Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Textile Science and Technology

Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology 



  • Dr. (Engineering), Shinshu University

Research Keyword

    Asymmetric reaction, Asymmetric catalyst, Heteroatom, Organocatalyst

Field Of Study

  • Synthetic organic chemistry, Synthetic chemistry

Educational Background

  • 1986 - 1988, Shinshu University, Graduate School, Division of Textile Science and Technology, Functional Polymer Science
  • 1983 - 1986, Shinshu University, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Functional Polymer Science


  • Fluorescence and chemiluminescence behavior of distyrylbenzene bearing two arms of dipicolylaminomethyl groups: Interactions with zinc ion and ATP
    Motoyoshiya, Jiro; Wada, Jun-ya; Itoh, Keiko; Wakabayashi, Kazuaki; Maruyama, Takayuki; Ono, Kazuki; Fukasawa, Kota; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Akaiwa, Yuji; Nonaka, Eiji
  • A new cyano-substituted fluorescamine superior to its original form as a fluorescent probe for amino acid detection
    Motoyoshiya, Jiro; Tomioka, Satoshi; Kobayashi, Daigo; Fujimoto, Tetsuya
    Tetrahedron Letters, 59(12), 1104-1107, Mar. 2018WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Kinetic resolution of sterically hindered secondary alcohols catalyzed by aminophosphinite organocatalyst
    Nanami Hara, Shu Fujisawa, Mizuki Fujita, Mikako Miyazawa, Kazuma Ochiai, Satoshi Katsuda, Tetsuya Fujimoto
    Tetrahedron, 74, 296-302, 2018WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Detection of Complexation and Host-Guest Interaction between Redox-Active Ligands and Metal Cations by Chemiluminescence
    Jiro Motoyoshiya, Jun-ya Wada, Kentaro Mukawa, Yuto Maekawa, Ayato Kaneta, Tetsuya Fujimoto
    Chemistry SELECT, 2(4), 1694-1699, 2017WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Diastereoselective imino-pinacol coupling of chiral imines promoted by Mg(0) and a Grignard reagen
    Kai Kitajima, Ryota Nagatomo), Tetsuya Fujimoto
    Tetrahedron, 71(6), 977-981, 2015WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 超音波照射が疼痛閾値に与える影響
    理学療法科学, 29(2), 271-275, 2014
  • Effects of therapeutic ultrasound on intramuscular blood circulation and oxygen dynamics
    Katsuyuki Morishita, Hiroshi Karasuno, Yuka Yokoi, Kazunori Morozumi, Hisayoshi Ogihara, Toshikazu Ito, Takayuki Fujiwara, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Koji Abe
    Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association, 17(1), 1–7, 2014
  • Effects of Therapeutic Ultrasound on Range of Motion and Stretch Pain
    Katsuyuki Morishita, Hiroshi Karasuno, Yuka Yokoi, Kazunori Morozumi, Hisayoshi Ogihara, Toshikazu Ito, Masaaki Hanaoka, Takayuki Fujiwara, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Koji Abe
    26(5), 711–715, 2014電子ジャーナル
  • Effect of normal air pressure low oxygen concentration environments on resting metabolism
    日本保健科学学会誌, 14(4), 199-204, 2012
  • 常圧低酸素環境が運動中の呼吸循環代謝応答に与える影響
    片山訓博,大倉三洋,山﨑裕司,重島晃史,酒井寿美,栗山裕司,稲岡忠勝,宮﨑登美子,柏 智之,藤本哲也,藤原孝之
    理学療法科学, 27(4), 357–361, 2012
  • Enantioselective Acylation of 1,2- and 1,3-Diols Catalyzed by Aminophosphinite Derivatives of (1S,2R)-1-Amino-2-indanol
    H. Aida, K. Mori, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Mizuta, T. Moriyama, I. Yamamoto, T. Fujimoto
    Org. Lett., 14(3), 812-815, 2012
