Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Engineering

Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research Research Initiative for Supra-Materials 

Associate Professor 

Researcher Information


  • Shinshu University, Shinshu University (Japan)

Research Keyword


Field Of Study

  • Material Science of NanoCarbon



Mail Address



  • 2007
    JSPS reserch fellowship for young scientist(PD)
  • 2006
    JSPS reserch fellowship for young scientist (DC2)

Educational Background

  • 2004 - 2007, Shinshu University, 工学系研究科, 材料工学
  • 2002 - 2004, Shinshu University, 工学系研究科, 電気電子工学
  • 1998 - 2002, Gunma University, 工学部
Research activity information


  • Constraint spaces in carbon materials
    H. Itoi, H. Muramatsu, M.Inagaki
    RSC Advances, (9), 22823-22840, 2019
  • Nanostructured carbon materials for enhanced nitrobenzene adsorption: Physical vs. chemical surface properties
    Archi Dasgupta, Juan Matos, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Yuji Ono, Viviana Gonzalez, He Liu, Christopher Rotella, Kazunori Fujisawa, Rodolfo Cruz-Silva, Yoshio Hashimoto, Morinobu Endo, Katsumi Kaneko, Ljubisa R. Radovic, Mauricio Terrones
    Carbon, (139), 833-844, 2018
  • 籾殻を利用したグラフェン構造体の合成
    炭素, 2016(275), 182-190, 2016
  • A selective way to create defects by the thermal treatment of fluorinated double walled carbon nanotubes
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Kazunori Fujisawa, yong-Il Ko, Kap-Seung Yang, Takuya Hayashi, Morinobu Endo, Cheol-Ming Yang, yong Chae Jung, Yoong Ahm Kim
    Chinease journal of Catalysis, (35), 864-868, 2014
  • Rice Husk-Derived Graphene with Nano-Sized Domains and Clean Edges
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Yoong Ahm Kim, Kap-Seung Yang, Rodolfo Cruz-Silva, Ikumi Toda, Takumi yamada, Mauricio Terrones, Morinobu Endo, Takuya Hayashi, Hidetoshi Saitoh
    SMALL, (10), 2766-2770, 2014
  • Molybdenum-encapsulation modified the optical property of single walled carbon nanotubes
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Yoong Ahm Kim, Morinobu Endo, Takuya Hayashi
    RSC Advances, (4), 54747-54751, 2014
  • 3塩化ガドリニウムナノワイヤーを内包した二層カーボンナノチューブの合成と物性解析
    炭素, 260, 279-283, 2013
  • Synthesisi and luminescence properties of Eu2+-doped 8-coordinated SrO phosphors
    Keiji Komatsu, Tomoyuki Shirai, Atsushi Nakamura, Ariyuki Kato, Shigeo Ohshio, Nobuyoshi Nambu, Ikumi Toda, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Hidetoshi Saitoh
    Ceramics International, (39), 7115-7118, 2013
  • Boron-assisted coalescence of prallel multi-walled carbon nanotubes
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Takuya Hayashi, Kazunori Fujisawa, Tomohiro Tojo, Yong-Il Ko, Aaron Morelos-Gomez, Kap-Seung Yang, Yoong Ahm Kim, Morinobu Endo, Mauricio Terrones, Mildred S. Dresselhaus
    RSC Advances, (3), 26266-26270, 2013
  • Chirality-Dependent Transport in Doulbe-Walled Carbon Nanotube Assemblies: The Role of Inner Tubes
    Kazunari Fujisawa, Keita Komiyama, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Daisuke Shimamoto, et al.
    ACS Nano, 9(5), 7547-7554, 2011, Refereed
  • Bulk Synthesis of Narrow Diameter and Highly Crystalline Triple-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Coalescing Fullerene Peapods
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Daisuke Shimamoto, Takukya Hayashi, Yoong Ahm Kim, et al.
    ADVANCED MATERIALS, (23), 1761-1764, 2011, Refereed
  • Enhanced electrical conductivities of N-doped carbon nanotubes by controlled heat treatment
    Fujisawa, Kazunori; Tojo, Tomohiro; Muramatsu, Hiroyuki; Elias, Ana L.; Vega-Diaz, Sofia M.; Tristan-Lopez, Ferdinando; Kim, Jin Hee; Hayashi, Takuya; Kim, Yoong Ahm; Endo, Morinobu; Terrones, Mauricio
    NANOSCALE, 3(10), 4359-4364, 2011WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Evidence of Water Adsorption in Hydrophobic Nanospaces of Highly Pure Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
    Yousheng Tao, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Morinobu Endo, Katsumi Kaneko
    Journal of American Chemical Society, (132), 1214-1215, 2010, Refereed
  • Wall-to-wall stress induced in (6,5) semiconducting nanotubes by encapsulation in metallic outer tubes of different diameters: A resonant Raman study of individual C60-derived double-walled carbon nanotubes
    Federico Villalpando-Paez, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Yoong Ahm Kim, hootan Farhat, et al.
    NANOSCALE, (2), 406-411, 2010, RefereedWebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Bright Photoluminescence from the Inner Tubes of "Peapod"-Derived Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Takuya Hayashi, Yoong Ahm Kim, Daisuke Shimamoto, et al.
    SMALL, (5), 2698-2702, 2009, Refereed
  • Synthesis and isolation of molybdenum atomic wires
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Takuya Hayashi, Yoong Ahm Kim, Daisuke Shimamoto, et al.
    NANO LETTERS, (8), 237-240, 2008, Refereed
  • Oxidation and thermal stability of linear carbon chains contained in thermally treated double-walled carbon nanotubes
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Yoong Ahm Kim, Takuya Hayashi, Morinobu Endo, et al.
    SMALL, (3), 788-792, 2007, Refereed
  • Hysteretic transfer chracteristics of double-walled and single-walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistors
    Shaoning Yuan, Qing Zhang, Daisuke Shimamoto, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, et al.
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, (91), 143118, 2007, Refereed
  • CCVD法による単層および多層カーボンナノチューブの合成
    炭素, 225, 347-354, 2006, Refereed
  • Formation of off-centereed double-walled carbon nanotubes exhibiting wide interlayer spacing from bi-cables
    Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Takuya Hayashi, Kim Yoong Ahm, et al.
    Chemical Physics Letters, (432), 240-244, 2006, Refereed

Research Themes

  • Synthesis and characterization of nanocarbon materials