Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Education

Faculty of Education Language Education 

Assistant Professor 


  • Ph.D. in Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University

Research Keyword

    Vocabulary Learning, Learning Strategies, Motivation, Peer Feedback

Field Of Study

  • Foreign language education, Foreign language education


  • 2020
    Shinshu University Faculty of Education Assistant Professor
  • 2017 - 2020
    Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Part-time Lecturer
  • 2016 - 2020
    Hyogo University of Teacher Education Center for R&D in Innovative English Language Teaching Project Assistant Professor
  • 2015 - 2016
    Casper College Department of World Languages Fulbright Scholar (Japanese language instructor)


  • 2021
    The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, Award for Outstanding Journal Articles


  • Developing a strategy training program to promote learners’ efficient and enjoyable vocabulary learning
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 19, Mar. 2025, Refereed
  • Developing a pronunciation training program on flipped learning: Effective integration of out-of-class and in-class activities
    Kondo Akiko; Yamamoto Hiroki
    Journal of Teaching English, 33, 71-86, Dec. 2024, Refereed
  • Teaching functions of language to low-skilled high school students through repeating short oral interaction practices
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Jinno Toshihiko; Toinaga Takahiro
    KATE Journal, 37, 211-224, Sep. 2023, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Influence of English essay writing instructions on Japanese junior high school students’ Japanese essay writing
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Miyagawa Yuri
    LET Journal of Central Japan, 33, 17-26, Mar. 2023, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Influence of learners’ perceived in-class relative English proficiency level on their L2 speaking self-efficacy
    Dobashi Yuta; Yamamoto Hiroki
    CELES Journal, 52, 7-14, Jan. 2023, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Teaching and evaluating functions of language for improving Japanese high school students’ English interaction skills
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Toinaga Takahiro; Jinno Toshihiko
    Language Education & Technology, 59, 107-136, Aug. 2022, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Considering the effect of philosophical dialogue about “Why we have to study” on learning motivation
    Miwa Shuhei; Aoyama Takumi; Kera Masaki; Yamamoto Hiroki
    Japanese Journal of Philosophical Practice, 4, 48-61, Jul. 2022, Refereed
  • Developing strategy training programs to promote English learners’ successful motivated vocabulary learning
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    Doctoral dissertation (Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University), 1-255, Mar. 2022リポジトリ
  • Development of a paired speaking test for use in Japanese high schools
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Kondo Akiko; Narumi Tomoyuki; Tada Wendy; Yoshida Tatsuhiro
    Language Education & Technology, 58, 99-128, Aug. 2021, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Numbers of English lessons at an elementary school and changes in students' listening competence, perceived competence, and attitudes toward English learning
    Wada Junichi; Sakai Hideki; Aoyama Takumi; Yamamoto Hiroki; Miyagawa Yuri; Ouchi Rune
    JES Journal, 21, 127-142, Mar. 2021, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Reexamining Aoyama et al.’s (2020) L2 WTC model for Japanese junior high school students
    Aoyama Takumi; Shimada Hideaki; Yamamoto Hiroki; Sakai Hideki
    CELES Journal, 50, 1-8, Jan. 2021, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Potential effectiveness of vision enhancement as a strategy to foster L2 learners’ vocabulary learning motivation
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    LET Kansai Chapter Collected Papers, 18, 41-58, Mar. 2020, Refereed, Not invitedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Vocabulary learning strategy training to promote learners’ internal proactiveness through collaborative learning
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Tsuda Hiromi
    LET Kansai Chapter Collected Papers, 17, 1-20, Mar. 2019, Refereed, Not invitedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • A qualitative study on English learners' beliefs about learning goals of pronunciation: An interview analysis from a perspective of complex systems theory
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Otsuka Kiyotaka
    JAFLE Bulletin, 21, 73-90, Dec. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • Practice of a collaborative conversation reflection activity using a voice recorder and dictionary
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Tsuda Hiromi
    Language Education & Technology, 55, 301-330, Jun. 2018, Refereed, Not invitedリポジトリ
  • Characteristics of vocabulary learning motivation: A quantitative study using a self-determination theory framework
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    Journal of Teaching English, 26, 31-44, Dec. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
  • Teaching motivation theories for the purpose of developing language learners' autonomy
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    JAFLE Bulletin, 20, 228-245, Dec. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of group work with language consultants: Repeated classroom use of a delayed oral peer feedback activity
    Yamamoto Hiroki; McLoughlin David
    JACET-Kanto Journal, 4, 67-81, Mar. 2017, Refereed, Not invitedリポジトリ
  • Form-focused interaction in oral tandem learning: Investigating learners' perceptions toward the context
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    Journal of Teaching English, 25, 139-152, Dec. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • Using language consultants in communicative language teaching
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Izumisawa Makoto
    JACET-Kanto Journal, 3, 61-76, Mar. 2016, Refereed, Not invitedリポジトリ
  • Transitions of English learners' vocabulary learning strategy use
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    JAFLE Bulletin, 18, 1-15, Nov. 2015, Refereed, Not invitedリポジトリ
  • The factors fostering English learners' positive beliefs about monolingual dictionaries
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    Journal of Global Japanese Studies, 2, 1-18, Feb. 2015, Refereed, Not invited