  • 実践的人材育成 のための産学協同大学院教育プログラムの開発
    阿部隆夫, 深瀬康司, 平井利博, 藤本哲也, 高橋伸英, 森川英明
    工学教育, 59(6), 97-103, 2011
  • 常圧低酸素および高酸素環境への急性暴露による運動時の呼吸循環応答の変化-理学療法における効果的運動環境を模索して-
    理学療法科学, 26(3), 365-369, 2011
  • 巧緻的運動課題における運動学習の転移効果に関する研究
    生体応用計測, 1, 27-30, 2010
  • 着地動作時における膝関節部の衝撃緩衝能
    生体応用計測, 1, 31-33, 2010
  • 超音波照射が軟部組織硬度に与える影響
    日本物理療法学会誌, 17, 25-30, 2010
  • Morphological evaluationof the human pyramidal tract: Tapering of axons
    Yuuki Soumaa,, Noboru Gotoc,, Jun Gotoc,, Tetsuya Fujimoto and Takayuki Fujiwara
    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica, 85(4), 111-113, 2009
  • Do healthy subjects elevate and descend both arms in a same manner?
    Kunio Yoshizaki, Junichiro Hamada, Ryo Sahara, Takayuki Fujiwara, Tetsuya Fujimoto
    The journal of Japan Academy of Health Science, 11(4), 183-192, 2009
  • 膝伸展運動における瞬間的な筋活動の解析-力発生率と筋電図周波数特性の関連性の検討-
    澤口 悠紀、諸角 一記、芳川 晃久、藤本 哲也、藤原 孝之
    東北理学療法学, 21, 49-54, 2009
  • 代替調剤実施後の使用状況調査
    医療薬学, 34(10), 38-45, 2008
  • 「分包紙開封性の満足度調査及び利便性の工夫」<高齢者服薬支援の観点から>
    社会薬学(Jpn.Soc.Pharm), 27(1), 19-27, 2008
  • 介護予防における理学療法士の視点-ICFコアセットを用いて-
    理学療法科学, 23(1), 29-33, 2008
  • 介護保険領域における理学療法のあり方に関する研究
    理学療法科学, 23(2), 219-224, 2008
  • 介護予防における総合的評価の研究-運動機能,活動能力,生活空間の相互関係から-
    理学療法学, 35(1), 1-7, 2008
  • Crying and behavioral characteristics in premature infants
    Ryuichi Kusaka, Shohei Ohgi, Kenta Shigemori, Tetsuya Fujimoto
    JJPTA, 11(1), 15-21, 2008
  • Crying and Behavioral Characteristics in Premature Infants.
    R. Kusaka, S. Ohgi, K. Shigemori, T. Fujimoto
    J. Jpn. Phys. Ther. Assoc., 11, 11-15, 2008
  • 非利き手における箸動作の練習による筋活動の変化
    石田裕二、斎藤明徳、藤本哲也、山本 巖
    総合リハビリテーション, 35, 263-268, 2007
  • 慢性期脳卒中片麻痺者に対する30秒椅子立ち上がりテスト(CS-30テスト)の有用性〜歩行機能との関連性について〜
    北海道理学療法, 24, 100-104, 2007
  • 冷え性に対する物理療法-冷え性の評価に関する一考察-
    日本物理療法学会会誌, 14, 38-40, 2007
  • 3軸加速度センサーをもちいた乳児の自発運動の解析
    日下隆一, 大城昌平, 守田智, 水池千尋, 藤本哲也
    浜松リハビリテーション研究会学術誌, 2, 8-18, 2007
  • Short-term effects of the neonatal behavioral assessment scale-based intervention for infants with developmental disabilities
    Ryuichi Kusaka, Shohei Ohgi, Hirotaka Gima, Tetsuya Fujimoto
    J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 19(1), 1-8, 2007
  • Factor Analysis of Motion in Wringing out a Towel,
    Y. Ishida, T. Fujimawara, T. Fujimoto, I. Yamamoto
    J. Phys. Ther. Sci., 19, 43-47, 2007
  • Enantioselective allylation of aldehydes catalyzed by new bifunctional bisoxazoline-metal complexes.
    Takeuchi, Keiichi; Takeda, Takuma; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Iwao
    Tetrahedron, 63(24), 5319-5322, 2007
  • 近赤外線・近紫外線照射による生理学的指標の変化に関する研究
    加地啓介,Goh Ah Cheng,藤原孝之,両角昌実,高見澤一樹,吉崎邦夫,高梨晃,山本巌,藤本哲也
    日本物理療法学会誌, 13, 41-44, 2006
  • 下腿三頭筋の他動的ストレッチングによる脊髄興奮準位への影響について
    日本生理人類学会誌, 11(3), 27-30, 2006
  • Kinetic resolution of d,l-1,2-diols catalyzed by amine-phosphinite bifunctional organocatalysis derived from quinidine
    Mizuta, Shinya; Ohtsubo, Yutaka; Tsuzuki, Takeo; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Iwao
    Tetrahedron Lett., 47(47), 8227-8229, 2006WebofScience
  • Catalytic Asymmetric Desymmetrization of Cyclic meso-1,3- and 1,4-Diols by a Phosphinite Derivative of Quinidine
    Mizuta, Shinya; Tsuzuki, Takeo; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Iwao
    Org. Lett., 7(17), 3633-3635, 2005WebofScience
