Faculty of Science
Professor Emeritus Professor
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Research activity information
- Siderite-bearing apatite nodules from the Miocene Aoki Formation in central Japan
Morikiyo Toshiro
Earce Science, 77(1), 7-28, 2023, Refereed - Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of calcite nodules from the Miocene Tomikusa Group, central japano
Morikiyo Toshiro
Earth Science, 76(3), 111-127, 2022, Refereed - Origin of apatite-bearing calcitic nodules from the shell-concentrated bed in Ohkuchizawa quarry, Azumino City, central Japan
Morikiyo Toshiro
Earth Science, 76(2), 63-86, 2022, Refereed - Isotope-geochemical systematics of kimberlites and related rocks from the Siberian Platform.
Russian Geology and Geophysics, 48, 272-290, 2007, Refereed - Geochemistry of Sr and Nd isotopes in carbonatites of Siberia and Mongolia and some geodynamic consequences.
Vladykin,N.V.,Morikiyo,T., Miyazaki,T.
Problems of sources of deep magmatism and plumes., 19-37, 2005, Refereed - Finding dolomitic melnoite diatreme at Badou in the Laiwu-Zibo area, Shandong province. China
Akiko Goto, Hirokazu Fujimaki, Toshiro Morikiyo, Jianming Liu
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser.B, 80(6), 269-275, 2004, Refereed - About kimberlite origin.
Kostrovitsky, S.I., Morikiyo, T., Serov, I.V., Rotman, A.Ya.
Doklady Academy of Science, 399, 236-240, 2004, Refereed - Geological and geochemical characteristics of alkaline rocks of Koratti, Sundamalai and Yelagiri plutons, South India.
Subramani, T., Ram Mohan, V., Morikiyo, T., Srinivasalu, S.
Indian Mineralogist, 37(2), 1-21, 2003, Refereed - 四重極質量分析計による、多成分系ガスの定量分析に関する問題点の検討
岩石鉱物科学, 32(1), 1-11, 2003, Refereed - Variations of divalent cation concentrations in pore water and the precipitation of Mg-rich authigenic mineral during early diagenesis of Toyoma Formation.
Morikiyo, T., Matsunaga, K., Iwamasa, K., Kanisawa, S.
Journal of Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, 38, 23-34, 2003, Refereed - 白亜系手取層群の砂岩・泥岩に含まれる炭酸塩鉱物の炭素・酸素同位体比
地球科学, 56(1), 49-54, 2002, Refereed - Petrogenesis and source characteristics of alkaline plutons in Tamil Nadu, South India: evidence for enriched lithospheric mantle.
Miyazaki, T., Kagami, H., Ram Mohan, V., Shuto, K., Morikiyo, T.
Gondwana Research, 4, 706-707, 2001, Refereed - Sr, Nd, C and O isotope characteristics of Siberian carbonatites
Morikiyo , T. et al.
Alkaline magmatism and problems of mantle sources, 69-84, 2001, Refereed - Sr, Nd, C and O isotopic compositions of carbonatite and peralkaline rocks from the Zhidoy complex, Russia: evidence fro binary mixing, liquid immiscibility and a heterogeneous mantle source region.
Morikiyo, T., et al.
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological sciences, 95, 162-172, 2001, Refereed - 野島断層平林NIEDコア中のカルサイト脈の炭素・酸素同位体組成
防災科学技術研究所報告, 61, 237-243, 2001, Refereed - 京都府、笠置地域の領家帯に産する石墨-電気石花崗岩中の流体包有物の顕微ラマン分光法による分析。H2O-CO2-CH4-N2-H2S流体包有物の検出
信州大学理学部紀要, 36, 29-37, 2001, Refereed - Evolution of South Indian enriched lithospheric mantle: evidence from the Yelagiri and Sevattur alkaline pluton in Tamil Nadu, South India
Miyazaki, T., Kagami, H., Ram Mohan, V.,, Shuto, K., Morikiyo, T.
Gondwana Research, 189-203, 2001, Refereed - Isotopic ratios of Sr and Nd for kimberlites of North of Yakutskoy province.
Kostrovitsky, S.I., Morikiyo, T.
Prognosis and search of diamond deposits, 168-174, 2000, Refereed - 南部北上帯の非変成石灰質頁岩・砂岩に認められる酸素同位体比の二次的変化
地球科学, 54, 153-158, 2000, Refereed - 中国、山東省に分布するカーボナタイトとグリンメライトの産状
地球科学, 54, 357-359, 2000 - Source of alkaline rocks in carbonatite complexes, Sayan Region: Evidence from Nd and Sr isotope data on dike series.
E.A.Chernysheva, T.Morikiyo
Doklady Academy of Science, Russia, 369(9), 1291-1294, 1999, Refereed - Sr-Nd isotopic systematics on kimberlites and related rocks from the Yakutsk province, Siberia
Kostrovitsky, S.I., Morikiyo, T., Vladykin, N.V., Lepin, V.S.
Doklady Academy Nauk, Russia, 369, 371-374, 1999, Refereed - Sr, Nd isotopic data of kimberlites and related rocks from North of Yakutian kimberlite province (Russia)
Kostrovitsky, S.I., Morikiyo, T.
Extended abstracts of 7th International kimberlite conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 466-468, 1998, Refereed - Comparative studies of chemical composition of granitic rocks in the Japanese Island arc and the Baltic Shield IGCP-315.
Kanisawa, S., Yoshida, T., Ishikawa, K., Kuroda, Y., Yamada, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Morikiyo, T., Maruyama, T.
