Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Textile Science and Technology

Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research Institute for Fiber Engineering 



  • Doctor of Science, The University of Tokyo

Field Of Study

  • Polymer chemistry, Polymer chemistry
  • Bio chemistry, Bio-related chemistry
  • Synthetic organic chemistry, Synthetic chemistry
  • Polymer materials, Polymer/Textile materials



Mail Address



  • 2007
    Associate Professor, Insitute of High Polymer Research, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University.
  • 2003 - 2007
    Associate Professor, Insitute of High Polymer Research, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University.
  • 1996 - 2003
    Assistant Professor, Insitute of High Polymer Research, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University.

Educational Background

  • 1994, Shinshu University, 工学系研究科機能高分子学科
  • 1992, Shinshu University, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, 機能高分子学科
  • 1998, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Science
  • 1996, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Science

Member History

  • 1998
    Supervisor, Society of Sessile Organisms


  • 2011
    Excellent Poster Presentation at the 6th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials
    Synthesis of Novel Cellulose Drivatives having O-Phospho-L-Serine Containing Peptides
  • 2008
    Best paper award:2nd International Student Joint Symposium on High-Tech Fiber Engineering 2008
    Synthesis of Peptide-Chitosan Conjugates Containing Disulfide and Quinone-type Cross-linking Functional Groups
  • 2007
    Best paper award:4th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2007 in Ueda (ICAFTM2007)
    Electrospinning of High Molecular Weight Chitosan and Characterization of the Non-woven Fabrics


