Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Social Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Law Department of Economics
Senior Assistant Professor
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- Transnational Ties of North Korean Defectors Living in Japan
Hyunuk Lee; Seok Hyang Kim
Journal of peace and unification, 12(1), 131-164, 2022, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - A basic study on the Korea Hydrography Report
Byungmoon Park; Eunmi Chang; Jiwon Kim; Seonhee Hong; Hyunuk Lee
Hydrographic Society of Korea, 2022, Refereed - Young people who have returned to rural areas, not only to agriculture
Hyunuk Lee
Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, 2022
Lead, Corresponding - A Journey of Awareness and Practice in Hydrography of Korea
Eunmi Chang; Whang Jun; Byungmoon Park; Hyunuk Lee
International Hydro,The global magazine for Hydrography, 2022 - A Study on the Strategies for the Registration of Undersea Feature Names in GEBCO Gazetteer
Hyunuk Lee
Hydrographic Society of Korea, 2021, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - A Study of the Building of Hydrographic Survey Infrastructure in the Context of the Hydrographic Survey ODA: A Case Study of the Quality Control of Hydrographic Survey in Georgia
Hyunuk Lee; Kyung Wan Yoo; Haey Yeon Jeon
Hydrographic Society of Korea, 2021, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - A Study on the Characteristics of Migrant Communities in Kimpo City
Hyunuk Lee
Multicultural & Diaspora Studies, 2016, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Seasonal Needs of Migration Workers and its Supply: The Case Study of Cabbage Industry in Goesan, Korea
Hyunuk Lee; Jung-a Song
Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 2016, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - The Employment Permit System and Spatial Distribution of Migrant Workers in Korea
Hyunuk Lee
Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 2015, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Reproducing hybridity in Korea: Conflicting interpretations of Korean culture by South Koreans and ethnic Korean Chinese marriage migrants
Amelia L. Schubert, Lee Youngmin & Lee Hyun-Uk
Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 2015, Refereed - Transnational Migration and the Locality Change of Origin - The Case of Feng Lin Cun, Wang Qing Xian
Hyunuk Lee; Youngmin Lee; Jiyeon Shin; Hwayong Lee
Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 2014, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - The Characteristics;Processes of Young;Japanese Life Course;Strategies for the Young;Women in Uncertainty
Hyunuk Lee
The Women’s Studies, 2013, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - The study of young women’s migration for employment and the unstable employment status
Hyunuk Lee
Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 2013, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - The Characteristics of Transnational migration of Young White-Color Joseonjok
Hyunuk Lee
Journal of Global Diaspora Studies, 2013, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - A Study on the Trans-migration of Korean-Chinese and the Change of Locality: The Case of the Chinese Food Culture Street in Jaynag Dong, Seoul
Youngmin Lee; Yong gyun Lee; Hyunuk Lee
Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 2012, Refereed - The Mapping of Migrant Space and the Spatial Characteristics of Migrant: Focusing on the Nationality and Migration Status
Yong Gyun Lee; Hyunuk Lee
Journal of the Korean Cartographic Association, 2011, Refereed
Last - ライフコースからみた1960年以降の韓国女性の初就業移動
日本経済地理学年報, 2008, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding
Books and other publications
- Lexington Book, London.
Joint work, 1章
Lexington Book, London., 2022
ISBN:9781793651495Concept of Urban Geograhy
Joint work, 9章
Bobmunsa, 2020Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Borders
Joint translation, 3章, Gabriel Popescu
Purungil, 2018
ISBN:9788962914597Key concept of Migration
Joint translation
Joint work, 3章
ソウル歴史博物館, 2017なじみのない場所に住む人々:韓国の移住者と韓人ディアスポラ
Joint work
Joint work
2016Civilization and climate
Ellsworth Huntington, 12章
Joint translation, 3章
Purungil, 2013
ISBN:9788962912357Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 青年の移動とライフコース分化可能性
Lee Hyunuk
韓国梨花女子大学女性研究員フォーラム, Apr. 2024, Invited第85回統一学フォーラム脱北ディアスポラ:英国・アメリカ・日本・韓国の脱北民の定着と生活
ソウル大学統一平和研究所, 2022若者の場所の選択:全羅北道淳昌郡を事例に
韓国地域経済学会, 2021脱北者のトランスナショナルなライフコース形 成過程
韓国慶北大学人文社会研究所コロキウム, 2021日本における脱北民のトランスナショナル連携
ソウル大学統一基盤構築連合学術大会, 2020日本における人口移動政策の変化と若者の場所 づくり
韓国都市地理学会, 2019若者の人口移動と場所の選択
国家均等発展委員会全国市道研究員協議会分科, 2019農家の農業雇用労働力の活用実態に関する研究
韓国都市地理学会, 2016新村大学商店街の変化と現在
韓国都市地理学会, 2016Comparative study on settlement and adaptation strategies of Joseonjok
International Conference Diaspora and Transnational in East Asia, 2016Refugees,transmigration and locality: a study of the Zummas in Gimpo, Korea
American Association of Geographers, 2016Retrospective and the future of the Undersea Feature names
International Symposium on Application of Marine Geophysical Data and Undersea Feature Names, 2015Refugee migrants, global networks and the local
International Conference of Diaspora and Transnational in East Asia, 2015Relational politics of localism hybridized by refugee migrants: Jumma people in Gimpo
International Conference Mobility and Multiculturalism in Global City, 2015中国朝鮮族の人口移動パターンと中国沿岸都市 の変化
韓国文化地理学会, 2014マイノリティ空間:韓国金浦市ジュンマ族コミ ュニティ
韓国都市地理学会, 2014中国出身地とソウル移住者空間のロカリティ変 化
韓国都市地理学会, 2014トランスナショナル移住とロカリティ
漢陽大学校コロキウム, 2013Transnational migration and local changes in Seoul
Asia Economic Community Forum, 2013The Characteristic of highly educated migrants of Korean Chinese in Korea
IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, 2013トランスナショナル移住とエスニック景観の形 成
韓国都市地理学会, 2012Service economy and the choice of migration: Does temporary work matter?
IGU Commission on the Geography of Global Information Society, 2011韓国の知識基盤製造業の空間的集中と労働力供 給の地理
韓国都市地理学会, 2009Labor demand of manufacturing-based sector of IT industry in South Korea
The 3rd Global Conference on Economic Geography, 2009