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SUZUKI Shunsuke|Shinshu University Researcher List

SUZUKI Shunsuke

Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Agriculture

Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural and Life Sciences Division of Bioscience and Biotechnology 

Associate Professor 

Field Of Study

  • Epigenetics
  • Genome biology, Genome Biology
  • Molecular biology, molecular biology


    +81 265 77 1651

Mail Address



  • 2020
    Associate Professor, Shinshu University


  • Generation of chimpanzee induced pluripotent stem cell lines for cross-species comparisons
    Imamura M, Nakai R, Ohnuki M, Hamazaki Y, Tanabe H, Sato M, Harishima Y, Horikawa M, Watanabe M, Oota H, Nakagawa M, Suzuki S, Enard W
    In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal, 60(5), 544-554, May 2024, Refereed
  • Marsupials have monoallelic MEST expression with a conserved antisense lncRNA but MEST is not imprinted
    Ishihara T, Suzuki S, Newman TA, Fenelon JC, Griffith OW, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    Heredity, 132(1), 5-17, Jan. 2024, Refereed
  • Placental imprinting of SLC22A3 in the IGF2R imprinted domain is conserved in therian mammals
    Ishihara T, Griffith OW, Suzuki S, Renfree MB
    Epigenetics & Chromatin, 15(1), 32, Aug. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
  • Evolution of the short form of DNMT3A, DNMT3A2, occurred in the common ancestor of mammals
    Ishihara T, Hickford D, Fenelon JC, Griffith OW, Suzuki S, Renfree MB
    Genome Biology and Evolution, 14(7), evac094, Jul. 2022, Refereed
  • Presence of H3K4me3 on paternally expressed genes of the paternal genome from sperm to implantation
    Ishihara T, Griffith OW, Suzuki S, Renfree MB
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10, 838684, Mar. 2022, Refereed
  • De novo emergence and potential function of human-specific tandem repeats in brain-related loci
    Kim K, Bang S, Yoo D, Kim H, Suzuki S
    Human Genetics, 138(6), 661-672, Jun. 2019, Refereed
  • Novel brain-expressed noncoding RNA, HSTR1, identified at a human-specific variable number tandem repeat locus with a human accelerated region
    Suzuki S, Miyabe E, Inagaki S
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 503(3), 1478-1483, Sep. 2018, Refereed
  • Identification of a novel antisense noncoding RNA, ALID, transcribed from the putative imprinting control region of marsupial IGF2R
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    Epigenetics & Chromatin, 11(1), 55, Sep. 2018, Refereed
  • Identifying candidate positive selection genes in Korean imported pig breeds
    Lee W, Taye M, Kwon T, Yoon J, Jang D, Suzuki S, Kim H
    Genes & Genomics, 39(5), 557-565, May 2017, Refereed
  • Identification of multiple forms of RNA transcripts associated with human-specific retrotransposed gene copies
    Mori S, Hayashi M, Inagaki S, Oshima T, Tateishi K, Fujii H, Suzuki S
    Genome Biology and Evolution, 8(8), 2288-2296, Aug. 2016, Refereed
  • The cancer-promoting gene fatty acid-binding protein 5 (FABP5) is epigenetically regulated during human prostate carcinogensis
    Kawaguchi K, Kinameri A, Suzuki S, Senga S, Ke Y, Fujii H
    Biochemical Journal, 473(4), 449-461, Feb. 2016, Refereed
  • Identification of a novel PNMA-MS1 gene in marsupials suggests the LTR-retrotransposon-derived PNMA genes evolved differently in marsupials and eutherians
    Iwasaki S, Suzuki S, Pelekanos M, Clark H, Ono R, Shaw G, Renfree MB, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F