  • "Dialdehyde cellulose" nanofibers by electrospinning as polyvinyl alcohol blends: Manufacture and product characterization
    Hell, Slavica; Ohkawa, Kousaku; Amer, Hassan; Potthast, Antje; Rosenau, Thomas
     Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 38(2), 96-110, 2018
  • Characterization of silk gland ribosomes from a bivoltine caddisfly, Stenopsyche marmorata: translational suppression of a silk protein in cold conditions.
    Nomura T, Ito M, Kanamori M, Shigeno Y, Uchiumi T, Arai R, Tsukada M, Hirabayashi K, Ohkawa K
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 469(2), 210-215, 2016
  • Molecular cloning, gene expression analysis, and recombinant protein expression of novel silk proteins from larvae of a retreat-maker caddisfly, Stenopsyche marmorata.
    Bai X, Sakaguchi M, Yamaguchi Y, Ishihara S, Tsukada M, Hirabayashi K, Ohkawa K, Nomura T, Arai R
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 464(3), 814-819, 2015
  • Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having -Ala esters.
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Mikiko Mishibayashi, Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu and Jun Araki
    Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 53, 150-159, 2013
  • Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having -Ala esters (II): Conjugates with O-phospho-L-serine-containing peptides.
    Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Cellulose, 20(1), 365-378, 2013
  • Correlations between steric/thermochemical parameters and O-/N-acylation of cellulose: Part III of Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having -Ala esters.
    Kesavan Devarayan, Taketoshi Hayashi, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Carbohydrate Polymers, 94(1), 468-478, 2013
  • Long-range periodic sequence of Stenopsyche marmorata cement/silk protein: Purification and biochemical characterization.
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Yumi Miura, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi
    Biofouling, 29(4), 357-367, 2013
  • Cationic derivative of electrospun non-woven cellulose-chitosan composite fabrics for immobilization of aminoacylase-I.
    Kesavan Devarayan, Masahiro Miyamoto, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Text. Res. J., 83(18), 1918-1925, 2013
  • Direct electrospinning of cellulose-chitosan composite nanofiber
    Kesavan Devarayan, Hirokatsu Hanaoka, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki, Masakatsu Ohguchi, Behera Kumer Bijoya and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Macromol. Mater. Eng., 297(10), 1059-1064, 2013
  • Chain conformational study on underwater silk proteins from caddisfly, Stenopsyche marmorata–Implication of a fiber-forming mechanism–
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Masakazu Hachisu, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Kimio Hirabayashi, Masuhiro Tsukada, Koji Abe
    Advanced Materials Research, 796, 3–8, 2013
  • Design and synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate molecules —Aspects from energy/steric profiles: Part IV of Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a soluble cellulose derivative having b-Ala esters
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Masakazu Hachisu, Kesavan Devarayan, Jun Araki
    Fibers and Polymers, 14(12), 1970–1974, 2013
  • Synthesis of a ‘‘Molecular Rope Curtain’’: preparation and characterization of a sliding graft copolymer with grafted Poly(ethylene glycol) side chains by the ‘‘Grafting Onto’’ strategy.
    Jun Araki, Kousaku Ohkawa, Yusuke Uchida, and Yoshihiko Murakami
    J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 50, 488-494, 2012
  • Chitin-chitosan nanocomposite gels: reinforcement of chitosan hydrogels with rod-like chitin nanowhiskers
    Jun Araki, Yuta Yamanaka and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Polym. J., 44(7), 713-717, 2012
  • Chemical modifications of electtrospun non-woven hydroxypropyl cellulose fabrics for immobilization of aminoacylase-I.
    Viswanathamurthi Periasamy, Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    J. Fiber Bioeng. Informatics, 5(2), 1-15, 2012
  • Isolation of silk proteins from a caddisfly larva, Stenopsyche marmorata.
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Yumi Miura, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Koji Abe, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi
    J. Fiber Bioeng. Informatics, 5(2), 125-137, 2012
  • Crystal growth of hydroxyapatite on electrospun composite fine fibers containing synthetic phosphorylated polypeptides, cellulose and gelatin
    Ohkawa, K., Yamaguchi, M., Yamamoto, H., Kurata S., Kimoto, S., Shinji, H.
    Key Engineering Materials: Bioceramics, 22, 193-196, 2009
  • Synthesis of collagen-like sequential polypeptides containing O-phospho-L-hydroxyproline and preparation of electrospun composite fibers for possible dental application
    Ohkawa, K., Hayashi, S., Kameyama, N., Yamamoto, H., Yamaguchi, M., Kimoto, S., Kurata, S., Shinji, H.
    Macromolecular Bioscience, 9(1), 79-92, 2009
  • Calcium phosphate crystallization on electrospun cellulose non-woven fabrics containing synthetic phosphorylated polypeptides
    Hayashi, S., Ohkawa, K., Yamamoto, H., Yamaguchi, M., Kimoto, S., Kurata, S., Shinji, H.
    Macromolecular Materials&Engineering, 295(5), 315-322, 2009
  • Preparation of pure cellulose nanofiber via electrospinning
    Ohkawa, K., Ducreux, J., Hayashi, S., Nishida, A., Yamamoto, H.
    Textile Research Journal, 79(15), 1396-1401, 2009
  • Biomineralization of calcium phosphate on human hair protein film and formation of a novel hydroxyapatite–protein composite material
    Fujii,, T., Tanaka., T., Ohkawa, K.
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials, 91B(2), 528-536, 2009
  • Purification of DOPA-containing foot protein from green mussel, Perna viridis, and adhesive properties of synthetic model copolypeptides
    Ohkawa, K., Nagai, A., Nishida, A., Yamamoto, H.
    The Journal of Adhesion, 85(11), 770-791, 2009
  • Synthesis and characterization of polyrotaxane−amino acid conjugates: A new synthetic pathway for amino-functionalized polyrotaxanes
    Araki, J., Kagaya, K., Ohkawa, K.
    Biomacromolecules, 10(7), 1947-1954, 2009
  • Study on preventive and restorative treatment applying phosphoserine polymer
    Yamaguchi, M., Kurata, S., Yamamoto, H., Ohkawa, K., Shinji, H.
    Bulletin of Kanagawa Dental College, 36(1), 15-24, 2008
  • Preparation and dental application of composite nanofibers from gelatin and synthetic phosphorylated polypeptides
    Ohkawa, K., Yamaguchi, M., Yamamoto, H., Kurata S., Kimoto, S., Shinji, H.
    Proceedings of The 4th International Symposium on Apatites and Correlative Biomaterials, Sept 10-13, 2008, Manila, Philippines, 110-114, 2008
  • シーシルクのファイバーテクノロジー
    大川浩作, 山本浩之
    高分子学会高分子と水・分離に関する研究会―繊維,膜と水の新展開―招待講演 2008年3月14日, 東京., 2008
  • Fibrous and helical calcite crystals induced by synthetic polypeptides containing O-phospho-L-serine and O-phospho-L-threonine
    Hayashi, S., Ohkawa, K., Suwa, Y., Sugawara, T., Asami, T., Yamamoto, H.
    Macromolecular Bioscience, 8(1), 46-59, 2008
  • Effects of human hair and nail proteins and their films on rat mast cells
    Fujii, T., Murai, S., Ohkawa, K., Hirai, T.
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 19(6), 2335-2342, 2008
  • 天然・生体高分子のエレクトロスピニング
    繊維学会誌, 64(1), 36-44, 2008
  • ATPase-coupled release control from polyion complex capsules encapsulating muscle proteins
    Sugiura, K., Ohkawa, K., Hirai, T., Fujii, T.
    Macromolecular Bioscience, 7(4), 508-516, 2007
  • Natural adhesives for mussels
    Ohkawa, K., Yamamoto, H.
    Nippon Setchaku Gakkaishi, 42(8), 334-340, 2006
  • Random and sequential copolypeptides containing O-phospho-L-threonine and L-aspartic acid; roles in CaCO3 biomineralization
    Hayashi, S., Ohkawa, K., Yamamoto, H.
    Macromolecular Bioscience, 6(3), 228-240, 2006
  • Chain conformations of poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) pre and post an electrospinning process
    Minato, K.-I., Ohkawa, K., Yamamoto, H.
    Macromolecular Bioscience, 6(7), 487-495, 2006
  • Mineralization of calcium carbonate in the presence of O-phospho-L-threonine-containing polypeptides
    Hayashi, S., Suwa, Y., Ohkawa, K., Yamamoto, H.
    Key Engineering Materials, 309-331, 485-488, 2006
  • Chitosan nanofiber
    K. Ohkawa;K. -I. Minato;G. Kumagai;S. Hayashi;H. Yamamoto
    Biomacromolecules, in press, 2006
  • Mineralization of calcium carbonate in the presence of O-phospho-L-threonine-containing polypeptides
    S. Hayashi;Y. Suwa;K. Ohkawa;H. Yamamoto
    Bioceramics 18: Key Engineering Materials, 309-311, 485-488, 2006WebofScience
  • Random and sequential copolypeptides containing O-phospho-L-threonine and L-aspartic acid: Roles in CaCO3 biomineralization
    S. Hayashi;K. Ohkawa;H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 6(3), 228-240, 2006WebofScience
  • Chain conformations of poly (gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) pre and post an electrospinning process
    K-. I. Minato;K. Ohkawa;H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 6(7), 487-495, 2006WebofScience
