuoh Shirota; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masashi Saito
    International Journal of Forest Engineering, 32(3), 1-7, Jul. 2021, Refereed
  • Acceleration and enhancement of reliability of simulated annealing for optimizing thinning schedule of a forest stand
    Kai Moriguchi
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 177, 105691-105691, Oct. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Estimating polymorphic growth curve sets with nonchronological data
    Kai Moriguchi
    Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 9100-9114, Jul. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Establishing optimal forest harvesting regulation with continuous approximation
    Kai Moriguchi; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masashi Saito
    Operations Research Perspectives, 7, 100158-13pp, 2020, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Characteristics of sediment supply and initiation condition of debris flow at Osawa landslide in Mt.Fuji
    OKAMOTO Norio; IMAIZUMI Fumitoshi; OHSAKA Okihiro; MORIGUCHI Kai; TSUCHIYA Satoshi; SUGIMOTO Hiroyuki; SUZUKI Satoshi; SATO Shinichi; KASHIWABARA Yoshiaki; NISHIMURA Naoki
    Chubu forestry research, 67, 101-104, May 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • 富士山大沢崩れにおける土石流発生・流下状況
    岡本憲男; 守口海; 今泉文寿; 逢坂興宏; 土屋智
    中部森林研究, (66), 133‐134, May 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • An approach for deriving growth equations for quantities exhibiting cumulative growth based on stochastic interpretation
    Kai Moriguchi
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 490, 1150-1163, Jan. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Last, CorrespondingWebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Identification of effective implementations of simulated annealing for optimizing thinning schedules for single forest stands
    Kai Moriguchi; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masashi Saito
    European Journal of Operational Research, 262(3), 1094-1108, Nov. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, CorrespondingWebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Responses of spacing indices for relative yield based on the reciprocal competition-density effect
    Kai Moriguchi; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masashi Saito
    Forest Science, 63(5), 485-495, Oct. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, CorrespondingWebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Determining subsidised forest stands to satisfy required annual wood yield with minimum governmental expense
    Kai Moriguchi; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masashi Saito
    Land Use Policy, 67, 573-583, Sep. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, CorrespondingWebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 車両系作業システムによる漸伐作業における終伐時の労働生産性―長野県におけるヒノキ林の事例―
    大塚大; 斎藤仁志; 守口海; 植木達人
    森林利用学会誌, 31(2), 79‐83-83, Apr. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • 造林・育林費用の許容上限の簡易な計算方法
    守口海; 植木達人; 大塚大; 斎藤仁志
    日本森林学会誌, 98(1), 31-38, Feb. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 製材JASの目視等級を基にした節評価モデルのパラメータの最適化
    守口海; 柴田直明; 今井信; 山内仁人; 吉田孝久
    木材学会誌, 62(4), 133-145, 2016, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 原木等の材質選別技術の開発
    田畑衛; 柴田直明; 吉野安里; 山内仁人; 今井信; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター研究報告, (29), 115-122, Feb. 2015, Not invited
  • An Evaluation of the Use of Simulated Annealing to Optimize Thinning Rates for Single Even-Aged Stands
    Kai Moriguchi; Tatsuhito Ueki; Masashi Saito
    International Journal of Forestry Research, 2015, 1-15, 2015, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 安全・安心な乾燥材生産技術の開発(III)―カラマツ推奨・非推奨乾燥材の強度特性(2)曲げ強度性能―
    今井信; 柴田直明; 吉田孝久; 山内仁人; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター研究報告, (28), 63-69, Jan. 2014, Not invited
  • 安全・安心な乾燥材生産技術の開発(III)―カラマツ推奨・非推奨乾燥材の強度特性(1)試験体の調製―
    柴田直明; 吉田孝久; 今井信; 山内仁人; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター研究報告, (28), 57-62, Jan. 2014, Not invited
  • 現行等級区分法の改良による木材強度の予測精度の向上可能性―許容節径比に相当するパラメータの最適化―
    守口海; 今井信; 柴田直明; 吉田孝久; 山内仁人
    長野県林業総合センター研究報告, (28), 71-79, Jan. 2014, Not invited
  • Brooding habits of the jungle nightjar and relocation movements of the chicks
    Michio Saiki; Ryusei Haraguchi; Kota Kimura; Kai Moriguchi; Michihiro Takano
    Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, 45(2), 98-101, 2014, Refereed, Not invited
  • Comparison of Solutions of Three Operations Research Methods for Forest Stand Management.
    日本森林学会誌, 95(4), 199-205, Aug. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Trends in evaluation of wooden log properties from the point of view of the sawmill industry in the Nagano Prefecture.
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    森林計画学会誌, 47(1), 1-7, Jun. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 伐採作業時における簡易な伐採率管理方法の提案と評価
    中部森林研究, (61), 133-136, May 2013, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • 長野県原木市場における材質と木材価格の関係
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    中部森林研究, (60), 51-56, Mar. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • A Method for Estimating a self-thining Parameter of a Gompertz Function.
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    日本森林学会誌, 93(3), 113-122, Jun. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 汎用数理計画ソフトによる最適間伐戦略の探索可能性
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    中部森林研究, (59), 115-118, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • 白石の平均直径成長モデルの数理計画への適用可能性―自己間引き効果を含む成長関数の導出とパラメータの推定―
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    中部森林研究, (59), 119-122, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • デジタルカメラによる傾きを考慮した座標計測システム―年輪読み取りへの応用と精度の検討―
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    中部森林研究, (59), 81-86, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • 浅間山カラマツ植物群落保護林における下層針葉樹傾斜・倒木被害の事例分析
    西廣雄仁; 植木達人; 井上裕; 中島耕平; 小林元; 安江恒; 小野裕; 木下渉; 守口海; 岡田充弘
    中部森林研究, (59), 71-74, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
  • 長野県金沢山国有林におけるヒノキの稚樹更新状況―漸伐作業における後伐段階の林分として―
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕
    中部森林研究, (58), 145-148, Mar. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • カラマツにおける木取りや製材を考慮した施業体系の試案―構造材生産を目標とする場合の密度と伐期―
    守口海; 植木達人; 井上裕; 久保田真未
    中部森林研究, (57), 155-158, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
    Lead, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • 生産目標を考慮したカラマツ林施業に関する研究―構造材・造作材用途へ向けて―
    久保田真未; 植木達人; 井上裕; 守口海
    中部森林研究, (57), 143-146, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited


