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TAKAHASHI NOBUHIDE|Shinshu University Researcher List


Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Textile Science and Technology

Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Division of Chemistry and Materials 



  • Dr.(Engineering), The University of Tokyo

Field Of Study

  • Environmental technology
  • Chemical reaction and process system engineering, Reaction engineering/Process system



Mail Address


Educational Background

  • 1994, The University of Tokyo, 反応化学科
  • 1996, The University of Tokyo, Chemical System Engineering
  • 1999, The University of Tokyo, Chemical System Engineering


  • 2013
    Best Poster Award:9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustaibable Energy and Environmental Technologies (APCEET 2013)
    Experimental and theoretical study on CO2 chemical absorption in cross-flow membrane contactors, Jul 5-8, 2013


  • Estimation of CO2 sequestration potential by afforestation in the arid rangelands of Western Australia based on long-term empirical data
    Hideki Suganuma, Shin-ichi Aikawa, Yuji Sakai, Hiroyuki Hamano, Nobuhide Takahashi , Kiyotaka Tahara, Satoko Kawarasaki, Hajime Utsugi, Yasuyuki Egashira, Takuya Kawanishi, Richard J. Harper, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Toshinori Kojima, Yukuo Abe, Masahiro Saito, Shigeru Kato, John Law, Koichi Yamada
    Ecological Engineering, 133, 109-120, 2019
  • Influence of addition of functionalized alumina particles on CO2 stripping from amine solvents
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Satok Miyakawa, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada
    Energy Procedia, 114, 2024-2029, 2017
  • 木質バイオマスの好気性発酵速度におよぼす温度,含水率,C/N比の影響
    高橋伸英, 望月俊, 増田顕澄, 嶋田五百里, 長田光正, 福長博
    化学工学論文集, 43(4), 231-237, 2017
  • Optimization of cathode catalyst layer of PEFC using silk-derived activated carbon by 2-step mixing method
    Hiroshi Fukunaga, Naofumi Anto, Kanshi Kushibiki, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Nobuhide Takahashia
    ECS Trans., 75(52), 149-154, 2017
  • Effect of acidity on the physicochemical properties of α- and β-chitin nanofibers
    Suenaga S, Totani K, Nomura Y, Yamashita K, Shimada I, Fukunaga H, Takahashi N, Osada M
  • Catalytic cracking of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with hydrogen transfer reaction
    Iori Shimada, Kouhei Takizawa, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka
    Fuel, 161, 207-214, 2015
  • オーストラリア半乾燥地農業の塩害・湛水害対策について
    菅沼秀樹,Richard J. Harper,宇都木玄,高橋伸英,江頭靖幸,小島紀徳
    日本海水学会誌, 69(5), 301-309, 2015
  • Increasing octane value in catalytic cracking of n-hexadecane with addition of *BEA type zeolite
    Iori Shimada, Ryoichi Imai, Yoshinori Hayasaki, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka
    Catalysts, 5(2), 703-717, 2015
  • 一般廃棄物水熱処理残渣のガス化挙動
    高橋伸英, 西澤裕道, 嶋田五百里, 福長博, 高塚透
    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 93, 979-985, 2014
  • Estimation of Biomass and Bio-fuel Production Potential by Afforestation in Arid Area of the Murchison Region, Western Australia
    Hideki Suganuma, Hajime Utsugi, Nobuhide Takahashi, Kiyotaka Tahara, Yasuyuki Egashira, Toshinori Kojima
    Journal of Arid Land Studies, 24(1), 21-24, 2014
  • Selection of appropriate planting method and tree species for arid land afforestation in Western Australia
    Hideki Suganuma, Toshiaki Omori, Nozomi Sato, Hiroyuki Hamano, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hajime Utsugi, Toshinori Kojima, Koichi Yamada
    Journal of Arid Land Studies, 23(4), 193-198, 2014
  • Effects of membrane properties on CO2 desorption from chemical absorbents using a membrane flash process
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Kei Matsuzaki, Tetsuya Funai, Takuya Wada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Mano
    Energy Procedia, 37, 1060-1066, 2013