  • Development of tandem reactions based on structural features of cyclic phosphorus and sulfur ylides
    Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Iwao
    JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY JAPAN, 63(2), 134-143, 2005WebofScience
  • 環状リン, 硫黄イリドの構造特性を利用したタンデム型反応の開発
    藤本哲也;山本 巖
    有機合成化学協会誌, 63(2), 134-143, 2005リポジトリ
  • Asymmetric Desymmetrization of meso-1,2-Diols by Phosphinite Derivatives of Cinchona Alkaloids.
    Shinya Mizuta, Mikito Sadamori, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Iwao Yamamoto
    Angew. Chem. Internat. Ed, 42(29), 3383-3385, 2003WebofScience
  • Regioselective Synthesis of Phosphonylated Sugars from Reactions of Glycals with Diphenylphosphenium Cation
    Akira Takano, Hiroyuki Fukuhara, Tadao Ohno, Masahiro Kutsuma, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Hirofusa Shirai, Ryozo Iriye, Akikazu Kakehi, Iwao Yamamoto
    J. Carbohydr. Chem., 22(6), 443-457, 2003WebofScience
  • Relationship between molecular skeleton and stimulated-emission threshold in dilute thin films of linear-chain-structured fluorescent dyes
    Sakai, Ken-ichi; Tsuzuki, Takeo; Motoyoshiya, Jiro; Inoue, Masamitsu; Itoh, Yoshihiro; Ichikawa, Musubu; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Iwao; Koyama, Toshiki; Taniguchi, Yoshio
    Chem. Lett., 32(10), 968-969, 2003WebofScience
  • Reaction of Cyclic Sulfur Ylides with Some Carbonyl Compounds
    Hitoshi Akiyama, Katsuyoshi Ohshima, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Iwao Yamamoto, Ryozo Iriye
    Heteroatom Chem., 13(3), 216-222, 2002WebofScience
  • Diastereoselective synthesis of a hydroazulene derivative by tandem Michael-Wittig reactions
    Nagao, Tomoko; Isozaki, Masayoshi; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Iwao
    Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 177(8-9), 1975-1976, 2002WebofScience
  • Diastereoselective Tandem Michael-Intramolecular Wittig Reactions of a Cyclic Phosphonium Ylide with 8-Phenylmenthyl Enoates
    Tomoko Nagao, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Iwao Yamamoto
    J. Org. Chem., 66(3), 890-893, 2001WebofScience
  • Stereoselective synthesis of medium-sized cyclic compounds by means of tandem reactions of a cyclic oxosulfonium ylide with acetates of Baylis-Hillman adducts
    Hitoshi Akiyama, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Katsuyoshi Ohshima, Kenji Hoshino, Yuko Saito Ayu Okamoto, Iwao Yamamoto, Akikazu Kakehi, Ryozo Iriye
    Eur. J. Org. Chem., (12), 2265-2272, 2001WebofScience
  • Reactions of cyclic aza-ylides with beta-dicarbonyl compounds
    Tetsuya Uchiyama, Masayuki Inoue, Hideki Masuda, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Iwao Yamamoto
    Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 175, 99-108, 2001WebofScience
  • Reactions of cyclic aza-ylids with thioesters
    Tetsuya Uchiyama, Satoshi Katsuyama, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Iwao Yamamoto
    Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon, 173, 115-121, 2001WebofScience
  • Synthesis and Structure of Condensed Heterocycles Derived from Intramolecular 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Transient and Enantiomerically Pure alpha-Allylamino Nitrones and Nitrile Oxides in a High Level of Diastereoselectivity
