Yoshida Hiroaki

Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Textile Science and Technology

Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Division of Textiles and Kansei Engineering 



  • Dr. Eng., kyoto University

Research Keyword

    Kansei Engineering

Field Of Study

  • Kansei informatics, Kansei Engineering
  • Biomedical engineering, Biomechanics



Mail Address



  • 2007
    Shinshu University, Assistant Professor
  • 2005 - 2007
    Digital Human Research Center (AIST) Post. Doct.
  • 2001 - 2003
    Kyoto University, Researcher

Educational Background

  • 2003 - 2004, Johns Hopkins University Post.Doct.Fellow
  • 1997 - 2000, Kyoto University, 工学研究科, 高分子化学
  • 1995 - 1997, Kyoto University, 工学研究科, 高分子化学
  • 1991 - 1995, Kyoto University, 工学部, 高分子化学


  • Comfort properties of fabrics knitted from a two-ply yarn derived from abaca and cotton
    Yuki Karasawa, Hideaki Mizuhashi, Mayumi Uemae, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayoshi Kamijo
    Textile Research Journal, 92(21-22), 4325-4341, Nov. 2022
  • Prediction of clothing comfort sensation of an undershirt using artificial neural networks with psychophysiological responses as input data
    Yuki Karasawa, Mayumi Uemae, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayoshi Kamijo
    Textile Research Journal, 92, 330-345, Feb. 2022
  • Relaxation Induced by Comfortable Thermal Stimulation of the Feet Presented with Various Sensory Stimuli
    Seiya FUJIWARA, Haruki OITA, Mayumi UEMAE, Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Masayoshi KAMIJO
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 21(1), 43-53, 2022
  • 寝具の構造学 ~寝具と私~
    建築と社会, 102, 16-17, Nov. 2021
  • Design of Flat/Sloped Writing Desk Considering Acceptability of Individual Preference Regarding Desk Heights
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 20(4), 209-215, May 2021
  • 有限要素解析を用いた座り心地と寝心地に関する研究
    吉田 宏昭、山口 穂高
    人間生活工学, 22(1), 27-31, 31 Mar. 2021
  • Central Nervous System Responses to Comfortable Thermal Stimuli to the Soles of the Feet with Simultaneous Presentation of Other Sensory Stimuli
    Seiya FUJIWARA, Minami SASAKURA, Haruki OITA, Mayumi UEMAE, Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Takashi MATSUOKA, Yumi SHIBAGAKI, Masayoshi KAMIJO
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 20(1), 11-21, 2021
  • Effectiveness of a Method of Evaluating the Clothing Comfort Sensationin a Perspiration State by Measuring Psychophysiological Responses
    Yuki Karasawa, Mayumi Uemae, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayoshi Kamijo
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 20(1), 21-31, 2021
  • Emotional Differences in Tactile and Visual Sensation of Wood between Customers in Sweden and Japan for Kansei Engineering Application
    Joel PETERSON, Minako SHITARA, Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Goroh FUJIMAKI, Hodaka YAMAGUCHI
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 18(4), 181-188, Jul. 2019電子ジャーナル
  • Comparison of range of motion during rising movement in healthy young and healthy elderly: From the supine position to the sitting position
    Tetsuro Watanabe, Hisayoshi Ogihara, Takehito Soeta, Takayuki Fujiwara, Hiroaki Yoshida
    The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 31(1), 102-107, 2019