  • Coppice regeneration of afforested Eucalyptus camaldulensis in arid region of Western Australia
    Shin-ichi Aikawa, Yasuyuki Egashira, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hideki Suganuma, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Hajime Utsugi
    J. Arid Land Studies, 22(4), 473-479, 2013
  • ベータ型ゼオライトを触嬢添加材として用いた重質油接触分解での多次元反応制御
    石油学会誌, 56(5), 317-325, 2013
  • 植物工場技術の研究・開発および実証・展示・教育拠点(9)信州大学
    野末雅之, 野末はつみ, 宇佐美久尚, 高橋伸英, 田口悟朗, 梶浦善太
    植物環境工学, 25(2), 65-69, 2013
  • 粒度分布を用いた土壌の水分特性の推定
    高橋伸英, 鶴川正剛, 新井親夫, 福長博, 山田興一
    化学工学論文集, 38(5), 305-311, 2012
  • Effects of Water Supply on the Growth Rate and Water Use Efficiency of Trees in Arid Land Afforestation in Western Australia
    N. Takahashi, H. Hamano, Y. Egashira, M. Saito, T. Kojima, Y. Abe, J. Law and K. Yamada
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 44, 788-797, 2011
  • Establishment and Evaluation of a Method for the Estimation of the Water Use Efficiency of a Tree
    T. Kojima, N. Saito, Y. Tanaka, S. Kato, K. Tahara, N. Takahashi, H. Utsugi, K. Yamada and H. Hamano
    J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 44, 668-676, 2011
  • Effects of membrane properties on CO2 recovery performance in a gas absorption membrane contactor
    N. Takahashi, Y. Furuta, H. Fukunaga, T. Takatsuka, H. Mano and Y. Fujioka
    Energy Procedia, 4, 693-698, 2011
  • Factors affecting distribution of nutrient in tree organs of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in arid lands of Western Australia
    H. Hamano, N. Saito, Y. Tanaka, S. Kato, K. Tahara, N. Takahashi, K. Yamada, T. Kojima
    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 44, 653-661, 2011
  • 実践的人材育成のための産学協同大学院教育プログラムの開発
    阿部隆夫, 深瀬康司, 平井利博, 藤本哲也, 高橋伸英, 森川英明
    工学教育, 59(6), 97-103, 2011
  • 西豪州乾燥地における植林地選定を目的とした表面流出モデルの開発
    化学工学論文集, 36, 532-538, 2010
  • ロージョン, 乾燥地植林を目的とした中流域における表面流出率の測定
    濱野裕之, 高橋伸英, 山田興一, 小島紀徳
    化学工学論文集, 36(4), 351-354, 2010
  • The optimal planting density of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in view of photosynthetic properties in aridlands of Western Australia
    Hajime Utsugi, Satoko Kawarasaki, Shin-ichi Aikawa, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hamano, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 19(1), 25-28, 2009
  • Woody Biomass Production by Utilizing Coppice of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in an Arid Area in Western Australia
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Yasuyuki Egashira, Shin-ichi Aikawa, Toshinori Kojima
    J. Arid Land Studies, 19(1), 53-56, 2009
  • Experiment on spout regeneration for dryland afforestation
    Shin-ich Aikawa, Nobuhide Takahashi, Satoko Kawarasaki, Hiroyuki Hamano, Yasuyuki Egashira, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada
    J. Ecotech. Res., 13(4), 179-182, 2009
  • Effects of different mobilities of leaf and woody litters on litter carbon dynamics in arid ecosystems in Western Australia
    Shungo Kumada, Takuya Kawanishi, Yoshishige Hayashi, Hiroyuki, Hamano, Satoko Kawarasaki, Shin-ichi Aikawa, Nobuhide Takahashi, Yasuyuki Egashira, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Toshinori Kojima, Adrianne, Kinnear, Koichi Yamada
    Ecological Modeling, 220, 2792-2801, 2009
  • 西オーストラリア乾燥地の土壌の化学性と植生の関係
    高橋伸英, 上村豪幸, 北原弘道, 新井親夫, 福長博, 田原聖隆, 小島紀徳, 進藤勇治, 山田興一
    沙漠研究, 18, 1-9, 2008
  • 中空糸膜コンタクターのCO2吸収性能に及ぼす膜特性の影響の実験的および理論的検討
    高橋 伸英, 真野 弘, 岡部 和弘, 中村光穂, 藤岡祐一, 三村富雄, 八木靖幸
    化学工学論文集, 34, 76-84, 2008
  • ハードパン破砕を伴う乾燥地植林における土壌化学性評価による持続可能性の検討
    濱野裕之, 斉藤則子, 北原弘道, 加藤茂, 高橋伸英, 山田興一, 小島紀徳
    水文・水資源学会誌, 21, 32-38, 2008
  • Eucalyptus camaldulensisの生育限界水分条件
    高橋伸英, 藤原尚, 小林敦, 福長博, 岩崎博, 小島紀徳, 山田興一
    沙漠研究, 17, 157-165, 2008
  • Optimization of soil structure for tree growth by hardpan blasting in an arid region in Western Australia
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Yasuyuki Egashira, John Law, Toshinori Kojima, Hiroshi Fukunaga and Koichi Yamada