    Md. Jashim Uddin, Minoru Kikuchi, Ken Takedatsu, Kenichi Arai, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Jiro Motoyoshiya, Akikazu Kakehi, Ryozo Iriye, Hirofusa Shirai, Iwao Yamamoto
    Synthesis, (3), 365-374, 2000WebofScience
  • Diastereoselective Synthesis of Bridgehead Heterobicyclic Spiro Compounds Derived from Tandem Michael Intramolecular 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Nitrones
    Md. Jashim Uddin, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Akikazu Kakehi, Hirofusa Shirai, Iwao Yamamoto
    Heterocycl. Commun., 6(2), 113-118, 2000WebofScience
  • Isoxazolidine based new chiral auxiliary for asymmetric synthesis
    Md Jashim Uddin, Akiko Shinooka, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Hirofusa Shirai, Iwao Yamammoto
    Heterocyclc. Commun., 6(6), 505-510, 2000WebofScience
  • Reaction of a cyclic phosphonium ylide with alpha,beta-unsaturated thioesters
    Narumi Kishimoto, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Iwao Yamamoto
    J. Org. Chem., 64(16), 5988-5992, 1999WebofScience
  • Reaction of a Cyclic Oxosulfonium Ylide with Acetates of the Baylis-Hillman Adducts: Tandem Michael-Intramolecular Corey-Chaykovsky Reactions
    Hitoshi Akiyama, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Katsuyoshi Ohshima, Kenji Hoshino, Iwao Yamamoto, Ryozo Iriye
    Org. Lett., 1(3), 427-430, 1999WebofScience
  • [2+2]Cycloaddition and ring expansion reactions of cyclic phosphonium and aminophosphonium salts: synthesis and structure of the first eight-membered ylide-type heterocycles.
    Uchiyama, Tetsuya; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Kakehi, Akikazu; Yamamoto, Iwao
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, (11), 1577-1580, 1999WebofScience
  • Halogenovinyl Sulfones. 6. Synthesis of condensed heterocycles by diastereoselective intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions of sulfonyl substitued trienes
    Hideki Takeuchi, Tetsuya Fujimoto, Kenji Hoshino, Jiro Motoyoshiya, Akikazu Kakehi, Iwao Yamamoto
    J. Org. Chem., 63(21), 7172-7179, 1998WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Synthesis of seven-membered cyclic enol ether derivatives from the reaction of a cyclic phosphonium ylide with alpha,beta-unsaturated esters
    Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Kodama, Yoh-ichi; Yamamoto, Iwao; Kakehi, Akikazu.
    J. Org. Chem., 62(19), 6627-6630, 1997WebofScience
  • Functionalization of Aminophosphonic Chlorides and Synthesis of Phosphorus Heterocyclic Compounds
    Kasaka T.;Kyoda M.;Taketazu K.;Kobayashi H.;Fujimoto T.;Iriye R.;Yamamoto I.
    Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon, 113(1-4), 59-65, 1996WebofScience
  • Halogenovinyl sulfones .5. Synthesis of a dibenzopyran derivative from an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction
    Yamamoto, Iwao; Kohara, Toshiyuki; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika.
    Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 116, 203-210, 1996WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Syntheses of six- and seven-membered nitrogen heterocycles from cyclic amino phosphnium salts
    Sakai, Toshito; Uchiyama, Tetsuya; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao; Kakehi, Akikazu.
    Heterocyclc. Commun., 2(3), 233-239, 1996WebofScience
  • Phosphonylation of sugar derivatives using phosphanylium cation.
    Kasaka, Tatsuji; Kyoda, Makoto; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao; Kakehi, Akikazu.