  • Chitosan nanofiber
    Ohkawa, K; Minato, KI; Kumagai, G; Hayashi, S; Yamamoto, H
    Biomacromolecules, 7(11), 3291-3294, 2006WebofScience
  • Preparation and characterization of alkaline phosphatase encapsulated in gellan-chitosan hybrid capsules.
    Fujii T.;Ogiwara D.;Ohkawa K.;Yamamoto H.
    Macromol. Biosci., 5, 394-400, 2005
  • 信州大学21COE『先進ファイバー工学研究教育拠点』‐新規な生分解性高分子材料の開発‐
    繊維と工業, 61(11), 23-24, 2005
  • A novel human hair protein fiber prepared by watery hybridization spinning
    Y. Hirao;K. Ohkawa;H. Yamamoto;T. Fujii
    Macromol. Mater. Eng., 290(3), 165-171, 2005WebofScience
  • Alkaline phosphatase encapsulated in gellan-chitosan hybrid capsules
    T. Fujii;D. Ogiwara;K. Ohkawa;H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 5(5), 394-400, 2005WebofScience
  • ポリイオンコンプレックス型天然素材繊維
    大川浩作, 山本浩之
    繊維学会誌(繊維と工業), 60(1), 15-20, 2004
  • Chiral biomineralization: Epitaxial and helical growth of calcium carbonate through selective binding of phosphoserine containing polypeptides, and the dental application onto apatite
    H. Yamamoto, M. Yamaguchi, T. Sugawara, Y. Suwa, K. Ohkawa, H. Shinji, and S. Kurata
    BIOCERAMICS 16, 254-2, 603-606, 2004WebofScience
  • Preparation and characterization of chitosan-gellan hybrid capsules formed by self-assembly at an aqueous solution interface
    K. Ohkawa, T. Kitagawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Mater. Eng., 289(1), 33-40, 2004WebofScience
  • Quinone cross-linked polysaccharide hybrid fiber
    Y. Kuboe, H. Tonegawa, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Biomacromolecules, 5(2), 348-357, 2004WebofScience
  • Biodegradation of electrospun poly(epsilon-caprolactone) non-woven fabrics by pure-cultured soil filamentous fungi
    K. Ohkawa, H. Y. Kim, and K. H. Lee
    J. Polym. Environ., 12(4), 211-218, 2004WebofScience
  • Synthesis of enzymatically crosslinkable peptide-poly(L-lysine) conjugate and creation of bio-inspired hybrid fibers
    H. Tonegawa, Y. Kuboe, M. Amaike, A. Nishida, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 4(5), 503-511, 2004WebofScience
  • Methionine-containing poly(amino acid) hybrid fibers via self-assembly at aqueous interface
    D. Satoyoshi, M. Hachisu, M. Amaike, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Mater. Eng., 289(6), 495-498, 2004WebofScience
  • Electrospun non-woven fabrics of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and their biodegradation by pure cultures of soil filamentous fungi
    K. Ohkawa, H-. Y. Kim, K-. H. Lee, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Symp., 216(1), 301-306, 2004WebofScience
  • A glycosylated byssal precursor protein from the green mussel Perna viridis with modified Dopa side-chains
    K. Ohkawa, A. Nishida, H. Yamamoto, and J. H. Waite
    Biofouling, 20(2), 101-115, 2004WebofScience
  • Electrospinning of chitosan
    K. Ohkawa, D-. I. Cha, H-. Y. Kim, A. Nishida, H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Rapid Commun., 25(18), 1600-1605, 2004WebofScience
  • Green mussel Perna viridis L: Adhesive protein, attachment behaviors and preparation of antifouling surfaces
    K. Ohkawa, A. Nishida, and H. Yamamoto
    Marine Biotechnology: Basics and Applications (Matalascanas, Spain, Feb. 25- March 1), 29, 2003
  • Creation of bio-inspired fiber materials and their biodegradation
    K. Ohkawa and H. Yamamoto
    In Celebration of the40th Anniversary of the Korean Fiber Society: Proceedings of The Korean-Japan Joint Symposium (Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 24-25), KJO-24-2-7, 43-44, 2003
  • Electrospun non-woven fabrics of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and their biodegradation by pure cultures of soil filamentous fungi
    K. Ohkawa, H. Y. Kim, K. H. Lee, H. Yamamoto
    The 8th Pacific Polymer Conference (Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 24-27), CD-ROM P-25[361], 1-4, 2003
  • Preparation of silk-like fibers designed by self-assembled ionic polypeptides
    M. Hachisu, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 3(2), 92-99, 2003WebofScience
  • DNA with gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane switches between B- and C-form structures under thermal control
    M. Yamada, M. Nomizu, S. Saitoh, K. Ohkawa, H. Yamamoto, and N. Nishi
    ChemBioChem, 4(2-3), 232-234, 2003WebofScience
  • Synthesis of sequential polypeptides containing O-phospho-L-serine
    H. Yamamoto, A. Saitoh, and K. Ohkawa
    Macromol. Biosci., 3(7), 354-363, 2003WebofScience
  • Photoresponsive peptide and polypeptide systems 15: Synthesis of photo-crosslinkable poly(amino acid)s by watery process and its application as a reinforcement for polyion complex fibers
    K. Ohkawa, K. Shoumura, Y. Shirakabe, and H. Yamamoto
    J. Mater. Sci., 38(15), 3191-3197, 2003WebofScience
  • Chiral biomineralization: Mirror-imaged helical growth of calcite with chiral phosphoserine copolypeptides
    T. Sugawara, Y. Suwa, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Rapid Commun., 24(14), 847-851, 2003WebofScience
  • Green mussel Perna viridis L.: Attachment behaviour and preparation of antifouling surfaces
    A. Nishida, K. Ohkawa, I. Ueda, and H. Yamamoto
    Biomol. Eng., 20(4-6), 381-387, 2003WebofScience
  • Preparation of polyion complex capsule and fiber of chitosan and gellan-sulfate at aqueous interface
    H. Yamamoto, K. Ohkawa, E. Nakamura, K. Miyamoto, and T. Komai
    Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 76(10), 2053-2057, 2003WebofScience
  • Attachment strength of an adhesive nuisance mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, against water flow
    K. Nagaya, Y. Matsui, H. Ohira, A. Yuasa, H. Yamamoto, K. Ohkawa, and Y. Magara
    Biofouling, 17(1), 263-274, 2002
  • Effectiveness of antifouling coatings and waterflow in controlling attachment of nuisance mussel, Limnoperna fortunei
    Y. Matsui, K. Nagaya, G. Funahashi, Y. Goto, A. Yuasa, H. Yamamoto, K. Ohkawa, and Y. Magara
    Biofouling, 18(2), 137-148, 2002
  • 水溶液界面における高分子複合体形成による多目的新素材の創成
    大川浩作, 山本浩之
    接着, 46(2), 70-75, 2002
  • Tissue adhesive using synthetic model adhesive proteins inspired by the marine mussel
    H. Yamamoto, H. Tatehata, and K. Ohkawa
    Abstract Book; International Conference on Advances of Biomaterials for Reconstructive Medicine (Capli, Italy, June 9-14, 2002), 153-154, 2002
  • Self-assembling fibers formed at aqueous solution interfaces
    K. Ohkawa, A. Nishida, H. Shirai, and H. Yamamoto
    Proceeding of International Conference for Inauguration of The Society Of Textile Scientists and Engineers, Asia (SOTSEA), (Yengnam University, Daegu, Korea, August 21-23, 2002), 327-330, 2002
  • Silk-like poly(amino acid) fibers formed by self-assembly at aqueous solution interfaces
    M. Hachisu, T. Sugawara, A. Nishida, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials (Shinshu University, Ueda, Japan, November 10-12, 2002), 70, 2002
  • Quinone cross-linked polysaccharide hybrid fiber
    Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials (Shinshu University, Ueda, Japan, November 10-12, 2002), 77, 2002
  • イガイ類接着物質の化学
    Sessile Organisms, 19(2), 107-110, 2002
  • Preparing chitosan-poly(acrylic acid) composite fibers by self-assembly at an aqueous solution interface
    K. Ohkawa, M. Ando, Y. Shirakabe, Y. Takahashi, M. Yamada, H. Shirai, and H. Yamamoto
    Tex. Res. J., 72(2), 120-124, 2002WebofScience
  • UV-irradiated DNA matrixes selectively bind endocrine disruptors with a planar structure
    M. Yamada, K. Kato, M. Nomizu, K. Ohkawa, H. Yamamoto, and N. Nishi
    Environ. Sci. Technol., 36(5), 949-954, 2002WebofScience
  • Preparation and characterization of DNA films induced by UV irradiation
    M. Yamada, K. Kato, M. Nomizu, N. Sakairi, K. Ohkawa, H. Yamamoto, and N. Nishi
    Chem. Eur. J., 8(6), 1407-1412, 2002WebofScience
  • Water-soluble polypeptides at aqueous interface produce extensible silk-like fiber
    Y. Takahashi, M. Hachisu, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Rapid Commun., 23(9), 540-543, 2002WebofScience
  • UV-Irradiated DNA matrix selectively accumulates heavy metal ions
    M. Yamada, K.Kato, M. Nomizu, M. Haruki, K. Ohkawa, H. Yamamoto, and N. Nishi
    Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 75(7), 1627-1632, 2002WebofScience
  • Attachment strength of Limnoperna fortunei on substrates, and their surface properties
    Y. Matsui;K. Nagaya;A. Yuasa;H. Naruto;H. Yamamoto;K. Ohkawa;Y. Magara
    Biofouling, 17(1), 29-39, 2001
  • 自然に学ぶ複合材料の創成
    大川浩作, 山本浩之
    日本接着学会誌, 37(4), 157-163, 2001
  • Multipurpose polyion complex fibers formed by self-assembly at aqueous solution interfaces
    K. Ohkawa, A. Nishida, Y. Takahashi, M. Yamada, H. Shirai, and H. Yamamoto
    Proceeding of The 6th Asian Textile Conference (Hong Kong, China), CD-ROM, S5, 2001
  • Polyion complex fiber and capsule formed by self-assembly of poly-L-lysine and gellan at solution interfaces
    H. Yamamoto, C. Horita, Y. Senoo, A. Nishida, and K. Ohkawa
    J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 79(3), 437-446, 2001WebofScience
