Academic Assembly School of Medicine and Health Sciences Institute of Medicine
School of Medicine Department of Anatomy
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Neuroanatomy, Macroscopic Anatomy
- +81-263-37-2593
Research activity information
- Spontaneous regeneration after resection of various lengths of hypoglossal nerve in rats
Ichinose Y, Nagira A, Sumitomo N, Kakegawa A, Fukushima N
J Oral Biosci, 66, 582-586, 2024, Refereed
Corresponding - The calcaneofibular ligament groove at the inferior fibula, an ultrasonographic anatomical landmark
Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Ichinose Y, Fukushima N
Surg Radiol Anat, 46, 739-747, 2024, Refereed - Spontaneous regeneration after hypoglossal nerve injury with long nerve resection in rats
Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Ichinose Y, Kakegawa A
Neurophysiology, 54, 143-147, 2022, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Difference in the fibular attachment structure between the superior and inferior fascicles of the anterior talofibular ligament using ultrasonography and histological examinations
Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Ichinose Y
Surg Radiol Anat, 44, 1513-1520, 2022, Refereed - Relationship between inferior fascicle of anterior talofibular ligament and articular capsule in lateral ankle ligament complex
Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Ichinose Y, Moriizumi T
Surg Radiol Anat, 44, 253-259, 2022, Refereed - Hypoglossal nerve injury with long nerve resection leading to slow motoneuron death
Fukushima N, Kobayashi T, Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Lett, 715, 134668, 2020, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Continuous and connective fibers of the lateral ankle ligament complex
Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Moriizumi T, Mori Y
J Foot Ankle Surg, 59, 679-684, 2020, Refereed - Effects of various lengths of hypoglossal nerve resection on motoneuron survival
Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
J Clin Neurosci, 60, 128-131, 2019, Refereed
Last, Corresponding - The interrelationship between anterior cruciate ligament tibial footprint and anterolateral meniscal root insertions: Quantitative, morphological and positional analyses using three-dimensional comput
Tensho K, Iwaasa T, Koyama S, Yoshida K, Shimodaira H, Horiuchi H, Kato H, Saito N, Fukushima N
Knee, 26, 969-977, 2019, Refereed - Independent attachment of lateral ankle ligaments: anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments - a cadaveric study
Kakegawa A, Mori Y, Tsuchiya A, Sumitomo N, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
J Foot Ankle Surg, 58, 717-722, 2019, Refereed - Effects of repeated nerve injuries at different time intervals on functional recovery and nerve innervation
Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
J Clin Neurosci, 48, 185-190, 2018, Refereed
Last, Corresponding - Stereological assessment of the total number of hypoglossal neurons after repeated crush injuries to the hypoglossal nerve in adult rats
Fukushima N, Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Neurol Res, 39, 183-188, 2017, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Morphological analysis of regenerated bulbar fibers in relation to neonatal olfaction
Kuroiwa M, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Brain Res Bull, 127, 66-73, 2016, Refereed
Corresponding - Correlation between motor function and axonal morphology in neonatally sciatic nerve-injured rats
Kakegawa A, Yokouchi K, Itsubo T, Kawagishi K, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
Anat Sci Int, 90, 97-103, 2015, Refereed
Last, Corresponding - Effect of graded nerve pressure injuries on motor function
Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kakegawa A, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
J Neurosurg, 122, 1438-1443, 2015, Refereed
Last, Corresponding - Two specific tongue regions receive bilateral hypoglossal innervation: a study in neonatal rat pups
Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Karasawa M, Kuroiwa M, Moriizumi T
Arch Oral Biol, 60, 432-438, 2015, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Stereological estimation of olfactory receptor neurons in rats
