Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Agriculture

Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research Institute of Mountain Science 



  • Doctor of Agriculture

Field Of Study

  • Mycorrhizology
  • Fungal Ecology
  • Mycology

Mail Address



  • 2002
    Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University Associate Professor
  • 2000
    茨城県林業技術センター 客員研究員
  • 1999 - 2001
    Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University Assistant Professor
  • 1997 - 1999
    Ibaraki Prefectural Forestry Institute Research Scientist
  • 1997 - 1997
    農林水産省農業研究センター 非常勤研究員

Educational Background

  • 1997, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  • 1992, Shinshu University, Faculty of Science, 生物学科


  • 2002
    日本菌学会, 日本菌学会奨励賞


  • Quantification of ustalic acid, a chemotaxonomic marker, in Tricholoma ustale using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
    Ito, Tetsuro; Nagai, Hiroyuki; Aoki, Wataru; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Kawagishi, Hirokazu; Fukaya, Masashi; Konishi, Hirofumi;
    JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINES, 75(3), 688-691, Jun. 2021WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Spore germination and ectomycorrhizae formation of Tricholoma matsutake on pine root systems with previously established ectomycorrhizae from a dikaryotic mycelial isolate of T. matsutake
    Horimai, Yuka; Misawa, Hiroki; Suzuki, Kentaro; Tateishi, Yu; Furukawa, Hitoshi; Yamanaka, Takashi; Yamashita, Shozo; Takayama, Toshiharu; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycorrhiza, 31(3), 335-347, May 2021WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Advances in the cultivation of the highly-prized ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake
    Yamanaka, Takashi; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Furukawa, Hitoshi;
    Mycoscience, 61(2), 49-57, Mar. 2020WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Sibling spore isolates of Tricholoma matsutake vary significantly in their ectomycorrhizal colonization abilities on pine hosts in vitro and form multiple intimate associations in single ectomycorrhizal roots
    Horimai, Yuka; Misawa, Hiroki; Suzuki, Kentaro; Fukuda, Masaki; Furukawa, Hitoshi; Masuno, Kazuhiko; Yamanaka, Takashi; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    FUNGAL ECOLOGY, 43, 100874, Feb. 2020WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • First ectomycorrhizal syntheses between Astraeus sirindhorniae and Dipterocarpus alatus (Dipterocarpaceae), pure culture characteristics, and molecular detection
    Biodiversita, 21, 231-238, Jan. 2020, Refereed
  • Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits
    Miyauchi, Shingo; Kiss, Eniko; Kuo, Alan; Drula, Elodie; Kohler, Annegret; Sanchez-Garcia, Marisol; Morin, Emmanuelle; Andreopoulos, Bill; Barry, Kerrie W.; Bonito, Gregory; Buee, Marc; Carver, Akiko; Chen, Cindy; Cichocki, Nicolas; Clum, Alicia; Culley, David; Crous, Pedro W.; Fauchery, Laure; Girlanda, Mariangela; Hayes, Richard D.; Keri, Zsofia; LaButti, Kurt; Lipzen, Anna; Lombard, Vincent; Magnuson, Jon; Maillard, Francois; Murat, Claude; Nolan, Matt; Ohm, Robin A.; Pangilinan, Jasmyn; Pereira, Maira de Freitas; Perotto, Silvia; Peter, Martina; Pfister, Stephanie; Riley, Robert; Sitrit, Yaron; Stielow, J. Benjamin; Szollosi, Gergely; Zifcakova, Lucia; Stursova, Martina; Spatafora, Joseph W.; Tedersoo, Leho; Vaario, Lu-Min; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Yan, Mi; Wang, Pengfei; Xu, Jianping; Bruns, Tom; Baldrian, Petr; Vilgalys, Rytas; Dunand, Christophe; Henrissat, Bernard; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Hibbett, David; Nagy, Laszlo G.; Martin, Francis M.;
    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11(1), 5125, 2020WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Taxonomic study of Endogonaceae in the Japanese islands: New species of Endogone, Jimgerdemannia, and Vinositunica, gen. nov.
    Yamamoto, Kohei; Degawa, Yousuke; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    MYCOLOGIA, 112(2), 309-328, 2020WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Dual colonization of Mucoromycotina and Glomeromycotina fungi in the basal liverwort, Haplomitrium mnioides (Haplomitriopsida)
    Yamamoto, Kohei; Shimamura, Masaki; Degawa, Yousuke; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Journal of Plant Research, 132(6), 777-788, Nov. 2019WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Repeated fruiting of Japanese golden chanterelle in pot culture with host seedlings
    Ogawa, Wakana; Takeda, Yumi; Endo, Naoki; Yamashita, Shozo; Takayama, Toshiharu; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycorrhiza, 29(5), 519-530, Oct. 2019WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Establishment of monokaryotic and dikaryotic isolates of Hedgehog mushrooms (Hydnum repandum and related species) from basidiospores
