FUJII Chifumi
Academic Assembly School of Medicine and Health Sciences Institute of Medicine
Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research Institute for Biomedical Sciences
Assistant Professor
Researcher Information
Mail Address
- chifumif★shinshu-u.ac.jp
Research activity information
- Identification of terminal βGlcNAc on Brachyspira species in human intestinal spirochetosis.
Matoba H, Iwaya M, Fujii C, Nakayama J.
J. Histochem. Cytochem., 72, 71-78, 2024, Refereed - Decreased expression of TFF2 and decreased αGlcNAc glycosylation are malignant biomarkers of pyloric gland adenoma of the duodenum.
Yamanoi K, Fujii C, Nakayama A, Matsuura N, Takatori Y, Kato M, Yahagi N, Nakayama J.
Sci. Rep., 13, 21641, 2023, Refereed - 多段階発癌過程における幽門腺粘液の糖鎖修飾の変化とその臨床病理学的意義
山ノ井一裕, 藤井千文, 中山淳
細胞, 55(12), 52-56, 2023, Invited - Glycosylation of MUC6 by α1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine enhances suppression of pancreatic cancer malignancy.
Yuki A, Fujii C (co-first author, corresponding author), Yamanoi K, Matoba H, Harumiya S, Kawakubo M, Nakayama J.
Cancer Sci., 113, 576-586, 2022, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - MUC6 expression is a preferable prognostic marker for invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung.
Yamanoi K, Fujii C (co-first author), Yuzuriha H, Kumazawa M, Shimoda M, Emoto K, Asamura H, Nakayama J.
Histochem. Cell Biol., 157, 671-684, 2022, Refereed
Lead - α1,4-linked N-acetylglucosamine suppresses gastric cancer development by inhibiting Mucin-1-mediated signaling.
Fujii C (corresponding author), Harumiya S, Sato Y, Kawakubo M, Matoba H, Nakayama J.
Cancer Sci., 113, 3852-3863, 2022, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - Cholestenone functions as an antibiotic against Helicobacter pylori by inhibiting biosynthesis of the cell wall component CGL
Kobayashi J, Kawakubo M, Fujii C, Arisaka N, Miyashita M, Sato Y, Komura H, Matoba H, and Nakayama J
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118, e2016469118, 2021, Refereed - Cecal Tumorigenesis in Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Deficient Mice Depends on Cecum-Specific Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway Activation and Inflammation
Matoba H, Takamoto M*, Fujii C*,Kawakubo M, Kasuga E, Matsumura T, Natori T,Misawa K, Taniguchi S, and Nakayama J (*: Corresponding author)
Am. J. Pathol., 190, 253-268, 2020, Refereed
Corresponding - Analysis of A4gnt knockout mice reveals an essential role for gastric sulfomucins in preventing gastritis cystica profunda
Kawakubo M, Komura H, Goso Y, Okumura M, Sato Y, Fujii C, Miyashita M, Arisaka N, Harumiya S, Yamanoi K, Yamada S, Kakuta S, Kawashima H, Fukuda MN, Fukuda M, and Nakayama J
J. Histtochem. & Cytochem., 67, 759-770, 2019, Refereed - Annexin A1 expression is correlated with malignant potential of renal cell carcinoma
Yamanoi M, Yamanoi K1, Fujii C1,2, Fukuda MN, and Nakayama J (1: Contributed equally, 2: Corresponding author)
Int. J. Urol., 26, 284-290, 2019, Refereed
Corresponding - Potential Role of ASC, a Proapoptotic Protein, for Determining the Cisplatin Susceptibility of Lung Cancer Cells
Sakaizawa T, Matsumura T, Fujii C, Hida S, Toishi M, Shiina T, Yoshida K, Hamanaka K, Ito KI, Taniguchi S
Tohoku J Exp Med, 244, 133-144, 2018, Refereed - Fascin1 suppresses RIG-I-like receptor signaling and interferon-β production by associating with IκB kinase ϵ (IKKϵ) in colon cancer
Matsumura T, Hida S, Kitazawa M, Fujii C, Kobayashi A, Takeoka M, Taniguchi SI, Miyagawa SI
J. Bilo. Chem., 293, 6329-6336, 2018, Refereed - ASC Induces Apoptosis via Activation of Caspase-9 by Enhancing Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication.