Kawagishi K, Ando M, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Karasawa M, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
Chem Senses, 40, 89-95, 2015, Refereed - Regenerative capacity of bulbar projection neurons during development: a quantitative neuronal analysis with functional correlation
Hirayama S, Kawagishi K, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T
Chem Senses, 39, 47-56, 2014, Refereed - Quantitative analysis of survival of hypoglossal neurons in neonatally nerve-injured rats: Correlation with milk intake
Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T
Arch Oral Biol, 59, 616–620, 2014, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Bony Landmarks of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tibial Footprint: A Detailed Analysis Comparing Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Images to Visual and Histological Evaluations
Tensho K, Shimodaira H, Aoki T, Narita N, Kato H, Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T, Fujii M, Fujinaga Y, Saito N
Am J Sports Med, 42, 1433-1440, 2014, Refereed - Stereological quantification of olfactory receptor neurons in mice
Kawagishi K, Ando M, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Karasawa M, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
Neuroscience, 272, 29-33, 2014, Refereed - Functional correlation between olfaction and various sectioning of the lateral olfactory tract
Sekiguchi Y, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Hirayama S, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 73, 17-23, 2012, Refereed
Corresponding - Effects of repeated crush injuries on motor functional recovery of the sciatic nerve
Itsubo T, Fukushima N, Kakegawa A, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Kato H, Moriizumi T
Neurol Res, 34, 908–914, 2012, Refereed
Corresponding - Induction of axon growth arrest without growth cone collapse through the N-terminal region of four-transmembrane glycoprotein M6a
Sato Y, Mita S, Fukushima N, Fujisawa H, Saga Y, Hirata T
Dev Neurobiol, 71, 733-46, 2011, Refereed - Actin-independent behavior and membrane deformation exhibited by the four-transmembrane protein m6a
Sato Y, Watanabe N, Fukushima N, Mita S, Hirata T
PLOS ONE, 6, e26702, 2011, Refereed - Re-evaluation of spontaneous regeneration of the lateral olfactory tract
Sakamoto, M; Yokouchi, K; Sekiguchi, Y; Fukushima, N; Kawagishi, K; Kakegawa, A; Sumitomo N; Moriizumi, T
Neurosci Res, 68, 15-21, 2010, Refereed - Determination of functionally essential neuronal population of the olfactory epithelium for nipple search and subsequent suckling behavior in newborn rats
Kawagishi, K;. Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N;Sakamoto, M; Sumitomo, N; Moriizumi, T
Brain Res, 1276, 50-57, 2009, Refereed - Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers inhuman vagus nerve
Kawagishi, K; Fukushima, N; Yokouchi, K; Sumitomo, N; Kakegawa A; Moriizumi, T
J Clin Neurosci, 15, 1023-1026, 2008, Refereed - Functional role of lingual nerve in breastfeeding
Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Kakegawa, A; Kawagishi, K; Fukuyama, T; Moriizumi, T
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE, 25, 115-119, 2007, Refereed - Functional neural plasticity ofthe neonatal hypoglossal nerve for effective suckling
Fukushima, N; Yokouchi, K; Fukuyama, T; Kakegawa, A; Moriizumi, T
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 55, S125-S125, 2006 - Roles of neonatal sensory systems for suckling
Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Fukuyama, T; Kakegawa, A; Moriizumi, T
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 55, S157-S157, 2006 - Analysis of newly generated neurons in the neonatally bulbectomized olfactory nervous system
Fukuyama, T; Mochizuki, H; Fukushima, N; Koike, K; Moriizumi, T
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 55, S219-S219, 2006 - Motor neurons essential for normal sciatic function in neonatally nerve-injured rats
Kakegawa, A; Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Fukuyama, T; Moriizumi, T
NEUROREPORT, 17(11), 1149-1152, 2006, Refereed - Differential effects of hypoglossal and facial nerve injuries on survival and growth of rats at different developmental stages
Fukuyama, T; Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Kawagishi, K; Kakegawa, A; Moriizumi, T