    J. Ecotech. Res., 13(4), 287-290, 2008
  • Litter carbon dynamics analysis in forests in an arid ecosystem with a model incorporating the physical removal of litter
    Shungo Kumada, Takuya Kawanishi, Yoshishige Hayashi, Kenichi Ogomori, Yuka Kobayashi, Nobuhide Takahashi, Masahiro Saito, Hiroyuki Hamano, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada
    EcologicalModeling, 215, 190-199, 2008
  • Growth and survival of arid land forestation species (Acacia aneura, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. salubris) with hardpan blasting
    Katsuhiro Shiono, Yukuo Abe, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Hajime Utugi, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hamano, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada
    Journal of Arid Land Studies, 17, 11-22, 2007
  • 西オーストラリア乾燥地におけるEucalyptus camaldulensisの樹液中塩類の挙動
    小島紀徳, 斉藤則子, 田中淑子, 濱野裕之, 加藤茂, 田原聖隆, 高橋伸英, 山田興一
    水文・水資源学会誌, 20, 340-346, 2007
  • CFD analysis of a tubular-type testing unit for SOFC
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Hidenori Kagamifuchi, Akifusa Hagiwara and Koichi Yamada
    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn, 40, 1192-1198, 2007
  • 肥大動態から見た乾燥地樹木の水利用効率の評価
    日林関支論集, 57, 88-91, 2006
  • Litter and Soil Carbon Dynamics Model in Arid Forest Ecosystems, Application to Sturt Meadows Experiments in Western Australia
    S. Kumada; T. Kawanishi; Y. Hayashi; K. Ogomori; Y. Kobayashi; N. Takahashi; M. Saito; H.Hamano; T. Kojima; K. Yamada;
    J. Ecotech. Res., 2006
  • バイオエタノール発酵プロセスの合理化
    岩崎博; 高橋伸英; 小林敦; 山田興一
    エネルギー学会誌, 85, 542-551, 2006
  • 乾燥地における焼成ボーキサイトの土壌改良材としての利用
    沙漠研究, 16(1), 31-38, 2006
  • The Difference in Leaf Morphological and Photosynthetic Ability of Eucalyptus camaldulensis between Natural Growth and Planted Trees in Desert Western Australia
    Hajime Utsugi; Hiroyuki Tanouchi; Hiroyuki Hamano and Nobuhide Takahashi
    J. Arid Land Studies, 15(4), 271-274, 2006
  • Water Use Efficiency of Trees in Arid Lands: Plasticity to Water Conditions
    H. Tanouchi; H. Utsugi; N. Takahashi; H. Hamano; S. Kawarasaki; T. Kojima; K. Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 15(4), 267-270, 2006
  • Biomass Growth Estimation of an Afforestation Site and Natural Forests in an Arid Land ofWestern Australia
    K. Shiono; H. Suganuma; Y. Abe; H. Tanouchi; H. Utsugi; M. Saito; N. Takahashi; T. Kojima and K.Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 15(4), 251-254, 2006
  • Development of Tree Growth Simulator Based on Process Model of Photosynthesis for Eucalyptus Camaldulensis in Arid Land,
    Y. Egashira; M. Shibata; K. Ueyama; H. Utsugi; N. Takahashi; S. Kawarasaki. T. Kojima and K. Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 15(4), 263-266, 2006
  • Effect of Calcined Bauxite as a Water-holding Material and a Way of Mixing it with Soil on Tree Growth
    N. Takahashi; H. Hamano; Y. Abe; T. Kojima and K. Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 15(4), 275-278, 2006
  • Basic Data of Research Project on Large Scale Afforestation of Arid Land for Carbon Fixation near Leonora in Western Australia
    T. Kojima, H. Hamano, Y. Abe, H. Tanouchi, Y. Egashira, M. Saito, J. Law, N. Takahashi and K. Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 16(3), 167-174, 2006
  • フーリエ変換像に基づく文字の感性評価
    , 叶泰子、高橋伸英、鈴木昭弘、阿部隆夫,
    日本写真学会誌, 68, 37-38, 2005
  • 乾燥地植林による炭素固定システム構築-土壌構造改良による炭素固定促進-
    山田興一; 小島紀徳; 安部征雄; 江頭靖幸; 田内裕之; 高橋伸英; 濱野裕之; 田原聖隆
    エネルギー・資源, 26(6), 435-441, 2005
  • 肥大か膨張か-精密デンドロメータによる乾燥地樹木の成長動態解析から-
    日本林学会関東支部大会発表論文集, 55, 131-132, 2004
  • CO2 flux over arid ecosystem in Western Australia
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Dayin Li, Jorg Hacker, Toshinori Kojima, Yukuo Abe and Koichi Yamada
    Proceedings of 10th the Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChe), 3K-03, 2004
  • Infiltration Properties of Arid Land with Various Conditions in Leonora, Western Australia
