Academic Assembly School of Medicine and Health Sciences Institute of Medicine

School of Medicine Department of Anatomy 

Assistant Professor 

Researcher Information


Research activity information


  • Spontaneous regeneration after resection of various lengths of hypoglossal nerve in rats
    Yuko Ichinose , Ayata Nagira , Norimi Sumitomo , Akira Kakegawa , Nanae Fukushima
    Journal of Oral Biosciences, 66(3), 582-586, Sep. 2024
  • The calcaneofibular ligament groove at the inferior fibula, an ultrasonographic anatomical landmark
    Akira Kakegawa, Norimi Sumitomo, Ayata Nagira, Yuko Ichinose, Nanae Fukushima
    Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 46(6), 739-747, Jun. 2024電子ジャーナル
  • Difference in the fibular attachment structure between the superior and inferior fascicles of the anterior talofibular ligament using ultrasonography and histological examinations
    Akira Kakegawa, Nanae Fukushima, Norimi Sumitomo, Ayata Nagira, Yuko Ichinose
    Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 44(12), 1513-1520, Dec. 2022電子ジャーナル
  • Relationship between inferior fascicle of anterior talofibular ligament and articular capsule in lateral ankle ligament complex
    Kakegawa A, Fukushima N, Sumitomo N, Nagira A, Ichinose Y, Moriizumi T.
    Surg Radiol Anat ., 4(2), 253-259, Feb. 2022電子ジャーナル
  • Rheumatoid Lymphedema Successfully Treated with Lymphaticovenular Anastomosis
    Ichinose Y, Yasunaga Y, Yuzuriha S
    Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open, 4(1), e24-e28, Apr. 2019
  • Application of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy to the Pacemaker Infection Expected to Preserve Leads
    Yaguchi Kiichiro;Noguchi Masahiko;Fujita Kenya;Ichinose Yuko;Okamura Toru;Yuzuriha Shunsuke
    Japanese Journal of Surgical Wound Care, 10(1), 33-37, 2019リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Congenital and Acquired Lacrimal Drainage System Obstruction
    藤田 研也;野口 昌彦;一之瀬 優子;北澤 憲孝;栁澤 大輔;杠 俊介
    形成外科, 60(1), 37-47, Jan. 2017リポジトリ