Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Humanities
Center for General Education
Associate Professor
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- Dante and the Devastations of War: “Sanza danno di pecore o di biade” (Purg. XXXIII, 51)
David Ruzicka
Le tre corone. Rivista internazionale di studi su Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, 9, 43-75, 31 Mar. 2022 - Metaphors of Nutrition in Inferno I: Dante's Veltro and the Philosophical Appetite
David Ruzicka
Ex-position, 45, 7-25, 2021 - Dante's Veltro between History and Interpretation: A Material-Culture Reading of "non ciberà terra né peltro"
David Ruzicka
Dante Studies, 138 (2020), 1-25, 2021 - ‘“Scegliendo fior da fiore”: Exile, Desire and the Fiorentinità of Dante’s Matelda’
David Ruzicka
Le tre corone. Rivista internazionale di studi su Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, 3, 25–56, Jan. 2016 - ‘Florence and the Gran Contessa: An Historicist Reading of Dante’s Matelda’
David Ruzicka
Dante Studies. The Annual Journal of the Dante Society of America, 132 (2014), 35-57, 2015 - Extensive Reading Research in a Japanese University: Some Thoughts on Culture and Ideology
David Ruzicka
Current Trends and Prospects of Communicative Language Teaching in the EFL Context. 2014 ETAK International Conference, 65-69, Jun. 2014 - Uno lume apparente di fuori secondo sta dentro”: The Expressive Body in Dante’s Commedia
David Ruzicka
The Italianist, 34(1), 1-22, Jan. 2014 - Developing institutional relationships through ER
David Ruzicka and Mark Brierley
The 2011 JALT Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings, 220–234, Jun. 2012 - “Sì ch’a nulla, fendendo, facea male”: Dante’s Griffin and Florentine Civic Ritual (Purgatorio 29. 109–11)
David Ruzicka
Dante Studies, 130, 1-45, 2012 - The measurement problem in Extensive Reading
Mark Brierley, David Ruzicka, Hiroki Sato&Tomonori Wakasugi
The Language Teacher, 34(5), 11–12, Sep. 2010 - The measurement problem in Extensive Reading
David Ruzicka, Mark Brierley, Hiroki Sato & Tomonori Wakasugi
JALT2009 Conference Proceedings, 641–650, 20 Aug. 2010 - The Representation of the Human Body in Dante’s Commedia
David Ruzicka
The Human Person and Nature in Medieval Literature, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Fu Jen Medieval Conference, Taipei, 21–22 March, 2006, 23–42, Feb. 2008 - Extensive Reading in Shinshu University: Rationale, Management and Motivation
David Ruzicka, Mark Brierley
高等教育システムセンター紀要 / Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research, 2, 3-26, Mar. 2006 - The Peer Review Project: A Class in English Composition and a Class in Linguistics Taught in English
Junko Nishigaki, David Ruzicka and Miki Hanazaki
Journal of Educational Research, Shinshu University /「教育システム研究開発センター紀要」, (9), 97-104, 28 Mar. 2003 - Bread for the People: Dante’s Didactic Aims in the Convivio and the Commedia
David Ruzicka
Journal of Educational Research, Shinshu University /「教育システム研究開発センター紀要」, (8), 151–161, 29 Mar. 2002 - Seamus Heaney and Dante: The Making of a Poet
David Ruzicka
Journal of Educational Research, Shinshu University / 教育システム研究開発センター紀要, (2), 137-151, 28 Mar. 1997 - Dante’s Teacher without a Shadow: The Figure of Virgil in the Commedia and the Efficacy of Poetry
David Ruzicka
Journal of Educational Research, Shinshu University / 「教育システム研究開発センター紀要、第1号」, (1), 69-110, 28 Mar. 1996
- Review of Dante and the Human Body, ed. by Barnes and Petrie (Four Courts, 2008)
David Ruzicka
Italian Studies, 64(2), 315–317, 2009 - Review of Experiencing the Afterlife: Soul and Body in Dante and Medieval Culture, by Manuele Gragnolati (University of Notre Dame Press, 2005)
David Ruzicka
Modern Language Review, 102(1), 249-251, Jan. 2007 - Review of Dante and the Human Body, ed. by Barnes and Petrie (Four Courts, 2008)
David Ruzicka
Modern Language Review, 101(2), 552-553, Jan. 2006 - Review of Dante and the Franciscans: Poverty and Papacy in the ‘Commedia’, by Nick Havely (Cambridge University Press, 2004)
David Ruzicka
Italian Studies, 61(2), 277-279, 2006
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- ‘Bodies, Space and Narrative in Dante’s Commedia’
David Ruzicka
2022 Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS) International Conference: Engaging the Audience: From Antiquity to the Renaissance, 21 Oct. 2022‘“Quod modo et aliter intellegi possit”: Dante’s Rhetorical Strategies of Ambiguity between Love and Politics’
David Ruzicka
Canadian Association for Italian Studies (CAIS) Annual Conference 2022, 03 Jun. 2022‘Journeys and Pilgrimage in Dante’
David Ruzicka
2021 Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS) International Conference: Cultures of Travel: Tourism, Pilgrimage, Migration, 22 Oct. 2021‘La scoperta ricorrente del veltro-carta. L’uso della storia, sovrainterpretazione e le lusinghe di un Dante radicale (Inf. I, 105)’
David Ruzicka
3rd International Dante Conference, 17 Sep. 2021Metaphors of Nutrition in Inferno I: Dante’s Veltro and the Philosophical Appetite
David Ruzicka
2020 TACMRS International Conference, 23 Oct. 2020, Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (TACMRS)‘“Sanza danno di pecore o biade” (Purg. XXXIII, 51). L’enigma forte tra intertestualità e storia della guerra’
David Ruzicka
2nd International Dante Congress, 30 May 2019, University of Bologna, Ravenna‘Dante’s Veltro Between Archaeology and Material Culture’
David Ruzicka
1st International Dante Congress, 26 May 2017, University of Bologna, Ravenna‘Florence, Justice and the Topography of Dante’s Earthly Paradise’
David Ruzicka
ACIS [Australasian Centre for Italian Studies] 8th Biennial Conference, 02 Jul. 2015, ACIS [Australasian Centre for Italian Studies]The Representation of the Human Body in Dante’s Commedia
David Ruzicka
7th Annual Fu Jen Medieval Conference, Taipei, 21–22 March, 2006, 21 Mar. 2006