  • Polyion complex fiber and capsule formed by self-assembly of chitosan and poly(alpha,L-glutamic acid) at solution interfaces
    K. Ohkawa, Y. Takahashi, M. Yamada, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Mater. Eng., 286(3), 168-175, 2001WebofScience
  • Photoresponsive Peptide and Polypeptide Systems, 14: Biodegradation of photocrosslinkable copolypeptide hydrogels containing L-ornithine and delta-7-coumaryloxyacetyl-L-ornithine
    K. Ohkawa, K. Shoumura, M. Yamada, A. Nishida, H. Shirai, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 1(4), 149-156, 2001WebofScience
  • Lysyl oxidase-catalyzed cross-linking and insolubilization reactions of Lys-containing polypeptides and synthetic adhesive proteins
    K. Ohkawa, K. Fujii, A. Nishida, T. Yamauchi, H. Ishibashi, and H. Yamamoto
    Biomacromolecules, 2(3), 773-779, 2001WebofScience
  • UV-irradiation-induced DNA immobilization and functional utilization of DNA on nonwoven cellulose fabric
    M. Yamada, K. Kato, K. Shindo, M. Nomizu, M. Haruki, N. Sakairi, K. Ohkawa, H. Yamamoto, and N. Nishi
    BIOMATERIALS, 22(23), 3121-3126, 2001WebofScience
  • Tissue adhesive using synthetic model adhesive proteins inspired by the marine mussel
    H. Tatehata, A. Mochizuki, K. Ohkawa, M. Yamada, and H. Yamamoto
    J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 15(9), 1003-1013, 2001WebofScience
  • Synthesis and surface chemical properties of adhesive protein of the Asian freshwater mussel, Limnoperna fortunei
    K. Ohkawa, K. Ichimiya, A. Nishida, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Biosci., 1(9), 376-386, 2001WebofScience
  • Adsorption of endocrine disruptors and related compounds using natural polymer composite fibers formed by polyion complexes
    Y. Takahashi, K. Ohkawa, M. Ando, M. Yamada, and H. Yamamoto
    Macromol. Mater. Eng., 286(12), 733-736, 2001WebofScience
  • Accumlation and removal of heavy metal ion by insolubilized-DNA and its interaction
    Masanori Yamada, Kozue Kato, Motoyoshi Nomizu, Nobuo Sakairi, Kousaku Ohkawa, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, and Norio Nishi
    Nucleic Acids, Symp. Series, 44, 221-222, 2000
  • Preparation of insolubilized-DNA film with three-dimensional network and removal of endocrine disruptors
    Masanori Yamada, Kozue Kato, Motoyoshi Nomizu, Nobuo Sakairi, Kousaku Ohkawa, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, and Norio Nishi
    Nucleic Acids, Symp. Series, 44, 255-256, 2000
  • Characteristics of marine adhesive proteins and preparation of antifouling surfaces for the sessile animals
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Ayako Nishida, Hiroshi Sogabe, Yoshihiro Sakai, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    Sessile Organisms, 17(1), 13-22, 2000
  • Oxidative reaction and conformational studies on synthetic sequential polypeptides of mussel adhesive proteins
    H. Tatehata, A. Mochizuki, T. Kawashima, S. Yamashita, K. Ohkawa, and H. Yamamoto
    Curr. Trends Polym. Sci, 5, 91-96, 2000
  • Multipurpose polyion complex fibers formed by polypeptides and polysaccharides
    K. Ohkawa, A. Nishida, and H. Yamamoto
    38th Macromolecular IUPAC Symposium (Warsaw, Poland), 754, 2000
  • New type polypeptide fibers formed by self-assembly at aqueous interfaces
    H. Yamamoto, Y. Senoo, C. Horita, A. Nishida, Y. Takahashi, and K. Ohkawa
    Abstract: 10th International Wool Textile Research Conference (Aachen, Germany), 187-188, 2000
  • Salmon sperm DNA as a functional polymer to remove endocrine disruptors
    M. Yamada, A. Watabe, S. Satoh, K. Kato, M. Nomizu, K. Ohkawa, H. Yamamoto, and N. Nishi
    Salmon sperm DNA as a functional polymer to remove Salmon Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Green Polymers (Bandung-Bogor, Indonesia), 134-140, 2000
  • Self-assembling capsule and fiber formations of polyion complexes of chitosan and poly(alpha,L-glutamic acid)
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Yae Takahashi, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    Macromol. Rapid. Commun., 21(5), 223-225, 2000WebofScience
  • Synthesis and wettability characteristics of model adhesive protein sequences inspired by a marine mussel
    Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Yoshihiko Sakai, and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Biomacromolecules, 1(4), 543-551, 2000WebofScience
  • Biodegradation of chitosan-gellan and poly(L-lysine)-gellan polyion complex fibers by pure cultures of soil filamentous fungi
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Masanori Yamada, Ayako Nishida, Norio Nishi, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    J. Polym. Environ., 8(2), 59-66, 2000WebofScience
  • 天然高分子ヒドロゲル、繊維、カプセルの形成と生分解
    大川浩作, 建畠秀樹, 山本浩之
    高分子論文集, 56(10), 583-596, 1999
  • Preparation and characteristics of polyion complex fiber from chitosan and gellan gum
    H. Yamamoto, Y. Senoo, and K. Ohkawa
    Proceedings: International conference on advanced fiber materials (Ueda, Japan), 375-376, 1999
  • Properties of polyion complex fiber from poly-L-lysine and gellan gum
    K. Ohkawa, C. Horita, Y. Senoo, and H. Yamamoto
    Proceedings: International conference on advanced fiber materials (Ueda, Japan), 377-378, 1999
  • Control efficacy of the Asian freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei for coating and materials
    M. Matsui, K. Nagaya, A. Yuasa, H. Yamamoto, K. Ohkawa, and Y. Managa
    9th International zebra mussel and aquatic nuisance species conference, 61, 1999
  • Chemical structure of adhesive protein from the Asian freshwater mussel, Limnoperna fortunei
    K. Ohkawa, H. Tatehata, A. Nishida, and H. Yamamoto
    7th SPSJ International polymer conference; Preprints, 334, 1999
  • Formation and biodegradation of natural polymer hydrogels, fibers, and capsules
    Ohkawa, K; Tatehata, H; Yamamoto, H
    KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU, 56(10), 583-596, 1999WebofScience
  • Purification and characterization of a Dopa-containing protein from the foot of the Asian freshwater mussel, Limnoperna fortunei
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Ayako Nishida, Kengo Ichimiya, Yoshihiko Matsui, Keiji Nagaya, Akira Yuasa, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    Biofouling, 14(3), 181-188, 1999WebofScience
  • Synthesis of poly(O-phospho-L-serine) and its structure in aqueous solution
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Arihiro Saitoh, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    Macromol. Rapid. Commun, 20(12), 619-621, 1999WebofScience
  • Photoresponsive peptide and polypeptide systems. 13. Photoinduced cross-linked gel and biodegradation properties of copoly(L-lysine) containing epsilon-7-coumaryloxyacetyl-L-lysine residues
    Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kitsuki, Ayako Nishida, K. Asada, and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Macromolecules, 32(4), 1055-1061, 1999WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Studies on fouling by the freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei and the antifouling effects of low energy surfaces
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Ayako Nishida, Reiko Honma, Yoshihiko Matsui, Keiji Nagaya, Akira Yuasa, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    Biofouling, 13(4), 337-350, 1999WebofScience
  • Wettability and adhesion of marine and related adhesive proteins
    H. Yamamoto;A. Nishida;K. Ohkawa
    Colloids and Surfaces A, 149(1-3), 553-559, 1999WebofScience
  • Adhesion characteristics of marine adhesive proteins and preparation of antifouling surfaces toward the sessile animals
    H. Yamamoto, A. Nishida, H. Sogabe, Y. Sakai, H. Tatehata, and K. Ohkawa
    4th European Conference on Adhesion (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany), Book of Abstracts, 195-197, 1998
  • Biodegradation of ornithine-containing polylysine hydrogels
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Tomohiro Kitsuki, Masato Amaike, Hideki Saitoh, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto
    BIOMATERIALS, 19(20), 1855-1860, 1998WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Structure, synthesis and surface characteristics of marine adhesive proteins
    H. Yamamoto;M. Asai;H. Tatehata;K. Ohkawa
    Peptide Chem., 1995, 349-352, 1996
  • Adhesion and wettability of marine adhesive proteins in aqueous systems
    H. Yamamoto;T. Ogawa;S. Ohara;A. Nishida;Y. Hirata;H. Tatehata;K. Ohkawa
    J. Adhesion, 59(1-4), 17-24, 1996WebofScience
  • Wettability and adhesion of synthetic marine adhesive proteins and related model compounds
    Hiroyuki Yamamoto;Takahiro Ogawa;Kousaku Ohkawa
    J. Colloid and Interface Science, 176(1), 111-116, 1995WebofScience
  • ふねがい科カリガネエガイの付着生態と接着タンパク質の研究
    付着生物研究, 10(2), 1-5, 1994
  • アコヤガイの接着タンパク質に関する研究―II
    付着生物研究, 10(1), 1-10, 1993
  • 接着タンパク質モデル化合物水溶液の種々の固体表面における接着仕事
    日本接着学会誌, 29(8), 345-352, 1993
  • Synthesis of adhesive protein from the vitellaria of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica
    Hiroyuki Yamamoto;Kousaku Ohkawa
    Amino Acids, 5(1), 71-75, 1993WebofScience
    JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 156(2), 515-517, 1993WebofScience