    H. Hamano; J. Ishida; T. Kojima; Y. Abe; M. Saito; N. Takahashi and K. Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 14(S), 219-222, 2004
  • Establishment of the Method to Estimate of Water Requirement Per Unit Carbon Fixation of a Tree in Arid Land
    N. Saito; S. Kato; T. Kojima; H. Hamano; K. Tahara; N. Takahashi and K. Yamada
    J. Arid Land Studies, 14(S), 14(S), 53-56, 2004
  • 焼成ボーキサイト混入による土壌の保水性改良効果
    化学工学論文集, 30(4), 537-540, 2004
  • Vector Locus of an Equivalent Radius of the Root in Growing Plants
    M. Yamada; I. Yamaura; K. Tanaka; M. Yajima; N. Takahashi; and K. Yamada
    Proc. 20th IEEE Instr. and Measur. Tech. Conf., 2, 1294-1297, 2003
  • Possibility of CO2 Fixation on Arid Land in Western Australia
    Koichi Yamada; Toshinori Kojima; Yasuyuki Egashira; Yukuo Abe Masahiro Saito and Nobuhide Takahashi
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-6), 1477-1482, 2003
  • Restructuring and Afforestation of Hardpan Area to Sequester Carbon
    Koichi Yamada; Toshinori Kojima; Yukuo Abe; Masahiro Saito; Yasuyuki Egashira; Nobuhide Takahashi; Kiyotaka Tahara; John Law
    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 36(3), 328-332, 2003
  • Water Use Efficiency of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Growing in Arid Region in Western Australia
    Nobuhide Takahashi; Kiyotaka Tahara; Hajime Utsugi; Toshinori Kojima;Yasuyuki Egashira; Yukuo Abe; Masahiro Saito and Koichi Yamada
    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 36(4), 391-400, 2003
  • Development of Integrated Simulator of Water Transport and Plant Growth as an Evaluation Tool of Arid Land Afforestation for CO2 Fixation
    Yasuyuki Egashira; Daisuke Tomii; Korekazu Ueyama; Nobuhide Takahashi; Toshinori Kojima; Yukuo Abe; Masahiro Saito and Koichi Yamada
    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 36(4), 383-390, 2003
  • 安定同位対比分析を用いた豪州乾燥地域における樹木の水源推定に関する研究
    水文・水資源学会誌, 16(5), 518-526, 2003
  • Estimation of water requirement per unit carbon fixed by Eucalyptus camaldulensis in semi-arid land of Western Australia
    Toshinori Kojima; Yoshiko Tanaka; Shigeru Katoh; Kiyotaka Tahara; Nobuhide Takahashi and Koichi Yamada
    Science in China (Series D), 142-147, 2002
  • An Estimation Method of Ground Resistance of Trees Growing in Different Lands
    I. Yamaura; K. Tanaka; M. Yajima; N. Takahashi; and K. Yamada
    Proc. 19th IEEE Instr. and Measur. Tech. Conf., 2, 949-952, 2002
  • Design and Evaluation of an Electric Vehicle Using Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    Koichi Yamada; Nobuhide Takahashi; and Ching-Ju Wen
    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 35(12), 1290-1297, 2002
  • Reaction model of dense Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 as SOFC cathode
    H. Fukunaga; M. Koyama; N. Takahashi; C. Wen and K. Yamada
    Solid State Ionics, 132, 279-285, 2000
  • Mechanism of Smoke Generation in a Flickering Pool Flame
    Ritsu Dobashi; Zu-Wei Kong; AkiraToda; Nobuhide.Takahashi; Masataro Suzuki and Toshisuke Hirano
    Fire Safety Science, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, 255-264, 2000
  • Behavior of Luminous Zones Appearing on Plumes of Large Scale Pool Fires
    Nobuhide TAKAHASHI; Masataro SUZUKI; Ritsu DOBASHI; and Toshisuke HIRANO
    FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL, 33, 1-10, 1999
  • 大規模プール火災の時間・空間的放射特性
    高橋伸英;古積 博;平野敏右
    火災学会論文集, 49, 27-33, 1999
  • Behavior of Flames in Large ScalePool FiresProceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Scale Modeling
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Zu-Wei Kong, Masataro Suzuki, Ritsu Dobashi and Toshisuke Hirano
    25-32, 1997
  • 太陽光発電システムのライフサイクルインベントリー
    稲葉敦;近藤康彦, 小林光雄 喜多浩之 高橋伸英 野田優 松本真太郎 森田英基 小宮山宏
    資源と環境, 4(4), 69-81, 1995
  • 太陽光発電システムのライフサイクルアセスメント
    エネルギー・資源, 16(5), 65-7, 1995
  • 太陽光発電システムの導入によるCO2排出削減効果
    エネルギー・資源, 16(5), 72-77, 1995


