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MAKINO KUNIAKI|Shinshu University Researcher List


Faculty of Science 



  • Doctor of Science

Field Of Study

  • Solid earth sciences, Mineralogy

Educational Background

  • 1986, Kyoto University, Graduate School,Division of Natural Science
  • 1978, Kyoto University, Faculty of Science
Research activity information


  • 和田峠黒曜岩と石器,地雑
    地質学雑誌, 2015, Refereed
  • Degradation of Microcystin and Possible Phosphorus Removal Mechanism by Electrochemical Treatment
    Jeon Bong-seok, Han Jisun, Makino Kuniaki, and Park Ho-Dong
    Environmental Engineering Science, 31(9), 525-531, 2014, Refereed
  • Amazonitic feldspar from pegmatite in the Tanakami Granite pluton, southwest Japan
    Satoshi Nakano and Kuniaki Makino
    J. Min. Pet. Sci, Vol.105, 45-56, 2010, Refereed
  • Crystal chemistry of chromian pumpellyite from Osayama, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
    Maki Hamada, Masahide Akasaka, Shizue Seto, and Kuniaki Makino
    American Mineralogist, in press, 2010, Refereed
  • X-ray single-crystal and optical spectroscopic study of chromian pumpellyite from Sarani, Urals, Russia
    Mariko Nagashima, Masahide Akasaka, Ko Ikeda, Atsushi Kyono and Kuniaki Makino
    J. Min. Pet. Sci, in press, 2010, RefereedWebofScience
  • 浅間火山2004年9月噴出物の石基ガラスの含水量測定
    火山, 51巻(6), 151-159, 2006, RefereedWebofScience
  • 浅間火山2004年噴火噴出物の鉱物粒径分布とマグマの結晶化過程
    火山, 51巻(2-3), 49-61, 2006, RefereedWebofScience
  • 赤外吸収スペクトルから鉱物の何が読み取れるか
    牧野 州明
    地球科学, 59巻, 111-116, 2005, Refereed
  • Successive zoning of Al and H in hydrothermal vein quartz
    Miyoshi N., Yamaguchi Y. and Makino K.
    American Mineralogist, Vol.90, 310-315, 2005, Refereed
  • 浅間火山2004年9月噴火の本質噴出物について
    火山, 50巻(4), 333-346, 2005, RefereedWebofScience
  • Distribution of Fe3+ in a synthetic (Ca, Na)2(Mg, Fe3+)Si2O7-melilite: 57Fe Mossbauer and X-ray Rietveld studies
    Akasaka M., Nagashima M., Makino K. and Ohashi H.
    J. Min. Pet. Sci, Vol.100(1), 229-236, 2005, RefereedWebofScience
  • Ti-substitution mechanism in plutonic oxy-kaersutite from the Larvik alkaline complex, Oslo rift, Norway
    Sato H., Yamaguchi Y. and Makino K.
    Mineral. Mag., Vol.68, 687-697, 2004, Refereed
  • Magnesiosadanagaite, a new member of the amphibole group from Kasuga-mura, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan
    Banno Y., Miyawaki R., Matsubara S., Makino K., Bunno M., Yamada S. and Kamiya T.
    European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol.16, 177-183, 2004, Refereed
  • 57Fe Mossbauer and X-ray Rietveld studies of ferrian prehnite from Kouragahana, Shimane Peninsula, Japan.
    Akasaka M., Hashimoto H., Makino K., and Hino R.
    J. Min. Pet. Sci, Vol.98, 31-40, 2003, Refereed
  • 琵琶湖南部,後期白亜紀の野洲花崗岩の岩相変化
    細野高啓, 牧野州明
    地質学雑誌, 108巻, 2010/01/15 0:00:00, 2002, Refereed
  • Microtexture and water content of alkali feldspar by Fourier-transform infrared micrspectroscopy.
    Nakano, S., Makino, K. and Eriguchi, T.
    Mineralogical Magazine, Vol.65, 673-681, 2001, Refereed
  • 角閃石の塩素導入機構
    岩石鉱物科学, 29巻, 45-51, 2000, Refereed
  • 沈降天秤法による粒度分析の改良と新しいプログラム.
    堆積学研究, 50巻, 27-31, 2000, Refereed
  • 赤外分光法による角閃石のOH含有量の定量
    地球科学, 51巻, 228-232, 1997, Refereed
  • Ti-rich hornblende in successively zoned amphibole from thermally metamor- phosed basaltic rock in the Shionomisaki igneous complex.
    Makino, K, T. Yanagida, T., and Yamaguchi, Y.
    Earth Science, Vol.51, 223-227, 1997, Refereed
  • Cl incorporation into successively zoned amphiboles from the Ramnes cauldron, Norway.
    Sato, H., Yamaguchi, Y., and Makino, K.
    American Mineralogist, Vol.82, 189-197, 1997, Refereed
  • 金峰山石神山溶岩,晶洞中のフッ素エデン閃石.
    岩石鉱物鉱床学雑誌, 91巻, 419-423, 1996, Refereed
  • Effect of Chlorine on the crystal structure of a chlorine-rich hastingsite.
    Makino, K., Tomita, K., and Suwa, K.
    Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 57, 297-305, 1993, Refereed
  • カルシウム角閃石の結晶化学-最近の進歩特にホルンブレンドについて
    鉱物雑, 22巻, 49-62, 1993, Refereed
  • Symmetry of actinolite in low grade metamorphic rock and its implication for the problem of the compositional gap between actinilite and hornblende.
    Shinjoe, H., Makino, K., Tomita K., and Banno, S.
    Mineralogical Journal, Vol. 16, 297-305, 1992, Refereed
  • 田上・信楽花崗岩中のアルカリ長石の三斜度
    地質学雑誌, 96巻, 133-142, 1990, Refereed
  • Cation distribution in the octahedral sites of horn -blendes.
    Makino, K., and Tomita, K
    AmericanMineralogist, Vol.74, 1097-1105, 1989, Refereed
  • 剣山研究グループ) 四国中央部大歩危地域の三波川帯の層序と地質構造.
    地球科学, 38巻, 53-63, 1984, Refereed
  • 河内洋佑氏の<四国・別子地域の三波川帯の層序と構造-特に横臥褶曲の再検討-:討論>に対する回答.
    地球科学, 34巻, 240-244, 1980, Refereed
  • 四国・別子地域の三波川帯の層序と構造-特に横臥褶曲の再検討-.
    地球科学, 34巻, 16-26, 1980, Refereed

Books and other publications

  • 「鉱物の科学」
    Joint work
    東海大出版, 20頁 1994

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 御嶽火山2014年9月噴出物中の粒子について
    12 Sep. 2015, 地質学会
  • 御岳石室山荘付近の堆積物に含まれる粒子について
    2014年御嶽山火山噴火に関する総合調査, 07 Mar. 2015