Kitazawa M, Hida S, Fujii C, Taniguchi S, Ito K, Matsumura T, Okada N, Sakaizawa T, Kobayashi A, Takeoka M, and Miyagawa S
PLOS ONE, 12, e0169340, 2017, Refereed - Gastric gland mucin-specific O-glycan expression decreases with tumor progression from precursor lesions to pancreatic cancer.
Ohya A, Yamanoi K, Shimojo H, Fujii C, Nakayama J
Cancer Sci, 108, 1897-1902, 2017, Refereed - Novel role of ASC as a regulator of metastatic phenotype.
Okada N1, Fujii C1,2, Matsumura T, Kitazawa M, Okuyama R, Taniguchi S, and Hida S. (1: Contributed equally, 2: Corresponding author)
Cancer Med., 5, 2487-2500, 2016, Refereed
Lead, Corresponding - NFkB2 gene as a novel candidate that epigenetically responds to interval walking training.
Y. Zhang, S. Hashimoto, C. Fujii, S. Hida, K. Ito, T. Matsumura, T. Sakaizawa, M. Morikawa, S. Masuki, H. Nose, K. Higuchi, K. Nakajima, S. Taniguchi
Int. J. Sports. Med., 36, 769-775, 2015, Refereed - Accelerated hepatocellular carcinoma development in mice expressing the Pim-3 transgene selectively in the liver.
Y. Wu, Y. Y. Wang, Y. Nakamoto, Y-Y. Li, T. Baba, S. Kaneko, C. Fujii, and N. Mukaida
Oncogene, 29, 2228-2237, 2010, Refereed - In vivo immunological toxicity in mice of carbon nanotubes with impurities.
S. Koyama, Y. A. Kim, T. Hayashi, K. Takeuchi, C. Fujii, N. Kuroiwa, H. Koyama, T. Tsukahara, and M. Endo
Carbon, 47, 1365-1372, 2009, Refereed - Blocking TNF-a in mice reduces colorectal carcinogenesis associated with chronic colitis.
B. K. Popivanova, K. Kitamura, Y. Wu, T. Kondo, T. Kagaya, S. Kaneko, M. Oshima, C. Fujii, and N. Mukaida
J. Clin. Invest., 118, 560-570, 2008, Refereed - Aberrant Pim-3 expression is involved in gastric adenoma-adenocarcinoma sequence and cancer progression.
H. C. Zheng, K. Tsuneyama, H. Takahashi, S. Miwa, T, Sugiyama, B. K. Popivanova, C. Fujii, K. Nomoto, N. Mukaida, and Y. Takano
J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol., 134, 481-488, 2008, Refereed - Proto-oncogene, Pim-3 with serine/threonine kinase activity, is aberrantly expressed in human colon cancer cells and can prevent Bad-mediated apoptosis.
B. K. Popivanova, Y-Y Li, H. Zheng, K. Omura, C. Fujii, K. Tsuneyama, and N. Mukaida
Cancer Sci., 98, 321-328, 2007, Refereed - Implication of ‘Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule’ in the hippocampal neurogenesis of ischemic monkeys.
T. Yamashima, B. K. Popivanova, J. Guo, S. Kotani, T. Wakayama, S. Iseki, K. Sawamoto, H. Okano, C. Fujii, N. Mukaida, and A. B. Tonchev
HIPPOCAMPUS, 16, 924-935, 2006, Refereed - Pim-3, a proto-oncogene with serine/threonine kinase activity, is aberrantly expressed in human pancreatic cancer and phosphorylates Bad to block Bad-mediated apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cell lines.