  • Collaborative learning with the University of Glasgow: Designing culture teaching material
    Dalton Colleen; Yamamoto Hiroki; Ono Ayako; Valdera-Gil Francisco
    Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 19, Mar. 2025
  • Application of generative AI in lectures of various teacher training courses: Attempts of 'Computer-based Education' at the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University
    Sato Kazunori; Aoyama Takumi; Yamamoto Hiroki; Fujisaki Seiya; Chino Kimiho; Uehara Toshiharu; Saito Tadahiko; Watanabe Toshiaki; Ogura Mitsuaki; Okishima Naoko
    Studies on Educational Practices, 23, 39 - 48, Dec. 2024
  • Team-competition style vocabulary tests using Kahoot!: Developing a motivating test format
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Kitazawa Yuta
    Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 18, 318 - 331, Mar. 2024リポジトリ
  • Collaboration between Faculty of Education, Shinshu University and affiliated elementary school to develop teacher training program for short-term exchange students
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Ohata Kenji; Takahashi Fumito; Fusegi Hisashi; Sakai Hideki; Tanaka Kosuke; Fujita Ikuro
    Studies on Educational Practices, 22, 69 - 78, Dec. 2023リポジトリ
  • Google スプレッドシートを活用した成績処理
    教員養成における新必修 ICT 教育科目の授業事例集, Feb. 2023リポジトリ
  • 「どうして勉強しなきゃいけないの?」という問いの哲学的な対話は学習動機づけを向上させるのか—大学生と小学生を対象とした調査—
    Miwa Shuhei; Aoyama Takumi; Kera Masaki; Yamamoto Hiroki
    Japan Journal of Educational Technology, 46 (Suppl.), 17 - 20, Feb. 2023, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Online Philosophical Dialogues Using Text Chat Tool and Minecraft
    Miwa Shuhei; Matsushima Koki; Yamamoto Hiroki; Aoyama Takumi; Ogura Mitsuaki
    Studies on Educational Practices, 21, 91 - 100, Dec. 2022
  • Participants’ perceptions of an online tandem learning project between education majors at Shinshu University and Japanese language learners at the University of Northern Colorado
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Ouchi Rune; Dobashi Yuta; Shimizu Kaori; Fukuta Fumiko
    Studies on Educational Practices, 21, 11 - 20, Dec. 2022リポジトリ
  • Fostering the teaching ability of undergraduates in programming education in 2021
    Muramatsu Hiroyuki et al.
    Studies on Educational Practices, 20, 11 - 20, Dec. 2021リポジトリ
  • A report on the use of Google Workplace for Education in pre-service teacher education: Training future teachers for the GIGA School Program in a Educational Computing class
    Sato Kazunori et al.
    Studies on Educational Practices, 20, 31 - 40, Dec. 2021リポジトリ
  • A trial of online approach to foster the ability of teaching programming education in a teacher training course
    Muramatsu Hiroyuki et al.
    Studies on Educational Practices, 19, 31 - 40, Dec. 2020リポジトリ
  • オンラインによる教員養成でのプログラミング教育の指導力育成の試み
    村松浩幸, 杉山俊一郎, 青山拓実, 山本大貴, 田中江扶, 渡辺敏明, 佐藤和紀, 藤崎聖也, 三野たまき, 齊藤忠彦, 蛭田直, 森下孟
    信州大学教育学部附属次世代型学び研究開発センター紀要, 19, 31 - 40, Dec. 2020
  • 文部科学省委託事業「中学校・高等学校における英語教育の抜本的改善のための指導方法等に関する実証研究」 最終報告書
    吉田達弘, 近藤暁子, 多田ウェンディ, 鳴海智之, 山本大貴
    26 Mar. 2020
  • 平成30年度 「中学校・高等学校における英語教育の抜本的改善のための指導方法等に関する実証研究」 進捗状況報告書
    Center for R & D in Innovative English Language Teaching, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
    Mar. 2019, Not invited
  • Practice for collaborative development of vocabulary learning strategies
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Tsuda Hiromi
    Stretching boundaries. Papers from the third International Psychology of Language Learning conference, Tokyo, Japan 7-10 June, 2018, 74 - 77, Dec. 2018, Not invited
  • 平成29年度 「中学校・高等学校における英語教育の抜本的改善のための指導方法等に関する実証研究」 進捗状況報告書
    Center for R & D in Innovative English Language Teaching, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
    Mar. 2018, Not invited
  • 平成28年度 文部科学省委託事業 「中学校・高等学校における英語教育の抜本的改善のための指導方法等に関する実証研究」 GTECおよびアンケート調査結果報告書
    Center for R & D in Innovative English Language Teaching, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
    Mar. 2017, Not invited