  • 冷凍コンテナ植物工場の開発 -太陽光利用閉鎖型植物工場のエネルギー収支
    機械化農業, (8), 22 - 26, 01 Aug. 2022
  • 化学工学
    日本画像学会誌, 54(2), 167-172, 2015
  • 化学工学-移動現象論の基礎-
    日本画像学会誌, 54(3), 243-253, 2015
  • 化学工学-次元解析とスケールアップ-
    日本画像学会誌, 54(4), 332-339, 2015
  • 化学工学-反応工学の基礎-
    日本画像学会誌, 54(5), 499-507, 2015
  • 化学工学-プロセスシステム工学と熱交換器ネットワークの設計-
    日本画像学会誌, 54(6), 629-636, 2015
  • 植物工場の可能性を拓く「信州大学先進植物工場研究教育センター(SUーPLAF)」の発足
    野末雅之, 宇佐美久尚, 高橋伸英, 野末はつみ, 塚田益裕
    Web Journal, 121, 34-38, 2011
  • 信州大学植物工場プロジェクト, コンテナ植物工場の開発
    野末雅之, 宇佐美久尚, 高橋伸英, 野末はつみ
    計測と制御, 50(12), 1047-1052, 2011
  • LEDと有機ELを利用するコンテナ植物工場
    宇佐美久尚, 島田葵, 谷口彬雄, 高橋伸英, 野末雅之
    化学工学, 75(12), 807-811, 2011
  • 木質バイオマスの炭化による高密度発電燃料製造プロセスの開発
    ケミカルエンジニアリング, 55(2), 113-118, 2010