  • 水生昆虫由来のシルク様繊維をつくるタンパク質
    大川浩作, 野村隆臣
    繊維学会誌, 74(1), P-26-P-29, 2018
  • Nanofibers of cellulose and its derivatives fabricated using direct electrospinning
    Ohkawa K
    Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 20(5), 9139-9154, 2015
  • トビケラ目昆虫類の大量飛来時期の高精度予測手関の開発
    平林公男, 大川浩作, 荒井亮一, 野村隆臣, 塚田益裕, 阿部康次
    昆虫と自然, 50(8), 42-45, 2015
  • 〈今,新しいシルクの話(3)〉二枚貝が作るシルク繊維の伝承文化と繊維材料化学との‘Cloth‐Over’
    繊維学会誌, 71(4), 169-175, 2015
  • 〈信州大学先鋭領域融合研究群国際ファイバー工学研究所〉バイオ・メディカルファイバー研究部門
    大川浩作, 水野正浩, 荒木潤, 玉田靖, 西川敦
    繊維学会誌, 71(7), 335-338, 2015
  • エレクトロスピニング法による天然高分子ナノファイバー創出と応用について.
    繊維学会誌, 69(5), 139-144, 2013
  • バイオ接着剤としてのイガイ類接着タンパク質
    大川浩作, 山本浩之
    日本ゴム協会第64回接着分科会招待講演 2009年1月29日, 東京, 2009
  • 天然高分子のエレクトロスピニングとその応用について
    セルロース学会関東支部ミニシンポジウムセルロース素材の新展開―バイオマス生産技術から新素材開発まで-招待講演, pp.6, 2009
  • セルロースおよびキトサンのエレクトロスピニングとその応用
    加工技術, 44, 353-360, 2009
  • セルロースとキトサン粉末からエレクトロスピニングによりナノ繊維不織布を創製する新技術の開発
    Web Journal, 90, 34-37, 2008
  • 新たな医療用接着剤として実用化が期待される合成海洋接着タンパク質関連化合物の創成
    大川浩作, 山本浩之
    Web Journal, 91, 41-44, 2008
  • 天然・生体関連高分子のエレクトロスピニング
    繊維学会誌, 64(1), 98-106, 2008
  • バイオ接着剤の開発動向と応用・展望
    工業材料, 55(9), 29-33, 2007
  • Preparation of chitosan nanofiber via electrospinning
    K. Ohkawa;S. Hayashi;K. I-. Minato;A. Nishida;H. Yamamoto
    Proceedinds of Textile Futures Conference (August 21-23, 2006 at Manchester Conference Centre, Universitu of Manchester, Manchester, UK), CD-ROM in press-, 2006
  • イガイ由来の天然接着物質
    日本接着学会誌, 42(8), 334-340, 2006
  • Preparation of non-woven fabrics of chitosan by elecctrospinning
    K. Ohkawa;D. Cha;H. Kim;H. Yamamoto
    Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials, Ueda, Japan, 94-95, 2005
  • Sulphur-containing polypeptide fibres formed by self-assembly at aqueous solution interfaces
    H. Yamamoto;D. Satoyoshi;A. Nishida;K. Ohkawa
    11th International Wool Textile Conference, Sept. 4-11, Leeds, UK, Abstract:, 184-, 2005
  • Encapsulation of Myosin, Actin, and Actomyosin into Polyion Complex (PIC) Capsules and Their Properties
    Sugiura K.;Ohkawa K.;Hirai T.;Yamamoto H.;Fujii T.
    Proceeding of 3nd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials, 107-108, 2005
  • Bio-inspired poly(amino acid) hybrid fiber
    K. Ohkawa;A. Nishida;H. Yamamoto
    International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Abstract Viewer:, Program No. 1353, -, 2005
  • Enzymatically crosslinkable poly(amino acid) hybrid fiber
    K. Ohkawa;H. Tonegawa;D. Satoyoshi;A. Nishida;H. Yamamoto
    Proceedings of 5th China International Silk Conference (Suzhou, Jiangu-Tai'an, Shandong, P. R. China, Sept. 21-24), 369-371, 2004
  • 水・光・天然高分子を用いる生分解性機能材料の創成と実用化
    平成13-15年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(2) 研究成果報告書, -, 2004
  • Creation of a new textile meterial from natural polysaccharides, chitosan and gellan
    H. Tonegawa;K. Kaneda;Y. Kuboe;A.Nishida;K. Ohkawa;H. Yamamoto
    Proceedings of Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Textile, JCK-P39, 96-, 2004
  • Preparation and characteristics of polysaccharide hyrid capsules by self-assembled polyelectrolytes
    H. Yamamoto;E. Nakamura;T. Kitagawa;A. Nishida;K. Ohkawa
    Proceedings of World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004 (Paris, France, July 4-9), CD-ROM L718, 2 pages-, 2004
  • Biomimetic Quinone Cross-linked Polysaccharide Hybrid Fiber
    H. Yamamoto;Y. Kuboe;H. Tonegawa;A. Nishida;K. Ohkawa
    Proceedings of 43rd Microsymposium Polymer Biomaterials; Biomimetic and Bioanalogaous Systems (Prague, Chech Republic, July 11-15), PC03, -, 2004
  • Abstruct: Green mussel Perna viridis L: Adhesive protein, attachment behaviors and preparation of antifouling surfaces
    K. Ohkawa;A. Nishida;H. Yamamoto
    Marine Biotechnology: Basics and Applications (Matalascanas, Spain, Feb. 25- March 1), 29-, 2003
  • New type of polypeptide fibers formed by self-assembly at aqueous solution interfaces
    H. Yamamoto;Y. Senoo;C. Horita;A. Nishida;Y. Takahashi;K. Ohkawa
    Proceedings of The 10th International Wool Textile Research Conference (Aachen, Germany), SF-P2, 1-8, 2000
  • Wettability and adhesion of marine and related adhesive proteins
    H. Yamamoto;A. Nishida;K. Ohkawa
    9th International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science (Sofia), Book of Abstracts, 457-, 1997
  • Quinine crosslinking marine adhesion mechanism and antifouling surfaces towards the mussel and barnacle
    H. Yamamoto;A. Nishida;K. Ohkawa;H. Tsukamoto
    4th International Marine Biology Conference (Sorrento), Abstracts, 347-, 1997

