Continuous and connective fibers of the lateral ankle ligament complex
Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Moriizumi T, Mori Y.
J Foot Ankle Surg, 59, 679-684, 2020
Hypoglossal nerve injury with long nerve resection leading to slow motoneuron death
Fukushima N, Kobayashi T, Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Moriizumi T.
Neurosci Lett, 715, 134668, 2020
Effects of various lengths of hypoglossal nerve resection on motoneuron survival
Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
J Clin Neurosci, 60, 128-131, 2019
Independent attachment of lateral ankle ligaments: anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments - a cadaveric study
Kakegawa A, Mori Y, Tsuchiya A, Sumitomo N, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T.
J Foot Ankle Surg, 58, 717-722, 2019
Effects of repeated nerve injuries at different time intervals on functional recovery and nerve innervation
Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
J Clin Neurosci, 48, 185-190, 2018
Stereological assessment of the total number of hypoglossal neurons after repeated crush injuries to the hypoglossal neurons in adult rats
Fukushima N, Karasawa N, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Neurol Res, 39, 183-188, 2017
Acetyl-l-carnitine enhances myelination of regenerated fibers of the lateral olfactory tract
Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kuroiwa M, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Lett, 653, 215-219, 2017
Morphological analysis of regenerated bulbar fibers in relation to neonatal olfaction
Kuroiwa M, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Brain Res Bull, 127, 66-73, 2016
Correlation between motor function and axonal morphology in neonatally sciatic nerve-injured rats
Kakegawa A, Yokouchi K, Itsubo T, Kawagishi K, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
Anat Sci Int, 90, 97-103, 2015
Stereological estimation of olfactory receptor neurons in rats
Kawagishi K, Ando M, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Karasawa M, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
Chem Sences, 40, 89-95, 2015
Two specific tongue regions receive bilateral hypoglossal innervation: a study in neonatal rat pups
Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Karasawa M, Kuroiwa M, Moriizumi T
Arch Oral Biol, 60, 432-438, 2015
Effect of graded nerve pressure injuries on motor function
Karasawa M, Yokouchi K, Kakegawa A, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T, Fukushima N
J Neurosurg, 122, 1438-1443, 2015
Elastic modulus of the femoral trochanteric region measured by scanning acoustic microscopy in elderly women
Matsuki H, Shibano J, Kobayashi M, Nakatsuchi Y, Moriizumi T, Kato H
J Med Ultrason, 42, 303-313, 2015
Regeneration of bulbar projection neurons during development: a quantitative neuronal analysis with functional correlation
Hirayama S, Kawagishi K, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T
Chem Senses, 39, 47-56, Jan. 2014
Postnatal changes in the number of serotonin-immunoreactive cells in midbrain raphe nuclei of male rats
Ito H, Moriizumi T, Shimogawa Y, Yamanouchi K
Anat Sci Int, 89, 199-206, 2014
Bony landmarks of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial footprint: a detailed analysis comparing 3-dimentional computed tomography images to visual and histological evaluations
Tensho K, Shimodaira H, Aoki T, Narita N, Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T, Fujimi N, Fujinaga K, Saito N
Am J Sports Med, 42, 1433-1440, 2014
Stereological quantification of olfactory receptor neurons in mice
Kawagishi K, Ando M, Yokouchi K, Sumitomo N, Karasawa M, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
Neuroscience, 272, 29-33, 2014
Effect of synovial tranthyretin amyloid deposition on preoperative symptoms and postoperative recovery of medial nerve function among patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome
Uchiyama S, Sekijima M, Tojo K, Sano K, Imaeda T, Moriizumi T, Ikeda S, Kato H
J Orthop Sci, 19, 913-919, 2014
Inhibitory role of the serotonergic systems on estrogen receptor α expression in the female rat hypothalamus
Ito H, Shimogawa Y, Kohagura D, Moriizumi T, Yamanouchi K
Neurosci Lett, 583, 194-198, 2014
Quantitative analysis of survival of hypoglossal neurons in neonatally nerve-injured rats
Fukushima N, Yokouchi Y, Kawagishi K, Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Karasawa M, Moriizumi T
Arch Oral Biol, 59(6), 616-620, 2014
Analysis of spontaneous regeneration of olfactory structures with emphasis on myelination and re-innervation of cortical areas
Fukushima, N; Yokouchi, K; Sakamoto, M; Sekiguchi, Y; Koike, H; Kawagishi, K; Moriizumi, T
NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 537, 35-39, Mar. 2013