Books and other publications

  • CO2の分離・回収貯留最新技術
    高橋伸英, 2.5.2 木質バイオマス混焼発電によるBECCS
    株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス, 188-197 2022
  • 最新工業化学
    高橋伸英, 革新技術の創出と製品化
    東京電気大学出版局, 2012
  • 沙漠を森に-温暖化への処方箋-
    コロナ社, 3.1, 3.2, 6.3, 6.4節 2011
  • 日本低炭素社会のシナリオ
    高橋伸英, 太陽電池導入の可能性:宇都宮市の例
    日刊工業新聞社, 107-111 2008
  • 理工系大学生のための専門基礎数学 講義と演習
    鈴木コーポレーション, 2005

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Development of CO2 chemical absorption process using porous hollow fiber membranes
    Nobuhide Takahashi
    The 9th Japan-China Symposiumon Chemical Engineering, 15 Mar. 2019
  • A relationship of CO2 desorption performance to membrane properties and pressure difference in the membrane flash process with an alumina porous hollow fiber membrane
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-14, 24 Oct. 2018
  • Plant Growth Promotion by Product Gases from Aerobic Fermentation of Woody Biomass
    Kento Masuda, Iori Shimada, Osada Mitsumasa, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    The 5th the 5th Asian Conference on Biomass Science, 2018
  • Enhancement of CO2 desorption from amine absorbents by a membrane flash process using an alumina porous hollow fiber membrane
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Ayaka Yokomichi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    4th Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC4), Sep. 2017
  • Catalytic cracking of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with hydrogen transfer reaction
    Chiaki Uno, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka, Iori Shimada
    The 17th Congress of Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE 2017), Aug. 2017
  • Carbon sequestration by large-scale afforestation in an arid area in Western Australia
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Hideki Suganuma, Hajime Utsugi, Yuji Sakai, Kiyotaka Tahara, Yasuyuki Egashira, Toshinori Kojima, Koichi Yamada
    The 17th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Aug. 2017
  • Influence of the effluent gas from aerobic fermentation of biomass materials on plant growth
    Kento Masuda, Nur Shahiza Binti Mohd Aizuddin, Iori Shimada, Osada Mitsumasa, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    The 17th Congress of the Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Aug. 2017
  • Efficient Production of Carbonized Solid Fuel from Woody Biomass by Carbonization/torrefaction with Tar Recovery
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroki Satomi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    2nd International Bioenergy (Shanghai) Conference and Exhibition (IBSCE2017), Apr. 2017
  • Production of functional polypeptide from inedible part of tuna by subcritical water treatment
    Yuki Hoshina, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Tsutomu Fujikawa, Kazue Narihiro, Kazuhiko Yamashita, Mitsumasa Osada
    4th Asian Conference on Biomass Science, Dec. 2016
  • β-Chitin nanofiber preparation from squid pen by a wet pulverizer
    Mitsumasa Osada, Shin Suenaga, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Kazuhide Totani, Yoshihiro Nomura, Kazuhiko Yamashita
    4th Asian Conference on Biomass Science, Dec. 2016
  • Influence of addition of functionalized alumina particles on CO2 stripping from amine solvents
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Satok Miyakawa, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada
    13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, Nov. 2016
  • Effect of unsaturated fatty acid side chain on deoxygenation of triglycerides in catalytic cracking process
    Iori Shimada, Yoshitaka Nakamura, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Haruhisa Ohta, Kengo Suzuki, Toru Takatsuka
    The 5th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy and Environmental Chemical Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE 2016), Nov. 2016
  • Effect of hydrogen donor on catalytic cracking of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
    Chiaki Uno, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka, Iori Shimada
    The 5th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy and Environmental Chemical Engineering (ASCON-IEEChE 2016), Nov. 2016
  • Production of β-Chitin Nanofibers from Squid Pen Using a Water Jet Machine
    Mitsumasa Osada, Shin Suenaga, Kazuhide Totani, Yoshihiro Nomura, Kazuhiko Yamashita, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference 2016, Nov. 2016
  • Improvement of Low-Pt PEFC Performance By Controlling Structure of Catalyst Layer Using Platinum Nanosheet Catalyst As Cathode
    Kazuhiro Kachi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    PRiME 2016 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016), The Electrochemical Society 230th Meeting, Oct. 2016
  • Optimization of Cathode Catalyst Layer of PEFC Using Silk-Derived Activated Carbon By 2-Step Mixing Method Introduction
    Naofumi Anto, Kanshi Kushibiki, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    PRiME 2016 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016), The Electrochemical Society 230th Meeting, Oct. 2016
  • Temperature Dependence of Effective Thickness of Ni-GDC Anode for SOFC
