Faculty of Economics and Law
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Justice Social Work, Criminal Policy, Offenders Rehabilitation in the Community, Community-based Treatment of Offenders, Multi-agency collaboration, Social inclusion, Reintegration of Offenders into the Community, Social solidarity economy, Restorative Justice, Multicultural society
Field Of Study
Mail Address
- kayo_konagai★shinshu-u.ac.jp
- 2024 - Present
Shinshu University, Faculty of Economics and Law, Specially Appointed Professor - 2023 - 2024
Takasaki City University of Economics, Faculty of Regional Policy, Part-time Lecturer - 2021 - 2024
Nagano University, Graduate School of Comprehensive Studies of Social Polices and Services, Professor - 2020 - 2024
Nagano University, Faculty of Social Work Welfare, Professor - 2019 - 2024
Rikkyo University, College of Community and Human Services, Part Time Lecturer - 2019 - 2020
Rikkyo University, College of Community and Human Services, Specific project research fellow - 2017 - 2018
University of Leiden, Institute of Social HIstory, Visiting Scholar - 2015 - Present
Waseda University, Waseda Institute of the Policy of Social Safety, Research Fellow - 2013 - 2019
RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Community and Human Services Field of Study: Community and Human Services, Professor - 2013 - 2019
RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Community and Human Services Field of Study: Community and Human Services, Professor - 2013 - 2019
RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, College of Community and Human Services Department of Community Development, Professor - 2013 - 2014
University of Cambridge, Institute of Criminology, Visiting Scholar - 2007 - 2013
RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, College of Community and Human Services Department of Community Development, Associate Professor - 2006 - 2007
RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, College of Community and Human Services Department of Community Development, Associate Professor (as old post name) - 2004 - 2006
関東地方更生保護委員会, 審査第二課長 - 2002 - 2004
横浜保護観察所, 更生保護振興課長 - 1999 - 2002
鳥取保護観察所, 観察課長 - 1996 - 1999
United Nations Asia and Far East Institute of Prevention of Crime and Treartment of Offenders, Professor - 1994 - 1996
関東地方更生保護委員会, 更生保護調査官付保護観察官 - 1992 - 1993
Home Office of the UK Government and London School of Economics, Short Term Research Fellow of the Japanese Government - 1992 - 1993
London School of Economics and Social Science, Department of Sociology, Academic Vicitor - 1990 - 1994
東京保護観察所直接処遇班, 上席保護観察官 - 1989 - 1990
東京保護観察所直接処遇班, 保護観察官 - 1986 - 1989
人事院任用局, 試験専門官 - 1979 - 1986
横浜保護観察所, 保護観察官
Member History
- 2020 - Present
運営副委員長, 長野県地域生活定着支援センター 運営委員会 - 2018 - Present
選考委員, 法務省安全安心まちづくり関係功労者選考委員会 - 2015 - 2019
Chief of Editing Committi of Journal of Japanese Society of Law and Forensic Social Services - 2015 - 2019
学会誌編集委員長, 日本司法福祉学会 - 2014 - 2020
a trustee, Japanesen Association of Sociological Criminology - 2014 - 2020
理事, 日本犯罪社会学会 - 2012 - Present
Executive Director, Japan Association of Offenders Rehabilitation - 2012 - Present
常務理事, 日本更生保護学会 - 2012 - 2020
A Member of the Board of Trustees - 2012 - 2019
理事, 日本司法福祉学会 - 2010 - 2020
学会誌編集委員会委員, 日本司法福祉学会 - 2010 - 2019
Member of Editing Committi of Journal of Society of Law and Forensic Social Services - 2002 - 2005
研究委員, 日本犯罪社会学会
Research activity information
- Workshop "The View of the Community-based Treatment of Offenders, and its Challenges"
Kayo Konagai
Journal of Criminal Law, 62(3), 565-571, Jul. 2023, Invited
Lead - Review for the 2022 White Paper on Crime - Special section on 'Attitudes towards life and values of offenders and juvenile delinquents
法律のひろば, 76(1), 11-18, Jan. 2023, Invited
Lead - Disengaging vulnerable people from crime and integrating them into society - support through local partnerships.
