``Diophantine'' and Factorisation Properties of Finite Orthogonal Polynomials in the Askey Scheme
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 30, 820-848, 2024, Refereed

Another Type of Forward and Backward Shift Relations for Orthogonal Polynomials in the Askey Scheme
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 540(1), 128591, 2024, Refereed

Discrete Orthogonality Relations for the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials in Discrete Quantum Mechanics with Pure Imaginary Shifts
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 64(5), 53503, 2023, Refereed

New Finite Type Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials Obtained From State-Adding Darboux Transformations
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2023(7), 073A01, 2023, Refereed

Free Oscillator Realization of Laguerre Polynomial
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 210, 1-7, 2022, Refereed

Markov Chains Generated by Convolutions of Orthogonality Measures
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, 55(27), 275201, 2022, Refereed

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials VI : Meixner-Pollaczek and continuous Hahn types
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61(5), 053505, 2020, Refereed

Wronskian/Casoratian Identities and their Application to Quantum Mechanical Systems
Journal of Physics, A53(36), 365202, 2020, Refereed

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials V : Racah and q-Racah types
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60(2), 023508, 2019, Refereed

Exactly Solvable Discrete Quantum Mechanical Systems and Multi-indexed Orthogonal Polynomials of the Continuous Hahn and Meixner-Pollaczek Types
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2019(12), 123A01, 2019, Refereed

Dual Polynomials of the Multi-Indexed (q-)Racah Orthogonal Polynomials
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2018(7), 073A02, 2018, Refereed

Orthogonal polynomials from Hermitian matrices. II
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59(1), 013504, 2018, Refereed

Simplified Expressions of the Multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
SIGMA, 13, 020, 2017, Refereed

New Determinant Expressions of the Multi-indexed Orthogonal Polynomials in Discrete Quantum Mechanics
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2017(5), 053A01, 2017, Refereed

Casoratian identities for the discrete orthogonal polynomials in discrete quantum mechanics with real shifts
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2017(12), 123A02, 2017, Refereed

Multi-indexed Meixner and Little q-Jacobi (Laguerre) Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, 50(16), 165204, 2016, Refereed

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials : III
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57(2), 023514, 2016, Refereed

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials IV : closure relations and creation/annihilation operators
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57(11), 113503, 2016, Refereed

小竹 悟
日本物理学会誌, 71(3), 156-163, 2016, Refereed

Casoratian Identities for the Wilson and Askey-Wilson Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Approximation Theory, 193, 184-209, 2015, Refereed

Reflectionless Potentials for Difference Schr\"odinger Equations
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A48(11), 115204, 2015, Refereed

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials : II
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56(5), 053506, 2015, Refereed

Solvable Discrete Quantum Mechanics: q-Orthogonal Polynomials with |q|=1 and Quantum Dilogarithm
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56(7), 073502, 2015, Refereed

Equivalences of the multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 55, 013502, 2014, Refereed

Multi-indexed Wilson and Askey-Wilson Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A46, 045204, 2013, Refereed

Krein-Adler transformations for shape-invariant potentials and pseudo virtual states
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A46, 245201, 2013, Refereed

Extensions of solvable potentials with finitely many discrete eigenstates
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A46, 235205, 2013, Refereed

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54, 083506, 2013, Refereed

Non-polynomial extensions of solvable potentials a la Abraham-Moses
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54, 102106, 2013, Refereed

Multi-indexed (q-)Racah Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A45, 385201, 2012, Refereed

Properties of the exceptional (X-l) Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
C.-L.Ho, S.Odake and R.Sasaki
SIGMA, 7, 107, 2011, Refereed

Exactly Solvable Quantum Mechanics and Infinite Families of Multi-indexed Orthogonal Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Physics Letters, B702, 164, 2011, Refereed

A new family of shape invariantly deformed Darboux-P\"oschl-Teller potentials with continuous \ell
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A44, 195203, 2011, Refereed

Dual Christoffel transformations
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 126, 1, 2011, Refereed

The Exceptional (X_{\ell}) (q)-Racah Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 125(5), 851, 2011, Refereed

Discrete Quantum Mechanics
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A44, 353001, 2011, Refereed

Another set of infinitely many exceptional ($X_{\ell}$) Laguerre polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Physics Letters, B684, 173-176, 2010, Refereed

Infinitely many shape invariant potentials and cubic identities of the Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51, 053513, 2010, Refereed

Unified theory of exactly and quasi-exactly solvable `Discrete' quantum mechanics: I. Formalism
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51, 083502, 2010, Refereed

Modification of Crum's Theorem for `Discrete' Quantum Mechanics
L..Garcia-Gutierrez, S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 124(1), 1-26, 2010, Refereed

Exceptional Askey-Wilson type polynomials through Darboux-Crum transformations
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A43, 335201, 2010, Refereed

Infinitely many shape invariant potentials and new orthogonal polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Physics Letters, B679, 414, 2009, Refereed

Infinitely many shape invariant discrete quantum mechanical systems and new exceptional orthogonal polynomials related to the Wilson and Askey-Wilson polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Physics Letters, B682, 130, 2009, Refereed