Y-Y. Li, B. K. Popivanova, Y. Nagai, H. Ishikura, C. Fujii, and N. Mukaida
Cancer Res., 66, 6741-6747, 2006, Refereed - Esssential contribution of a chemokine, CCL3, and its receptor, CCR1, to hepatocellular carcinoma progression.
X. Yang, P. Lu, C. Fujii, Y. Nakamoto, J. Gao, S. Kaneko, P. M. Murphy, and N. Mukaida
Int. J. Cancer, 118, 1869-1876, 2006, Refereed - Attenuated liver tumor formation in the absence of CCR2 with a concomitant reduction in the accumulation of hepatic stellate cells, macrophages, and neovascularization.
X. Yang, P. Lu, Y. Ishida, W. A. Kuziel, C. Fujii, and N. Mukaida
Int. J. Cancer, 118, 335-345, 2006, Refereed - Aberrant expression of serine/threonine kinase Pim-3 in hepatocellular carcinoma development and its role in the proliferation of human hepatoma cell lines.
C. Fujii, Y. Nakamoto, P. Lu, K. Tsuneyama, B. K. Popivanova, S. Kaneko, and N. Mukaida
Int. J. Cancer, 114, 209-218, 2005, Refereed
Lead - Spontaneous regression of lung metastasis in the absence of tumor necrosis factor receptor p55.
Y. Tomita, X. Yang, Y. Ishida, Y. Nemoto-Sasaki, T. Kondo, M. Oda, G. Watanabe, G. N. Chaldakov, C. Fujii, and N. Mukaida
Int. J. Cancer, 112, 927-933, 2004, Refereed - hTERT-promoter-based tumor-specific expression of MCP-1 effectively sensitize cervical cancer cells to a low dose of cisplatin.
M. Nakamura, S. Kyo, T. Kanaya, N. Yatabe, Y. Maida, M. Tanaka, Y. Ishida, C. Fujii, T. Kondo, M. Inoue, and N. Mukaida
Cancer Gene Ther., 11, 1-7, 2004, Refereed - Potential interaction between CCR1 and its ligand, CCL3, induced by endogenously produced interleukin-1 in human hepatomas.
P. Lu, Y. Nakamoto, Y. Nemoto-Sasaki, C. Fujii, H. Wang, M. Hashii, Y. Ohmoto, S. Kaneko, K. Kobayashi, and N. Mukaida
Am. J. Pathol., 162, 1249-1258, 2003, Refereed - Pathogenic roles of tumor necrosis factor receptor p55-mediated signals in dimethylnitrosamine-induced murine liver fibrosis.
K. Kitamura, Y. Nakamoto, M. Akiyama, C. Fujii, T. Kondo, K. Kobayashi, S. Kaneko, and N. Mukaida
Lab. Invest., 82, 571-583, 2002, Refereed - Difference in the way of macrophage recognition of target cells depending on their apoptotic states.
C. Fujii, A. Shiratsuchi, J. Manaka, S. Yonehara, and Y. Nakanishi
Cell Death Differ., 8, 1113-1122, 2001, Refereed
Lead - Essential tyrosine residues in 3-ketosteroid-Δ1-dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous.
C. Fujii, S. Morii, M. Kadode, S. Sawamoto, M. Iwami, and E. Itagaki
J. Biochem., 126, 662-667, 1999, Refereed
Lead - 3-Ketosteroid-Δ1-dehydrogenase of Rhodococcus rhodochrous:Sequencing of the genomic DNA and hyperexpression, purification, and characterization of the recombinant enzyme.
S. Morii, C. Fujii, T. Miyoshi, M. Iwami, and E. Itagaki
J. Biochem., 124, 1026-1032, 1998, Refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- マウス胎児胃粘膜におけるGlcNAc並びにその関連分⼦の発現パターン.
⼩村仁美, 藤井千⽂, 春宮覚, 的場久典, 川久保雅友.
第46回日本分子生物学会, 06 Dec. 2023十二指腸幽門腺型腺腫において、TFF2発現低下とGlcNAc糖鎖修飾低下は悪性度のバイオマーカーとなる.