Japanese Journal of Offenders Rehabilitation, 19, 36-51, Dec. 2021, Invited
Lead - Supporting recovery from delinquency - revisited from a judicial welfare perspective.
Japanese Journal of Offenders Rehabilitation, 18, 55-60, Jun. 2021, Invited
Lead - The Dutch Schemes for Recidivism Prevention
Kayo Konagai
Crimes and Punishment, 56(1), 68-79, Dec. 2018, Invited
Lead - Peace Building Initiatives in Multi-Ethnic States: West Europe's Struggles with Radicalised Youth and Countermeasures
Kayo Konagai
Japanese Journal of Sociological Criminology, (43), Nov. 2018, Invited
Lead - Enhancing Reintegration of Offenders into Community - Challenges and Prospect of Collaboration between the Criminal Justice and Welfare Systems: Social Welfare Support for Offenders – How to Support them within the Community
Kayo Konagai
Social Welfare Studies, (131), 22-29, Apr. 2018, Invited
Lead - Comminity-based Treatment of Offenders in the Youth Justice System in England and Wales
Japanese Journal of Offenders Rehabilitation, (8), 79-82, Jun. 2016, Invited
Lead - Resistance and Development of Juvenile Offenders
全少協少年研究所叢書, (27), 12-40, Feb. 2016, Invited
Lead - Study on Offenders' Rehabilitation and Reintegration into Society
Feb. 2013, Not invited
Lead - Study on Treatment of Offenders from the Perspective of Reintegration Care
The Chuo Law Review, 117(7, 8), 297-328, Mar. 2011, Invited
Lead - Recovery of Offenders and Local Partnership in the Community
Japanesen Journal of Sociological Criminology, 34, 95-113, Oct. 2009, Invited
Lead - Social Reintegration of Assaulters
Japanese Journal of Judicial Socialwork, 11, 161-165, Aug. 2009, Invited
Lead - Social Inclusion of Juvenile Delinquents and Multi-Agency Collaboration
The Journal of Police Science, 61(5), 49-56, May 2008, Invited
Lead - Social Inclusion and Employment Support for Offenders
Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, 149, 46-56, Feb. 2008, Invited
Lead - 児童虐待と修復的実践
小長井 賀與
日立みらい財団 犯罪と非行, (154), 122-140, Dec. 2007, Not invited
Lead - 男子少年への性犯罪
小長井 賀與
エイデル研究所 セクシャリティ, (28), 16-21, Oct. 2006, Invited
Lead - 更生保護と修復的司法
小長井 賀與
修復的司法の総合的研究 風間書房, 213-222, Jan. 2006, Not invited
Lead - 外国人受刑者の仮釈放について
小長井 賀與
日本刑事政策研究会 罪と罰, 42(3), 39-46, Mar. 2005, Invited
Lead - ノルウェーの修復的司法
小長井 賀與
日本刑事政策研究会 罪と罰, 40(3), 31-40, May 2003, Invited
Lead - 保護観察における日本型修復的正義の可能性
小長井 賀與
敬文堂, 261-274, Dec. 2002, Not invited
Lead - 我が国の保護観察における関係修復的正義の可能性と課題
小長井 賀與
日本犯罪社会学会 日本犯罪社会学会 第28回大会報告要旨集, Dec. 2001, Invited
Lead - 保護観察官として、私が大切に思っていること
小長井 賀與
日本更生保護協会 更生保護と犯罪予防, (138), 1-10, Nov. 2001, Not invited
Lead - 保護観察対象者に対する生活技能訓練についての考察
小長井 賀與
日本の犯罪学8 東京大学出版会, 256-257, Nov. 1998, Invited
