Faculty of Agriculture
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Use of Light-Emitting Diodes (LED), Clarification of Photoresponse Mechanisms of Plants and Fungi, Development of Applied Technology, Gene Expression Analysis, Metabolome Analysis
Mail Address
- mkojima★shinshu-u.ac.jp
- 2005
Professor, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology - 2001 - 2004
Professor, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University - 2001
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University - 1995 - 2001
Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University - 1991 - 1995
JointResearcher, Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University - 1991 - 1995
Joint Researcher, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University - 1991 - 1995
Joint Researcher, Institute for Laser Technology - 1987 - 1995
Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts,Shinshu University - 1983 - 1987
Lecturer, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shinshu University - 1982 - 1983
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shinshu University
Educational Background
- 1996 - 1996, Visiting Scientist, Northwestern University
- 1992 - 1992, Visiting Scientist, Rochester University
- 1989 - 1989, Visiting Scientist, Northwestern University
- 1987 - 1988, Visiting Scientist, Northwestern University
- 1982, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School, Division of Chemistry
- 1976, Shinshu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Research activity information
- Photochemistry of Amphiphilic Copolymers: Fluorescence Spectra of Copolymers of 1-(2-Naphthyl)ethyl Methacrylate and Sodium 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate in Solution
Yoshihiro Itoh; Osamu Yamashita; Akira Hachimori; MasanobuKojima; Satoshi Suzuki
J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem., 33, 137-142, 1995 - Electron Transfer Resulting from Excitation of Contact Charge Transfer Complexes between Some Styrene Derivatives and Oxygen
Masanobu Kojima; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 62, 3863-3868, 1989 - Electron Transfer Induced Photoisomerization, Dimerization, and Oxygenation of trans- and cis-Anethole. The Role of Monomer and DimerCation Radicals
Frederick D. Lewis; Masanobu Kojima
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110, 8664-8670, 1988 - Photodimerization of Singlet trans- and cis-Anethole. Concerted or Stepwise?
Frederick D. Lewis; Masanobu Kojima
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110, 8660-8664, 1988 - Photochemical Reaction of Contact Charge Transfer Pairs of 1-Arylcyclohexenes and Oxygen
Masanobu Kojima; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 60, 3331-3336, 1987 - Mechanistic Consideration on Photoreaction of Organic Compounds via Excitation of Contact Charge Transfer Complexes with Oxygen
Kazuyuki Onodera; Gen-ichi Furusawa; Masanobu Kojima; Masahiro Tsuchiya; Shin Aihara; Ryoichi Akaba; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Tetrahedron, 41, 2215-2220, 1985 - Photochemical Electron-Transfer Reaction between Aromatic Olefins and Metallic Ions. Dependence of the Reaction Course on the Structure of the Olefins
Masanobu Kojima; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 58, 521-524, 1985 - Interception of Photochemical Intermediates of Thiazole Derivatives. Formation and Isomerization of Iminoazetine and Azetinone Intermediates
Hiroshi Kato; Kozo Wakao; Akira Yamada; Masanobu Kojima
J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1558-1559, 1984 - 有機基質の光化学的および電気化学的電子移動反応の対照的研究. 2,6-ジアルキル-4-メチルフェノールの挙動
小嶋政信, 桜木宏親, 徳丸克己
電気化学および工業物理化学, 49, 731-732, 1981 - Electrochemical Oxidation of Aromatic Olefins. Dependence of the Reaction Course on the Structure of the Olefins and on the Nature of the Anodes