Japan Contribution to the IGCP, 1996, 19-25, 1996 - ガス組成分析と安定同位体比測定のための、流体包有物からの流体抽出法
地熱に関する流体包有物研究会会誌, 4, 23-28, 1994 - 北上山地、ペルム系登米統頁岩中に産する含燐酸塩岩・炭酸塩岩の成因-炭素・硫黄同位体による研究
地球科学, 48, 417-431, 1994, Refereed - Oceanic pollution at the Permian-Triassic boundary in pelagic condition from carbon and sulfur stable isotopic excursion, Southwest Japan.
Ishiga, H., Ishida, T., Sampei, Y., Musashino, M., Yamakita, S., Kajiwara, Y., Morikiyo, T.
Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan, 44, 721-726, 1993, Refereed - 北部木曽-伊那地方の領家変成岩に認められる磁硫鉄鉱-黄銅鉱の共生について
岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌, 88, 307-312, 1993, Refereed - 北上山地、遠野地域に分布する13Cに富む石灰岩について
地球科学, 46, 21-28, 1992, Refereed - 長野県、奈良井-駒ケ根地方の領家変成岩に含まれる流体包有物
地球, 14, 675-680, 1992 - バルチック盾状地のカーボナタイトのSr,Nd,C,O同位体比。
森清寿郎 ほか7名
信州大学理学部紀要, 27, 23-35, 1992, Refereed - 2,3のスウェーデン原生代花崗岩類の微量成分についての予察的研究
東北大学理学部原子核理学研究施設報告, 24, 312-329, 1991 - Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of carbonatites from the Jacupiranga and Catalao I carbonatite complexes, Brazil.
Morikiyo, T., Hirano, H., Matsuhisa, Y.
Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan, 41, 619-626, 1990, Refereed - 南アフリカに分布するオンフェルワクト層群の珪質けつ岩、チャート中の有機物
地球科学, 42, 17-24, 1988, Refereed - Hydrogen and carbon isotopic studies on the graphite-bearing metapelites in the northern Kiso district of central Japan.
Morikiyo, T.
Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 94, 165-177, 1986, Refereed - 領家帯弱変成部の中生界とその未固結時変形-木曽山地北部の例-
地球科学, 40, 307-321, 1986, Refereed - 長野県領家変成帯弱変成部の岩相と未固結時変形
構造地質, 41, 1-8, 1985 - Calcian serandite in a magnesioriebeckite-quartz schist from the Mitsuishi district, Hidaka province, Hokkaido.
Morikiyo, T.
Journal of Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic geologists, 79, 503-508, 1984, Refereed - Carbon isotopic study on coexisting calcite and graphite in the Ryoke metamorphic rocks, northern Kiso district, central Japan.
Morikiyo, T.
Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 87, 251-259, 1984, Refereed - 徳島県剣山地方みかぶ緑色岩の岩石学的研究
地質学雑誌, 85, 299-306, 1979, Refereed - 北海道三石地方の変成岩中の柘榴石の累帯構造
岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌, 74, 27-35, 1979, Refereed
- 松本市奈川簡易水道における、ヒ素濃度水質基準値超過の原因
松本市簡易水道ヒ素問題原因調査業務 調査報告書, Sep. 2008 - 炭酸塩中の炭素・酸素同位体比の測定法
森清寿郎、黒田吉益、フオ ウェイゴウ
中国鉱物資源探査研究中心1997-1998年報, 70-72, 1997 - Geochronological and geochemical characterization of some alkaline plutons from Tamil Nadu, south India: Implications for the Pan-African Orogeny.
Miyazaki, T., Kagami, H., Shuto, K., Morikiyo, T.
Gondwana Research, 1(1), 154, 1997 - Correlation of granitic rocks in the Baltic shield and the Japanese islands arc.
Kuroda, Y., Yamada, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Matsuo, S., Kanisawa, S., Maruyama, T., Morikiyo, T.
Japan Contribution to IGCP, 1992, 73-76, 1992
Books and other publications
- 地球の科学
森清寿郎ほか20名, Joint work
信州大学理学部, 1-10~1-14, 4-14~4-19頁 2003日本地質学会第105年学術大会見学旅行案内書
森清寿郎, Single work, 領家変成帯のミグマタイトおよび変輝緑岩の産状
205-230 1998新版地学事典
執筆者総数1002名, Joint work
平凡社, 1996Metamorphic belts and related plutonism in the Japanese Islands. 29th International Geological Congress Field Trip Guide Book 5
Yamada, T., Morikiyo, T., Joint work, Ryoke metamorphic belt of central Japan.
95-102 1992, Refereed日本の地質4 中部地方Ⅰ
執筆者総数約90名, Joint work
共立出版, 21-24 1988長野県の地質案内
大塚勉、森清寿郎, Joint work
地学団体研究会第42回総会, 95-110 1988Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- The genesis of phosphatic nodules in the Toyoma Formation, Northeastern Japan.
Morikiyo, T.,Morishita, Y.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 73 13S A906, 2009, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,Difference in Sr and Nd isotopic character of kimberlites and carbonatites from siberia.
Morikiyo, T., et al.
Extended abstracts of 8th International Kimberlite Conference., 2003Origin of phosphatic rocks and carbonate rocks in the Toyoma Formation, Northeastern Japan. Pore water evolution during early diagenesis
Morikyo, T. Matsunaga, K.
Extended Abstracts of 11th Anual V.M.Goldschmidt Conference, 2001Sr, Nd systematics on carbonatites from Siberia and Mongolia.
Vladykin, N.V., Morikiyo, T., Miyazaki, T.
19th Seminar on the geochemistry of magmatic rocks, 2000New data about Zhidoy massif ultrabasic-alkali rocks and carbonatites
Vladykin, N.V., Morikiyo, T., Takano, K.
Geology and metalogeny of Precambrian of Siberia 25-28, 1999