    Sugawara, Ryo; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Kawai, Masataka; Sotome, Kozue; Maekawa, Nitaro; Nakagiri, Akira; Endo, Naoki;
    Mycoscience, 60(3), 201-209, May 2019WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Physiological variation among Tricholoma matsutake isolates generated from basidiospores obtained from one basidioma
    Yamada, Akiyoshi; Hayakawa, Norio; Saito, Chika; Horimai, Yuka; Misawa, Hiroki; Yamanaka, Takashi; Fukuda, Masaki;
    Mycoscience, 60(2), 102-109, Mar. 2019WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Efficient establishment of pure cultures of yellow chanterelle Cantharellus anzutake from ectomycorrhizal root tips, and morphological characteristics of ectomycorrhizae and cultured mycelium
    Ogawa, Wakana; Endo, Naoki; Takeda, Yumi; Kodaira, Miyuki; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 60(1), 45-53, Jan. 2019WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Hygrophorus yukishiro sp nov., a new vernal edible mushroom from Nagano Prefecture, Japan
    Endo, Naoki; Tokoo, Rikiya; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 59(6), 449-454, Nov. 2018WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Phylogenetic analyses of Japanese golden chanterelles and a new species description, Cantharellus anzutake sp nov.
    Ogawa, Wakana; Endo, Naoki; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 59(2), 153-165, Mar. 2018WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • In vitro ectomycorrhization of Tricholoma matsutake strains is differentially affected by soil type
    Saito, Chika; Ogawa, Wakana; Kobayashi, Hisayasu; Yamanaka, Takashi; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 59(1), 89-97, Jan. 2018WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Reevaluation of Japanese Amanita section Caesareae species with yellow and brown pileus with descriptions of Amanita kitamagotake and A. chatamagotake spp. nov
    Endo, Naoki; Fangfuk, Wanwisa; Kodaira, Miyuki; Sakuma, Daisuke; Hadano, Eiji; Hadano, Atsuko; Murakami, Yasuaki; Phosri, Cherdchai; Matsushita, Norihisa; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 58(6), 457-471, Nov. 2017WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • First detection of Endogone ectomycorrhizas in natural oak forests
    Yamamoto, Kohei; Endo, Naoki; Degawa, Yousuke; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycorrhiza, 27(3), 295-301, Apr. 2017WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Endogone corticioides sp nov from subalpine conifer forests in Japan and China, and its multi-locus phylogeny
    Yamamoto, Kohei; Degawa, Yousuke; Takashima, Yusuke; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 58(1), 23-29, Jan. 2017WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • The (oxalato)aluminate complex as an antimicrobial substance protecting the "shiro" of Tricholoma matsutake from soil micro-organisms
    Nishino, Katsutoshi; Shiro, Misao; Okura, Ryuki; Oizumi, Kazuya; Fujita, Toru; Sasamori, Takahiro; Tokitoh, Norihiro; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Tanaka, Chihiro; Yamaguchi, Muneyoshi; Hiradate, Syuntaro; Hirai, Nobuhiro;
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 81(1), 102-111, Jan. 2017WebofScience電子ジャーナル
    Yamada, Akiyoshi; Furukawa, Hitoshi; Yamanaka, Takashi;
    REVISTA FITOTECNIA MEXICANA, 40(4), 379-389, 2017WebofScience
  • A qPCR assay that specifically quantifies Tricholoma matsutake biomass in natural soil
    Yamaguchi, Muneyoshi; Narimatsu, Maki; Fujita, Toru; Kawai, Masataka; Kobayashi, Hisayasu; Ohta, Akira; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Matsushita, Norihisa; Neda, Hitoshi; Shimokawa, Tomoko; Murata, Hitoshi;
    Mycorrhiza, 26(8), 847-861, Nov. 2016WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Taxonomic consideration of the Japanese red-cap Caesar's mushroom based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses
    Endo, Naoki; Fangfuk, Wanwisa; Sakuma, Daisuke; Phosri, Cherdchai; Matsushita, Norihisa; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 57(3), 200-207, May 2016WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Innate traits of Pinaceae-specific ectomycorrhizal symbiont Suillus luteus that differentially associates with arbuscular mycorrhizal broad-leaved trees in vitro
    Murata, Hitoshi; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Yokota, Satoru; Maruyama, Tsuyoshi; Shimokawa, Tomoko; Neda, Hitoshi;
    Mycoscience, 56(6), 606-611, Nov. 2015WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Morphology and phylogeny of four Endogone species and Sphaerocreas pubescens collected in Japan