  • 三次元動作解析システムを用いた背臥位から端座位の起き上がり動作における再現性の検討
    東北理学療法学, 30, 13-21, 2018
  • Measurement of torsional rigidity of yarns with different crimps
    Julie Peiffer, KyoungOk Kim, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayuki Takatera
    Textile Research Journal, 88(6), 605-613, 2018
  • 圧力分布測定システムを用いた背臥位から端座位の起き上がり動作における定量的解析
    理学療法科学, 33(6), 911-916, 2018
  • 起き上がり動作時の体重心加速度と異なる起き上がりパターンにおける体重心移動距離の検討
    渡邉 哲朗, 荻原 久佳, 佐々木 広人, 吉田 宏昭, 藤原 孝之
    生体応用計測, 7, 41-47, 2017
  • ポリプロピレンと綿を用いた混紡糸による編布の物性に与える混用率の影響
    水橋秀章, 上條正義, 吉田宏昭, 久保昌彦
  • 木材評価時における視触覚の印象形成
    設楽 稔那子, 吉田 宏昭, 上條 正義, 藤巻 吾朗, 山口 穂高
    木材学会誌, 63(4), 149-161, 2017
  • Investigation into Hand Movements to Assess Material Properties of Wood
    Minako SHITARA, Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Goroh FUJIMAKI, Hodaka YAMAGUCHI
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 16(3), 173-182, 2017
  • Noise reduction in swallowing muscle activity measurement based on mixture Gaussian distribution model
    Nobuyuki Ohmori, Chihiro Murasawa, Jumpei Aizawa, Hideya Momose, Yoshito Koyama, Hiroshi Kurita, Hiroaki Yoshida, and Masayoshi Kamijo
    Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), 21(1), 109-118, 2017
  • Hand Movements Used to Assess the Comfortability and Likability of Wood
    Minako SHITARA, Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Goroh FUJIMAKI, Hodaka YAMAGUCHI
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 17(1), 49-56, 2017
  • 衣服着用時の意識が歩行動作に与える影響
    吉田 宏昭、大皿 知可子、上條 正義
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 16(5), 457-463, 2017
  • Measurement of torsional rigidity of yarns with different crimps
    Peiffer, Julie; Kim, KyoungOk; Yoshida, Hiroaki; Takatera, Masayuki
    Textile Research Journal, Dec. 2016リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 鉄道車両用シートの座り心地に関する研究
    吉田 宏昭, 山口 穂高, 上條 正義
    精密工学会誌, 82(1), 31-35, 2016
  • 下衣着用時の意識が歩行動作に与える影響
    大皿 知可子, 吉田 宏昭, 上條 正義
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 15(4), 431-437, 2016
  • ポリプロピレン混紡糸を用いた肌着の着衣温熱快適感評価
    水橋 秀章, 上條 正義, 吉田 宏昭, 久保 昌彦
  • 見栄えに影響を与える要因の抽出
    吉田 宏昭, 松下 敏郎, 河合 辰夫, 上條 正義
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 15(3), 319-325, 2016
  • ポリプロピレン混紡糸を用いた編布の物性に及ぼす混紡素材の影響
    水橋 秀章, 上條 正義, 吉田 宏昭, 久保 昌彦
    JOURNAL OF FIBER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 72(5), 104-111, 2016リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Effectiveness of the "Tezawari" and "Hadazawari" sensory test methods in the evaluation of fine-textured kinnted fabrics  Part1:Coolness and moistness discrimination
    Yaning Li, Masayoshi Kamijo, Hiroaki Yoshida
    Textile Research Journal, 85(15), 1620-1634, 2015
  • 鉄道車両のシート色が座り心地に与える影響 -緑系統および青系統における印象評価-
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 14(2), 291-297, 2015リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • 相変化材料を用いた温熱調節寝具における寝心地評価
    橋本 一馬 , 青井 政貴 , 吉田 宏昭 , 上條 正義
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 14(3), 381-389, 2015リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • オノマトペとリサージュ図形を活用した歩行動作評価法
    吉田 宏昭, 上條 正義
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 13(2), 361-369, 2014リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Effect of Footrest Angle on Decrement of Leg Swelling while Sitting