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE, 24(5), 307-317, 2006, Refereed - Effects of hypoglossal and facial nerve injuries on milk-suckling
Fujita, K; Yokouchi, K; Fukuyama, T; Fukushima, N; Kawagishi, K; Moriizumi, T
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE, 24(1), 29-34, 2006, Refereed - Effect of maternal deprivation on milk intake in normal and bilaterally facial nerve-injured developing rats
Fukushima, N; Yokouchi, K; Kawagishi, K; Moriizumi, T
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 54(2), 154-157, 2006, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Adult neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the rat olfactory nervous system
N. Fukushima, T. Kato, Z. Li, K. Yokouchi and T. Moriizumi
Chem Senses, 30, 113-114, 2005, Refereed
Lead - The minimum number of facial motor neurons essential for minimal whisker movement in neonatally nerve-transected young adult rats
F. Higashiyama, N. Fukushima, K. Yokouchi, K. Kawagishi andT. Moriizumi
J Neurosurg, 102(4), 390-395, 2005, Refereed - 運動機能と運動ニューロンの相関
森泉哲次,掛川 晃,横内久美子,川岸久太郎,福島菜奈恵
柔道整復・接骨医学, 13, 128-132, 2005 - Effects of bilateral resection of facial nerves on suckling in developing rats
N.Fukushima, K. Fujita, K.Yokouchi, K.Kawagishi and T.Moriizumi
Brain Res Bull, 62(5), 385-389, 2004, Refereed
Lead - Immunohistochemical determination of the sympathetic pathway in the orbit via the cranial nerves in humans
S. Oikawa, K. Kawagishi, K. Yokouchi, N. Fukushima and T. Moriizumi
J Neurosurg, 101(6), 1037-1044, 2004, Refereed - Olfactory impairment and Parkinson's disease-like symptoms observed in the common marmoset following administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
Miwa, T; Watanabe, A; Mitsumoto, Y; Furukawa, M; Fukushima, N; Moriizumi, T
ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA, 124, 80-84, 2004, Refereed - Neurotrophic effect of hepatocyte growth factor on neonatal facial motor neurons
J. Koyama, K.Yokouchi, N.Fukushima, K.Kawagishi, F. Higashiyama and T.Moriizumi
Neurol Res, 25(7), 701-707, 2003, Refereed - Regenerative process of the facial nerve: rate of regeneration of fibers and their bifurcations
Y. Kamijo, J. Koyama, S.Oikawa, Y. Koizumi, K.Yokouchi, N.Fukushima and T.Moriizumi
Neurosci Res, 46(2), 135-143, 2003, Refereed - Great potentiality of neonatal facial motor neurons for neural plasticity as determined by functionally essential neuronal population
J. Koyama, K.Yokouchi, N.Fukushima, K.Kawagishi and T.Moriizumi
Neurosci Res, 46(1), 85-93, 2003, Refereed - Proliferating cell populations in experimentally-induced hydrocephalus in developing rats
N.Fukushima, K.Yokouchi, K.Kawagishi, G. Ren, F. Higashiyama and T.Moriizumi
J Clin Neurosci, 10(3), 334-337, 2003, Refereed
Lead - Functionally essential neuronal population of the facial motor nucleus
S. Kobayashi, J. Koyama, K.Yokouchi, N.Fukushima, S.Oikawa and T.Moriizumi
Neurosci Res, 45, 357-361, 2003, Refereed - Differential neurogenesis and gliogenesis by local and migrating neural stem cells in the olfactory bulb
N.Fukushima, K.Yokouchi, K.Kawagishi and T.Moriizumi
Neurosci Res, 44(4), 467-473, 2002, Refereed
Lead - Cell dynamics of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the rostral migratory stream after ibotenate-induced lesions in the forebrain
Z.Li, T.Kato, K.Kawagishi, N.Fukushima, K.Yokouchi and T.Moriizumi
Neurosci Res, 42(2), 123-132, 2002, Refereed - The minimum number of neurons in the central olfactory pathway in relation to its function: a retrograde fiber tracing study
N.Fukushima, S.Oikawa, K.Yokouchi, K.Kawagishi and T.Moriizumi
Chem Senses, 27(1), 1-6, 2002, Refereed
Lead - Continual replacement of newly-generated olfactory neurons in adult rats
T.Kato, K.Yokouchi, K.Kawagishi, N.Fukushima, K.Kawagishi, Z.Li and T.Moriizumi
Neurosci Lett, 307(1), 17-20, 2001, Refereed - Fate of newly formed periglomerular cells in the olfactory bulb
T.Kato, K.Yokouchi, K.Kawagishi, N.Fukushima, T.Miwa and T.Moriizumi
ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA, 120(7), 876-879, 2000, Refereed - Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in rostral migratory stream: neuronal differentiation
T.Kato, K.Yokouchi, Z.Li, N.Fukushima, K.Kawagishi and T.Moriizumi
NEUROREPORT, 10(13), 2769-2772, 1999, Refereed