    Yamamoto, Kohei; Degawa, Yousuke; Hirose, Dai; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycological Progress, 14(10), Oct. 2015WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Ectomycorrhization of Tricholoma matsutake with Abies veitchii and Tsuga diversifolia in the subalpine forests of Japan
    Endo, Naoki; Dokmai, Preeyaporn; Suwannasai, Nuttika; Phosri, Cherdchai; Horimai, Yuka; Hirai, Nobuhiro; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 56(4), 402-412, Jul. 2015WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Monokaryotic hyphae germinated from a single spore of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake
    Murata, Hitoshi; Ohta, Akira; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Horimai, Yuka; Katahata, Shinichiro; Yamaguchi, Muneyoshi; Neda, Hitoshi;
    Mycoscience, 56(3), 287-292, May 2015WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Ectomycorrhizas in vitro between Tricholoma matsutake, a basidiomycete that associates with Pinaceae, and Betula platyphylla var. japonica, an early-successional birch species, in cool-temperate forests
    Murata, Hitoshi; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Maruyama, Tsuyoshi; Neda, Hitoshi;
    Mycorrhiza, 25(3), 237-241, Apr. 2015WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Synthesis of Japanese Boletus edulis ectomycorrhizae with Japanese red pine
    Endo, Naoki; Kawamura, Fuminori; Kitahara, Ryoko; Sakuma, Daisuke; Fukuda, Masaki; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 55(5), 405-416, Sep. 2014WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Detection of the edible ectomycorrhizal fungus Lyophyllum shimeji colonising seedlings of cultivated conifer species in New Zealand
    Visnovsky, Sandra B.; Cummings, Nicholas; Guerin-Laguette, Alexis; Wang, Yun; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Kobayashi, Hisayasu; Kawai, Masataka; Pitman, Andrew R.;
    Mycorrhiza, 24(6), 453-463, Aug. 2014WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • In vitro shiro formation between the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake and Cedrela herrerae in the Mahogany family (Meliaceae)
    Murata, Hitoshi; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Maruyama, Tsuyoshi; Endo, Naoki; Yamamoto, Kohei; Hayakawa, Norio; Neda, Hitoshi;
    Mycoscience, 55(4), 275-279, Jul. 2014WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Root endophyte symbiosis in vitro between the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake and the arbuscular mycorrhizal plant Prunus speciosa
    Murata, Hitoshi; Yamada, Akiyoshi; Yokota, Satoru; Maruyama, Tsuyoshi; Endo, Naoki; Yamamoto, Kohei; Ohira, Tatsuro; Neda, Hitoshi;
    Mycorrhiza, 24(4), 315-321, May 2014WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Sphaerocreas pubescens is a member of the Mucoromycotina closely related to fungi associated with liverworts and hornworts
    Hirose, Dai; Degawa, Yousuke; Yamamoto, Kohei; Yamada, Akiyoshi;
    Mycoscience, 55(3), 221-226, May 2014WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • Tricholoma matsutake Y1 strain associated with Pinus densiflora shows a gradient of in vitro ectomycorrhizal specificity with Pinaceae and oak hosts
    Yamada, Akiyoshi; Endo, Naoki; Murata, Hitoshi; Ohta, Akira; Fukuda, Masaki;
    Mycoscience, 55(1), 27-34, Jan. 2014WebofScience電子ジャーナル
  • In vitro shiro formation between the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake and Cedrela herrerae in the Mahogany family (Meliaceae)
    Murata H, Yamada A, Maruyama T, Endo N, Yamamoto K, Hayakawa N, Neda H.
    Mycoscience, 55, 275-279, 2014
  • Synthesis of Japanese Boletus edulis ectomycorrhizae with Japanese red pine
    Endo N, Kawamura F, Kitahara R, Sakuma D, Fukuda M, Yamada A
    Mycoscience, 55, 405-416, 2014
  • The host ranges of conifer-associated Tricholoma matsutake, Fagaceae-associated T. bakamatsutake and T. fulvocastaneum are wider in vitro than in nature
    Yamanaka T, Ota Y, Yamazaki M, Kawai M, Ohta A, Neda H, Terashima Y, Yamada A
    MYCOLOGIA, 106, 397-406, 2014
  • Detection of the edible ectomycorrhizal fungus, Lyophyllum shimeji, colonizing seedlings of cultivated conifer species in New Zealand
    Visnovsky SB, Cummings N, Guerin-Laguette A, Wang Y, Yamada A, Kobayashi H, Kawai M, Pitman AR
    Mycorrhiza, 24, 453-463, 2014
  • Root endophyte interaction between ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake and arbuscular mycorrhizal tree Cedrela odorata, allowing in vitro synthesis of rhizospheric 'shiro'.
    Murata, H., Yamada, A., Maruyama, T., Endo, N., Yamamoto, K., Ohira, T., Shimokawa, T.
    Mycorrhiza, 23:, 235–242, 2013
  • In vitro mycorrhization and acclimatization of Amanita caesareoides and its relatives on Pinus densiflora.
    Endo, N., Gisusi, S., Fukuda, M., Yamada, A.
    Mycorrhiza, 23:, 315-323, 2013