    YAMAGUCHI Hodaka, YOSHIDA Hiroaki, KAMIJO Masayosh, FUJIMAKI Goro, NARUSE Tetsuya
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 13(3), 197-203, 2014リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Study on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses Relevant to Tactile Softness Evaluation : Based on ECG and PPG Analysis
    Yaning Li, Tomomi Tsugama, Masayoshi Kamijo, Hiroaki Yoshida
    International Journal of Affective Engineering, 13(4), 269-277, 2014リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • MRIを利用した靴着用時における靴のフィット性決定要因の検討
    吉田 宏昭
    デサントスポーツ科学, 35, 21-30, 2014リポジトリ
  • Evaluation of Sleeping Comfort of Bed Mattresses using Physiological and Psychological Response Measurements
    Masataka AOI, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Hiroaki YOSHIDA
    Kansei Engineering International Journal, 11(3), 163-169, 2012, Refereed
  • A Study to Investigate the Sleeping Comfort of Mattress using Finite Element Method
    Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Yoshio SHIMIZU
    Kansei Engineering International Journal, 11(3), 155-162, 2012, Refereed
  • 有限要素解析を用いた鉄道車両用シートの座り心地に関する研究
    山口 穂高、吉田 宏昭、上條 正義、松本 泰幸
    日本感性工学会論文誌, 11(4), 519-525, 2012, Refereed
  • A Study of Frictional Property of the Human Fingertip Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
    Hiroaki Yoshida; Mitsunori Tada; Masaaki Mochimaru
    Molecular&Cellular Biomechanics, 8(1), 61-72, 2011
  • 3軸力覚センサを用いたムートンの毛込み感評価に関する研究
    J. Text. Eng., 57(5), 123-129, 2011
  • Discrete Element Analysis in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
    Chao EYS; Volokh KY; Yoshida H; Shiba N; and Ide T
    Molecular&Cellular Biomechanics, 7(3), 175-192, 2010
  • Virtual interactive musculoskeletal system (VIMS) in orthopaedic research, education and clinical patient care
    Chao EY, Armiger RS, Yoshida H, Lim J, Haraguchi N.
    Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2(2), 1-19, 2007, Refereed
  • Three-dimensional dynamic hip contact area&pressure distribution during activities of daily living
    Yoshida H, Faust A, Wilckens J, Kitagawa M, Fetto J, Chao EYS
    Journal of Biomechanics, vol.39, pp. 1996-2004, 39, 1996-2004, 2006, Refereed
  • Prediction of femoral head collapse in osteonecrosis
    Volokh KY, Yoshida H, Leali A, Fetto JF, Chao EY.
    Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 128(3), 467-470, 2006, Refereed
  • 長時間運転時におけるドライバの 筋疲労評価手法の開発
    上西甲朗、田中正利、宮本尚紀、吉田宏昭、堤 定美
    自動車技術会論文集, 35(1), 209-214, 2004, Refereed
  • Development of Muscular Fatigue Evaluation for Automotive Driver
    Uenishi, K., Tanaka, M., Miyamoto, N., Yoshida, H., Tsutsumi, S.
    JSAE, 25(1), 99-104, 2004, Refereed
  • 膝関節の衝撃伝達機構に関する力学的研究(第3報)-二次元有限要素法を用いた半月,関節軟骨の影響-
    福田幸久、吉野信之、吉田宏昭、村瀬晃平、堤 定美、高井信朗、久保俊一
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 24, 127-132, 2003, Refereed
  • Finite element analysis using muscles elements and experimental analysis with a new flexible neck model of whiplash injuries in rear-end collisions
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi
    Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), No.2002-01-0021 (SP-1665, Impact Biomechanics), 43-49, 2002, Refereed
  • Driver's fatigue evaluation during long term driving for automotive seat development