山ノ井一裕, 藤井千文, 中山敦史, 松浦倫子, 高取祐作, 加藤元彦, 矢作直久, 中山淳.
第82回日本癌学会学術総会, 23 Sep. 2023αGlcNAc binding to MUC1 regulates gastric cancer malignancy.
藤井千文, 春宮覚, 佐藤佳子, 川久保雅友, 的場久典, 中山淳.
第82回日本癌学会学術総会, 22 Sep. 2023MUC6による浸潤性粘液産生性肺腺がんの悪性化制御.
藤井千文, 山ノ井一裕, 下田将之, 中山淳.
第32回日本がん転移学会学術集会, 20 Jul. 2023αGlcNAc binding to MUC6 enhances suppression of malignant phenotypes of pancreatic cancer cells
第81回日本癌学会学術総会, Sep. 2022Phenotypic change of pyloric gland mucin represents potentially malignant biomarker for various neoplasm
第81回日本癌学会学術総会, Sep. 2022Regulation of pancreatic cancer malignancy by αGlcNAc and MUC6
第31回日本がん転移学会学術集会, Jul. 2022淡明細胞型腎細胞癌にて悪性度と相関するアネキシンA1は、紡錘細胞型腎細胞癌でも発現した
第109回日本泌尿器科学会総会, Dec. 2021胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖αGlcNAcによる胃がん細胞でのMUC1シグナル伝達制御
第79回日本癌学会学術総会, Oct. 2021MUC6発現は、粘液産生型肺腺癌における予後良好の指標になる
第79回日本癌学会学術総会, Oct. 2021胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖αGlcNAc結合新規タンパク質の同定と胃がん細胞における役割
第28回日本がん転移学会学術集会, Jul. 2021Sirt3のノックダウンはライディッヒ細胞腫由来細胞株MA-10にROS依存性の細胞死を誘導する
第110回日本病理学会総会, Apr. 2021αGlcNAcとMUC6による膵癌の悪性化制御機能
第118回日本内科学会講演会, Apr. 2021胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖αGlcNAcはがん細胞の悪性度を制御する
第79回日本癌学会学術総会, Oct. 2020胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖αGlcNAcはがん細胞の悪性度を制御する
第79回日本癌学会学術総会, Oct. 2020AhRノックアウトマウスの回盲部における腫瘍発生は回盲部に特異的なMAPK経路の活性化と炎症反応に依存する
第109回日本病理学会総会, Jul. 2020胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖αGlcNAcによる胃がん細胞の悪性化制御機構
第29回日本がん転移学会, 2020Gastritis Cystica Profundaの発生抑制における胃スルホムチンの役割の解明(神戸)
第60回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会および第13回日中組織細胞化学セミナー合同大会(神戸), Sep. 2019Role of gastric gland mucin-specific O-glycan GlcNAc in gastric cancer development
Chifumi Fujii, Atsuko Yuki, Satoru Harumiya, Kazuhiro Yamanoi, Masatomo Kawakubo, and Jun Nakayama
ASCB|EMBO meeting 2018(San Diego, USA), Dec. 2018胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖αGlcNAcはがん細胞の浸潤能を制御する
第91回日本生化学会大会(京都), Sep. 2018腎細胞がんにおけるAnnexinA1発現の意義
山ノ井万里子, 山ノ井一裕, 藤井千文, 福田道子, 中山淳
第77回日本癌学会学術集会(大阪), Sep. 2018AhRノックアウトマウスの盲腸への腫瘍発生およびそれに対する腸内細菌叢の影響に関する研究
的場久典, 藤井千文, 谷口俊一郎, 中山淳
第77回日本癌学会学術集会(大阪), Sep. 2018胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖であるαGlcNAcによる胃がん細胞の悪性化制御機構
藤井千文, 中山淳
第27回日本がん転移学会学術集会(横浜), Jul. 2018AhRノックアウトマウスの盲腸への腫瘍発生および腸内細菌叢の影響に関する研究
的場久典, 藤井千文, 川久保雅友, 春日恵理子, 高本雅哉, 谷口俊一郎, 中山淳
第107回日本病理学会総会(札幌), Jun. 2018腎細胞がんにおけるAnnexinA1発現の意義