  • Mobile DNA distributions refine the phylogeny of “matsutake” mushrooms, Tricholoma sect. Caligata.
    Murata H, Ota Y, Yamaguchi M, Yamada A, Katahata S, Otsuka Y, Babasaki K, Neda H.
    Mycorrhiza, 23:, 447-461., 2013
  • Phylogenetic position of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma dulciolens in relation to species of Tricholoma that produce “matsutake” mushrooms.
    Murata H, Ota Y, Yamada A, Ohta A, Yamanaka T, Neda H.
    Mycoscience, 54:, 438-443, 2013
  • Tricholoma matsutake Y1 strain associated with Pinus densiflora shows a gradient of in vitro ectomycorrhizal specificity with Pinaceae and oak hosts.
    Yamada A, Endo N, MurataH, Ohta A, Fukuda M.
    Mycoscience, 55:, 27-34, 2013
  • A sheathing mycorrhiza between the tropical bolete Phlebopus spongiosus and Citrus maxima
    Phan, N. D.H., Yamada, A., Shimizu, K., Noda, K., Dang, L.A.T., Suzuki, A
    Mycoscience, 53:, 347-353, 2012
  • Phylogenetic relationship and species delimitation of matsutake and allied species based on multilocus phylogeny and haplotype analyses.
    ta, Y., Yamanaka, T., Murata, H., Neda, H., Ohta, A., Kawai, M., Yamada, A., Konno, M., Tanaka, C.
    MYCOLOGIA, 104:, 1369–1380, 2012
  • Ectomycorrhizal formation on regenerated somatic pine plants after inoculation with Tricholoma matsutake.
    Yamanaka, T., Maruyama, T., Yamada, A., Miyazaki, Y., Kikuchi, T.
    Mushroom Science and Biotechnology, 20, 93-97, 2012
  • Six-year monitoring of pine ectomycorrhizal biomass under a temperate monsoon climate indicates significant annual fluctuations in relation to climatic factors.
    Okada K, Okada Y, Yasue K, Fukuda M, Yamada A.
    Ecol Res, 26, 411-419, 2011
  • Mycorrhizal fungi associated with Monotropastrum humile (Ericaceae) in central Japan.
    Matsuda Y, Okochi S, Katayama T, Yamada A, Ito S.
    Mycorrhiza, 21, 569-576, 2011
  • In vitro ectomycorrhizal specificity between the Asian red pine Pinus densiflora and Tricholoma matsutake and allied species from worldwide Pinaceae and Fagaceae forests.
    Yamada A, Kobayashi H, Murata H, Kalmis E, Kalyoncu, Fukuda M
    Mycorrhiza, 20, 333-339, 2010
  • In vitro mycorrhization of edible Astraeus mushrooms and their morphological characterization.
    Fangfuk W, Okada K, Petchang R, To-anun C, Fukuda M, Yamada A.
    Mycoscience, 51:, 234-241, 2010
  • Identification of Japanese Astraeus, based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses.
    Fangfuk W, Petchang R, To-anun W, Fukuda M, Yamada A.
    Mycoscience, 51:, 291-299, 2010
  • Difference of pine ectomycorrhizal biomass in relation to forest conditions.
    Okada K, Satomura T, Kinoshita A, Horikoshi T, Yasue K, Fukuda M, Yamada A.
    Mycoscience, 52:, 59-64, 2010
  • Mitochondrial DNA variability in natural population of Naematoloma sublateritium in Japan.
    Masuno K, Ito E, Fukuda M, Yamada A, Hosokawa N, Nishizawa K
    Mushroom Science and Biotechnology, 17, 65-69, 2009
  • Traceability of Asian 'matsutake', specialty mushrooms produced by the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake, based on retroelement-based DNA markers
    Murata H, Babasaki K, Saegusa T, Takemoto K, Yamada A, Ohta A.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74, 2023-2031, 2008
  • Stimulation conditions for spore germination of Agaricus blazei
    Mahmud MA, Ohno S, Fukuda M, Yamada A, Hattori Y, Makabe H
    Mushroom Science and Biotechnology, 16, 87-92, 2008
  • Monotropastrum humile var. humile is associated with diverse ectomycorrhizal Russulaceae fungi in Japanese forests
    Yamada, A; Kitamura, D; Setoguchi, M; Matsuda, Y; Hashimoto, Y; Matsushita, N; Fukuda, M
    Ecological Research, 23(6), 983-993, 2008WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • AFLP analysis for examining genetic difference in cultivated strains and their single-spore isolates and for confirming successful crosses in Agaricus blazei.
    Mahmud MA, Kitaura H, Fukuda M, Yamada A
    Mycoscience, 48, 297-304, 2007
  • Genetic variability among Pholiota aurivella isolates from anaturual population
    Fukuda M, Mori Y, Yamada A
    Mycoscience, 48, 381-387, 2007
  • Sustainable fruit body formations of edible mycorrhizalTricholomaspecies for three years in open pot culture with pine seedling hosts
    Yamada A;Kobayashi H;Ogura T;Fukuda M
    Mycoscience, 48, 104-108, 2007リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Survey of stream spora of Penang Island and Malay Peninsula
    Hosoya T;Tanaka C;Yamada A;Baharuddin S
    Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 32(3), 123-127, 2006
  • Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in vitro betweenTricholoma matsutakeandPinus densifloraseedlings that resembles narurally occurring 'shiro'
    Yamada A;Maeda K;Kobayashi H;Murata H
    Mycorrhiza, 16(2), 111-116, 2006WebofScience