    Koro Uenishi, Masatoshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi, Naoki Miyamoto
    Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), No.2002-01-0773, (SP-1670, Human Factors in Seating and Automotive telematics), 71-77, 2002, Refereed
  • シート長時間着座時におけるドライバの疲労解析
    上西甲朗、田中正利、吉田宏昭、堤 定美、宮本尚紀
    自動車技術会論文集, 33(4), 167-172, 2002, Refereed
  • Developing a Passenger Seat to Reduce Whiplash Injuries
    Masatoshi Tanaka, Naoki Miyamoto, Sadami Tsutsumi, Hiroaki Yoshida
    Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), No. 2001-01-0125 (SP-1596), 79-86, 2001, Refereed
  • Bioactive骨セメント使用におけるStress Shieldingの研究(第2報)
    高木順平、岡 正典、堤 定美、吉田宏昭、福田秀章、中村孝志、藤田 裕、牛尾一康
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 22, 73-77, 2001, Refereed
  • 咀嚼力による顎顔面骨の力学的適応変形に関するシミュレーション
    中井隆介、吉田宏昭、東 高志、堤 定美、久津木学、菊元力也、伊藤 仁、林 浩二、井上博志
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 22, 369-373, 2001, Refereed
  • 顎顔面形態の対称性に関する3次元リモデリングシミュレーション
    久津木学、山口芳功、吉武一貞、中井隆介、東 高志、吉田宏昭、堤 定美、菊元力也、伊藤 仁、井上博志
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌 第22巻, 375-380, 22, 375-380, 2001, Refereed
  • Experimental analysis of a new flexible neck model for low-speed rear-end collisions
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi
    Accident Analysis and Prevention, 33(3), 305-312, 2001, Refereed
  • A surgical simulation system of skin suture using a three-dimensional finiteelement method
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi, Masanari Mizunuma, Akira Yanai
    CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, 16(7), 621-626, 2001, Refereed
  • 膝関節の衝撃伝達機構に関する力学的研究(第2報)
    福田幸久、高井信朗、平澤泰介、吉野信之、池内 健、吉田宏昭、堤 定美、村瀬晃平
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 21, 205-210, 2000, Refereed
  • 人工肘関節上腕骨コンポーネント周囲の応力解析(第2報)
    真多俊博、赤木将男、中村孝志、箕浦哲嗣、吉田宏昭、堤 定美
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 21, 267-270, 2000, Refereed
  • Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Whiplash Motions in Low -Speed Rear-End Collisions
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi
    Russian Journal of Biomechanics, 4(3), 24-32, 2000, Refereed
  • Three-dimensional finite element analysis of skin suture -Part1: Spindle model and S-shaped modified model
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi, Masanari Mizunuma, Akira Yanai
    Medical Engineering&Physics, 22(7), 481-485, 2000, Refereed
  • Can Dog-ear Formation be Decreased When an S-shaped Skin Resection is Used Instead of a Spindle Skin Resection? ?A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Skin Surgery Techniques Using the Finite Element Method-
    Mizunuma M., Yanai A., Tsutsumi S., Yoshida H., Seno H., Inoue M., Nishida M.
    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 106(4), 845-848, 2000, Refereed
  • 人工肘関節上腕骨コンポーネント周囲の応力解析
    真多俊博、中村孝志、 箕浦哲嗣、吉田宏昭、堤 定美
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 20, 497-500, 1999, Refereed
  • 皮膚縫合に関する3次元力学解析
    吉田宏昭, 堤 定美, 水沼雅斉, 梁井 皎
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 19, 233-236, 1998, Refereed
  • 頚部鞭打ち損傷に関する力学的研究(第2報)
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 18, 203-207, 1997, Refereed
  • 追突事故による頚部鞭打ち挙動に関する衝撃解析
    堤 定美、吉田宏昭、宮島陽一
    日本機械学会論文集C編, 63(607), 791-796, 1997, Refereed
  • 頚部鞭うち損傷に関する力学的研究
    日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 17, 123-126, 1996, Refereed