  • Structure and biomass of three Mongolian forests with different mixing ratios of Larix sibirica and Betula platyphylla
    Shirota Tetsuoh; Moriguchi Kai; Yasue Koh; Matsuura Yojiro; Gerelbaatar Sukhbaatar; Baatarbileg Nachin
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 134, 310, 30 May 2023
  • Preference and purchanse promotion effect of naruko at Kochi Yosakoi Festival
    tamura naoya; Moriguchi Kai
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 134, 241, 30 May 2023
  • Relationship between Feeding Damage by Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) and the Growth of Ubame Oak in Kochi Prefecture, Japan
    Hashi Masato; Moriguchi Kai
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 134, 581, 30 May 2023
  • Cost efficiency and unused woody biomass potential from small-scale logging operation of broad-leaved stands
    Suzuki Yasushi; Yoshimura Tetsukiko; Morita Daisuke; Moriguchi Kai; Hayata Yoshifumi; Urabe Mitsuharu; Imayasu Kiyomitsu
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 132, 220, 24 May 2021
  • 地利条件を考慮した最適造林補助配分による木材生産林のゾーニング
    守口海; 白澤紘明
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集, 131st, 2020
  • Development of a software for collecting numerous plant data with coordinates
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web), 67th, 2020
  • 小型機械による広葉樹択伐伐出の試験作業
    鈴木保志; 吉村哲彦; 森田大輔; 守口海; 早田佳史; 浦部光治; 今安清光
    森林利用学会学術研究発表会講演要旨集, 27th (CD-ROM), 2020
  • Report on the fourth seminar of "Availability estimation and harvesting system of unused woody materials"
    Aruga, Kazuhiro; Konoshima, Masashi; Kanomata, Hidesato; Toyama, Keisuke; Moriguchi, Kai
    Journal of The Japan Forest Engineering Society, 35(2), 109 - 112, 2020, Not invited
  • Sensitivity analysis on target normal forest of harvest planning on optimal silviculture subsidization policy
    Moriguchi Kai
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 130, 483, 27 May 2019
  • P-04 Profitability indicator of forestry involving disaster risks that make forest owners fail to harvest logs
    バイオマス科学会議発表論文集(Web), 14, 2019
  • 上限密度林分における個体サイズおよび占有面積の分布
    守口海; 大澤晃; 倉地奈保子
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web), 66th, 2019
  • Selection of forests for wood production through minimizing annual subsidy for regeneration
    Moriguchi Kai; Saito Masashi; Shirasawa Hiroaki; Aruga Kazuhiro
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 129, 806, 28 May 2018
  • P-04 Profitability indicator of forestry involving disaster risks that make forest owners fail to harvest logs
    守口 海
    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science, 14, 55 - 56, 2018
  • Effect of cutting intensity on the regeneration in a shelter wood cutting stand of Chamaecyparis obtusa plantation
    Higo Mutsuki; Moriguchi Kai; Saito Hitoshi; Ueki Tatsuhito
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 128, 566, 2017
  • Thinning schedule optimization using simulated annealing: Adjustment of SA parameters
    Moriguchi Kai; Ueki Tatsuhito; Saito Masashi
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 128, 487, 2017
  • Seedling height growth and competition with weed plants of natural regenerated Larix kaempferi
    Matsunaga Hiroki; Saito Masashi; Otsuka Dai; Moriguchi Kai; Shirota Tetsuou; Ueki Tatsuhito; Oya Shinjiro
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 128th, 255, 2017
  • P-59 Effects of firewood production on the timber supply of large sawmills
    SAITO Masashi; SHIRASAWA Hiroaki; OTSUKA Dai; MORIGUCHI Kai; UEKI Tatsuhito
    Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science, 11, 167 - 168, 2016
  • Examination of methods for reducing damage to understory in final removal cutting at shelterwood stands
    Otsuka Dai; Saito Masashi; Moriguchi Kai; Ueki Tatsuhito
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 127, 220, 2016
  • Thinning rates optimization using simulated annealing: Control methods of thinning rates and the searching performance
    Moriguchi Kai; Ueki Tatsuhito; Saito Masashi
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 127, 437, 2016
  • カラマツ天然更新林分の構造が搬出間伐に及ぼす影響
    松永宙樹; 斎藤仁志; 大塚大; 守口海; 大矢信次郎; 植木達人
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集, 127th, 2016
  • Examination of Pinus densiflora Hauling possibility volume of using a high-performance forestry machine
    Saito Masashi; Chishiro Sonoka; Moriguchi Kai; Shirasawa Hiroaki; Inoue Hiroshi; Ueki Tatsuhito
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 126, 241, 2015
  • Simple judging method for sustainability of forest management basis of optimum rotation
    Moriguchi Kai; Ueki Tatsuhito; Saito Masashi
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 126, 459, 2015
  • 安全・安心な乾燥材生産技術の開発(3)
    今井 信; 柴田 直明; 吉田 孝久; 山内 仁人; 守口 海
    長野県林業総合センター研究報告, (28), 63 - 69, Jan. 2014
  • 安全・安心な乾燥材生産技術の開発(3)
    柴田 直明; 吉田 孝久; 今井 信; 山内 仁人; 守口 海
    長野県林業総合センター研究報告, (28), 57 - 62, Jan. 2014
  • The meaning of Soil Expectation Value for finite term forest planning
    Moriguchi Kai
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 125, 44, 2014
  • Optimization for cutting schedule with Monte-Carlo search
    Moriguchi Kai
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 124, 645, 2013
  • スギ材の葉枯らし効果(4)―葉枯らし処理した中温乾燥材の材質―
    山内仁人; 吉田孝久; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 108 - 109, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • 安全・安心な乾燥材生産技術の開発(2)―カラマツ心持ち正角の推奨・非推奨乾燥スケジュールと強度性能―
    柴田直明; 吉田孝久; 今井信; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 100 - 101, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • スギ材の葉枯らし効果(3)―葉枯らし処理した高温セット乾燥材の材質―
    山内仁人; 守口海; 吉田孝久
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 106 - 107, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • 原木等の材質選別技術の開発
    柴田直明; 今井信; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 96 - 97, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • 安全・安心な乾燥材生産技術の開発(3)―カラマツ高温乾燥材の曲げ強度性能改善に向けた更なる検討―
    柴田直明; 吉田孝久; 今井信; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 102 - 103, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • 各地域材の強度特性等の把握(2)―木曽地域産カラマツ柱材の曲げ強度性能および乾燥特性―
    守口海; 吉田孝久
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 90 - 91, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • カラマツ横架材の乾燥スケジュールと曲げ強さ―乾燥スケジュールの違いによる仕上り含水率と曲げ強さ―
    今井信; 吉田孝久; 山内仁人; 守口海
    長野県林業総合センター業務報告, 2011, 104 - 105, Jun. 2012, Not invited
  • Present cost efficiency of Pruning in Forest management: Examination with Log price in Nagano Prefecture
    Moriguchi Kai; Ueki Tatsuhito; Inoue Hiroshi
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 123, Pb107 - Pb107, 2011
  • A simple system to measure growth-rings using general software
    Moriguchi Kai
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress, 121, 404 - 404, 2010