    DNA Research, 20(5), 425-436, Oct. 2013
  • Postnatal epigenetic reprogramming in the germline of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    Epigenetics & Chromatin, 6(1), 14, Jun. 2013WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • The origin and evolution of genomic imprinting and viviparity in mammals (Review)
    Renfree MB, Suzuki S (Co-first Author), Kaneko-Ishino T
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1609), 20120151, Jan. 2013, Refereed
  • GRB10 imprinting is eutherian mammal specific
    Stringer JM, Suzuki S, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29(12), 3711-3719, Dec. 2012
  • Selected imprinting of INS in the marsupial
    Stringer JM, Suzuki S, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    Epigenetics & Chromatin, 5(1), 14, Aug. 2012
  • Promoter-specific expression and imprint status of marsupial IGF2
    Stringer JM, Suzuki S, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    PLOS ONE, 7(7), e41690, Jun. 2012
  • Characterisation of marsupial PHLDA2 reveals eutherian specific acquisition of imprinting
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F, Renfree MB
    BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11, 244, 2011
  • Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii, provides insight into the evolution of mammalian reproduction and development
    Renfree MB, Papenfuss AT, Deakin JE, Lindsay J, Heider T, Belov K, Rens W,Waters PD, Pharo EA, Shaw G, Wong ES, Lefèvre CM, Nicholas KR, Kuroki Y, Wakefield MJ, Zenger KR, Wang C, Ferguson-Smith M, Nicholas FW, Hickford D, Yu H, Short KR, Siddle HV, Frankenberg SR, Chew KY, Menzies BR, Stringer JM, Suzuki S, Hore TA, Delbridge ML, Mohammadi A, Schneider NY, Hu Y, O'Hara W, Al Nadaf S, Wu C, Feng ZP, Cocks BG, Wang J, Flicek P, Searle SM, Fairley S, Beal K, Herrero J, Carone DM, SuzukiY, Sugano S, Toyoda A, Sakaki Y, Kondo S, Nishida Y, Tatsumoto S, Mandiou I, Hsu A, McColl KA, Lansdell B, Weinstock G, Kuczek E, McGrath A, Wilson P, Men A, Hazar-Rethinam M, Hall A, Davis J, Wood D, Williams S, Sundaravadanam Y, Muzny DM, Jhangiani SN, Lewis LR, Morgan MB, Okwuonu GO, Ruiz SJ, Santibanez J, Nazareth L, Cree A, Fowler G, Kovar CL, Dinh HH, Joshi V, Jing C, Lara F, Thornton R, Chen L, Deng J, Liu Y, Shen JY, Song XZ, Edson J, Troon C, Thomas D, Stephens A, Yapa L, Levchenko T, Gibbs RA, Cooper DW, Speed TP, Fujiyama A, Graves JA, O'Neill RJ, Pask AJ, Forrest SM, Worley KC
    Genome Biology, 12(8), R81, 2011
  • The evolution of mammalian genomic imprinting was accompanied by the acquisition of novel CpG islands
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F, Renfree MB
    Genome Biology and Evolution, 3, 1276-1283, 2011
  • Retrotransposon silencing by DNA methylation can drive mammalian genomic imprinting
    Suzuki S, Ono R, Narita T, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Wang C, Kohda T, Alsop AE, Marshall Graves JA, Kohara Y, Ishino F, Renfree MB, Kaneko-Ishino T
    PLOS GENETICS, 3(4), e55, 2007
  • Insulin is imprinted in the placenta of the marsupial, Macropus eugenii
    Ager E, Suzuki S, Pask A, Shaw G, Ishino F, Renfree MB
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 309(2), 317-328, 2007
  • Genomic imprinting of IGF2, p57KIP2 and PEG1/MEST in a marsupial, the tammar wallaby
    Suzuki S, Renfree MB, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Kobayashi S, Kohda T, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F
    Mechanisms of Development, 122(2), 213-222, 2005