  • 感性工学と製品開発
    繊維学会誌, 78(6), 236 - 239, 13 Jun. 2022

Books and other publications

  • 情報処理 46 12
    姜有峯、田中正利、吉田宏昭、堤定美, Joint work, 三次元人体FEMモデルを用いた衝撃による頚部挙動解析と傷害予測
    1368-1372 2005
  • 日本ゴム協会誌 74 9
    堤 定美、吉田宏昭, Joint work, 鞭打ち損傷に関する生体力学的研究
    352-356 2001
  • 自動車研究 23 10
    堤 定美、吉田宏昭, Joint work, 実験的および数値的解析を用いた鞭打ち損傷の発生メカニズムに関する研究
    542-547 2001

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Design of Tilted Desk Considering User Diversity in Preferences Regarding Sashaku
    Hodaka Yamaguchi, Goroh Fujimaki, Naruto Miyagawa, Hiroaki Yoshida
    The 2020 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2020), 08 Sep. 2020
  • Physiological Indicators to Evaluate Expectation(Wakuwaku) Feeling
    Mizuki Amamiya, Seiya Fujiwara, Mayumi Uemae, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayoshi Kamijo
    The 2020 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2020), 07 Sep. 2020
  • Comparison of premotor reaction time during rising movement in healthy young and healthy elderly: From supine to sitting position
    Tetsuro Watanabe, Hisayoshi Ogihara, Takehito Soeta, Takayuki Fujiwara, Hiroaki Yoshida
    Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, 2018
  • Evaluation of comfortable sensation when wearing a cosmetic facemask
    Motoki Hirose, Mika Morishima, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayoshi Kamijo, Yoichiro Kawahara
    1st International Symposium on Affective Engineering 2013 (ISAE2013), 2013
  • Investigation into sitting comfort of train seats by FEM analysis
    Hiroaki Yoshida
    2012 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Oct. 2012
  • The Visual Influence of Seat Color on Sitting Comfort of High-speed Train Seats
    Hodaka Yamaguchi, Taiichiro Goto, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masayoshi Kamijo, Hajime Mogawa, Yasuyuki Matsumoto
    Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium 2012 (TBIS 2012), Aug. 2012
  • Sleeping Comfort Evaluati on of Bedding Using Functional Fibers
    Masataka Aoi , Masayoshi Kamijo, Junya Watanabe, Hiroaki Yoshida
    Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium 2012 (TBIS 2012), Aug. 2012
  • Relationship between Facial Expression and Facial Electromyogram (f-EMG) Analysis in the Expression of Drowsiness
    Masataka Aoi, Masayoshi Kamijo and Hiroaki Yoshida
    International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE2011), 2011
  • Study on relation between sleeping comfort and sleeping posture
    Masahiro Mashima, Hiroaki Yoshida and Masayoshi Kamijo
    International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE2011), 2011
  • Investigation of wearing comfort of eyeglasses with emphasis on pain around the ears
    Masahiro Mashima, Hiroaki Yoshida and Masayoshi Kamijo
    International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE2011), 2011
  • Finite Element analysis to investigate sleeping comfort of mattress
    Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Yoshio SHIMIZU
    International Conference of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010), Mar. 2010
  • Sleeping Comfort Evaluation of Bed Mattresses Based on Polysomnography (PSG) and Motion Analysis During Sleep
    Yosuke ONO, Masayoshi KAMIJO, Hiroaki YOSHIDA
    443-450, Mar. 2010
  • Study on relation between sleeping comfort and sleeping posture
    Yosuke HORIBA , Masayoshi KAMIJO, Shigeru INUI, Hiroaki YOSHIDA, Yoshio SHIMIZU
    International Conference of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010), Mar. 2010
  • Influence of clothing pressure by waist belts on brain activity –Brain activity on difference of perception modality of clothing pressure by waist belt: influence of information from visual perception-
    Masayoshi Kamijo, Tomohiro Uemae, Euichul Kwon, Yosuke Horiba, Hiroaki Yoshida, Mika Morishima
    International Conference of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2010), Mar. 2010
  • Comfort Evaluation of T-shirt Type Underwear made of Spun Silk Yarn
    Masayoshi Kamijo, Tomohiro Uemae, Euichul Kwon, Yosuke Horiba,Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoshio Shimizu
    International Multi Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering(ICBAKE2009), Jun. 2009
  • 新生児の生理反応計測による新生児集中治療室(NICU)における治療環境の評価
    上條正義, 本田美和子, 吉田宏昭, 堀場洋輔, 木原秀樹
    2008 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2008
  • 三次元有限要素モデルを用いた指先の摩擦挙動解析
    第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2007
  • A Study of Material and Frictional Properties of the Human Fingertip to Simulate Kinetic Friction using 3D Finite Element Model
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Mitsunori Tada, Masaaki Mochimaru
    Proceedings of the Third Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics S132, 2007
  • An Accident-Analysis of Finger Amputations Using 3D Finite Element Model