Functional correlation between olfaction and various sectioning of the lateralolfactory tract
Sekiguchi Y, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Hirayama S, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 73, 17-23, 2012
A contractile network of interstitial cells of Cajal in the supratarsal Mueller's smooth mucle fibers with sparse sympathetic innervation
Yusuriha S, Matsuo K, Ban R, Yano S, Moriizumi T
EPlasty, 12, e13, 2012
Effects of repeated crush injuries on motor functional recovery of the sciatic nerve
Itsubo T, Fukushima N, Kakegawa A, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Kato H, Moriizumi T
Neurol Res, 34, 908-914, 2012
Cell bodies of the trigeminal proprioceptive neurons that transmit reflexive contraction of the levator muscle are located in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in rats
Fujita K, Matsuo K, Yuzuriha S, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
J Plast Surg Hand Surg, Early Online, 1-6, 2012
Decrease in the density of t-tubular L-type Ca2+ channel currents in failing ventricular myocytes
Horiuchi-Hirose M, Kashihara T, Nakada T, Kurebayashi N, Shimojo H, Shibazaki T, Sheng X, Yano S, Hirose M, Hongo M, Sakurai T, Moriizumi T, Ueda H, Yamada
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 300, H978-988, 2011
Re-evaluation of spontaneous regeneration of the lateral olfactory tract
Sakamoto M, Yokouchi K, Sekiguchi K, Fukushima N, Kawagishi K, Kakegawa A, Sumitomo N, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 68, 15-21, 2010
Determination of functionally essential neuronal population of the olfactory epithelium for nipple search and subsequent suckling behavior in newborn rats
Kawagishi K, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Sakamoto M, Sumitomo N, Moriizumi T
Brain Res, 1276, 50-57, 2009
Neural plasticity of neonatal hypoglossal nerve for effective suckling
Fukushima,N; Yokouchi, K; Kawagishi, K; Kakegawa, A; Ezawa, N; Moriizumi, T

Functional neural plasticity of the neonatal hypoglossal nerve for effective suckling
Fukushima, N; Yokouchi, K; Fukuyama, T; Kakegawa, A; Moriizumi, T

Roles of neonatal sensory systems for suckling
Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Fukuyama, T; Kakegawa, A; Moriizumi, T

Analysis of newly generated neurons in the neonatally bulbectomized olfactory nervous system
Fukuyama, T; Mochizuki, H; Fukushima, N; Koike, K; Moriizumi, T

Motor neurons essential for normal sciatic functionin neonatally nerve-injured rats
Kakegawa, A; Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Fukuyama, T; Moriizumi, T
NEUROREPORT, 17(11), 1149-1152, 2006

Differential effects of hypoglossal and facial nerve injuries on survival and growth of rats at different developmental stages
Fukuyama, T; Yokouchi, K; Fukushima, N; Kawagishi, K; Kakegawa, A; Moriizumi, T

Effects of hypoglossal and facial nerve injuries on milk-suckling
Fujita, K; Yokouchi, K; Fukuyama, T; Fukushima, N; Kawagishi, K; Moriizumi, T

Effect of maternal deprivation on milk intake in normal and bilaterally facial nerve-injured developing rats
Fukushima, N; Yokouchi, K; Kawagishi, K; Moriizumi, T
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH, 54(2), 154-157, 2006

森泉哲次,掛川 晃,横内久美子,川岸久太郎,福島菜奈恵
柔道整復・接骨医学, 13, 128-132, 2005
Adult neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the rat olfactory nervous system
Fukushima N, Kato T, Li Z, Yokouchi K, Moriizumi T
Chem Senses, 30, 113-114, 2005

The minimum number of facial motor neurons essential for minimal whisker movement in neonatally nerve-transected young adult rats
Higashiyama F, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
J Neurosurg, 102(4), 390-395, 2005

The occipitofrontalis muscle is composed of two physiologically and anatomically different muscles separately affecting the positions of the eyebrow and hairline
Kushima H, Matsuo K, Yuzuriha S, Kitazawa T, Moriizumi T
Br J Plast Surg, 58(5), 681-687, 2005

Differential effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in the olfactory bulb and the striatum in mice
Mitsumoto Y, Mori A, Ohashi S, Nakai M, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 51(1), 111-115, 2005

Neural mechanisms underlying motor dysfunction as detected by the tail suspension test in MPTP-treated C57BL/6 mice
Mori A, Ohashi S, Nakai M, Moriizumi T, Mitsumoto Y
Neurosci Res, 51(3), 265-274, 2005

Neuregulin receptor ErbB2 localization at T-tubule in cardiac and skeletal muscle
Ueda H, Oikawa A, Nakamura A, Terasawa F, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
J Histochem Cytochem, 53(1), 87-91, 2005

Efferent and afferent innervations of Mueller’s muscle related to involuntary contraction of the levator muscle: important for avoiding injury during eyelid surgery
Yuzuriha S, Matsuo K, Ishigaki Y, Kikuchi N, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Br J Plast Surg, 58(1), 42-52, 2005

中土幸男,立岩 裕,荻原伸英,石垣範雄,小林道明,寺本 彰,阿部康次,藤木裕行,森泉哲次
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 25, 257-262, 2004
中土祐樹,但野 茂,渡辺直行,中土幸男,小林道明,森泉哲次
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 25, 267-272, 2004
Immunohistochemical determination of the sympathetic pathway in the orbit via the cranial nerves in humans
Oikawa S, Kawagishi K, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
J Neurosurg, 101(6), 1037-1044, 2004