    Hiroki Kikuchi, Hidehito Tamura, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    PRiME 2016 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016), The Electrochemical Society 230th Meeting, Oct. 2016
  • (La,Sr)(Cr,Ni)O3/CeO2-Based Composite Anode with Various Ni Content and Mixing Ratio for SOFC
    Hiroshi Fukunaga, Makoto Saito, Yuta Takei, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Nobuhide Takahashi
    PRiME 2016 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016), The Electrochemical Society 230th Meeting, Oct. 2016
  • Effect of Solvent to Microstructure of Metal-free Carbon Cathode for PEFC
    H. Fukunaga, K. Kushibiki, I. Shimada, M. Osada, N. Takahashi
    67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Aug. 2016
  • Utilization of hydrogen transfer reaction for catalytic cracking of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
    Iori Shimada, Chiaki Uno, Kouhei Takizawa, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka
    The 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 2016
  • Production of highly densified solid fuel from woody biomass by carbonization with tar recovery
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroki Satomi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Jun. 2016
  • Impedance Analysis of Metal-free Carbon Cathode Using Silk-derived Activated Carbon for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
    H. Fukunaga, K. Kushibiki, I. Shimada, M. Osada, N. Takahashi
    10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Jun. 2016
  • Production of carbonized solid fuel from woody biomass with tar recovery
    Hiroki Satomi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    3rd Asian Conference on Biomass Science (ACBS2016), Jan. 2016
  • CO2 supply by aerobic fermentation of tomato plant residues
    Yoshiaki Tanuma, Mitsumasa Osada, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    3rd Asian Conference on Biomass Science (ACBS2016), Jan. 2016
  • CO2 desorption performance of amine-based solvents by membrane flash process
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Takuya Wada, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC3), Sep. 2015
  • Quantification of intrusion of chemical absorbent liquid into porous hollow fiber membrane and its influences on CO2 absorption rate in a membrane contactor
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Yuki Sakai, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) Congress 2015, Sep. 2015
  • Development of a technology for supplying carbon dioxide to a greenhouse by utilizing fermentation of agricultural residue
    Yoshiaki Tanuma, Yasutaka Ono, Mitsumasa Osada, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) Congress 2015, Sep. 2015
  • Effects of the structure of inorganic porous hollow fiber membrane on CO2 desorption rate in a membrane flash process
    Ayaka Yokomichi, Iori Shimada, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) Congress 2015, Sep. 2015
  • Performance of SOFC using La0.85Sr0.15Cr1-xNixO3/CeO2 composite anode with various Ni content and mixing composition
    M. Saito, H. Fukunaga, I. Shimada, M. Osada, N. Takahashi
    International Symposium for Advanced Materials Research P8, Aug. 2015
  • Development of an efficient process to produce carbonized solid fuel from woody biomass by tar recovery during carbonization
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroki Satomi, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    2nd Asian Conference on Biomass Science, Jan. 2015
  • Development of a heating system utilizing fermentation heat of woody biomass
    Shun Mochizuki, Iori Shimada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi
    2nd Asian Conference on Biomass Science, Jan. 2015
  • Effects of carbonization temperature on porous properties of activated carbon from bamboo produced by CO2 activation
    Takashi Ohara, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Iori Shimada, Nobuhide Takahashi,
    2nd Asian Conference on Biomass Science, Jan. 2015
  • Hydrothermal treatment and catalytic cracking of lignocellulose for hydrocarbon fuel production
    Iori Shimada, Takuro Kawaguchi, Yutaka Kobayashi, Mitsumasa Osada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka
    2nd Asian Conference on Biomass Science, Jan. 2015
  • CO2 desorption from chemical absorbents using a membrane flash process with alumina microporous hollow fibers
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Tetsuya Funai, Takuya Wada, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Mano
    9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustaibable Energy and Environmental Technologies (APCEET 2013), 2013, Invited
  • Experimental and theoretical study on CO2 chemical absorption in cross-flow membrane contactors
    Hideomi Fukao, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Toru Takatsuka
    9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustaibable Energy and Environmental Technologies (APCEET 2013), 2013, Invited
  • Effects of membrane properties on CO2 desorption from chemical absorbents using a membrane flash process
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Kei Matsuzaki, Tetsuya Funai, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Mano