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Novel brain-expressed lncRNA, HSTR1, identified at a human-specific VNTR locus with a human accelerated region
    Suzuki S
    The 21st Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on Bioscience "Towards Understanding Human Development and Evolution", 27 Jan. 2023
  • Novel brain-expressed lncRNA, HSTR1, identified at a human-specific VNTR locus with a human accelerated region
    Suzuki S
    Cold Spring Harbor Asia - RNA Biology, 06 Dec. 2022
  • ヒト特異的lncRNA遺伝子HSTR1の機能解析
    佐藤百花, 今村公紀, 鈴木俊介
    第45回日本分子生物学会年会, 30 Nov. 2022
  • ゲノム配列からヒト進化の一端を解き明かす!
    佐藤百花, 竹内 亮, 鈴木俊介
    超異分野学会 東京大会, 04 Mar. 2022
  • Can paternal H3K4me3 transmission in sperm affect imprinting status of paternally expressed genes after fertilization?
    Ishihara T, Griffith OW, Suzuki S, Renfree MB
    ESA-SRB-ANZBMS, Nov. 2021
  • Can paternal H3K4me3 transmission in sperm affect imprinting status of paternally expressed genes after fertilization?
    Ishihara T, Griffith OW, Suzuki S, Renfree MB
    Genetics Society of AustralAsia Conference, Oct. 2021
  • The role of paternal histone transmission in establishing genomic imprinting of paternally expressed genes
    Ishihara T, Griffith OW, Suzuki S, Renfree MB
    Epigenetics, Feb. 2021
  • ヒト特異的タンデムリピートから転写される新規脳発現RNA遺伝子HSTR1の同定
    楯 晋太郎, 鈴木俊介
    第41回日本分子生物学会年会, 30 Nov. 2018, 日本分子生物学会
  • The impact of de novo tandem repeats on vertebrate genomes
    Bang S, Kim K, Yoo D, Min B, Kim H, Suzuki S
    The 27th International KOGO Annual Conference, 05 Sep. 2018, Korea Genome Organization
  • (Invited) ヒト特異的タンデムリピートから転写される新規脳発現RNA遺伝子HSTR1
    第34回日本霊長類学会大会自由集会, 13 Jul. 2018, 日本霊長類学会, Invited
  • 有袋類IGF2RのDMRから転写される新規アンチセンスlncRNAの同定
    鈴木俊介, Marilyn Renfree
    第12回日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会, 24 May 2018, 日本エピジェネティクス研究会
  • ヒト特異的レトロコピーが形成する新規転写産物の同定
    田中 麻紗乃, 林 正晃, 藤井 博, 鈴木俊介
    2017年度生命科学系学会合同年次大会, 07 Dec. 2017
  • (Invited) Emergence of novel CpG islands and genomic imprinting in mammalian evolution
    Suzuki S
    Reproduction Down Under, 12 Aug. 2017, Invited
  • ヒト特異的レトロコピーが形成する新規転写産物の同定
    林 正晃, 藤井 博, 鈴木俊介
    第39回日本分子生物学会年会, 02 Dec. 2016, 日本分子生物学会
  • ヒト特異的レトロコピーが形成する新規キメラ型転写産物の同定
    鈴木俊介, 森 沙織, 稲垣 隼, 大島卓司, 立石 健, 林 正晃
    BMB2015, 01 Dec. 2015, 日本分子生物学会, 日本生化学会
  • Identification of novel chimeric transcripts associated with human-specific retroposed gene copies
    Mori S, Oshima T, Hayashi M, Inagaki S, Tateishi K, Suzuki S
    29th International Mammalian Genome Conference, 09 Nov. 2015, IMGS
  • Identification of novel chimeric transcripts associated with human-specific retroposed gene copies
    Suzuki S, Mori S, Oshima T, Inagaki S, Tateishi K
    Mobile DNA in Mammalian Genomes, 17 Jun. 2015, FASEB
  • ヒト特異的レトロコピーが形成するキメラ型lncRNAの機能
    森 沙織, 大島卓司, 稲垣 隼, 立石 健, 鈴木俊介
    第9回日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会, 25 May 2015, 日本エピジェネティクス研究会
  • ヒト特異的にレトロ転移した領域を含む新規キメラ転写産物の機能解析
    森 沙織, 大島卓司, 稲垣 隼, 立石 健, 鈴木俊介
    第37回日本分子生物学会年会, Nov. 2014, 日本分子生物学会
  • Postnatal epigenetic reprogramming in the germline of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby
    鈴木俊介, Geoffrey Shaw, Marilyn B. Renfree
    第36回日本分子生物学会年会, Dec. 2013, 日本分子生物学会
  • (Invited) Origin and evolution of genomic imprinting in mammals
    Suzuki S, Renfree MB, Ishino F
    BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Molecular&Cell Biology, Jun. 2013, Invited
  • 有袋類タマーワラビーの生殖系列における出生後のエピジェネティックリプログラミング
    鈴木俊介, Geoffrey Shaw, Marilyn B. Renfree
    第7回日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会, May 2013, 日本エピジェネティクス研究会
  • (Invited) ゲノム比較から探る哺乳類ゲノム刷り込みの起源と進化
    信州実験動物研究会 第77回勉強会, 2012, Invited
  • Postnatal epigenetic reprogramming in the germline of a marsupial, the tammar wallaby
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Renfree MB
    The 8th Okazaki Biology Conference, Speciation and Adaptation II -Environment and Epigenetics-, 2012
  • 哺乳類ゲノムインプリンティングの進化は新規CpGアイランドの獲得を伴った
    鈴木俊介, Geoffrey Shaw, 金児-石野知子, 石野史敏, Marilyn Renfree
    第6回日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会, 2012
  • The evolution of mammalian genomic imprinting was accompanied bythe acquisition of novel CpG islands