  • Highly polymorphic DNA markers to specify strains of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomyceteTricholoma matsutakebased on σmarY1, the long terminal repeat of gypsy-type retroelementmat Y1
    Murata H;Babasaki K;Yamada A
    Mycorrhiza, 15, 179-186, 2005
  • Genetic mosaics in the a massive persisting rhizosphere colony ‘shiro’ of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake
    Murata H, Ohta A, Yamada A, Narimatsu M, Futamura N
    Mycorrhiza, 15, 505-512, 2005
  • Tricholoma matsutakeIFO6933 and IFO30604, 'matsutake' isolates that have been maintained on slants and widely used in vitro for a quarter to half a century, can form ectomycorrhizae inPinus densiflora.
    Yamada A;Kobayashi H;Murata H.
    Mycoscience, 44, 249-250, 2003
  • Chlamydospore formation of Entoloma clypeatum f. hybridum on mycorrhizas and rhizomorphs associated with Rosa multiflora.
    Kobayashi H, Yamada A.
    Mycoscience, 44, 61-62, 2003
  • Two new records of entolomatoid fungi associated with rosaceous plants from Japan.
    Kobayashi H, Yamada A.
    Mycoscience, 44, 331-333, 2003
  • Development of microsatellite markers from an ectomycorrhizal fungus, Tricholoma matsutake, by an ISSR-suppression-PCR method.
    Lian C, Hogetsu T, Matsushita N, Guerin-Laguett A, Suzuki K, Yamada A
    Mycorrhiza, 13(1), 27-32, 2003WebofScience
  • Mycorrhizal morphology of Monotropastrum humile collected from six different forests in central Japan
    Matsuda, Y; Yamada, A
    MYCOLOGIA, 95(6), 993-997, 2003WebofScience
  • Genetic evidence that two types of retroelements evolved through different pathway in ectomycorrhizal homobasidiomycetes Tricholoma spp.
    Murata H, Miyazaki Y, Yamada A.
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 66(9), 1880-1886, 2002WebofScience
  • Isolation of Tricholoma matsutake and T. bakamatsutake cultures from field-collected ectomycorrhizas.
    Yamada A, Ogura T, Degawa Y, Ohmasa M
    Mycoscience, 42, 43-50, 2001
  • Cultivation of mushrooms of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus densiflora by in vitro mycorrhizal synthesis II. Morphology of ectomycorrhizas in open-pot soil.
    Yamada A, Ogura T, Ohmasa M
    Mycorrhiza, 11, 57-81, 2001
  • Amplification and cloning of putative reverse trancriptase genes fromTricholomaspp. by polymerase chain reaction
    Murata H;Yamada A
    Mycoscience, 42, 395-398, 2001
  • Cultivation ofmushrooms of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Pinus densiflora by in vitro mycorrhizal synthesis I. Primordium and basidiocarp formations in open pot culture.
    Yamada A, Ogura T, Ohmasa M
    Mycorrhiza, 11(2), 59-66, 2001WebofScience
  • The disparity between the number of ectomycorrhizal fungi and those producing fruit bodies in a Pinus densiflora stand
    Yamada A, Katsuya K
    Mycological Research, 105, 957-965, 2001WebofScience
  • marY2, a LINE-like non-long terminal repeat (Non-LTR) reteroelement from the ectomycorrhizal homobasidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake.
    Murata H, Miyazaki Y, Yamada A
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 65(10), 2301-2305, 2001WebofScience
  • marY1, a member of the gypsy group of long terminal repeat retroelements from the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake.
    Murata H, Yamada A
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66, 3642-3645, 2000
  • Nitrogen isotope fractionation during nitrogen transport from ectomycorrhizal fungi, Suillus granulatus, to the host plant, Pinus densiflora.
    Kohzu A, Tateishi T, Yamada A, Koba K, Wada E
    Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 46, 733-739, 2000
  • Ectomycorrhiza formation of Tricholoma matsutake on Pinus densiflora
    Yamada A, Kanekawa S, Ohmasa M
    Mycoscience, 40, 193-198, 1999
  • Ectomycorrhizal formation of Tricholoma matsutake isolates on seedlings of Pinus densiflora in vitro.
    Yamada A, Maeda K, Ohmasa M
    Mycoscience, 40, 455-463, 1999
  • Identification of repetitive sequences with motiefs of retrotransposons in Tricholoma matsutake showing intraspecies variation distingushing species from other ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes.
    Murata H, Yamada A, Babasaki K
    MYCOLOGIA, 91, 766-775, 1999
  • Identification of ectomycorrhizae formed between Tricholoma matsutake and Pinus densiflora by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting retroelement codiong regions.
    Murata H, Yamada A
    Mycoscience, 40, 531-534., 1999
  • Morphological classification of ectomycorrhizas of Pinus densiflora.
    Yamada A, Katsuya K
    Mycoscience, 37, 145-155, 1996
  • Mycorrhizal association of isolates from sporocarps and ectomycorrhizas with Pinus densiflora seedlings.
    Yamada A, Katsuya K
    Mycoscience, 36, 315-323, 1995