    Heterocyclc. Commun., 2(1), 41-46, 1996WebofScience
  • Reaction of cyclic amino phosphonium salts with alpha-chlorovinyl sulfone
    Sakai, Toshito; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao
    Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 108(1-4), 99-102, 1996WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Synthesis and Aza-Wittig reactions of Cyclic Amino-phosphonium Salts.
    Sakai, Toshito; Kodama, Takuya; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao; Kakehi, Akikazu
    J. Org. Chem., 59(23), 7144-7147, 1994WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Reactions of the chloro(diisopropylamino)phosphanylium cation with unsaturated alcohols.
    Kasaka,Tatsuji; Matsumura, Ayao; Kyoda, Makoto; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao; Kakehi, Akikazu.
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, (19), 2867-2872, 1994WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Synthesis of a triene from a cyclic phosphonium salt and its intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction to give a decalin derivative.
    Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Nakao, Rie; Hotei, Yukihiko; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao.
    J. Chem. Res., Synopses, (12), 486-487, 1993WebofScience
  • Stereoselective synthesis of trans-hydroazulene derivatives by tandem Michael-intramolecular Wittig reactions of a cyclic phosphonium ylide with alkyl or aryl 1-cyclopentenyl ketones.
    Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Uchiyama, Yuhko; Kodama, Yohichi; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao; Kakehi, Akikazu.
    J. Org.Chem., 58(26), 7322-7323, 1993WebofScience電子ジャーナル
    Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Takeuchi, Yukiharu; Kai, Kohichi; Hotei, Yukihiko; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao.
    Chem. Commun., (17), 1263-1264, 1992WebofScience電子ジャーナル
    Yamamoto, Iwao; Saiuchi, Naofumi; Futaesaku, Norio; Fujimoto, Katutosi; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika.
    J. Chem. Res., Synopses, (2), 84-84, 1992WebofScience
  • Chemistry of cyclic phosphorus compounds. 4. Syntheses of the sex pheromone from the pedal gland of bontebok and some 1,4-diketones by use of 1,1-diphenylphospholanium perchlorate.
    Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Hotei, Yukihiko; Takeuchi, Hisashi; Tanaka, Satoshi; Ohta, Kazuchika; Yamamoto, Iwao
    J. Org. Chem., 56(15), 4799-4802, 1991WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Chemistry of cyclic phosphorus compounds. 3. Synthesis of pheromones having an ? ,? -unsaturated ketone system from 1,1-diphenylphospholanium perchlorate.
    Yamamoto, Iwao; Tanaka, Satoshi; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika
    J. Org. Chem., 54(4), 747-50, 1989
  • Tandem Wittig reactions of 1,1-diphenylphosphorinanium salt
    Yamamoto, Iwao; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Matsuzaki, Kei
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, (7), 1537-9, 1987
  • Chemistry of cyclic phosphorus compounds. II. Synthesis of Douglas Fir Tussock Moth sex pheromone from cyclic phosphonium salt.
    Yamamoto, Iwao; Tanaka, Satoshi; Fujimoto, Tetsuya; Ohta, Kazuchika; Matsuzaki, Kei
    NIPPON KAGAKU KAISHI, (7), 1227-30, 1987