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F, Renfree MB
    63rd FUJIHARA SEMINAR - A newhorizonof retroposon research, 2012
  • (Invited) ゲノム比較から探る哺乳類ゲノムインプリンティングの起源と進化
    第44回種生物学シンポジウム, 2012, 種生物学会, Invited
  • 有袋類タマーワラビーの生殖系列における出生後のエピジェネティックリプログラム
    鈴木俊介, Geoffrey Shaw, Marilyn B. Renfree
    第35回日本分子生物学会年会, 2012, 日本分子生物学会
  • (Invited) Characteriztion of the marsupial PHLDA2 reveals eutherian specific acquisition of imprinting
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F, Renfree MB
    The 5th Australian Health&Medical Research Congress, 2010, Invited
  • Characteriztion of the marsupial PHLDA2 revealseutherian specific acquisition of imprinting
    Suzuki S, Shaw G, Ishino F, Renfree MB
    Epigenetics 2009 Australian Scientific Conference, 2009
  • Retrotranposon silencing by DNA methylation can drive mammalian genomic imprinting
    Suzuki S, Ono R, Narita T, Kohda T, Kohara Y, Ishino F, Renfree MB, Kaneko-Ishino T
    6th NIBB-EMBL joint meeting on evolution of epigenetic regulation, 2008
  • Retrotransposon silencing by DNA methylation can drive mammalian genomic imprinting
    鈴木俊介, 小野竜一, 成田貴則, 幸田 尚, 小原雄治, 石野史敏, Marilyn B. Renfree, 金児-石野知子
    第2回日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会, 2008
  • DNAメチル化によるレトロトランスポゾンの不活性化は哺乳類におけるゲノムインプリンティングの進化を促進する
    鈴木俊介, 小野竜一, 成田貴則, 幸田 尚, 小原雄治,石野史敏, Marilyn B. Renfree, 金児-石野知子
    第1回日本エピジェネティクス研究会年会, 2007
  • DNAメチル化によるレトロトランスポゾンの不活性化は哺乳類におけるゲノムインプリンティングの進化を促進する
    鈴木俊介, 小野竜一,成田貴則, 幸田 尚, 小原雄治, 石野史敏, Marilyn B. Renfree, 金児-石野知子
    第30回日本分子生物学会年会, 2007
  • Conservation of retrotransposon-derived PEG10 in a marsupial, the tammar wallaby
    Suzuki S, Ono R, Naruse M, Renfree MB, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Kohda T, Ishino F, Kaneko-Ishino T
    International congress of biochemistry and molecular biology, 2006
  • The insertion of retrotransposon-derived PEG10 in mammalian evolution
    Suzuki S, Ono R, Narita T, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Wang C, Kohda T, Alsop AE, Marshall GravesJA, Kohara Y, Ishino F, Renfree MB, Kaneko-Ishino T
    CSHL meeting on mouse molecular genetics, 2006
  • 哺乳類進化におけるPEG10の挿入時期とインプリンティング領域の解析
    鈴木俊介, 小野竜一, 成田貴則, Andrew J. Pask, Geoffrey Shaw, 王 長山, 幸田 尚, AmberE. Alsop, Jennifer A. Graves, 小原雄治, 石野史敏, Marilyn B. Renfree, 金児-石野知子
    日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム, 2006
  • Genomic imprinting of IGF2, CDKN1C and PEG1/MESTin a marsupial, the tammar wallaby
    Suzuki S, Renfree MB, Pask AJ, Shaw G, Kobayashi S, Kohda T, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F
    International symposium on germ cells, epigenetics, reprogramming and embryonic stem cells, 2005
  • 有袋類タマーワラビーにおけるSGCE相同領域の解析
    鈴木俊介, 小野竜一, 成瀬美衣, Marilyn B. Renfree, Andrew J. Pask, Geoffrey Shaw, 幸田 尚, 石野史敏, 金児-石野知子
    第28回日本分子生物学会年会, 2005
  • 有袋類 ワラビーにおけるIGF2, p57KIP2, PEG1/MESTのゲノミックインプリンティング
    鈴木俊介, Marilyn B. Renfree, Andrew J. Pask, Geoffrey Shaw, 小林 慎, 幸田 尚, 金児-石野知子, 石野史敏
    第27回日本分子生物学会年会, 2004
  • 有袋目ワラビーにおけるインプリンティング遺伝子PEG1/MESTの解析
    鈴木俊介, 小林 慎, 幸田 尚, Geoffrey Shaw, Marilyn B. Renfree, 金児-石野知子, 石野史敏
    第26回日本分子生物学会年会, 2003
  • 有袋類におけるインプリンティング遺伝子のスクリーニング
    鈴木俊介, 小林 慎, 幸田 尚, Marilyn B. Renfree, 金児-石野知子, 石野史敏
    第25回日本分子生物学会年会, 2002

Research Themes

  • 文部科学省 , テニュアトラック普及・定着事業(個人選抜型)
    2012 - 2015

Academic Contribution Activities

  • BMC Genomics, 2024
  • Peer review
    Biomolecules, 2023
  • Peer review
    Nature Communications, 2022
  • Peer review
    AIMS Biophysics, 2022
  • Peer review
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2022
  • Peer review
    Epigenetics & Chromatin, 2021
  • Peer review
    Genomics, 2019
  • Peer review
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 2018
  • Peer review
    Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2018
  • Peer review
    Scientific Reports, 2017
  • Peer review
    Scientific Reports, 2016
  • Peer review
    Genes & Genomics, 2016
  • Peer review
    Epigenomics, 2016
  • Peer review
    Cellular Reprogramming, 2013
  • Peer review
    International Journal of Biological Sciences
  • Peer review
    Genome Biology and Evolution