Affiliated academic society

  • 2019 - Present
  • 2019 - Present
    Society of American Foresters
  • 2011 - Present
  • 2010 - Present

Research Themes

  • 森林の炭素固定効果を増進する森林・林業政策およびその統合的計画立案手法
    科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B)
    01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2028
  • 日本全国の長期的な森林バイオマス利用可能量算定モデルの構築と環境影響評価
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Utsunomiya University
    01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • The process of changes in larch forest growing in the southern distribution limits of permafrost of Eurasia according to climate change
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
    Shinshu University
    07 Oct. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2026
  • Where are the actual bottlenecks of forest road network construction required to establish the next generation of sustainable decentralized society?
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Kochi University
    01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • Reliable and fast identification method for stand-level optimal harvesting schedule
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
    Kochi University
    01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2023
  • ミクロなモデルを基盤とした林分成長モデルの構成ならびに自己間引き則の解明
    科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費
    25 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2021
  • 高い信頼性を有する最適伐採戦略の探索手法の開発
    科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費
    24 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2017
  • Development of a model to estimate the long-term availability of forest biomass resources and energy balance analyses
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Utsunomiya University
    01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
  • 成長関数を基盤とした理論幹曲線式の現実林木への適合性評価
    科学研究費助成金, 長野県科学振興会
    Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015