    11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technology (GHGT-11), 2012
  • Electrical Performance Change by the Difference in the Production Methods of the Anode for SOFC
    Gen Watanabe, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Fukunaga
    Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science 180, 2012
  • Enhancement of Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Silk-derived Activated Carbon by Ammonia Treatment
    Hiroshi Fukunaga, Takuya Shimoyama, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Kishimoto
    10th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2012
  • Evaluation ofNitrogen Species and Microstructre of Silk-Derived Activated Carbon as Non-Precious Metal Catalyst for PEFC Cathode
    Hiroshi Fukunaga, Takuya Shimoyama, Nobuhide Takahashi, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Kishimoto
    Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science 1693, 2012
  • CO2 chemical absorption using microporous hollow fiber membranes
    N. Takahashi
    6th International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile Materials, 2011, Invited
  • Effects of membrane properties on CO2 recovery performance in a gas absorption membrane contactor
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Yusuke Furuta, Hiroshi Fukunaga, Toru Takatsuka, Hiroshi Mano and Yuichi Fujioka
    10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technology (GHGT-10), 2010
  • Arid land afforestation as a countermeasure against global warming
    Nobuhide TAKAHASHI, Hiroyuki TANOUCHI, Yasuyuki EGASHIRA,Hideki SUGANUMA and Toshinori KOJIMA
    TJASSST X CD-ROM, 2009
  • E. camaldulensis Optimal Planting Density in Desert Western Australia in View of Its Properties
    H. Utsugi, S. Kawarasaki, S. Aikawa, H. Tanouchi, N. Takahashi, H. Hamano, T. Kojima and K. Yamada
    The 9th International Conference on Desert Technology, 2008
  • The optimal planting density of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in view of photosynthetic properties in aridlands of Western Australia
    HajimeUtsugi, Satoko Kawarasaki, Shin-ichi Aikawa, Hiroyuki Tanouchi, Nobuhide Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hamano, Toshinori Kojima and Koichi Yamada
    Desert Technology IX 36, 2008
  • Woody Biomass Production by Utilizing Coppice of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in an Arid Area in Western Australia
    Nobuhide Takahashi, Yasuyuki Egashira, Shin-ichi Aikawa, Toshinori Kojima
    Desert Technology IX 13, 2008
  • Evaluation of Large-Scale Catchment Runoff Ratios Based on Middle Scale Catchment Data of Arid Land Region in Western Australia
    H. Hamano, N. Takahashi, T. Kojima, A. Kinner and K. Yamada
    14th Asian Symposium on Ecotechnology, 2007
  • Experiment on sprout regeneration for dryland afforestation
    S. Aikawa, N. Takahashi, S. Kawarasaki, H. Hamano, Y. Egashira, H. Tanouchi, T. Kojima, K. Yamada
    14th Asian Symposium on Ecotechnology, 2007
  • Litter Removal Behavior by Natural Causes in Sturt Meadows in an arid region of Western Australia
    S. Kumada, T. Kawanishi, Y. Hayashi, H. Hamano, S. Kawarasaki, N. Takahashi, Y. Egashira, H. Tanouchi, T. Kojima, A. Kinner andK. Yamada
    14th Asian Symposium on Ecotechnology, 2007
  • Optimization of soil structure by hardpan blasting for tree growth in an arid region in Western Australia
    N. Takahashi, Y. Egashira, J. Law, T. Kojima, H. Fukunaga and K. Yamada
    14th Asian Symposium on Ecotechnology, 2007
  • Soil Water Content of Bank at a Planting Site of Semi-Arid Land in Western Australia
    K. Kurosawa, H. Hamano, N. Takahashi, Y. Egashira, M. Saito, T. Kojima and K. Yamada
    14th Asian Symposium on Ecotechnology, 2007
  • Research Project on Large Scale Afforestation of Arid Land for Carbon Fixation near Leonora in Western Australia
    Y. Egashira, T. Kojima, H. Hamano, Y. Abe, H. Tanouchi, H. Utsugi, M. Saito, J. Law, N. Takahashi and K. Yamada
    The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), 2007
  • Modeling and Analyzing of Litter-Soil Carbon Dynamics in an Arid Land Forest Ecosystem
    S. Kumada, T. Kawanishi, Y. Hayashi, H. Suganuma, H. Hamano, S. Kawarasaki, N. Takahashi, Y. Egashira, H. Tanouchi, T. Kojima and K. Yamada
    The 4th Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (CJCES), 2007
  • CFD Analysis of Tubular-Type Testing Unit of SOFC
    N. Takahashi, H. Kagamifuchi, A. Hagiwara and K. Yamada
    International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems - for Fuel Cells, Heat Pumps and Related Gas-Solid Technologies - 112-113, 2007

Affiliated academic society

  • The Society of Chemical Engineering, Japan
  • The Japan Institute of Energy
  • The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies

Research Themes

  • Development of CO2 fixation system/Biomass energy production system by arid-land afforestation
  • Development of CO2 recovery process and system from flue gases of fire power plants
  • Development of energy conversion technology from woody biomass (solid fuel, fermentation)
  • Production of high-performance adsorbents from woody biomass

Industrial Property Rights

  • 自動灌水方法及びそのための自動灌水装置, 特許第4208764号, 2005-328715, Patent right

Other research activities

  • Marquis Who's Who in the World 2009年度版に掲載