山ノ井万里子, 藤井千文, 山ノ井一裕, 福田道子, 中山淳
第106回日本泌尿器科学会総会(京都), Apr. 2018膵癌の発癌過程におけるαGlcNAcの発現意義
第76回日本癌学会学術総会(横浜), Sep. 2017Novel role of ASC as a regulator of metastatic phenotype
第41回研究皮膚科学会年次学術大会(仙台), Dec. 2016インフラマソーム構成因子ASCの細胞運動における役割
第75回日本癌学会学術総会(横浜), Oct. 2016ヒト肺癌の悪性形質獲得におけるASCの役割
第23回日本がん転移学会学術集会(大阪), Jul. 2015ASCによるがん細胞転移能の制御機構の解析
第23回日本がん転移学会学術集会(金沢), Jul. 2014The roles of ASC in cancer cell metastasis
Chifumi Fujii, Tomio Matshmura, Takao Sakaizawa, Shigeaki Hida, and Shun’ichiro Taniguchi.
15th International Biennial Congress Metastasis Research Society (Germany), Jun. 2014Actin binding protein fascin1 regulates innate immune responses in tumor cells
日本免疫学会総会・学術集会, Dec. 2013がん細胞でのASC発現低下は細胞運動能を亢進させる
第72回日本癌学会学術総会, Oct. 2013細胞間相互作用を介したASC依存的な腫瘍抑制機能
第72回日本癌学会学術総会, Oct. 2013ASCによるがん細胞運動制御機構の解析
第22回日本がん転移学会学術集会, Jul. 2013ASCによる生体の恒常性維持と腫瘍増殖制御機構の解析
第22回日本がん転移学会学術集会, Jul. 2013がん細胞におけるfascin1のRIG-Iシグナル抑制機構の解析
第22回日本がん転移学会学術集会, Jul. 2013がん細胞におけるASCと細胞運動能の相関性の解析
第85回日本生化学会大会(福岡), 14 Dec. 2012Imvolvement of fascin in immune responses through inflammasome activation
Tomio Matsumura, Chifumi Fujii, Shun’ichiro Taniguchi, and Shigeaki Hida
第41回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会(神戸), 05 Dec. 2012がん細胞におけるASCの新規腫瘍抑制機能
第71回日本癌学会学術総会(札幌), 19 Sep. 2012Potential involvement of ASC in cancer progression and metastasis.
Chifumi Fujii, Shigeaki Hida, Masato Kitazawa, Kensuke Ito, and Shun’ichiro Taniguchi.
14th International Biennial Congress of the Metastasis Research Society (Australia), 02 Sep. 2012繊維肉腫細胞におけるASCの新規癌抑制機能
第70回日本癌学会学術総会(名古屋), Oct. 2011マクロファージの抗腫瘍作用におけるApoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD(ASC)の役割
第70回日本癌学会学術総会(名古屋), Oct. 2011マクロファージの抗腫瘍作用におけるASCの役割
第20回日本がん転移学会学術集会・総会(浜松), 30 Jun. 2011Research Themes
- 胃腺粘液特異的糖鎖を指標とした予後不良分化型胃がんの診断・治療法開発
科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(C)
Apr. 2023 - 胃腺粘液糖鎖αGlcNAcの消失による胃がん悪性化の制御機構
科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(C)
Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021 - インフラマソーム構成分子ASCによるがん細胞の転移制御機構の解明
科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(C)
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017 - アダプタータンパク質ASC下流シグナルを標的とした新規大腸がん治療標的分子の同定
科学研究費補助金, 若手研究(B)
Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014 - 新規素材カーボンナノチューブの毒性および発がん性評価
科学研究費補助金, 若手研究(B)
Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2011