Books and other publications
Yoko Hosoi, Bunri Tatsuno, John Pratt, Tetsu Harasawa, Kayo Konagai, Yuzuru Kawabe, Kaori Watanabe, Kaoru Umezaki, Masaharu Senzu, Takashi Furukawa, et. al, Contributor, Reintegration Elderly Criminals into the Society: from the Standpoint of Judicial Welfare
Routledge, Feb. 2024
ISBN:9781032669489Juvenile law as an integrated field
Akira HATTORI, Kenji TAKEUCHI, Takeshi OKABE, Kouta TAKEHARA, Tokikazu KONISHI, Tomonobu ISHIDA, Masako YAMADA, Aoi OOGAI, Hajime TADA, Yoshirou KITAGAWA, Aki HONDA, Hiroyuki KUZUNO, Kayo KONAGAI, Chiharu TAKE, Tomoyasu UENO, Asato TAKASAKA, Masanori FUJIWARA, Eriko OOTUKA, Joint work, Rehabilitation support and multi-agency collaboration for juveniles on probation
Seibundoh, Nov. 2023
ISBN:9784792354060A collection of essays for Professor Norio TAKAHASHI in celebration of his 70th birthday
編集委員; 山口, 厚; 井田, 良; 佐伯, 仁志; 松原, 芳博; 仲道, 祐樹, Contributor, Communities in this age
成文堂, Mar. 2022
ISBN:9784792353537Dictionary of Community-based Treatment of offenders
Japanese Association of; Offenders Rehabilitation, Contributor, 第三の経済部門における犯罪者の包摂と就労支援
成文堂, Dec. 2021
ISBN:9784792353414Comprehensive Study of the Aged Offenders
Kayo KONAGAI, Contributor, 高齢犯罪者・加害者の社会への再統合 ー 司法福祉の観点から
風間書房, Feb. 2021刑事政策の新たな潮流
蘇明月; 高橋則夫; 松澤伸; 島田貴仁; 内藤大海; 川出敏裕; 丸山泰弘; 吉開多一; 小西暁和; 佐伯仁志; 生島浩; 小長井賀與; 石田咲子; 廣瀬健二; 李程; 柑本美和; 宍倉悠太; 田村正博; 辰野文理; 李傑清; 金山泰介; 千佳佳, Contributor, 犯罪者の社会再統合 ー 社会的連帯経済による就労支援の意義と可能性
成文堂, May 2019触法障害者の地域生活支援
生島 浩; 小長井 賀與; 今福 章二, Contributor, 地域生活定着支援事業の成果と課題 ー 司法福祉の観点から
金剛出版, Apr. 2017
ISBN:9784772415514Report of the Study on the Aged People who Committed Shoplifting to Serch for Reality and Factors of Them
Masami YAJIMA; Takao SUZUKI; Kayo KONAGAI, Contributor, Social Inclusion of the aged people who committed shoplifting, and Community Formation
Study Committee on Shoplifting Organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Mar. 2017犯罪心理学事典
村松 励; 小長井 賀與, Contributor, ソーシャル・インクルージョン、社会内処遇におけるグッド・ライブズ・モデル
丸善出版, Sep. 2016
ISBN:9784621089552A Guide to the Probation
Shouji IMAFUKU; Kayo KONAGAI, Joint work, The Current Trend in Community-based Treatment of Offenders of the World
法律文化社, May 2016
ISBN:9784589037459Readings in Criminal Justice Policy
Tatuya Ota; Kayo KONAGAI, Contributor, 保護観察 菊田幸一『保護観察の理論』
法律文化社, Apr. 2016
ISBN:9784589037152よくわかる 更生保護
藤本 哲也; 生島 浩; 辰野 文理; 小長井 賀與, Contributor, 更生保護と社会福祉
ミネルヴァ書房, Feb. 2016
ISBN:9784623074686Various Aspects of Restrative Justice
Norio Takahashi; Haruo Nishimura; Kayo Konagai, Joint work, Study on the Function of Criinal Justice and Restorative Justice
成文堂, Jul. 2015
ISBN:9784792351557更生保護入門 第4版