Books and other publications

  • 文部科学省委託事業「中学校・高等学校における英語教育の抜本的改善のための指導方法等に関する実証研究」 最終報告書
    Yoshida Tatsuhiro; Kondo Akiko; Tada Wendy; Narumi Tomoyuki; Yamamoto Hiroki, Joint work
    Center for R & D in Innovative English Language Teaching, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Mar. 2020

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 異文化コミュニケーション能力と英語力向上に資する帯活動の実践ー英語の教員免許取得を目指す大学生を対象としてー
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Kondo Akiko
    英語授業研究学会関西支部第35回秋季研究大会, Nov. 2024
  • Developing a pronunciation training program on flipped learning: Integration of out-of-class video viewing and in-class communication activities
    Kondo Akiko; Yamamoto Hiroki
    2023 Fall Conference of LET Kansai Chapter, Nov. 2023
  • 言語の働きを意識した「話すこと[やり取り]」の帯活動 ―英語に苦手意識を持つ高校生への実践―
    Jinno Toshihiko; Yamamoto Hiroki; Toinaga Takahiro
    KATE第46回栃木研究大会, Dec. 2022
  • A strategy training program to promote learners' efficient and enjoyable vocabulary learning
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    LET 61st Annual Conference, Aug. 2022
  • The influence of learners' perception toward their classmates' English proficiency on their self-efficacy level
    Dobashi Yuta; Yamamoto Hiroki
    The 51st Annual Conference of CELES, Jun. 2022, Not invited
  • Teaching "functions of language" to improve Japanese high school students' English conversation skills
    Toinaga Takahiro; Yamamoto Hiroki; Jinno Toshihiko
    LET 60th Annual Conference, Aug. 2021, Not invited
  • 小学校外国語の時数増と児童の聴解力,自己評価,意識の変容
    Wada Juinchi; Sakai Hideki; Aoyama Takumi; Yamamoto Hiroki; Miyagawa Yuri; Ouchi Rune
    第20回小学校英語教育学会岐阜大会, Oct. 2020
  • 外国語・外国語活動の指導力と英語力向上を目指した遠隔講習 ーeラーニングとテレビ会議システムを併用した講習の有効性と課題点ー
    Aoyama Takumi; Yamamoto Hiroki
    第20回小学校英語教育学会岐阜大会, Oct. 2020
  • Factors affecting motivated vocabulary learning behavior of English learners
    YAMAMOTO Hiroki
    Gengo-hyogen Gakkai, Jul. 2019, Not invited
  • Practice for collaborative development of vocabulary learning strategies
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Tsuda Hiromi
    The 3rd International Psychology of Language Learning conference, Jun. 2018, Not invited
  • A qualitative study on Japanese English learners’ beliefs about learning goals of pronunciation
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Otsuka Kiyotaka
    The 21st Annual Conference of JAFLE, Dec. 2017, Not invited
  • Practice of a collaborative conversation reflection activity using a voice recorder and dictionary
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Tsuda Hiromi
    The LET-Kanto Autumn Conference in 2017, Nov. 2017, Not invited
  • Characteristics of English learner's vocabulary learning motivation: A survey study using a self-determination theory framework
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    Gengo-hyogen Gakkai, Jul. 2017, Not invited
  • Teaching motivation theories for the purpose of developing language learners' autonomy
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    The 20th Annual Conference of JAFLE, Dec. 2016, Not invited
  • The utility of group work with language consultants: A longitudinal study
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    The 10th Annual Convention of JACET-Kanto Chapter, Jul. 2016, Not invited
  • Introduction to tandem language learning: A sustainable learning method
    Fujiwara Ryo; Yamamoto Hiroki
    Fulbright FLTA Mid-Year Conference, Dec. 2015, Not invited
  • The effects of group work with language consultants on language learning and motivation
    Yamamoto Hiroki; Izumisawa Makoto
    JACET-Kanto 9th Annual Convention, Jul. 2015, Not invited
  • Language acquisition in tandem learning
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    The 15th Annual Conference of J-SLA, Jun. 2015, Not invited
  • Factors that affect English learners' vocabulary learning strategy beliefs and use
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    The 18th Annual Conference of JAFLE, Nov. 2014, Not invited
  • Introduction to the study-abroad programs at the School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University
    Ozeki Naoko; Yamamoto Hiroki
    The JACET 53rd International Convention, Aug. 2014, Not invited
  • Investigating the reasons why some English learners use monolingual dictionaries
    Yamamoto Hiroki
    The JACET 53rd International Convention, Aug. 2014, Not invited