Faculty of Science
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- GEMMA CUP-ASSOCIATED MYB1, an Ortholog of Axillary Meristem Regulators, Is Essential in Vegetative Reproduction in Marchantia polymorpha
Yasui, Yukiko; Tsukamoto, Shigeyuki; Sugaya, Tomomi; Nishihama, Ryuichi; Wang, Quan; Kato, Hirotaka; Yamato, Katsuyuki T.; Fukaki, Hidehiro; Mimura, Tetsuro; Kubo, Hiroyoshi; Theres, Klaus; Kohchi, Takayuki; Ishizaki, Kimitsune;
CURRENT BIOLOGY, 29(23), 3987-+, Nov. 2019 - Physiological function of photoreceptor UVR8 in UV-B tolerance in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
Kondou, Youichi; Miyagi, Yuta; Morito, Takeshi; Fujihira, Kenta; Miyauchi, Wataru; Moriyama, Asami; Terasawa, Takuya; Ishida, Sakiko; Iwabuchi, Kosei; Kubo, Hiroyoshi; Nishihama, Ryuichi; Ishizaki, Kimitsune; Kohchi, Takayuki;
PLANTA, 249(5), 1349-1364, May 2019 - Biosynthesis of riccionidins and marchantins is regulated by R2R3-MYB transcription factors inMarchantia polymorpha
Hiroyoshi Kubo · Shunsuke Nozawa · Takuma Hiwatashi · Youichi Kondou · Ryo Nakabayashi · Tetsuya Mori ·Kazuki Saito · Kojiro Takanashi · Takayuki Kohchi · Kimitsune Ishizaki
J Plant Res, 30 May 2018, Refereed - Soil properties affecting adsorption of plasmid DNA and its transformation efficiency in Escherichia coli
Kunito T, Ihyo Y, Miyahara H, Seta R, Yoshida S, Kubo H, Nagaoka K, Sakai M, Saeki K
Biol Fertil Soils, 52(2), 223-231, 2016 - Asexual reproductive organspecific expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene 2 of Pilobolus crystallinus.
Kubo H
Mycoscience, 53, 147-151, 2012 - Cloning and expression analysis of putative glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase genes in Pilobolus crystallinus.
Kubo H
Mycoscience, 52, 99-106, 2011 - Characterization of root cells of anl2 mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Kubo H, Hayashi K
Plant Sci., 180, 679-685, 2011 - Cloning of a FLOWERING LOCUS T ortholog in Wasabia japonica (Matsum).
Kubo H, Yoshida K, Nozue M
Biosci. Biochem.Biothech., 75, 1823-1825, 2011 - Isolation of madA homologs in Pilobolus crystallinus.
Kubo, H.
Mycoscience, 50, 400-406, 2009 - Expression analysis of ANTHOCYANINLESS2 gene in Arabidopsis.
Kubo, H., Kishi M., and Goto K.
Plant Sci., 175, 853-857, 2008 - cAMP promotes hyphal branching in Mucor globosus
Hiroyoshi Kubo;Hitoshi Mihara
Mycoscience, 48, 187-189, 2007 - Promoter Activity of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Gene of Pharbitis nil in Araqbidopsis
Hiroyoshi Kubo
J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 16, 109-111, 2007 - Effects of microbeam light on growth and phototropism of Pilobolus crystallinus sporangiophore
Hiroyoshi Kubo;Hitoshi Mihara
Mycoscience, 37, 31-34, 1996 - Lag period for phototropism in Pilobolus crystallinus sporangiophores
Hiroyoshi Kubo;Hitoshi Mihara
Mycoscience, 37, 295-299, 1996 - アサガオ遺伝子ライブラリーの作製及び花成誘導ペプチド遺伝子の単離の試み
信州大学理学部紀要, 27, 79-85, 1993 - アオウキクサ花成誘導ペプチドcDNAのダイコンからの単離及びその解析について
信州大学理学部紀要, 27, 7-13, 1992 - Blue-light-induced shift of the phototropic fluence-response curve in Pilobolus sporangiophores
Hiroyoshi Kubo;Hitoshi Mihara
PLANTA, 179, 288-292, 1989 - Phototropic fluence-response curves for Pilobolus crystallinus sporangiophore
Hiroyoshi Kubo;Hitoshi Mihara
PLANTA, 174, 174-179, 1988 - Effects of light and temperature on sporangiophore initiation in Pilobolus crystallinus (Wiggers) Tode
Hiroyoshi Kubo;Hitoshi Mihara
PLANTA, 168, 337-339, 1986