Masanobu Kojima; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Chem. Lett., 1707-1710, 1981 - Photolysis of Chlorobenzene. Phenylation of Chlorobenzene with Anormalous Orientation
Masanobu Kojima; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Chem. Lett., 1539-1540, 1981 - The Role of Oxygen as an Electron Acceptor in Dimerization of Some Styrene Derivatives
Masanobu Kojima; Hirochika Sakuragi; Katsumi Tokumaru
Tetrahedron Lett., 22, 2889-2892, 1981 - Formationof 1,4-Thiazine 1,1-Dioxides by the Cycloaddition-Extrusion-Ring Expansion Reactions of Thiirene Dioxide
Hiroshi Matsukubo; Masanobu Kojima; Hiroshi Kato
Chem. Lett., 1153-1154, 1975
Books and other publications
- 光化学の事典 8.1節 生物の光吸収,蛍光と発光(1)
小嶋政信, Single work, 花の色と天然色素
朝倉書店, 308-309 2014アグリフォトニクス
小嶋政信, Single work, 単色可視光LEDを用いるカイワレ蕎麦の栽培と高機能化の検討
シーエムシー出版, 215-226 2008化学と教育 54
小嶋政信, Single work, LED光源を用いた植物工場
日本化学会, 276 2006バイオサイエンスとインダストリー 63
小嶋政信, Single work, 発光ダイオードを用いる最新のスプラウト栽培
バイオインダストリー協会, 27-31 2005Encylopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8
Masanobu Kojima, Single work, Photochemistry in Zeolite Nanocavities
American Scientific Publishers, 549-567 2004Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology 11
Masanobu Kojima, Single work, Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reaction of Contact Charge-TransferComplexes Comprising Organic Substances and Oxygen MoleculeFormed in Solutions and in Zeolite Nanocavities
American Scientific Publishers, 501-523 2003化学工業 53
小嶋政信, Single work, ゼオライトナノ細孔を利用する光化学反応の制御
化学工業社, 666-672 2002光化学 31
小嶋政信, Single work, ゼオライト超分子の光化学
日本光化学協会, 173-182 2000化学と工業 49 11
小嶋政信, Single work, トピックス:不安定中間体の超安定化及び光化学反応制御効果をもたらすゼオライト微細孔
日本化学会, 1579 1996Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- ヒラタケ菌糸に青色光刺激を与えて抗癌活性物質を生産する
第13回糸状菌分子生物学コンファレンス, Nov. 2013青色光刺激を与えて糸状菌から有用物質を生産する
第13回糸状菌分子生物学コンファレンス, Nov. 2013青色光刺激を与えてヒラタケ菌糸の シキミ酸経路を制御する
日本生物環境工学会2013年大会, Sep. 2013青色光刺激を与えて キノコ菌糸のシキミ酸経路を制御する
第86回日本生化学会大会, Sep. 2013ヒラタケ菌糸に青色光刺激を与えてシキミ酸代謝経路を制御する -シキミ酸蓄積量の時系列変化ならびに光質・光強度への依存性-
第77回日本生化学会中部支部大会, May 2013青色光刺激を与えてキノコ菌糸の代謝経路を制御する
第85回日本生化学会大会(福岡国際会議場-マリンメッセ福岡)講演要旨集, 14 Dec. 2012青色光刺激により引き起こされるヒラタケ菌糸の遺伝子発現変化と代謝産物生産変化
2012年光化学討論会(東京工業大学)講演要旨集, 12 Sep. 2012青色光刺激によるヒラタケ菌糸の遺伝子発現と代謝産物生産の相関性
第84回日本生化学会大会(国立京都国際会館)講演要旨集, 21 Sep. 2011Effects of Light Quality and Intensity on the Expression of Photoresponse Genes in Oyster Mushroom Mycelia
日本分子生物学会・日本生化学会合同年会(BMB2010:神戸ポートピア)講演要旨集, Dec. 2010青色光刺激によるヒラタケ菌糸の遺伝子応答
2010年光化学討論会(千葉大学)講演要旨集, Sep. 2010Light Stress Triggers Expression of Vacuolar Proton-Pump Enzymes
第32回日本分子生物学会年会(パシフィコ横浜)講演要旨集, Dec. 2009Blue Light Stress on Buckwheat Sprouts Causes Both Anthocyanin Accumulation and Vacuolar Acidification
Masanobu Kojima
6th International Symposium on Light in Horticulture (つくば国際会議場), Nov. 2009Suppression Effect of Blue Light on the Growth of Oyster Mushroom Mycelia
Yoko Nakano, Hiroshi Fujii and Masanobu Kojima
6th International Symposium on Light in Horticulture (つくば国際会議場), Nov. 2009遺伝子発現解析に基づくヒラタケ菌糸の光環境応答メカニズムの解明
第82回日本生化学大会(神戸ポートピア)講演要旨集, Oct. 2009光ストレスによる彩色化と液胞プロトンポンプ酵素発現
第82回日本生化学大会(神戸ポートピア)講演要旨集, Oct. 2009光刺激による液胞膜プロトンポンプ酵素の遺伝子発現
2009年光化学討論会(桐生市市民文化会館)講演要旨集, Sep. 2009ヒラタケ菌糸の光応答遺伝子発現
2009年光化学討論会(桐生市市民文化会館)講演要旨集, Sep. 2009LEDを用いるヒラタケ菌糸の光環境応答解析-遺伝子発現解析に基づく光応答メカニズムの解明-
第42回照明学会全国大会(北海道工業大学)講演要旨集, Aug. 2009Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Regulation of Shikimic Acid Pathway Using Blue Light Stimulation
2011 - *Study of Photoresponse Mechanisms of Vegetables and Mushrooms using Light Emitting Diodes
2002 - *Mechanism of Photoisomerization of Azobenzene
1999 - 2005 - *Photochemistry of Zeolite Supramolecules
1997 - 2005 - *Photochemistry and Antioxidant Ability of Biologic Materials