Flavor structure from ‘canonical’ Yukawa interactions and ‘emergent’ kinetic terms
Kawamura, Y.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2023, 093B02, 2023年08月, 査読有り

On representation matrices of boundary conditions in SU(n) gauge theories compactified on two-dimensional orbifolds
Kawamura, Y., Kodaira, E., Kojima, K., Yamashita, T.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, 113, 2023年04月

数理科学, 712, 35-41, 2022年10月
On diagonal representatives in boundary condition matrices on orbifolds
Kawamura, Y.; Nishikawa, Y.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2020(35), 2050206, 2020年11月, 査読有り

On a mechanism realizing quark mass hierarchy
Kawamura, Y.
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2020(35), 2050274, 2020年08月, 査読有り

A bottom-up approach to fermion mass hierarchy: a case with vector-like fermions
Kawamura, Y.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2020, 043B05, 2020年04月, 査読有り

Chasing after flavor symmetries of quarks from the bottom up
Kawamura, Y.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2019, 073B03, 2019年07月, 査読有り

Yukawa interactions, flavor symmetry, and non-canonical Kaehler potential
Kawamura, Y.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2019, 043B05, 2019年04月, 査読有り

Left–right symmetry,orbifold S1/Z2,and radiative breaking of U(1)R×U(1)B−L
Abe, Y.; Goto, Y., Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2018, 103B01, 2018年10月, 査読有り

Orbifold family unification using vectorlike representation on six dimensions
Goto, Y; Kawamura, Y
Physical Review D, 98, 35039, 2018年08月, 査読有り

Dark energy from gravitational corrections
Abe, Y.; Horikoshi, M.; Kawamura, Y.
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 32(6&7), 1750037, 2017年02月, 査読有り
Conjugate boundary condition, hidden particles and gauge-Higgs inflation
Abe, Y.; Goto, Y.; Kawamura, Y.; Nishikawa, Y.
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 31(35), 1650208, 2016年10月, 査読有り
Predictions of SU(9) orbifold family unification
Goto, Y.;Kawamura
Physics Letters B, 752, 252-257, 2016年01月, 査読有り
Inflation from radion gauge-Higgs potential at Planck scale
Abe, Y.; Inami, T.; Kawamura, Y. Koyama, Y
Release of physical modes from unphysical fields
Kawamura, Y.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30(12), 1550056, 2015年, 査読有り
Finiteness, duality and fermionic symmetry
Kawamura, Y.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30(18&19), 1550109, 2015年, 査読有り
Gauge hierarchy problem, supersymmetry, and fermionic symmetry
Kawamura, Y.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30(25), 1550153, 2015年, 査読有り
Family number, Wilson line phases and hidden supersymmetry
Goto, Y.;Kawamura, Y.;Miura, T.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 29(26), 1450150, 2014年10月, 査読有り

Radion stabilization in the presence of Wilson line phase
Abe, Y.; Inami, T.; Kawamura, Y. Koyama, Y.

Naturalness, conformal symmetry, and duality
Kawamura, Y
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, (11), 113B04, 2013年11月, 査読有り

Orbifold family unification on six dimensions
Goto, Y; Kawamura, Y; Miura, T
Physical Review D, 88(5), 055016, 2013年09月, 査読有り

Terascale remnants of unification and supersymmetry at the Planck scale
Kawamura, Y
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, (8), 081B01, 2013年08月, 査読有り

Hidden Nambu mechanics: A variant formulation of Hamiltonian systems
Horikoshi, A; Kawamura, Y
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 7, 073A01, 2013年07月, 査読有り

Classification of Standard Model Particles in E-6 Orbifold Grand Unified Theories
Kawamura, Y; Miura, T
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 28(14), 1350055, 2013年06月, 査読有り

mu parameter from dynamical rearrangement of U(1) and theta parameter
Kawamura, Yoshiharu; Miura, Takashi
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 27(7), 1250023, 2012年, 査読有り

SUSY breaking from exotic U(1)
Kawamura, Y.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1467, 141-146, 2012年, 査読有り

Limitation on Msgnitude of D-Components
Kawamura, Yoshiharu
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 125(3), 509-520, 2011年03月, 査読有り

Soft supersymmetry breaking masses and mu parameter from dynamical rearrangement of exotic U(1) symmetries
Kawamura, Yoshiharu; Miura, Takashi
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 26(25), 4405-4418, 2011年, 査読有り

