Faculty of Textile Science and Technology 

Professor Emeritus 


  • Doctor of Agriculture

Field Of Study

  • 昆虫分子生物学

Educational Background

  • 1974, Shinshu University, Graduate School, Division of Textile Science and Technology
  • 1979, Nagoya University, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  • 1972, Shinshu University, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology


  • Secondary structure analysis of spider dragline silk fibers obtained by different spinning methods using Raman spectroscopy
    ZHANG Lei, BAO Xian-xun, LIU Ming-hui, HAN Leng, Nakagaki Masao
    Journal of Anhui Agricultural University, 40(1), 144-148, 2013, Refereed
  • The variability of mechanical properties and molecular conformation among different spider dragline fibers
    Lei Zhang, Leng Han, Yujun Wang, Tianfu Zhao, Xianxun Bao, and Masao Nakagaki
    Fibers and Polymers, 14(7), 1190-1195, 2013, Refereed
  • Expression analysis of spiderdragline silk gene MaSp1 in the transgenic silkworm
    Han Leng, Zhang Lei, Nakagaki Masao
    Journal of Anhui Agricultural University, 40(2), 169-174, 2013, Refereed
  • The molecular structures of major ampullate silk proteins of the wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi: A second blueprint for synthesizing de novo silk
    Yang Zhang, Ai-Chun Zhao, Yang-Hu Sima, Cheng Lu, Zhong-Huai Xiang, Masao Nakagaki
    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 164(3), 151–158, 2013, Refereed
  • Intramolecular Homologous Recombination Event Occurred in the Spider Egg Case Silk Gene CySp2 of Wasp Spider
    Leng Han and Masao Nakagaki
    Molecular Biology, 47(5), 682–685, 2013, Refereed
  • Analysis of a new type of major ampullate spider silk gene, MaSp1s
    Leng Han, Lei Zhang, Tianfu Zhao, Yujun Wang, Masao Nakagaki
  • Diversity in Copy Number and Structure of a Silkworm Morphogenetic. Gene as a Result of Domestication
    Takashi Sakudoh, Takeharu Nakashima, Yoko Kuroki, Asao Fujiyama, Yuji Kohara, Naoko Honda, Hirofumi Fujimoto, Toru Shimada, Masao Nakagaki, Yutaka Banno and Kozo Tsuchida
    Genetics, 187, 965-976, 2011
  • Characterization of a cysteine-rich protein specifically expressed in the silk gland of caddisfly Stenopsyche marmorata (Trichoptera; Stenopsychidae),
    Wang Y.J., Wang H., Zhao T.F., Nakagaki M.
    Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 74(1), 108-112, 2010
  • Transgenic silkworms (Bombyx mori) produce recombinant spider dragline silk in cocoons.
    Wen H, Lan X, Zhang Y, Zhao T, Wang Y, Kajiura Z, Nakagaki M.
    Mol Biol Rep., 37(4), 1815-1821, 2010
  • Characterization of unique heavy chain fibroin filaments spun underwater by the caddisfly Stenopsyche marmorata (Trichoptera; Stenopsychidae).
    Wang Y.J., Sanai K., Wen H.X., Zhao T.F., Nakagaki M.
    Mol Biol Rep., 37(6), 2885-2892, 2010
  • New and highly efficient expression systems for expressing selectively foreign protein in the silk glands of transgenic silkworm.
    Zhao A, Zhao T, Zhang Y, Xia Q, Lu C, Zhou Z, Xiang Z, Nakagaki M.
    Transgenic Res., 19(1), 29-44, 2010
  • A novel bioadhesive protein of silk filaments spun underwater by caddisfly larvae.
    Wang Y.J., Sanai K., Nakagaki M.
    Adv. Mat. Res., 79-82, 1631-1634, 2009
  • Developmental changes in D-serine level in the silkworm, Bombyx mori
    Yuichiro Hasegawa, Minoru Okumura, Miki Tojo, Masao Nakagaki and Yoko Nagata
    J. Insect Biotech. Sericology, 78(2), 69-73, 2009
  • Effects of O-phospho-L-serine on the larval growth and development in the silkworm, Bombyx mori
    Yuichiro Hasegawa, Tomomi Ogawa, Mami Nakanishi, Miki Tojo, Minoru Okumura, Masao Nakagaki and Yoko Nagata
    J. Insect Biotech. Sericology, 78(2), 75-79, 2009
  • Sequence structure and expression pattern of a novel anionic defensin-like gene from silkworm (Bombyx mori).
    Hongxiu Wen, Xiqian Lan, Tingcai Cheng, Ningjia He, Kunihiro Shiomi, Zenta Kajiura ,Zeyang Zhou, Qingyou Xia, Zhonghuai Xiang ,Masao Nakagaki
    Mol Biol Rep., 36(4), 711-716, 2009
  • Purification and cDNA Cloning of Vitellogenin of the Wild Silkworm, Saturnia japonica (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
    Yan Meng, Chao Liang Liu, Kunihiro Shiomi, Masao Nakagaki and Zenta Kajiura
    J. Insect Biotech. Sericology, 77(1), 35-44, 2008
  • Expression of EGFP-spider dragline silk fusion protein in BmN cells and larvae of silkworm showed the solubility is primary limit for dragline proteins yield.
    Yuansong Zhang, Junhua Hu, Yungen Miao, Aichun Zhao, Tianfu Zhao, Dayang Wu ,Liefeng Liang, Ayumi Miikura, Kunihiro Shiomi, Zenta Kajiura, Masao Nakagaki.
    Mol Biol Rep., 35(3), 329-335, 2008
  • ジョロウグモ(Nephila clavata)牽引糸タンパク質MaSp1遺伝子のcDNAクローニングおよびカイコフィブロイン遺伝子との配列解析.
    張 袁松, 清水 一彦, 塩見 邦博, 梶浦 善太,中垣 雅雄.
    蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック, 77(1), 39-46, 2008
  • Cloning and expression of manganese superoxide dismutase of the silkworm, Bombyx mori by Bac-to-Bac/BmNPV Baculovirus expression system.
    Yue W, Miao Y, Li X, Wu X, Zhao A, Nakagaki M.
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 73, 181-186, 2007
  • The Pitx homeobox gene in Bombyx mori: Regulation of DH-PBAN neuropeptide hormone gene expression.
    Shiomi K, Fujiwara Y, Yasukochi Y, Kajiura Z, Nakagaki M, Yaginuma T.
    Mol Cell Neurosci., 34, 209-218, 2007
  • A covariant change of the two highly conserved bases in the GTPase-associated center of 28 S rRNA in silkworms and other moths
    T. Uchiumi/T. Nomura/T. Shimizu/Y. Katakai/K. Mita/Y. Koik/ M. Nakagaki,
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 275(45), 35116-35121, 2000WebofScience
  • 家蚕濃核病2型ウイルス(BmDNV-2)に感染したカイコの中腸被膜における2種類のウイルスDNAの量的変動
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 68, 173-180, 1999
  • 消石灰液によるカイコ核多角体病ウイルス(NPV)の不活化について
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 68(3), 201-207, 1999
  • カイコ中腸におけるNPVの増殖とポリヘドリン遺伝子の発現
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 68, 19-25, 1999
  • Determination of nucleotide sequence and transcription initiation site of 25K gene of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus
    H. Tsuda/M. Nakagaki
    J. Sericult. Sci. Jpn, 68(1), 27-39, 1999
  • カイコ絹糸腺リボソームの調製とその性質
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 67, 311-318, 1998
  • 高度さらし粉水溶液で卵殻を除去した天蚕前幼虫に対するイミダゾール化合物KK-42の休眠覚醒効果
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 67, 65-71, 1998
  • Purification, developmental profile and biosynthesis of arylphorin in the wild silkmoth, Antheraea pernyi
    Z. Kajiura/M. N. Yokoyama/M. Nakagaki
    Applied Entomology and Zoology, 33(2), 305-313, 1998WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • 幼若ホルモンおよびエクダイソンを処理した劣性3眠蚕における精細胞の出現時期の変更
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 66, 192-199, 1997
  • 遺伝的3眠蚕における精子細胞形成
    日本蚕糸学雑誌, 66, 17-22, 1997