Books and other publications

  • 繊維のスマート化技術大系
    大川浩作, 野村隆臣, 第4章第2節 タンパク質からなる生物繊維
    株式会社NTS, 192-198 2018
  • 鏡面・界面技術ハンドブック
    大川浩作, 水のなかでくっつくには
    株式会社 NTS, 91-96 2016
  • キチン・キトサンの最新科学技術 機能性ファイバーと先端試料材料
    大川浩作, エレクトロスピ二ングによるキトサンナノファイバーの製造と応用
    技報堂出版, 31-51 2016
  • Limnoperna fortunei, invading nature - springer series in invasion ecology 10
    K. Ohkawa, T. Nomura, Control of Limnoperna fortunei fouling: Antifouling materials and coatings
    Springer International Publishing: Switzerland, 395-415 2015
  • Biotechnology of silk, biologically-Inspired system 5
    K, Ohkawa K, Nomura T, Arai R, Tsukada M, Hirabayashi, K Abe, Characterization of underwater silk proteins from caddisfly larva, Stenopsyche marmorata,
    Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 107-122 2014
  • エレクトロスピニング法によるセルロースナノ繊維作成技術.
    大川浩作, セルロースナノファイバーの樹脂への分散技術と応用事例
    技術情報協会, 96-108 2012
  • 接着・解体技術総覧—資源・環境・エネルギー
    大川浩作, 山本浩之, バイオ接着剤
    NGTコーポレーション, 316-323 2011
  • 機能性繊維の最新技術, 第2章 高機能・高性能繊維の製造・加工技術
    大川浩作, エレクトロスピニングによる天然・生体関連高分子微細繊維材料の創出
    シーエムシー出版, 37-50 2009
  • 松本章一監修, 接着とはく離のための高分子-開発と応用, 第2編,第6章,
    大川浩作・山本浩之, バイオ接着剤
    シーエムシー出版, 122-136 2006
  • Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Second Edition Volume 6
    H. Yamamoto;K. Ohkawa, Polypeptide Behavior at Interfaces
    Taylor&Francis Group, New York, 5023-5034 2006
  • Chapter 29
    Kousaku Ohkawa and Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Single work, Modifications of Proteins and Poly(amino acids) by Enzymatic and Chemical Methods
    Biotechnology of Biopolymers Vol. 2 -From Synthesis to Patents- Edited by Alexander Steinbu¨chel and Yoshiharu Doi, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Germany, 843-871頁 2005
  • Chapter 15
    K. Ohkawa and H. Yamamoto, Joint work, Modification of Proteins and Poly(amino acids) by Enzymatic and Chemical Methods
    Biopolymers Vol. 7, A. Steinbuchel and S. R. Fahnestock, eds. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 465-493頁 2003
  • Polypeptide Behavior at Interfaces
    H. Yamamoto and K. Ohkawa, Joint work
    Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, A. Hubbard, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 4242-4254 2002
    H. Yamamoto;T. Ogawa;S. Ohara;A. Nishida;Y. Hirata;H. Tatehata;K. Ohkawa, Adhesion and Wettability of Marine Adhesive Proteins in Aqueous Solutions
    Gordon and Breach Sci. Pub., Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 831-838 1997