Kaneta, K; Kawamura, Y
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 25(19), 1613-1623, 2010年06月, 査読有り

Orbifold family unification in SO(2N) gauge theory
Kawamura, Yoshiharu; Miura, Takashi
Physical Review D, 81(7), 075011, 2010年04月, 査読有り

川村 嘉春
数理科学, 570, 59-65, 2010年

Superparticle sum rules in the presence of hidden sector dynamics
Kawamura, Yoshiharu; Kinami, Teppei; Miura, Takashi
Journal of High Energy Physics, (1), 064, 2009年01月, 査読有り

Topological Grand Unification
Kawamura, Y
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 121(2), 289-297, 2009年, 査読有り

Temporary Grand Unified Theory in Unphysical World
Kawamura, Y
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 121(5), 1049-1058, 2009年, 査読有り

Misleading Coupling Unification and Lifshitz Type Gauge Theory
Kawamura, Y
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 122(4), 831-845, 2009年, 査読有り

Equivalence Classes of Boundary Conditions in SU(N) Gauge Theory on 2-Dimensional Orbifolds
Kawamura, Y; Miura, T
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 122(4), 847-864, 2009年, 査読有り

Dynamical rearrangement of the theta parameter in the presence of a mixed Chern-Simons term
Haba, N; Kawamura, Y; Oda, KY
Physical Review D, 78(8), 085021, 2008年10月, 査読有り

Sfermion mass relations in orbifold family unification
Kawamura, Y; Kinami, T
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 119(2), 285-301, 2008年, 査読有り

Equivalence Classes of Boundary Conditions in Gauge Theory on Z(3) Orbifold
Kawamura, Y; Kinami, T; Miura, T
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 120(5), 815-831, 2008年, 査読有り

Orbifold family unification
Kawamura, Y; Kinami, T; Oda, KY
Physical Review D, 76(3), 035001, 2007年08月, 査読有り

More about superparticle sum rules in Grand Unified Theories
Kawamura, Y; Kinami, T
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 22(25), 4617-4650, 2007年, 査読有り

Dynamical Theory of Generalized Matrices
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 114(3), 669-693, 2005年09月, 査読有り

Generalized Heisenberg Dynamics
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 112(2), 299-306, 2004年08月, 査読有り

Classification and Dynamics of Equivalence Classes in SU(N) Gauge Theory on the Orbifold S1/Z2
N.Haba, Y.Hosotani, Y.Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 111(2), 265-289, 2004年02月, 査読有り

川村 嘉春
数理科学, (2), 32-39, 2004年
Non-perturbative Kahler potential, dilaton stabilization and Fayet-Iliopoulo term
T.Higaki, Y.Kawamura, T.Kobayashi, H.Nakano
Physics Letters B, 582(3-4), 257-262, 2004年, 査読有り

Anomalous U(1) D-term contribution in type I string models
T.Higaki, Y.Kawamura, T.Kobayashi, H.Nakano
Physical Review D, 69(8), 086004, 2004年, 査読有り

Dynamical symmetry breaking in gauge-Higgs unification on an orbifold
N.Haba, Y.Hosotani, Y.Kawamura, T.Yamashita
Physical Review D, 70(1), 015010, 2004年, 査読有り

Dynamical rearrangement of gauge symmetry on the orbifold S^1/Z_2
Naoyuki Haba, Masatomi Harada, Yutaka Hositani, Yoshiharu Kawamura
Nuclear Physics B, 657(1-3), 169-213, 2003年, 査読有り

Dynamical rearrangement of gauge symmetry on the orbifold S-1/Z(2) (vol 657, pg 169, 2003)
Haba, N; Harada, M; Hosotani, Y; Kawamura, Y
Nuclear Physics B, 669(1-2), 381-382, 2003年, 査読有り

Structure of Cubic Matrix Mechanics
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 109(1), 1-10, 2003年, 査読有り

Cubic Matrix, Nambu Mechanics and Beyond
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 109(2), 153-168, 2003年, 査読有り

Cubic Matrices, Generalized Spin Algebra and Uncertainty Relation
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 110(3), 579-587, 2003年, 査読有り

軌道体上の大統一理論(Orbifold GUTs)の現状(素粒子物理学の進展,研究会報告)
川村 嘉春
素粒子論研究, 107(4), D39-D41, 2003年