Crum's Theorem for `Discrete' Quantum Mechanics
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 122(5), 1067-1079, 2009, Refereed

q-oscillator from the q-Hermite Polynomial
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Physics Letters, B663(1-2), 141-145, 2008, Refereed

Orthogonal Polynomials from Hermitian Matrices
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49(5), 053503, 2008, Refereed

Exactly solvable `discrete' quantum mechanics; shape invariance, Heisenberg solutions, annihilation-creation operators and coherent states
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 119(4), 663-700, 2008

Exact Heisenberg operator solutions for multi-particle quantum mechanics
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48(8), 082106, 2007, Refereed

Interpolation of SUSY quantum mechanics
S.Odake, Y.Pehlivan and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A40(39), 11973-11986, 2007, Refereed

Multi-Particle Quasi Exactly Solvable Difference Equations
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48(12), 122105, 2007, Refereed

Unified Theory of Annihilation-Creation Operators for Solvable (`Discrete') Quantum Mechanics
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 47(10), 102102 (33pages), 2006, Refereed

Exact solution in the Heisenberg picture and annihilation-creation operators
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Physics Letters, B641(1), 112-117, 2006, Refereed

Equilibrium Positions and Eigenfunctions of Shape Invariant (`Discrete') Quantum Mechanics
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Rokko Lectures in Mathematics (Kobe University) (Elliptic Integrable Systems, Eds. M.Noumi and K.Takasaki), 18, 85-110, 2005, Refereed
Shape Invariant Potentials in ``Discrete Quantum Mechanics"
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 12 Supplement 1, 507-521, 2005, Refereed

Equilibrium Positions, Shape Invariance and Askey-Wilson Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46(6), 063513 (10pages), 2005, Refereed

Calogero-Sutherland-Moser Systems, Ruijsenaars-Schneider-van Diejen Systems and Orthogonal Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 114(6), 1245-1260, 2005, Refereed

Equilibria of `Discrete' Integrable Systems and Deformations of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A37(49), 11841-11876, 2004, Refereed

Polynomials Associated with Equilibria of Affine Toda-Sutherland Systems
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A37(47), 11401-11406, 2004, Refereed

Quantum Deformation of the W_N Algebra
H.Awata, H.Kubo, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Proceedings of the Canada-China Meeting on Theoretical Physics edited by L.Lapointe, M.-L.Ge, Y.Saint-Aubin and L.Vinet, 112-130, 2003
Virasoro-type Symmetries in Solvable Models
H.Awata, H.Kubo, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Proceedings of the Canada-China Meeting on Theoretical Physics edited by L.Lapointe, M.-L.Ge, Y.Saint-Aubin and L.Vinet, 154-188, 2003
On Lepowsky-Wilson's {\cal Z}-algebra
Y.Hara, M.Jimbo, H.Konno, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Contemporary Mathematics, 297, 143-149, 2002, Refereed
Beyond CFT : Deformed Virasoro and Elliptic Algebras
`Theoretical Physics at the End of the Twentieth Century' (Lecture Notes of the CRM Summer School, Banff, Alberta) edited by Y.Saint-Aubin and L.Vinet, 307-449, 2002
Polynomials Associated with Equilibrium Positions in Calogero-Moser Systems
S.Odake and R.Sasaki
Journal of Physics, A35(39), 8283-8314, 2002, Refereed

Comments on the deformed W-N algebra
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 16(14-15), 2055-2064, 2002, Refereed

Free Field Construction for the ABF Models in Regime II
M.Jimbo, H.Konno, S.Odake, Y.Pugai and J.Shiraishi
Journal of Statistical Physics, 102(3-4), 883-921, 2001, Refereed

