Faculty of Science
Professor Emeritus Professor
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Analysis, Determination, Electrode, Environmental Water, Liquid/Liquid Interface, Voltammetry
- +81-263-37-2474
Mail Address
- thinoue★shinshu-u.ac.jp
Educational Background
Research activity information
- Investigation of Spontaneous Hydrogen Evolution Using a Photochemical Reaction of Fullerene (C60) by means of Voltammetry with an Electron Conductor Separating Oil-Water (ECSOW) System
Review of Polarography, 65(1), 19-27, May 2019 - Ion-Transfer Voltammetry at a Water/1,2-Dichloroethane Interface Using Photoionization by Ultraviolet Irradiation: Detection of Cation Radicals of p-Phenylenediamine Derivatives
Analytical Sciences, 34(8), 939-945, Aug. 2018 - Spontaneous Generation of Hydrogen Gas Using a Photochemical Reaction of Fullerene (C60) in the Presence of Tetraphenylborate in a Photovoltaic Cell with Oil and Water Phases
Sayaka Yamamoto 、Teruo Hinoue
CHEM LETT, 47(6), 744-746, Jun. 2018 - Effect of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Proton Transfer Facilitated by 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphine and Its Metal Complexes at a Water/1,2-Dichloroethane Interface
Kubo, Tomoya; Ashida, Manaki; Otagiri, Shiori; Nozue, Haruka; Makigaki, Souma; Hinoue, Teruo
Anal. Sci., 33(12), 1407-1413, Dec. 2017 - A New-Type Phitovoltaic Cell Using Photochemical Reaction of Fullerene
Shigeru Watariguchi, Yusuke Ueno, Masaaki Fujimori, Teruo Hinoue
Electrochemistry, 82(9), 736-742 (2014)., 82(9), 736, 05 Sep. 2014, Refereed - 油水界面イオン移動温度変調ボルタンメトリー
Rev. of Polaro, 58(1), 3-11, 31 May 2012 - 溶液内化学平衡の教育における化学ポテンシャルの活用(Introduction of Electrochemical Potential to General Education for Chemical Equilibria in Solutions)
Rev. of Polaro, 57(2), 121-126, 30 Sep. 2011 - Current Generation by Fullerene in the Presence of Tetraphenylborate at a Nitrobenzene|Water Interface under Illumination with a Fluorescent Light
Shoko Furuhashi, Hirosuke Tatsumi, Takashi Kimoto, and Teruo Hinoue
Chem.Lett., 39(10), 1104-1105, Nov. 2010 - Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite Ions Using a Copper Electrode Pretreated by Dissolution/Redeposition
Shovon Mohammad Shariar, Teruo Hinoue,
Anal.Sci., 26(11), 1173-1179, Nov. 2010 - Thermal Modulation Voltammetry at a 1,2-Dichloroethane/Water Microinterface Using Visible Laser Heating with Optically Absorbing Supporting Electrolyte,
Shoko Furuhashi, Yui Terauchi, Naoko Makita, Hirosuke Tatsumi, and Teruo Hinoue
Anal.Chem., 82, 6717-6720, Aug. 2010 - Laser-Heating Thermal Modulation Voltammetric Determination of Phosphate Ion Using a Graphite-Reinforced Carbon Electrode
Shovon Mohammad Shariar, Mizuki Suga, Yumiko Nishikawa, and Teruo Hinoue
Anal.Sci., 25, 1-5, Apr. 2009 - Luminol chemiluminescence under interaction with heteropoly acids
Oleg Zui, Hiroki Takahashi, Toshitaka Hori, Teruo Hinoue,
Talanta, 78, 1185-1189, Feb. 2009 - Analytical application of ion-transfer at a liquid|liquid interface illuminated with an ultraviolet laser beam
T. Hinoue, T. Kimoto
Solvent Extraction:Fundamentals to industrial applications, 2, 835-841, 2008 - Thermal Modulation Voltammetry with Laser Heating at an Aqueous|Nitrobenzene Solution Microinterface: Determination of the Standard Entropy Changes of Transfer for Tetraalkylammoniumu Ions,
Teruo Hinoue, Eiji Ikeda, Shigeru Watariguchi, and Yasuyuki Kibune
Anal.Chem., 23, 291-298, 2007 - 信濃川水系における溶存シリカの動態-シリカ欠損仮説に関連して-
海洋化学研究(Transactions of The Research Institute of Oceanochemistry), 19(1), 26-33, Apr. 2006 - 分光電気化学
ぶんせき, 7, 580-587, 1999 - Voltammetry Using Electrode Surface Continuously Renewed by Laser Ablation and its Demonstration on Electro-Oxidation of L-Ascorbic Acid
T. Hinoue, N. Kuwamoto, I. Watanabe
466, pp. 31-37, 1999 - Study of Adsorption of Water-Soluble Porphyrin at Glass-Solution Interface in the Presence of Cationic Surfactant Admicelles by Means of Total Internal Reflection Spectroscopy
J. Kobayashi, T. Hinoue, H. Watarai
71, pp. 1847-1855, 1998 - Complex Formation between Water-Soluble Porphyrin and Cationic Surfactant below the Critical Micelle Concentration
T. Hinoue, J. Kobayashi, T. Ozeki, H. Watarai
pp. 763-764, 1997 - Voltammetry with an Electrode Surface Successively Renewed by Laser-Ablation
T. Hinoue, I. Watanabe, H. Watarai
pp. 329-330, 1996 - Ion-Association Adsorption of Water-Soluble Porphyrin at a Liquid-Liquid Interface and an External Electric Field Effect on the Adsorption
R. Okumura, T. Hinoue, H. Watarai
12, pp. 393-397, 1996
Books and other publications
- 理工系の基礎化学
樋上照男、三浦 弘、大藪又茂、木藤聡一、国本浩喜、露本伊佐男、吉村忠与志, Joint work
㈱培風館, Mar. 2016
ISBN:978-4-563-04624-8 C30432013ナノカーボン技術大全第7編フラーレン最新技術
樋上照男, フラーレンを用いた光電気化学蓄電池
株式会社電子ジャーナル, 第7章,2~5ページ Sep. 2012e-Learning教材「看護師のための化学入門」,日本データパシフィック,東京
樋上照男,廣瀬昭夫, Joint work
Oct. 2007第5版実験化学講座,20-1,分析化学,“11章 表面・界面分光分析”,pp. ,日本化学会編,平成19年1月30日発行,丸善,東京
Joint work
493-498 Jan. 2007地球環境シリーズ,“環境測定のための最新分析技術”,(The Newest Analysis Technology for Environmental Measurements)
酒井忠雄,本水昌二,小熊幸一, Joint work
224-232 Jun. 2005はかってなんぼ-分析化学入門-, 共著, 河合潤, 樋上照男 編, 他13名, 丸善株式会社,pp. 96-106, 総頁数 192頁中12頁を担当
Single work
2000Research Themes
- Development of Photoelectrochemical Condenser
- Measuremet of Standard Entropy Change for Ion-Transfer by Thermal Modulation Voltammetry at a Liquid/Liquid Interface
- Activation of a Solid Electrodeby Laser Ablation
- Development of Electroanalytical chemistry for Environmental Analyses
- Development of chemical solar battery