蓬莱 朋子 (ホウライ トモコ)
- 資格試験対策に取り入れた「ふりかえり」の有効性
言語教育センター実践報告書, 4, 58-63, 2015年03月 - Impact of task difficulty in a monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
Proceedings of the 9th&10th Current Trends in English Language Testing(CTELT) Conference., Vol.5, 11-25, 2007年11月, 査読有り - Task difficulties and learners' reactions to a monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
IATEFL 2006 Harrogate Conference Selections., 1, 31-34, 2007年04月, 査読有り - Exploring difficulty in speaking tasks: an intra-task perspective.
O'Sullivan, B., Weir, C. and Horai, T.
IELTS Research Reports., Vol. 6., 119-160, 2006年04月, 査読有り - Exploring difficulty in speaking tasks: An intra-task perspective. IELTS join-FundedResearch Project 2004 Final Report.
O'Sullivan, B., Weir, C. and Horai, T.
Cambridge University ESOL Examinations., 1, 1-22, 2004年06月, 査読有り - Evaluation of L2 Speaking: Can speakers' pronunciation cover up mistaken sentence structure in L2 speech?
Horai, T.
LEO, Vol.28., 45-72, 1999年08月, 査読有り - 高校英語教科書の分析的研究
日本教材学会年報, 第7巻, 70-72, 1997年03月, 査読有り
- Investigating Task Difficulties in a Monologic Speaking Test
Horai, T.
CREOLE Weekly Seminar Programme., 2006年06月07日 - The Impact on Performance of Monologic Speaking Task Variability
O'Sullivan, B. and Horai, T.
The Applied Linguistics Seminar, 2006年02月10日 - Investigating Variability in Monologic Speaking Task
O'Sullivan, B. and Horai, T.
The Applied Linguistics Circle, 2005年11月25日
- Brown, A. and Hill, K. (eds.) Tasks and Criteria in Performance Assessment
T.Horai, 単著, Intra-task comparison in a monologic oral performance test: the impact of task manipulation on performance.
PETER LANG, 2009年 - 金谷憲教授還暦記念論文集刊行委員会(編)「金谷憲教授還暦記念論文集 英語教育・英語学習研究: 現場型リサーチと実践へのアプローチ」
T.Horai, 単著, The Role of Planning Time in a Monologic Task in L2 Oral Performance Test.
桐原書店, 2008年
- Impact of task difficulty in a monologic speaking task.
Current Trends in English Language Testing (CTELT), the 9th Annual Conference., 2006年11月16日 - Intra-task comparison in monologic oral performance test: What makes a task difficult?
Horai, T.
Joint Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) and the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IAAL)., 2006年09月07日 - Intra-task comparison in monologic test of speaking: aspects of linguistic analysis.
Horai, T.
Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF) 2006., 2006年07月04日 - Intra-task comparison in a monologic oral performance test: the impact of task manipulation on performance.
Horai, T.
28th Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium. International Language Testing Association (ILTA)., 2006年06月28日 - Task difficulty and learners’ reactions to a monologic speaking test.
Horai, T.
The Joint Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and the Association Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquée/Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL) 2006., 2006年06月17日 - Task difficulties and learners’ reactions to a monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
International Annual IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Conference&Exhibitions., 2006年04月08日 - Effect of Manipulating Task Conditions in a Monologic Speaking Task.
Horai, T.
The Language Testing Forum, Annual Meeting 2005., 2005年11月25日 - Aspects of task difficulty in monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
The 40th JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Annual Conference., 2005年10月08日 - Investigating aspects of task difficulty in monologic L2 speaking tasks.
Horai, T.
The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Annual Conference., 2005年09月15日 - Exploring difficulty in an L2 monologue test task.
Horai, T.
The 27th Language Testing Research Colloquium., 2005年07月20日 - Exploring task difficulty in an L2 Monologic speaking test.
Horai, T.
The 39th International IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Annual Conference., 2005年04月05日 - Task Difficulty in an L2 Monologic speaking test.
Horai, T.
The Language Testing Forum, Annual Meeting 2004., 2004年11月26日 - Task Difficulties in Monologic tasks in an L2 speaking test.
Horai, T.
The 39th JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Annual Conference., 2004年11月19日 - Preliminary Questions Related to Selection of Tasks in Speaking Test.
Horai, T.
The Language Testing Forum, Annual Meeting 2003., 2003年11月21日