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Novel Liquid Embolic Material for the use of Endovascular Treatment: A hydrophilic polymer composite activated by the Ca2+ in the blood
    Ichiro Yuki, Kousaku Ohkawa, Shuichi Suzuki, Frank Hsu
    16th Annual Meeting, Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery, Jul. 2019
  • Novel Liquid Embolic Material for the Use of Endovascular Treatment: An Organic Polymer Composite Activated by the Ca2+ in the Blood
    Ichiro Yuki, Kousaku Ohkawa, Shuichi Suzuki, Frank Hsu
    5th European Stroke Organization Conference, May 2019
  • The New Generation Liquid Embolic Agent for the Use of Neuro-Endovascular Treatment
    Shuichi Suzuki, Ichiro Yuki, Kousaku Ohkawa, Frank Hsu
    16th Annual World Congress of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics in Los Angeles, Mar. 2019
  • Towards nanoweaving
    Nachiketa, B.K Behera, Hideaki Morikawa, Ick Soo Kim, Akio Sakaguchi, Chunhong Zhu, Kousaku Ohkawa
    The 44th Textile Research Symposium, 2016
  • A Bio-inspired Fiber Composed of Derivatized Natural Polymers and Oxidative Enzyme
    Ohkawa K
    Korean Sosciety of Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2015 Spring Meeting and International Symposium, Apr. 2015
  • Biochemical Characterization of Stenopsyche marmorata Silk Gland Proteins, Smsp-1 and Smsp-4
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Kimio Hirabayashi, Masuhiro Tsukada, Koji Abe
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2014 (ISF 2014), Sep. 2014
  • Direct solubilization of phosphorylated proteins from larval adhesive net of caddisfly, Stenopsyche marmorata
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Kimio Hirabayashi, Masuhiro Tsukada, Koji Abe
    International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives PP05-06, May 2014
  • Byssus precursor proteins from asian freshwater mussel, Limnoperna fortunei
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Masakazu Hachisu, Takaomi Nomura
    International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives PP05-07, May 2014
  • Bio-nanofibers –Fabrication and Engineering–
    Kousaku Ohkawa
    The International Textile Conference 2013, 2013
  • Underwater silk from aquatic insect, Stenopsyche marmmorata.
    Kousaku Ohkawa
    The China-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Advanced Functional Nanofibers, 2013
  • Characterization and nanofiber fabrication of underwater silk protein from Stenopsyche marmorata
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi
    245th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Spring 2013, 2013
  • Repetitive sequential motifs of underwater silk protein from caddisfly, Stenopsyche marmorata.
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Yumi Miura, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Kimio Hirabayashi, Masuhiro Tsukada, and Koji Abe
    American Chemical Society, National Meething, 2012 Spring, 2012
  • Underwater silk fibers–Biochemical natures for novel textile technology.
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Yumi Miura, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Koji Abe, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi
    9th Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnogy Conference, 2012
  • Isolation of silk proteins from a caddisfly larva, Stenopsyche marmorata.
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Takaomi Nomura, Ryoichi Arai, Koji Abe, Masuhiro Tsukada and Kimio Hirabayashi
    Textile Bioengneering Informatics Symposium 2012, 2012
  • Synthesis of peptide-cellulose conjugate mediated by a aoluble cellulose derivative having -Ala esters—Conjugates with O-phospho-L-serine-containing peptides.
    Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Textile Bioengneering Informatics Symposium 2012, 2012
  • Chemical modifications of electrospun non-woven hydroxypropyl cellulose fabrics for immobilization of aminoacylase-I.
    Viswanathamurthi Periasamy, Kesavan Devarayan, Masakazu Hachisu, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    Textile Bioengneering Informatics Symposium 2012, 2012
  • Electrospinning of bio-related polymers and their applications
    Kousaku Ohkawa
    11th Asian Textile Conference, 2011, Invited
  • Synthesis of cellulose–peptide conjugates containing O-phosho-L-serine
    Kesavan Dearayan and Kousaku Ohkawa
    4th International Symposium on High-Tech Fiber Engineering for Young Researchers, 2011
  • Enzyme immobilization onto composite electrospun non-woven fabrics of cellulose and chitosan
    Masahiro Miyamoto, Kesavan Devarayan, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    11th Asian Textile Conference, 2011
  • Synthesis of novel cellulose–peptide conjugate containing O-phospho-L-serine
    Kesavan Devarayan, Jun Araki and Kousaku Ohkawa
    11th Asian Textile Conference, 2011
  • Novel Nanofibers from Cellulose and Chitosan
    K. Ohkawa
    5th Nagoya University - UCLA International Symposium, Shinshu University - Nagoya University Global COE Joint Symposium in Ueda, 2010, Invited
  • Design and Synthesis of Cellulose-Protected Peptide Conjugates using β -Ala-Cellulose
    T. Hayashi, M. Nishibayashi, J. Araki, K. Ohkawa
    International Conference of Future Textile 2010, 2010
  • N-Terminus Labeling of Hydrophobic Poly(L-amino acid)s for Estimation of Number Average Molecular Weights
    S. Nakagami, J. Araki, K. Ohkawa
    International Conference of Future Textile 2010, 2010
  • Preparation of Electrospun Non-woven Fabrics from Cationic Derivative of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose and Enzyme Immobilization
    K. Devarayani, V. Periasamy, J. Araki, K. Ohkawa
    International Conference of Future Textile 2010, 2010
  • Development of electrospun non-woven fabrics from natural polysaccharides and their applications
    Kousaku Ohkawa, Jun Araki, Ayako Nishida and Bijoy K. Behera
    39th Textile Research Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology, 2010
  • Synthesis of modified polyrotaxanes having functional pendant groups or long side chains
    Jun Araki, Keisuke Kagaya, Naoto Tsukamoto and Kousaku Ohkawa
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, 2010
  • Drug releasing properties of electrospun non-woven fabrics prepared from cellulose and chitosan
    Kousaku Ohkawa and Jun Araki
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, 2010
  • Preparation of bamboo cellulose nanofiber and its composite with chitosan via electrospinning
    Hirokatsu Hanaoka, Kousaku Ohkawa, Jun Araki and Bijoy K. Behera
    39th Textile Research Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology, 2010
  • Protein composition in silk gland of caddisfly, Stenopsyche marmorata, larva
    Ohkawa, K.., Nomura., T., Arai, R., Abe. K.., Tsukada., M., Hirabayashi, K.
    Abstract: The 14th International Symposium on River and Lake Environments, Aug 28-31, 2009, Ueda, Japan, 2009
  • Preparation of cellulose and chitosan nanofibers via electrospinning
    Ohkawa, K., Araki, J.
    Polysaccharides as a Source of Advanced Materials (EPNOE2009), Sept 21-24, 2009, Turku, Finland, 2009
  • Synthesis and characterization of polyrotaxane/amino acid conjugates: Attachment and subsequent deprotection of amino acid side chains
    Araki, J., Kagaya, K., Ohkawa, K.
    Abstract: Frontiers in Polymer Science, June 7-9, 2009, Mainz, Germany, 2009
  • Characterization of electrospun non-woven fabrics prepared from cellulose-chitosan composite
    Hanaoka, K., Nishida, A., Araki, J., Ohkawa, K.
    The 10th Asian Textile Conference, Sept 7-9, 2009, Ueda, Japan, 2009
  • Immobilization of Aminoaclyrase I onto cationic derivative of hydroxypropyl cellulose-electrospun non-woven fabric
    Periasamy, V., Nishida, A., Araki, J., Ohkawa, K.
    Proceedings of International Nanofiber Symposium 2009, June 18-20, 2009, Tokyo, Japan, 2009
  • Synthesis of peptide-chitosan conjugates for novel adhesive materials
    Koizumi, K., Nishibayashi, M., Nishida, A., Araki, J., Ohkawa, K.
    The 10th Asian Textile Conference, Sept 7-9, 2009, Ueda, Japan, 2009
  • Characterization of electrospun non-woven fabrics prepared from hydroxypropyl cellulose
    Ohkawa, K., Periasamy, V., Nishida, A., Araki, J.
    The 10th Asian Textile Conference, Sept 7-9, 2009, Ueda, Japan, 2009
  • Preparation of cationic polyrotaxanes via deprotection of polyrotaxane-amino acid conjugates with controlled degree of substitution
    Kagaya, K., Ohkawa, K., Araki, J.
    The 10th Asian Textile Conference, Sept 7-9, 2009, Ueda, Japan, 2009
  • Crystal Grouth of Hydroxyapatite on Electrospun Composite Fine Fibers Containing Synthetic Phosphorylated Polypeptides, Cellulose and Gelatin
    K. Ohkawa, M. Yamaguchi, H. Yamamoto, S. Kurata, S. Kimoto, H. Shinji
    Bioceramics 22: 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, 2009
  • Morphology and histochemical analysis on adhesive plaque of Perna viridis byssus: The proteins responsible for underwater adhesion
    Imai, T., Ohkawa, K.
    Proceedings of The 2nd International Student Joint Symposium on High-Tech Fiber Engineering 2008, Aug 6-9, Ueda, Japan, 2008
  • Preparation of High Molecular Weight Chitosan Nanofiberand Characterization of the Non-woven Fabrics, Preprints
    S. Hayashi, K. Ohkawa
    2nd International Student Joint Symposium on High-Tech Fiber Engineering 2008, 2008
  • Synthesis of Peptide-Chitosan Conjugates Containing Disulfide and Quinone-type Cross-linking Functional Groups
    K. Koizumi, J. Araki, K. Ohkawa