Books and other publications

  • 最新工業化学 革新技術の創出と製品化

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Asymmetric allylation or cyanosilylation reactions of aldehudes catalyzed by chiral phosphonamide derivatives bearing N-H bonds
    Y. Morita, Y.Takii, A. Hamada, I. Yamamoto, T. Fujimoto
    10th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-10), Sep. 2009
  • The explosive muscle strength of knee extension in healthy adult -Analysis of muscle strength and EMG by maximum entropy methods-
    Hisanori Sawaguchi, Akihisa Yoshikawa, Kazunori Morozumi, Takayuki Fujiwara, Tetsuya Fujimoto
    10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, Aug. 2008
  • Relation between the Amount of Activity and Mental Functions in Elderly Healthy Subjects
    Shigeki TAKAHASHI, Toshikazu ITO, Chiharu SATO, Tomoya TAKAUCHI, Toru SAITO, Koji ABE, Tetsuya FUJIMOTO, Takayuki FUJIWARA
    10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy, Aug. 2008
  • Catalytic asymmetric desymmetrization of cyclic meso-diols by the phosphinite derivatives of cinchona alkaloids
    T. Fujimoto, S. Mizuta, Y. Ohtsubo, I. Yamamoto
    International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Society (PACIFICHEM), 2005
  • Synthesis of Novel Dianhydrides from Cyclopentadiene and Their Polymerization
    T. Fujimoto, Z. Cui, I. Yamamoto
    3rd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2005 in Ueda, 2005
  • Asymmetric Desymmetrization of meso-1,3-Diols by Chiral Amino Phosphinite Organocatalysts
    S. Mizuta, H. Aida, T. Moriyama, T. Fujimoto, I. Yamamoto
    15th International Conference on Organic Synthesis (IUPAC ICOS-15), 2004
  • Total Synthesis of (+,-)-Epiaromadendrene by Diastereoselective Tandem Michael-Wittig Reactions Using Cyclic Phoshponium Salt
    T. Nagao, M. Isozaki, T. Fujimoto, I. Yamamoto
    13th International Conference on Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds (ICCPC-XIII), 2002
  • Stereoselective Synthesis of Fused Cyclic Compounds by Tandem Reactions of Cyclic Oxosulfonium Ylides
    T. Fujimoto, H. Akiyama, A. Nabeshima, K. Ohshima, I. Yamamoto, A. Kakehi, R. Iriye
    13th International Conference on Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds (ICCPC-XIII), 2002
  • Stereoselective Synthesis of Medium-Sized Cyclic Compounds by Tandem Reactions of Cyclic Oxosulfonium Ylides with beta-Acetoxy-alpha-Methylene Ketone Derivatives
    H. Akiyama, A. Nabeshima, T. Fujimoto, K. Ohshima, I. Yamamoto, A. Kakehi, R. Iriye
    18th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry (18th ICHC), 2001
  • Diastereoselective synthesis of a hydroazulene derivative by tandem Michael-Wittig reactions
    T. Nagao, M. Isozaki, T. Fujimoto, I. Yamamoto
    XVth International Coference on Phosphorus Chemistry (ICPC15), 2001
  • Diasteroselective synthesis of seven-membered cyclic enol ether derivatives by tandem Michael-Wittig reactions
    T. Nagao, T. Ichihashi, T. Suenaga, T. Fujimoto, I. Yamamoto, A. Kakehi, R. Iriye
    International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Society (PACIFICHEM), 2000

Research Themes

  • Asymmetric allylation and cyanosilylation of aldehides , and ring-opening reaction of epoxides catalysed by chiral phosphonamide
  • Development of asymmetric reactions using bifunctional bisoxazoline complexes
  • Development of asymmetric reactions using chiral aminophosphinites or aminophosphines
  • Development of tandem reactions using phosphrus and sulfur and its applications