Books and other publications

  • Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Ecol. Stud. 230.
    Vaario LM, Yang X, Yamada A, Joint work, Biogeography of the Japanese gourmet fungus, Tricholoma matsutake: a review of the distribution and functional ecology of matsutake
    Springer, 319–344 2017
  • Crop&Food Research
    Hall et al., Joint work, Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms (Mushroom cultivation of some Japanese edible ectomycorrhizal fungi)
    Crop&Food Research, 2002
  • Concise descriptions of North American Ectomycorrhizae 17
    Yamada A, Russulanigricans+Betulaplatiphyllavar.japonica
    Mycologue Publications, Canada, 17.1-17.4 1998
  • Concise descriptions of North American Ectomycorrhizae 16
    Yamada A, Russuladelica+Betulaplatiphyllavar.japonica
    Mycologue Publications, Canada, 16.1-16.4 1998


  • Micorobiology
    Shinshu University
  • Fungal Resource Science
    Shinshu University
  • Bioresource Chemistry
    Shinshu University

Research Themes

  • 食用きのこ類を定着させた菌根苗の効率的な生産技術の開発
    科学研究費補助金, 科学研究補助金, 基盤研究(B)
    2007 - 2010
  • 菌根共生システムを応用した希少野生植物の増速と保全
    科学研究費補助金, 科学研究補助金, 萌芽研究
    2007 - 2009
  • 複合培養系を用いる里山きのこの増殖技術の開発
    科学研究費補助金, 科学研究補助金, 基盤研究(A)
    2004 - 2006
  • Ecophysiology of ectomycorrhizal fungi
  • Taxonomy of ectomycorrhizas
  • Cultivation of mycorrhizal mushrooms
  • 真菌類と植物根との共生体である菌根の生理・生態ならびに分類学