Effects of bilateral resection of facial nerves on suckling in developing rats
Fukushima N, Fujita K, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Brain Res Bull, 62(5), 385-389, 2004

Endothelialnitric oxide synthase expression in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of mouse skeletal muscle
Kawagishi K, Terasawa F, Nakamura A, Moriizumi T, Ueda H
Acta Histochem Cytochem, 37(5), 307-311, 2004

Olfactory impairment and Parkinson's disease-like symptomes observed in the common marmoset following administration of 1-metyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
Miwa T, Watanabe A, Mitsumoto Y, Furukawa M, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
Acta Otolaryngol, 553, 80-84, 2004

Caveolin-3 at the T-tubule colocalizes with α-actinin in the adult murine cardiac muscle
Ueda H, Kawagishi K, Terasawa F, Nakamura A, Moriizumi T
Acta Histochem Cytochem, 37(6), 373-378, 2004

Neurotrophiceffect of hepatocyte growth factor on neonatal facial motor neurons
Koyama J, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Kawagishi K, Higashiyama F, Moriizumi T
Neurol Res, 25(7), 701-707, Oct. 2003

Regenerative process of the facial nerve: rate of regeneration of fibers and their bifurcations
Kamijo Y, Koyama J, Oikawa S, Koizumi Y, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 46(2), 135-143, Jun. 2003

Functionally essential neuronal population of the facial motor nucleus
Kobayashi S, Koyama J, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N,Oikawa S, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 45(3), 357-361, May 2003

Proliferating cell populations in experimentally-induced hydrocephalus in developing rats
Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Ren G, Higashiyama F, Moriizumi T
J Clin Neurosci, 10(3), 334-337, May 2003

Great potentiality of neonatal facial motor neurons for neural plasticity as determined by functionally essential neuronal population
Koyama J, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 46(1), 85-93, May 2003

Differential neurogenesis and gliogenesis by local and migrating neural stem cells in the olfactory bulb
Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 44(4), 467-473, Dec. 2002

Efferent projections from the striatal patch compartment: anterograde degeneration after selective ablation of neurons expressing μ-opioid receptor in rats
Tokuno H, Chiken S, Kametani K, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Lett, 332(1), 5-8, Oct. 2002

Role of nerve growth factor in the olfactory system
Miwa T, Moriizumi T, Horikawa I, Uramoto N, Ishimaru T, Nishimura T, Furukawa M
Microsc Res Tech, 58(3), 197-203, Aug. 2002

Cell dynamics of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the rostral migratory stream after ibotenate-induced lesions in the forebrain
Li Z, Kato T, Kawagishi K, Fukushima N, Yokouchi K, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Res, 42(2), 123-132, Feb. 2002

The minimum number of neurons in the central olfactory pathway in relation to its function: a retrograde fiber tracing study
Fukushima N, Oikawa S, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
Chem Senses, 27(1), 1-6, Jan. 2002

Onset of calbindin-D 28K and parvalbumin expression in the lateral geniculate complexand olivary pretectal nucleus during postnatal development of the rat
Okoyama S, Moriizumi T
Int J Dev Neurosci, 19(7), 655-661, Nov. 2001

Continual replacement of newly-generated olfactory neurons in adult rats
Kato T, Yokouchi K, Fukushima N, Kawagishi K, Li Z, Moriizumi T
Neurosci Lett, 307(1), 17-20, Jul. 2001

Stimulation of the regrowth of MPP+-damaged dopaminergic fibers by the treatment of mesencephalic cultures with basigin
Mitsumoto Y, Watanabe A, Miyauchi T, Jimma F, Moriizumi T
J Neural Transm, 108(10), 1127-1134, 2001

Fate of newly formed periglomerular cells in the olfactory bulb
Kato T, Yokouchi K, Kawagishi K, Fukushima N, Miwa T, Moriizumi T
Acta Otolaryngol, 120(7), 876-879, Oct. 2000

An anatomic examination of the suprascapular flap
Kitazawa T, Matsuo K, Moriizumi T, Hataya Y
Ann Plast Surg, 45(4), 405-407, Oct. 2000

A new video/computer method to measure the amount of overall movement in experimental animals (two-dimensional object-difference method)
Hashimoto T, Izawa Y, Yokoyama H, Kato T, Moriizumi T
J Neurosci Methods, 91(1-2), 115-122, Sep. 1999

Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in rostral migratory stream: neuronal differentiation
Kato T, Yokouchi K, Li Z, Fukushima N, Kawagishi K, Moriizumi T
NEUROREPORT, 10(13), 2769-2772, Sep. 1999

TrkA expression in olfactory epithelium and bulb during development
Horikawa I, Miwa T, Ishimaru T, Furukawa M, Kato T, Moriizumi T
NEUROREPORT, 10(10), 2205-2208, Jul. 1999

TrkA expression in mouse olfactory tract following axotomy of olfactory nerves
Miwa, T; Horikawa, I; Uramoto, N; Ishimaru, T; Yamamoto, K; Furukawa, M; Kato, T; Moriizumi, T