川村 嘉春
日本物理学会誌, 56, 654-661, 2002年
Generalized Matrix Mechanics
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 107(6), 1105-1115, 2002年, 査読有り

Grand Unification, Triplet-Doublet Splitting and Extra Dimension
川村 嘉春
素粒子論研究, 104(4), D72-D73, 2002年

Triplet-Doublet Splitting, Proton Stability and an Extra Dimension
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 105(6), 999-1006, 2001年06月, 査読有り

Split Multiplets, Coupling Unification and an Extra Dimension
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 105(4), 691-696, 2001年, 査読有り

Symmetry Reduction, Gauge Transformation and Orbifold
T. Kawamoto and Y. Kawamura
J. Fac. Shinshu Univ., 36, 53-59, 2001年

Bottom-up Approach to B-parameter in Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Manabu Watanabe
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 15(1), 81-103, 2000年, 査読有り

Phenomenological constraints on SUSY SU(5) GUTs with nonuniversal gaugino masses
Katri Huitu, Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kai Puolamaki
Physical Review D, 61(3), 035001, 2000年, 査読有り

Gauge Symmetry Reduction from the Extra Space S1/Z2
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 103(3), 613-619, 2000年, 査読有り

Gauge Coupling Sum Rule as a Unification Barometer
M. Ide, Y. Kawamura, and T. Kobayashi
J. Fac. Shinshu Univ., 35, 55-67, 2000年

Model-independent analysis of soft masses in heterotic string models with anomalous U(1) symmetry
Yoshiharu Kawamura
Physics Letters B, 446(3-4), 228-237, 1999年, 査読有り

Generic gravitational corrections to gauge couplings in SUSY SU(5) GUTs
K. Huitu, Y. Kawamura, T. Kobayashi and K. Puolamaeki
Physics Letters B, 468(1-2), 111-117, 1999年, 査読有り

Relic abundance of neutralinos in heterotic string theory: weak versus strong coupling
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Hans Peter Nilles, M. Olechowski, Masahiro Yamaguchi
Journal of High Energy Physics, 6, 8, 1998年, 査読有り
Probing μ-term generation mechanism in string models
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Manabu Watanabe
Physics Letters B, 419(1-4), 157-166, 1998年, 査読有り

Constraints on Supersymmetric SO(10) GUTs with Sum Rules among Soft Masses
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hitoshi Shimabukuro
Physics Letters B, 436(1-2), 108-116, 1998年, 査読有り

Specific scalar mass relations in SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) orbifold model
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Tohru Komatsu
Physics Letters B, 400(3-4), 284-294, 1997年, 査読有り

Soft scalar-mass sum rule in gauge-Yukawa unified models and its superstring interpretation
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Jisuke Kubo
Physics Letters B, 405(1-2), 64-70, 1997年, 査読有り

Generic formula of soft scalar masses in string models
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi
Physical Review D, 56(7), 3844-3859, 1997年, 査読有り

Soft scalar masses in string models with anomalous U(1) symmetry
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi
Physics Letters B, 275(1-4), 141-148, 1996年, 査読有り

Flat directions in Z_{2n} orbifold models
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi
Nuclear Physics B, 481(3), 539-576, 1996年, 査読有り

On low-energy theory from general supergravity
Kawamura, Y

Utilities of Scalar Masses in Chain Breaking Scenarios
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Masanaga Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 93(4), 789-795, 1995年, 査読有り

Low-energyeffective Lagrangian in unified theories with nonuniversal supersymmetry-breaking terms
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Hitoshi Murayama, Masahiro Yamaguchi
Physical Review D, 51(3), 1337-1352, 1995年, 査読有り

Probing the symmetry-breaking pattern using sfermion masses
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Hitoshi Murayama, Masahiro Yamaguchi
Physics Letters B, 324(1), 52-58, 1994年, 査読有り

Scalar Mass Spectrum as a Probe of E_6 Gauge Symmetry Breaking
Yoshiharu Kawamura, Masanaga Tanaka
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 91(5), 949-957, 1994年, 査読有り

Yasuhiko Katsuki, Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Noriyasu Ohtsubo, Yasuji Ono, Kazutaka Tanioka
Nuclear Physics B, 341(3), 611-640, 1990年, 査読有り
Yasuhiko Katsuki, Yoshiharu Kawamura, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Noriyasu Ohtsubo
Physics Letters B, 212, 339-342, 1988年, 査読有り