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Mitsunori Tada, Masaaki Mochimaru
    Proceedings of the Third Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics S245, 2007
  • Proposition of "the Thermal comfortable Index" based on physiological response and psychological response
    T. Uemae, M. Takatera, M. Kamijo, H. Yoshida, Y. Horiba
    4th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2007 in Ueda (ICAFTM2007), 2007
  • Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis to Investigate the Frictional Mechanics of the Fingertip
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Mitsunori Tada, Masaaki Mochimaru
    Proceedings of the 2006 Summer Bioengineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2006
  • Generating subject-specific FE models of fingertip with the use of MR volume registration
    M. Tada, H. Yoshida, M. Mochimaru, T. Kanade
    Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2006 Conference, 2006
  • Iterative FE analysis for non-invasive material modeling of a fingertip with layered structure
    M. Tada, N. Nagai, H. Yoshida, T. Maeno
    Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2006 Conference, 2006
  • 3D Finite Element Analysis of the Frictional Behavior of the Human Fingertip
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Mitsunori Tada, Masaaki Mochimaru
    Proceedings of 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2006
  • Geometric Modeling of Living Tissue for Subject-Specific Finite Element Analysis
    Mitsunori Tada, Hiroaki Yoshida, Masaaki Mochimaru
    Proceedings of 28thAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2006
  • 三次元有限要素モデルを用いた指先の滑り固着挙動解析
    第18回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2006
  • Planning of Fracture Reduction and Deformity Correction of the Distal Radius Under External Fixation
    Edmund Y S Chao, Jonathan A Lim, Robert S Armiger, Masaya S Kitagawa, Hiroaki Yoshida, Naoki Haraguchi, Ekavit Keyurapan
    Transactions of the Annual Meeting of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Scientific Exhibits, 2005
  • 3-D Hip contact area&pressure distribution in activities of daily living
    Yoshida H, Kitagawa M, Faust A, Wilckens J, Fetto JF, Chao EYS
    Transactions of the 51st meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2005
  • Cortical bone defect ?feedback mechanism of bone repairing&remodeling by using numerical and canine models-
    Inoue N, Yoshida H, Volokh KY, Toda I, Ito K, Schneider E, Chao EYS.
    Transactions of the 51st meeting ofthe Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2005
  • A new look at the femoral head collapse in avascular necrosis (AVN)
    Volokh KY, Yoshida H, Leali A, Fetto JF, Chao EYS.
    Transactions of the 51st meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2005
  • Cortical defect ? A model to study bone repair&remodeling?
    Chao EYS, Yoshida H, Inoue N, Toda I, Ito K, SchneiderE.
    Transactions of 50th meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2004
  • A New Seat System Developed by K-D Neck Model to Reduce Whiplash Injuries
    Masatoshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi
    8th International Technical Conference of Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV2003) Paper No.203, 2003
  • Reproducing Biomechanical Cervical Phenomena in low-Speed Rear-End Collisions by K-D Neck Model
    Masatoshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi
    The IASTED International Conference Biomechanics, 2003
  • Reproducing of a biomechanical cervical phenomena causing whiplash injuries at low?speed rear?end collisions
    Masatoshi Tanaka, Hiroaki Yoshida, Sadami Tsutsumi
    13th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, Clinical Biomechanics Award session,, 2002
  • 頚部鞭打ち損傷に関する研究
    吉田宏昭、堤 定美
    第12回バイオエンジニアリング学術講演会, 2001
  • Developing Experimental Cervical Dummy Models forTesting Low-speed Rear-end Collisions
    Shimamoto, N., Tanaka, M., Tsutsumi, S., Yoshida, H., Miyajima, Y.
    16th Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conference, paper NO. 98-S9-O-10, 1998
  • Impact Analysis of Whiplash Injuries in Rear-end Collisions
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoichi Miyajima, Sadami Tsutsumi
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Advances in Bioengineering,, 1998
  • Numerical and experimental impact analyses of neck behaviors in rear-end collisions
    Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoichi Miyajima, Sadami Tsutsumi
    International Conf. New Frontier Biomech. Eng.,, 1997

Affiliated academic society

  • Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
  • The Society of Fiber Science and Technology
  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

Research Themes

  • なじむ感性に関する研究