松本 勝; 今福 章二; 小長井 賀與, Joint work, 生活環境調整と就労支援、犯罪被害者等支援活動
成文堂, Mar. 2015
ISBN:9784792351465性犯罪・被害 - 性犯罪規定の見直しに向けて -
小長井賀與; 岩井 宜子; 内山絢子; 渡辺一弘; 安部哲夫; その他, Joint work, イギリスの性犯罪対策
尚学社, Jun. 2014
坂田周一; 三本松政之; 北島健一; 小長井賀與; ほか, Single work, 社会的排除とコミュニティ - 犯罪と社会の関連を通して考える -
誠信書房, Mar. 2014
坂田周一; 浅井春夫; 三本松政之; 小長井賀與; その他, Joint work, コミュニティの安全、安心
有斐閣, Apr. 2013
ISBN:9784641184138Reintegration of Offenders and Community -Study on Crime from the Perspective of Judicial Social Work-
Kayo KONAGAI, Single work
Seibundou, Mar. 2013
ISBN:9784792319809Social Work and Restorative Justice
Kayo KONAGAI, Joint translation
Akashi Shoten, Nov. 2012
ISBN:9784750336879Criminal Code, Criminal Policy and Social Welfare
Saku MACHINO; Tooru IWAI; Tetuo ABE; Kayo KONAGAI, Contributor, Study on Social Response for Violence among Family Members
Shougakusha Com., Dec. 2011
ISBN:9784860310905Recovery of Offenders and Paradigm Shift in Offender Treatment
Kayo Konagai, Joint work
Gendai Jinbunsha, May 2011
ISBN:9784877984830Today and Future of Restorative Justice
Yoko Hosoi; Kayo Konagai, Joint work, 第2章 児童虐待と修復的実践
成文堂, Oct. 2010
ISBN:9784792318796Family Violence, 2nd edition
岩井宜子; 内山絢子; 柴田守; 暮井真絵子; 長谷川真理子; 松本良枝; 春日珠実; 田口寿子; 小長井賀與; 佐々木和夫; 安倍哲夫; 宮園久栄; 谷田川知恵; 柑本美和; 椎名規子; 矢野恵美; 森武夫; 渡邊一弘, Contributor, Current situation of child abuse and the legal measures
尚学社, Apr. 2010(共著)更生保護制度入門
松本 勝他, Joint work, 第5章 生活環境調整と就労支援、第12章 犯罪被害者等支援活動
成文堂, Mar. 2009
ISBN:9784792318246Recovery from Crimes and Social Inclusion
Japanese Association of; Criminology, Joint work, 第6章 更生保護と元犯罪者の社会への再統合
現代人文社, Jan. 2009Rehabilitaiton System of Offenders
社会福祉士養成講座編集委員会, Joint work, 第3章 更生保護制度における関係機関・団体との連携
中央法規, Jan. 2009
ISBN:9784805831205Child Welfare Service in New Decade
FURUKAWA, Koujyunn; TAZAWA,Akemi etal, Joint work, 第10章 少年非行と児童福祉
有斐閣, Nov. 2008
ISBN:9784641183698Family Violence
KONAGAI, Kayo, Joint work, 第二部第2章 児童虐待の現状と法的対策
Showgaku Sha, Jun. 2008(共著)生活支援の社会福祉学
古川孝順; 小長井 賀與, Joint work, 第12章 司法福祉
有斐閣, Jan. 2007(共著)修復的司法の総合的研究
細井洋子; 西村春夫他, Joint work, 第18章 更生保護と修復的司法、第33章 ノルウェー
風間書房, Jan. 2006
小長井 賀與, Joint translation
新泉社, Jun. 2003
小長井 賀與, Joint translation
中央法規, Sep. 1999Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Multi-agency Collaboration in the Area of Justice and Welfare.
6th National Workshop of the Japanese Association of Criminal Psychology, Jun. 2024, InvitedA study of multi-agency collaboration in the area of criminal policy
Kayo Konagai
Waseda Institute of the Policy of Social Safety, WIPSS, Jan. 2023, InvitedJapanese Association of Criminal Law 100th Anniversary Conference; Workshop 'Parole and Rehabilitation'.