Quasi-Hopf twistors for elliptic quantum groups
`Yang-Baxter Systems, Nonlinear Models and Their Applications' edited by B.K. Chung, Q-Han Park and C.Rim, 173-182, 2000
Quasi-Hopf twistors for elliptic quantum groups
M.Jimbo, H.Konno, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Transformation Groups, 4, 303-327, 1999, Refereed
Elliptic algebra U_{q,p}(\widehat{sl}_2) : Drinfeld currents and vertex operators
M.Jimbo, H.Konno, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Free Field Approach to the Dilute A_L Models
Y.Hara, M.Jimbo, H.Konno, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40, 3791-3826, 1999, Refereed
Vertex Operators of the q-Virasoro Algebra; Defining Relations, Adjoint Actions and Four Point Functions
H.Awata, H.Kubo, Y.Morita, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 41, 65-78, 1997, Refereed
q-Difference Realization of U_q(sl(M|N)) and Its Application to Free Boson Realization of U_q(\widehat{sl}(2|1))
H.Awata, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 42, 271-279, 1997, Refereed
Integral Representations of the Macdonald Symmetric Polynomials
H.Awata, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
A Quantum Deformation of the Virasoro Algebra and the Macdonald Symmetric Functions
J.Shiraishi, H.Kubo, H.Awata and S.Odake
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 38, 33-51, 1996, Refereed
Quantum {\cal W}_N Algebras and Macdonald Polynomials
H.Awata, H.Kubo, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Reflection K-Matrices of the 19-Vertex Model and XXZ Spin-1 Chain with General Boundary Terms
T.Inami, S.Odake and Y-Z.Zhang
Nuclear Physics, B470[FS], 419-432, 1996, Refereed
Quasifinite Highest Weight Modules over Super W_{1+\infty} Algebra
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Character and Determinant Formulae of Quasifinite Representation of the W_{1+\infty} Algebra
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Subalgebras of $W_{1+\infty}$ and Their Quasifinite Representations
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Journal of Physics, A28, 105-112, 1995, Refereed
Representation Theory of The W_{1+\infty} Algebra
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Progress of Theoretical Physics Proceedings Supplement, 118, 343-373, 1995, Refereed
Collective Field Theory, Calogero--Sutherland Model and Generalized Matrix Models
H.Awata, Y.Matsuo, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Physics Letters, B347, 49-55, 1995, Refereed
Excited States of Calogero-Sutherland Model and Singular Vectors of the W_N Algebra
H.Awata, Y.Matsuo, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Nuclear Physics, B449, 347-374, 1995, Refereed
A Note on Calogero-Sutherland Model, W_n Singular Vectors and Generalized Matrix Models
H.Awata, Y.Matsuo, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Soryushiron Kenkyu(Kyoto), 91, A69-A75, 1995
Supersymmetric Extension of the Sine-Gordon Theory with Integrable Boundary Interaction
T.Inami, S.Odake and Y-Z.Zhang
Physics Letters, B359, 118-124, 1995, Refereed
Representation Theory of $W_{1+\infty}$ algebra
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
`Group Theoretical Methods in Physics' edited by A.Arima, T.Eguchi and N. Nakanishi, 335-338, 1995
Free Boson Representation of U_q(\widehat{sl}_3)
H.Awata, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 30, 207-216, 1994, Refereed
Free Boson Realization of U_q(\widehat{sl}_N)
H.Awata, S.Odake and J.Shiraishi
Heisenberg realization for U_q(sl_n) on the flag manifold
H.Awata, M.Noumi and S.Odake
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 30, 35-43, 1994, Refereed
Eigensystem and Full Character Formula of the {\cal W}_{1+\infty} Algebra with c=1
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, S.Odake and Y.-H.Quano
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 31, 289-298, 1994, Refereed
Determinant Formulae of Quasi-Finite Representation of W_{1+\infty} Algebra at Lower Levels
H.Awata, M.Fukuma, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Physics Letters, B332, 336-344, 1994, Refereed
Field Theory Limit of Spin-1 Chain
T.Inami and S.Odake
`Current Topics in Theoretical Physics' edited by Y.M.Cho, 113-124, 1994
Continuum Limit of Spin-1 Chain
T.Inami and S.Odake
Physical Review Letters, 70, 2016-2019, 1993, Refereed
Unitary Representations of $W$ Infinity Algebras
International Journal of Modern Physics, A7, 6339-6355, 1992, Refereed
W_{1+\infty} and Super W_{\infty} Algebras with SU(N) Symmetry
S.Odake and T.Sano
Physics Letters, B258, 369-374, 1991, Refereed
Comments on the $W_{1+\infty}$ and Super $W_{\infty}$ Algebras with $SU(N)$ Symmetry
S.Odake and T.Sano
KEK Proceedings, 91-6, 80-94, 1991
Two Matrix Model and Minimal Unitary Model
Physics Letters, B269, 300-304, 1991, Refereed
Character Formulas of an Extended Superconformal Algebra Relevant to String Compactification
International Journal of Modern Physics, A5, 897-914, 1990, Refereed
c=3d Conformal Algebra with Extended Supersymmetry
Modern Physics Letters, A5, 561-580, 1990, Refereed
c=3d Algebra
Proceedings of the Workshop ``Topology, Field Theory and Superstring" KEK report, 89-22, 133-142, 1990
Nonperturbative Analysis of Three Matrix Model
H.Kunitomo and S.Odake
Physics Letters, B247, 57-63, 1990, Refereed
Extension of N=2 Superconformal Algebra and Calabi-Yau Compactification
Modern Physics Letters, A4, 557-568, 1989, Refereed
Fermionic Construction of N=0,1,2 (Super)Conformal Algebras
K.Kobayashi and S.Odake
Modern Physics Letters, A3, 773-781, 1988, Refereed
Fermionic Construction of N=0,1,2 (Super)Conformal Algebras
K.Kobayashi and S.Odake
Proceedings of 7th INS Winter Seminar on Superstrings, Composite Models and Anomaly Related Problems, 199-211, 1988
Operator Product Expansion Coefficients in N=1 Superconformal Theory and Slightly Relevant Perturbation
Y.Kitazawa, N.Ishibashi, A.Kato, K.Kobayashi, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Nuclear Physics, B306, 425-444, 1988, Refereed
Modular Invariance and Two-Loop Bosonic String Vacuum Amplitude
A.Kato, Y.Matsuo and S.Odake
Physics Letters, B179, 241-246, 1986, Refereed