    2nd International Student Joint Symposium on High-Tech Fiber Engineering 2008, 2008
  • Electrospining of Chitosan Nanofiber
    S. Hayashi, K. Ohkawa
    10th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC10), 2007
  • Electrospinning of High Molecular Weight Chitosan and Characterization of the Non-woven Fabrics
    S. Hayashi, K. Ohkawa
    4th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials 2007 in Ueda (ICAFTM2007), 2007
  • Preparation of Pure Cellulose Nanofiber via Electrospinning
    K. Ohkawa, J. Ducruex, A. Nishida, S. Hayashi, H. Yamamoto
    ALTEX’2007-Global Networking on Textile Innovation and Exchange, 2007
  • Electrospun Chitosan Nanofiber
    K. Ohkawa
    International Nanofibers Symposium 268, 2007
  • エレクトロスピニングによるキトサンナノ繊維の作成
    大川浩作;熊谷 郷;湊 健一;亀山直人;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 55 1 2099-, 2006
  • 骨格筋および低分子量タンパク質のポリイオンコンプレックス (PIC) カプセルの導入と性質
    高分子学会予稿集 55 1 2169-, 2006
  • ミドリイガイ足糸の先端接着円盤を形成するタンパク質
    第13回日本付着生物学会研究集会講演予稿集, 2006
  • エレクトロスピニング法におけるポリ-gamma-ベンジルグルタミン酸のコンホメーション変化
    湊 健一;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 55 2 4872-, 2006
  • ミドリイガイ接着タンパク質の接着機能部位におけるアミノ酸配列
    高分子学会予稿集 55 2 4873-, 2006
  • リン酸化ヒドロキシプロリンを含む規則配列型ポリペプチドの合成
    亀山直人;林 新矢;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 55 2 4874-, 2006
  • 生物硬組織の有機基質モデルポリペプチドを用いる炭酸カルシウム結晶化
    林 新矢;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 55 2 5318-5319, 2006
  • ミドリイガイ足糸前駆体タンパク質の精製
    長井忠弘;大川浩作;西田綾子;John Herbert Waite;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2100-, 2005
  • キトサン-ジェラン多層膜の作成とその性質
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2099-, 2005
  • 筋肉タンパク質のポリイオンコンプレックス (PIC) カプセルへの導入と性質
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2095-, 2005
  • 酵素架橋部位を有するポリグルタミン酸誘導体の合成と複合繊維創製
    吉田優作;利根川 瞳;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2101-, 2005
  • ヒト毛髪タンパク質を導入した天然ファイバーの特性
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2097-, 2005
  • ポリ-γ-ベンジルグルタミン酸のエレクトロスピニング
    湊 健一;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2098-, 2005
  • ポリグルタミン酸およびポリリシンの固体表面への吸着に関する動的解析
    高分子学会予稿集 54 1 2102-, 2005
  • ヒト毛髪タンパク質入り天然ファイバーの作製と分解性
    平尾 嘉利;大川 浩作;山本浩之;藤井 敏弘
    日本感性工学会春期大会2005予稿集, 2005
  • 骨格筋ミオシン、アクトミオシンのカプセルへの導入と性質
    杉浦 宏輔;大川 浩作;平井 利博;山本 浩之;藤井 敏弘
    第7回日本感性工学大会予稿集2005, 2005
  • 海洋生物の付着機構ーイガイ類の接着物質の構造と機能ー
    (社)日本マリンエンジニアリング学会船底防汚塗料研究委員会第8回研究会講演要旨集 13-20, 2005
  • ミドリイガイの水系接着機構に関する研究
    高分子学会予稿集 54 2 5071-, 2005
  • ホスホスレオニンを含む規則配列型ポリペプチドの合成と炭酸カルシウム結晶成長
    林 新矢;諏訪由希枝;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 54 2 5070-, 2005
  • ホスホセリン含有ポリペプチドによる炭酸カルシウムの不斉結晶成長および牛歯上での生石灰化
    第38回高分子学会北海道支部研究発表会講演要旨集, 2004
  • ミドリイガイ足糸前駆体糖タンパク質
    第11回日本付着生物学会研究集会講演要旨集, 2004
  • ホスホセリン含有ポリペプチドによる炭酸カルシウム結晶の形態制御
    諏訪由希枝;;林 新矢;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 1 2010-, 2004
  • 硫酸化ジェラン-キトサン複合カプセルの作成と特性評価
    中村恵美;北川 武;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 1 2028-, 2004
  • ホスホスレオニン・アスパラギン酸共重合体の合成とバイオミネラリゼーション
    林 新矢;諏訪由希枝;菅原哲徳;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 1 2011-, 2004
  • 動的接触角測定によるポリアミノ酸水溶液の濡れ性
    会田健介;利根川 瞳;八須匡和;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 1 2025-, 2004
  • ヒト毛髪タンパク質導入ポリイオンコンプレックス (PIC) ファイバーの作製と性質
    高分子学会予稿集 53 5 2048-, 2004
  • A glycosylated byssal precursor protein from the green mussel Perna viridis
    K. Ohkawa;A. Nishida;J. H. Waite;H. Yamamoto
    Polym. Prepr. Jpn. 53 1 1839-, 2004
  • 酵素架橋多糖複合繊維
    繊維学会予稿集 59 1 294-, 2004
  • 酵素架橋部位を持つポリリシン誘導体の合成と繊維材料への応用
    利根川 瞳;大川浩作;山本浩之
    繊維学会予稿集 59 2 56-, 2004
  • 水溶液界面反応におけるハイブリッド天然多糖カプセルの作成とその特性
    中村恵美;北川 武;林 秀文;大川浩作;山本浩之
    日本接着学会第42回年次大会講演要旨集, 2004
  • 硫酸化ジェラン-キトサン複合繊維およびカプセル
    高分子学会予稿集 53 2 5233-, 2004
  • メチオニンおよびメチオニンスルホニウムを含むポリペプチドの繊維形成
    高分子学会予稿集 53 2 5231-, 2004
  • キトサンナノ繊維のエレクトロスピニング
    大川浩作;車 東一;中村恵美;西田綾子;金 學龍;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 2 5235-, 2004
  • リン酸化ポリアミノ酸存在下での炭酸カルシウムの結晶成長
    諏訪由希枝;;林 新矢;菅原哲徳;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 2 5234-, 2004
  • キノン架橋ポリ(L-リシン)-多糖複合繊維
    利根川 瞳;大川浩作;西田綾子;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 53 2 5230-, 2004
  • ヒト毛髪タンパク質入りポリイオンコンプレックス-ファイバーの創出に関する研究;
    平尾 嘉利;大川 浩作;山本 浩之;藤井 敏弘
    第6回日本感性工学大会予稿集2004, 2004
  • 天然高分子複合材料の創成
    産学交流ネットワーク2004, 2004
  • シンナモイルキトサンーポリアクリル酸複合繊維の光架橋による高強度化
    高分子学会予稿集 52 5 1015-, 2003
  • 水溶液界面より作成したポリアミノ酸複合繊維の構造および機械特性
    高分子学会予稿集 52 5 1016-, 2003
  • ホスホセリンとアスパラギン酸共重合体を用いたバイオミネラリゼーション
    高分子学会予稿集 52 5 1022-, 2003
  • ホスホセリン含有ポリペプチドの合成と生石灰化形成
    第34回中部化学関連学協会連合秋季大会講演予稿集, 2003
  • 硫酸化ジェランの合成と複合材料の作成
    中村恵美;北川 武;大川浩作;西田綾子;山本浩之
    第34回中部化学関連学協会連合秋季大会講演予稿集, 2003
  • メチオニンとリシンの共重合体を用いるハイブリッド繊維の創製
    第34回中部化学関連学協会連合秋季大会講演予稿集, 2003
  • テトラペプチドを側鎖に持つポリリシン誘導体の酵素架橋と繊維形成
    利根川 瞳;久保江美子;大川浩作;山本浩之
    第34回中部化学関連学協会連合秋季大会講演予稿集, 2003
  • ペプチド側鎖間の酵素架橋によるキトサン-ジェラン繊維の力学特性変化
    久保江美子;利根川 瞳;西田綾子;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 52 14 4076-, 2003
  • キトサン-ジェランカプセルの膜透過および生分解特性
    北川 武;中村恵美;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 52 14 4077-, 2003
  • Biodegradation of Electrospun Nanofiber of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) by Soil Filamentous Fungi
    K. Ohkawa;H. Y. Kim;K. H. Lee;H. Yamamoto
    Polym. Prepr. Jpn. 52 14 4332-, 2003
  • 酵素架橋反応を利用する複合繊維材料の高強度化
    大川浩作;久保江美子;利根川 瞳;西田綾子;山本浩之
    繊維学会予稿集 58 3 95-, 2003
  • ミドリイガイ接着タンパク質の精製とアミノ酸配列
    平成14年度(第9回)日本付着生物学会研究集会講演要旨集, 2002
  • 付着性海産二枚貝ミドリイガイ接着タンパク質の接着機能部位の同定
    高分子学会予稿集 51 5 936-, 2002
  • ポリアクリル酸─キトサン繊維の作成と光架橋反応による力学特性変化
    高分子学会予稿集 51 5 989-, 2002
  • 水溶液界面反応によるポリリシン─ポリグルタミン酸繊維の創成
    高分子学会予稿集 51 5 990-, 2002
  • キトサン─ジェランカプセルの作成と膜透過特性
    北川 武;久保江 美子;高橋八重;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 51 5 990-, 2002
  • キノン架橋によるポリイオンコンプレックス繊維の高強度化
    久保江 美子;北川 武;白壁由章;大川浩作;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 51 5 991-, 2002
  • ホスホセリン含有ポリペプチドの合成と素材開発
    高分子学会予稿集 51 5 991-, 2002
  • 水溶液界面反応によるキトサンハイブリッド材料の創成
    キチン・キトサン研究 8 2 136-137, 2002
  • キトサン─ポリアクリル酸複合繊維
    キチン・キトサン研究 8 2 150-151, 2002
  • ミドリイガイの付着挙動と接着タンパク質の分子構造
    高分子学会予稿集 51 14 3632-, 2002
  • 水溶液界面を利用する天然高分子複合繊維の紡糸を物性評価
    高分子学会予稿集 51 14 3633-, 2002
  • ホスホセリンを含む規則配列型ポリペプチドの合成
    高分子学会予稿集 50 5 944-, 2001
  • 接着タンパク質モデルペプチドを用いて被覆したキトサン複合材料の作成とその性質
    高分子学会予稿集 50 5 957-, 2001
  • ポリペプチドと多糖を用いた水溶液界面紡糸による繊維形成とその性質
    高分子学会予稿集 50 5 958-, 2001
  • ミドリイガイの表面改質基盤に対する付着挙動および接着タンパク質の精製
    平成13年度付着生物学会研究発表会予稿集, 2001
  • 水溶液界面における高分子複合体形成による多目的新素材の創成
    日本接着学会第39回年次大会講演要旨集, 2001
  • 表面改質基盤への海産大型付着生物の付着挙動
    高分子学会予稿集 50 14 3611-, 2001
  • 接着タンパク質を用いて被覆した天然高分子複合繊維の性質
    高分子学会予稿集 50 14 3612-, 2001
  • クマリン含有ポリペプチド機能材料の作成と生分解
    高分子学会予稿集 50 14 3613-, 2001
  • DNA複合材料による環境汚染物質の除去ー重金属から環境ホルモンまでー
    山田真路;渡部阿弥;佐藤秀哉;野水基義;大川浩作;山本浩之;西 則雄
    高分子学会予稿集 50 14 3812-3813, 2001
  • ポリアミノ酸ハイブリッド繊維の創成とその性質
    繊維学会予稿集 56 3 140-, 2001
  • イガイ類接着物質の化学
    平成13年付着生物学会シンポジウム-付着生物研究と電気事業, 2001
  • 接着タンパク質の表面特性に基づく生物付着忌避基盤の作成
    平成12年度付着生物学会要旨集, 2000
  • 天然高分子ポリイオンコンプレックス繊維の生分解
    繊維学会予稿集 55 180-, 2000
  • リシルオキシダーゼによるリシン含有ポリアミノ酸の架橋不溶化機構
    高分子学会予稿集 49 957-, 2000
  • ホスホセリンを含むポリペプチドの合成
    高分子学会予稿集 49 957-, 2000
  • ポリグルタミン酸とキトサンを用いたポリイオンコンプレックス繊維およびカプセルの形成とその性質
    高分子学会予稿集 49 958-, 2000
  • ポリアミノ酸および多糖からなるポリイオンコンプレックス繊維の生分解特性
    高分子学会予稿集 49 958-, 2000
  • 海洋および淡水系接着タンパク質の付着・接着機構に関する表面化学
    第38回日本接着学会年次大会, 2000
  • ホスホセリン含有ペプチドおよび規則配列型ポリペプチドの合成
    高分子学会予稿集 49 4094-4095, 2000
  • カチオン性ポリアミノ酸の光架橋ヒドロゲル形成と生分解
    高分子学会予稿集 49 4096-4097, 2000
  • 淡水棲二枚貝カワヒバリガイ接着タンパク質の合成と濡れ特性
    高分子学会予稿集 49 4092-4093, 2000
  • 生物由来高分子接着物質の研究と応用
    平成12年度付着生物学会シンポジウム, 2000
  • 紫外線照射による不溶化DNAの形成メカニズムに関する検討
    山田真路;加藤こずえ;野水基義;坂入信夫;大川浩作;山本浩之;西 則雄
    高分子学会予稿集 49 4150-4151, 2000
  • 不溶化DNA担体を用いた重金属イオンの集積・除去とその相互作用
    山田真路;加藤こずえ;野水基義;坂入信夫;大川浩作;山本浩之;西 則雄
    第27回核酸化学シンポジウム要旨集, 2000
  • 三次元ネットワーク不溶化DNAの調製と内分泌撹乱化学物質の除去
    山田真路;加藤こずえ;野水基義;坂入信夫;大川浩作;山本浩之;西 則雄
    第27回核酸化学シンポジウム要旨集, 2000
  • カワヒバリガイの接着タンパク質の精製とアミノ酸配列
    大川浩作;一宮謙吾;西田綾子;山本浩之;松井佳彦;長屋圭治;湯浅 晶
    平成11年度 (第6回) 付着生物学会研究発表会予稿集, 1999
  • 高強度キトサン繊維の開発
    繊維学会予稿集 1999 (G), 1999
  • ポリリシンとジェランガムを用いたポリイオンコンプレックスカプセルおよび繊維の性質
    大川浩作;西田綾子;堀田智賀子;妹尾由紀子 ;山本浩之
    高分子学会予稿集 48 556-, 1999
  • リシルオキシダーゼによる海洋接着タンパク質とそのモデル化合物の酵素酸化と不溶化反応
    藤井敬太;大川浩作;山本浩之;山内徹也;石橋 宏
    高分子学会予稿集 48 807-, 1999
  • 淡水産二枚貝カワヒバリガイ接着タンパク質の精製とその化学構造
    一宮謙吾;大川浩作;斉藤有弘;山本浩之;松井佳彦;長屋圭治;湯浅 晶
    高分子学会予稿集 48 808-, 1999
  • リン酸三カリウムと酵素を用いる食肉用接着
    山本浩之;大川浩作;西田綾子;山内徹也;石橋 宏
    日本接着学会第37回大会講演要旨集, 1999
  • 海生生物の接着メカニズムと防汚対策:淡水系を含めて
    日本材料学会腐食防食部門第213例会講演要旨集, 1999


  • (UG) Practical Course of Polymer Chemistry
    Shinshu University
  • (UG) Organic Chemisty IV - Natural Substances, Biochemisty II
    Shinshu University
  • (UG) Biochemisty II - Metabolic Mechanisms and Chemical Physiology
    Shinshu University
  • (UG) Environmental Chemisty of Natural Resources
    Shinshu University
  • (UG) Bachlor Thesis
    Shinshu University
  • (UG) Sience English
    Shinshu University
  • (MC) Natural Product Chemistry
    Shinshu University
  • (MC) Exercises on Polymer Synthesis I&II
    Shinshu University
  • (MC) Specific Experiments on Polymer Synthesis I&II
    Shinshu University
  • (DC) Advanced Organic Chemisty of Biological Materials
    Shinshu University

Affiliated academic society

  • American Chemical Society
  • Society of Polymer Science, Japan
  • Chemical Society of Japan
  • Fiber Society of Japan
  • Society of Marine Biotechnology
  • Society of Sessile Organisms
  • Society of Developmental Biology, Japan

Research Themes

  • 天然高分子繊維の開発・複合材料化・生分解;表面物理化学に基づく高分子間相互作用の解析;天然高分子繊維の開発・複合材料化・生分解;表面物理化学に基づく高