Academic Assembly School of Medicine and Health Sciences Institute of Medicine

Shinshu University Hospital Operating Suite 

Senior Assistant Professor 

Research activity information


  • Receptor activity-modifying proteins of adrenomedullin (RAMP2/3): Roles in the pathogenesis of ARDS.
    Kasahara T, Tanaka M, Zhao Y, Kamiyoshi A, Sakurai, T Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Kawate H, Matsuda Y, Zhang Y, Guo Q, Li P, Hoshiyama K, Li J, Onishi N, Hayashi M, Sanjo H, Ishida K, Tanaka S, Kawamata M, Shindo T
    Peptides, 171(2024)(171118), Jan. 2024
  • Alkalized lidocaine in a tapered cuf suppresses endotracheal tube‑induced hemodynamic changes: a randomized controlled trial.
    Ishida K, Maruyama Y, Yoshiyama Y, Ito M, Tanaka S, Shen D, Kawamata M
    Journal of Anesthesia, (2023)37, 726-733, Jul. 2023
  • 周麻酔期看護師と病棟看護師を核にした術後痛管理
    澤渡 佑子, 和田 美紀, 浅川 春奈, 青柳 陽子, 石田 公美子, 石田 高志, 田中 聡, 川真田 樹人
    ペインクリニック, 44(3), 259-265, Mar. 2023
  • TRPV1 is involved in abdominal hyperalgesia in a mouse model of lipopolysaccharide-induced peritonitis and influences the immune response via peripheral noradrenergic neurons
    Sugiyama Y, Ishida K, Yoshiyama Y, Tanaka S, Kawamata M
    Life Sciences, 317(121472), Feb. 2023, Refereed
  • A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study of the HCN channel blocker ivabradine in a capsaicin-induced pain model in healthy volunteers
    Tanaka S, Ishida T, Ishida K, Fuseya S, Ito M, Sakamoto A & Kawamata M
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(17246), Oct. 2022, Refereed
  • An unusual foreign body in the oral cavity: a case report from a patient safety point of view and literature review
    Ito M, Watanabe N, Sawado Y, Ishida K, Yoshiyama Y, Ishida T, Fuseya S, Tanaka S, Kawamata M
    Journal of Anesthesia, 36(4), 564-571, Aug. 2022, Refereed
  • Subfascial infiltration of 0.5% ropivacaine, but not 0.25% ropivacaine, exacerbates damage and inflammation in surgically incised abdominal muscles of rats
    Shen D, Sugiyama Y, Ishida K, Fuseya S, Ishida T, Kawamata M & Tanaka S
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(9409), Jun. 2022, Refereed
  • Calcitonin gene-related peptide is not involved in neuropathic pain induced by partial sciatic nerve ligation in mice
    Ishida K, Tanaka S, Shen D, Matsui S, Fuseya S, Shindo T, Kawamata M
    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 778(136615), Apr. 2022, Refereed
  • Plantar incision with severe muscle injury can be a cause of long-lasting postsurgical pain in the skin.
    Yoshiyama Y, Sugiyama Y, Ishida K, Fuseya S, Tanaka S, Kawamata M
    Life Sciences, 275, 119389, 2021, Refereed
  • Phosoholipase Cb3 Expressed in Mouse DRGs is Involved in Inflammatory and Postoperative Pain.
    Ide S, Kawamata T, Ishida K, Fuseya S, Ishida T, Sugiyama Y, Kawamata M, Tanaka S
    Journal of Pain Research, 13, 3371-3384, 2020
  • Acute postoperative pain is correlated with the early onset of postpartum depression after cesarean section: a retrospective cohort study.
    Shen D, Hasegawa-Moriyama M, Ishida K, Fuseya S, Tanaka S, Kawamata M
    Journal of Anesthesia, 34(4), 607-612, 2020
  • Prostanoid EP4 receptor-mediated augmentation of Ih currents in Aβ dorsal root ganglion neurons underlies neuropathic pain.
    Zhang H, Kashihara T, Nakada T, Tanaka S, Ishida K, Fuseya S, Kawagishi H, Kiyosawa K, Kawamata M, Yamada M
    Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 368, 50-58, Nov. 2018
  • Airway obstruction due to a laryngeal polyp following insertion of a laryngeal mask airway.
    Fuseya S, Ichino T, Tanaka S, Ishida K, Ishida T, Kawamata M
    JA Clinical Reports, 4:43 2018, Jun. 2018
  • Transversus abdominis plane block with 0.25 % levobupivacaine: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded clinical study
    Ishida T, Sakamoto A, Tanaka H, Ide S, Ishida K, Tanaka S, Mori T, Kawamata M
    J Anesth, 29(4), 557-561, Aug. 2015電子ジャーナル

Books and other publications

  • 疼痛医学
    川真田 樹人, 石田 公美子, 田中 聡, 急性疼痛の病態
    医学書院, 98-103 2020
  • 疼痛医学
    川真田 樹人, 石田 公美子, 田中 聡, 急性疼痛の病態
    「疼痛医学」教科書制作研究会, 96-101 2020
  • 救急・集中治療 ICU治療指針Ⅲ
    石田 公美子, 川真田 樹人, 局所麻酔薬中毒と対策.
    総合医学社, 1577-1579 2020

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 炎症導入後の足底切開はラットの術後痛を持続させる
    沈 丹丹, 石田 公美子, 横山 雄悟, 田中 聡, 川真田 樹人
    日本麻酔科学会第70回学術集会, Jun. 2023
  • Efficacy of rectal administration of pregabalin in a rat neuropathic pain model.
    Hirabayashi T, Mamiya K, Ishida K
    17th World Congress Of The European Association For Palliative Care, Jan. 2021