Faculty of Science
Professor Emeritus Professor
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- Pest control by enhriching natural enemies under artificial habitat management along sidewalls ofgreenhouse in organic farming systems.
Q.C.Xu, S.Fujiyama & H.L.Xu
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(2), 449- 458, 2012 - 外来種ヤンバルトサカヤスデの生息分布拡大の可能性とその対策
環境とペストコントロール, (34), 110-116, 2012 - Biological pest control by enhancing populations of natural enemies in organic farming systems.
Q.C.Xu, S.Fujiyama &H.L.Xu
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 9(2), 455-463, 2011 - Relay-intercropping into tomato decreases cabbage pest incidence.
Q.C.Xu, H.L.Xu,F.F.Qin, J.Y.Tan, G.Liu & S.Fujiyama
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(3&4), 132-136, 2010 - 長野県で絶滅が危惧される昆虫とその保全
昆虫と自然, 20, 32-35, 2009 - Rapid chromosomal changes inferred from variation in mitochondrial DNA among populations of the leaf beetle, Chrysolina aurichalcea (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in Japan.
N. Kitamura, S. Fujiyama and T. Aotsuka
Zoological Science., 25(11), 1111-1120, 2008 - 有機JAS認定米の評価法―窒素安定同位体比による判定―
農業および園芸, 81(5), 620-62, 2006 - ヨモギハムシの地理的個体群間における発育零点, 有効積算温度、生存率の比較。 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌40:217-226(1996)
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌, 40, 217-226(1996), 1996, Refereed