Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Materials Chemistry
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Biomimetic Chemistry, Lipid bilayer membrane, Lipid membrane Vesicles, Liposomes
Research activity information
- Electroformation of Giant Vesicles and Transformation to Oligovesicular Vesicles
Yukihisa Okumura
Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, 18, 63-79, 2013 - Immobilization of Giant Vesicles onto Hydrophobized Polymer Gel Particles
Yukihisa Okumura, Satoshi Yabushita, Aya Watanabe
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 84(10), 1144-1146, 15 Oct. 2011, Refereed - Electroformation of Giant Vesicles and Electrode Polarity
Yukihisa Okumura, Yuuichi Iwata
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 84(10), 1147-1149, 15 Oct. 2011, Refereed - Rapid Electroformation of Giant Vesicles
Yukihisa Okumura, Koji Urita
Chem. Lett., 40(5), 530-532, 23 Apr. 2011, Refereed - Giant vesicles with membranous microcompartments
Yukihisa Okumura, Takayuki Nakaya, Hiroshi Namai, Koji Urita
LANGMUIR, 27(7), 3279-3282, 11 Mar. 2011, Refereed - Surface Pressure Analysis of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Modified Fusogenic Liposomes Incorporated into a Phospholipid Monolayer
Nobuhiro Morone, Takehiko Ueda Yasuhiro Tsudo, Yukihisa Okumura, V屍onique Rosilio, Adam Baszkin, and Junzo Sunamoto
J. Bioact. Compatible Polym, 22, 5-18, 2007, Refereed - Electroformation of Giant Liposomes on Non-Electroconductive Substrate
Yukihisa Okumura, Hao Zhang, Takuya Sugiyama and Yuuichi Iwata
J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 1490-1491, 2007, Refereed