Books and other publications

  • 応用生物学入門
    中垣雅雄, コラム15. スパイダーシルクの開発
    オーム社, 217-219 2010
  • 機能性繊維の最新技術
    中垣雅雄, 第3章 環境調和技術の開発と展望.5 クモの糸を吐く蚕
    シーエムシー出版, 130-140 2009

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Comparison of Mechanical Strength of Three Kinds of Spider's Drag-lines
    Zhang Lei, Wang Yujun, Han Leng, Zhao Tianfu, Masao Nakagaki
    International Conference Future Textile 57-58, Jul. 2010
  • Analysis of a New Kind of Major Ampullate Spider Silk Gene
    Han Leng, Zhao Tianfu, Zhang Lei, Wang Yujun, Xia Qingyou, Xiang Zhonghuai, Masao Nakagaki
    International Conference Future Textile 59-60, Jul. 2010
  • A novel bioadhesive protein of silk filaments spun underwater by caddisfly larvae
    Y. Wang, M. Nakagaki
    5th International Conference on Adovanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2009 in Ueda., 2009
  • Production of silkworm defensinA in Escherichia coli by soluble fusion expression
    H. Wen, X. Lan, M. Nakagaki
    7th East Asian Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies (EASPAT 2009), 2009
  • Compare the Light-chain fibroins of Trichoptera and Lepidopteron
    Y. Wang, M. Nakagaki
    7th East Asian Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies (EASPAT 2009), 2009
  • Molecular cloning and expression analysis of thermoTRP homologs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori
    A. Sato, H. Uehara, Y. Fukushima, M. Hirabayashi, Z. Kajiura, M. Nakagaki, K. Shiomi
    Asia-Pacific Congress of Sericulture and Insect Biotechnology 74, 2008
  • Polymorophic Analysis of silkworm vitellogenins
    Zenta Kajiura,Yan Meng, Chaoliang Liu, Kunihiro Shiomi, Yutaka Banno and Masao Nakagaki
    CISC-6, Sep. 2007
  • Analysis of an Anionic Defensin-Like Gene from Silkworm
    H. Wen, X. Lan, K. Shiomi, Z. Kajiura, M. Nakagaki
    4th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2007 in Ueda (ICAFTM2007), 2007
  • Study on expression of spider silk in silkworm (Bombyx mori)
    H. Wen, X. Lan, T. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, K. Shiomi, Z. Kajiura, M. Nakagaki
    4th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2007 in Ueda (ICAFTM2007), 2007
  • Studies on Silk Protein in the Tyichoptera (Stenopsychidae marmorata)
    Y. Wang, S. Wozumi, H. Wen, K. Shiomi, Z. Kajiura, M. Nakagaki
    4th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2007 in Ueda (ICAFTM2007), 2007

Research Themes

  • 昆虫ウィルス病に関する疫学的及び分子生物学的研究