Kayo Konagai; Kenichiro Yoshida; Kazuhiro Konagai; Shintaro Koike
Japanese Association of Criminal Law 100th Anniversary Conference, May 2022, InvitedDisengaging vulnerable people from crime and integrating them into society - support through local partnerships.
12th Conference of the Asian Society of Criminology., Jun. 2021, InvitedSpeaker at the 9th Conference of the Japanese Association of Offenders Rehabilitation, Symposium on "Desistance from Juvenile Delinquency"
The 9th Conference of the Japanese Association of Offenders Rehabilitation, Dec. 2020, InvitedOffenders's Desistance Needs and the Support System: A Japanese Perspective and Task Encouraging Their Resintegration into Community
The 6th Annual Conference of the Asian Criminological Society, Jun. 2014, Asian Criminological Society, InvitedCivil Participation in Probation in A Japanese Perspective − How Japanese VPO System Function for the High-Risk Offenders −
小長井賀與; 生島浩; 左近司綾子
The First World Congress on Probation, Oct. 2013, Confederation of European Probation, Not invitedMeasures to Prevent Recidivism by Ex-Offenders: A Japanese Perspective Encouraging Reintegration into Community
小長井 賀與
第12回国際犯罪学会, Sep. 2012, The European Society of Criminology, Not invitedSupporting Sex Offenders in the Community: A Japanese Perspective Encouraging Reintegration
小長井 賀與
国際犯罪学会第16回世界大会, Aug. 2011, International Society for Criminology, Not invitedRehabilitation Support for Ex-Offenders and Crime Prevention Activities by Japanese Volunteer Probation Officers in International Perspective
小長井 賀與
国際犯罪学会第16回世界大会, Aug. 2011, International Society for Criminology, Not invitedCrime and Criminology
小長井 賀與; 前田 忠弘; 平山 真理
XV World Conference of the International Society for Criminology, Jul. 2008, The International Society for Criminology, Not invitedAffiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Study on Comprehensive Integration Measures based on the Crime Risk Factors for the Youths with Different Cultural Backgrounds
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Nagano University
Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025 - Restoration of Diviant Acts by Young People with Ethinic Cultural Background, and Construction of Mult-Cultural Society in Japan
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2022 - Study on Development of the System of Employment Support for Juvenile Delinquent and Offenders
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Waseda University
01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018 - Study on Problems of Reintegration of Offenders into Community and Partnership with Ccommunity Welfare Organizations
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017 - 触法発達障害者の地域生活支援プロジェクトの評価に関する実証的研究
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(A)
Oct. 2013 - Mar. 2016 - Empirical Study on the Life World of Elderly prisoners,and process of their independence after release.
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Toyo University
2011 - 2013 - Study on Reintegration into Community of Offenders and Partnership in the Community
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2013 - Theoretical exploration of and action research on the reentry of offenders, especially juvenile offenders
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
University of Shizuoka
2009 - 2011 - 犯罪者の更生と地域コミュニティへのインクルージョンによる秩序形成の意義と可能性
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C)
Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2010 - An empirical research on constructing a new relationship between crime victims and offenders in the community.
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Tokiwa University
2007 - 2009 - Community-based Treatment for Sex Offenders
The Other Research Programs
Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2006 - Study on Mediation
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004
Social Contribution Activities
- 更生保護法人 更生保護事業財団理事
Apr. 2021 - Present - 世田谷保護司会理事
25 Mar. 2021 - Present - 保護司活動(東京都世田谷保護区配属)
Nov. 2014 - Present - 更生保護法人 更生保護事業振興財団評議員
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2021 - 「更生保護」誌編集委員
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2020 - 更生保護法人 全国更生保護法人連盟評議員
Apr. 2012 - Present - 保護司活動(埼玉県朝霞保護区配属)
May 2006 - May 2012 - 平成18年度厚生労働科学研究(障害保険福祉総合研究事業)
Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2007 - 第22期川崎市青少年問題協議会および同小委員会
Jul. 2002 - Mar. 2004 - JICA 短期派遣専門家(コスタリカ、刑事司法)
Feb. 1999 - JICA 短期派遣専門家(ケニア、少年司法)
Oct. 1997