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TAKAHASHI TOMONE|Shinshu University Researcher List


Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Education

Faculty of Education Educational Science 



  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Georgia

Research Keyword

    developmental disorder, dyslexia, psychological assessment, reasonable accommodation, specific learning disorders, students with disability

Field Of Study

  • Educational psychology, Educational psychology
  • Clinical psychology, Clinical psychology

Educational Background

  • 1992 - 1999, University of Georgia, Graduate School
  • 1992, University of Tsukuba, Graduate School, Division of Education
  • 1989, University of Tsukuba, 人間学類, 心理学主専攻
  • 1999, University of Georgia, Graduate School of Education, Educational Psychology

Member History

  • 業務執行理事, 全国高等教育障害学生支援協議会
  • 副理事長, 日本LD学会
  • Research review board member, Association on Higher Education and Disability


  • Influencing factor Analysis in Suicide Postvention
    大学のメンタルヘルス, 7, 120-127, 2024
  • Interview study on the impact of fathers’ recognition and behavior on children with developmental disabilities
    Shiori Ishida & Tomone Takahashi
    Discover Psychology, 3:19, Jul. 2023, Refereed電子ジャーナル
  • The Social Interaction Game Program that facilitates students’ classroom fit.
    松澤 裕子, 高橋 知音, 田上 不二夫
    Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 17, 245-258, Mar. 2023リポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Analysis of Suicide Cases among University Students: Comparison between Shinshu University and other universities
    Campus Health, 59(2), 50-56, Jul. 2022, Refereed
  • Development of a Prototype Self-administered Questionnaire to Inquire About Difficulties in Daily Life Faced by Junior High School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Tendencies
    KUBOKI Tomohiro, TAKAHASHI Tomone, HONDA Hideo, WASHIZUKA Shinsuke
    Shinshu University Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 16, 49-62, 31 Mar. 2022, Refereedリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Evidence-Based Test Accommodations for Students With Developmental Disabilities in Higher Education
    TAKAHASHI, Tomone
    The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan, 62, 172-188, 30 Mar. 2022, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding電子ジャーナル
  • Improvement of the support system at Shinshu University and analysis of its eff ectiveness: Mental health and suicide prevention
    Isamu YAMAZAKI, Mihoko KANAI, Sayaka SHINHA, Noriko SHIMODAIRA, Hanako NOMURA, Toshihide YAMAOKA, Haruna OOBA, Tohru TAKAHASHI, Tomone TAKAHASHI, Hiroshi MORITA
    Campus Health, 58(2), 162-168, Jul. 2021, Refereed
  • Evaluation and Support for University Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties
    高橋 知音
    コミュニケーション障害学, 38(1), 52-56, Apr. 2021, Invited
    Lead, Last, Correspondingリポジトリ
  • A Study of the Validity of "Support Needs Inventory" for University Students and its Relation between "Support Needs Inventory", Developmental Disability Characteristics and Cognitive Abilities
    Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences, 45, 31-41, 2021, Refereedリポジトリ
  • Recent Progress and Future Challenges in Disability Student Services in Japan
    Takeo Kondo, Tomone Takahashi, Mayumi Shirasawa
    Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 28(4), 421-431, 2015
  • Cross-cultural comparison of ADHD symptoms among Japanese and US university students
    Davis J.M., Takahashi T., Shinoda H.,&Gregg N.
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 47(3), 203-210, Jun. 2012
  • Cross-national invariance of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder factors in Japanese and U.S. university students
    Davis J.M., Cheung S.F., Takahashi T., Shinoda H.,&Lindstrom W.A.
    Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2972-2980, Nov. 2011
  • Development of a new emotion recognition task
    Takahashi, T; Nakashima, M; Hashimoto, S; Nakamura, A; Yamamoto, N
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 43(3-4), 337-337, 2008WebofScience
  • Relationship between musical abilities and foreign word pronunciation
    Takahashi, Y; Ishimoto, Y; Takahashi, T
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 43(3-4), 477-477, 2008WebofScience
  • Cross-cultural differences in attention, mood, and behavior problems: Japanese and US post-secondary students
    Davis, JM; Takahashi, T; Shinoda, H
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 43(3-4), 490-490, 2008WebofScience
  • The Effect of Using Item Parcels on Ad Hoc Goodness-of-Fit Indexes in Confirmatory Factor Analysis: An Example Using Sarason's Reactions to Tests.
    FadiaNasser, Tomone Takahashi
    Applied Measurement in Education, 16(1), 75-97, Mar. 2003WebofScience
  • Student perspective on the advantages and disadvantages of learning psychology in English
    Yuwen Takahashi, Tomone Takahashi, Kazuo Mori
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 106, 37-45, Aug. 2002リポジトリ
  • A Validation Study of a Translated Version of the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics in Japanese
    高橋 ユウエン; 高橋 知音; Joseph M. Wisenbaker; 田中 敏; 服部 環;
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 104, 239-244, 31 Aug. 2001リポジトリ
  • An exploratory study on the factors affecting academic performance when using a second language to learn
    Yuwen Takahashi, Tomone Takahashi, Kazuo Mori
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 103, 69-79, Aug. 2001リポジトリ
  • スクールカウンセラー実習のための心理学の基礎用語888
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 103, 157-166, Aug. 2001リポジトリ
  • Processing units for morphologically complex verbs in Japanese
    Tomone Takahashi, Paula J. Schwanenflugel
    Psychologia, 44(2), 111-127, Jun. 2001WebofScience
  • A Comparison of Action Research with Psycological Laboratory Research,Educational Experimental Research,and Ethnography
    武田 明典; 高橋 知音;
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 99, 145-154, Mar. 2000リポジトリ
  • The organization of verbs of knowing: Evidence for cultural commonality and variation in theory of mind
    Paula J. Schwanenflugel, Mike Martin,&Tomone Takahashi
    Memory and Cognition, 27(5), 813-825, Sep. 1999WebofScience
  • How to Promote Adult Education in Japanese Colleges by Using Ideas of American Colleges
    武田 明典; 高橋 知音;
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 96, 169-175, Mar. 1999リポジトリ
  • Processing units for morphologically complex words in Japanese. University of Georgia博士論文
    Takahashi, T.
  • Learning from analogy-enhanced science text
    Glynn , S. M., Takahashi , T.
    Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35, 1129-1149, Dec. 1998
  • The Role of Phonological Deficits in Developmental Reading Problems
    Takahashi, T
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 95, 109-118, Sep. 1998リポジトリ
  • Neuroanatomical Evidence of Dyslexia (III) : A Review of Brain Potential and Post Motem Studies
    Takahashi, T
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 93, 139-148, Mar. 1998リポジトリ
  • Neuroanatomical Evidence of Dyslexia (II) : A Review of Functional Imaging Studies
    Takahashi, T
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 92, 101-108, Dec. 1997リポジトリ
  • The structure of test anxiety in Israeli-Arab high school students: An application of confirmatory factor analysis with miniscales
    Fadia Nasser, Tomone Takahashi, Jeri Benson
    Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal, 10, 129-151, Jun. 1997
  • Neuroanatomical Evidence of Dyslexia (I) : A Review of Brain Imaging Studies
    Takahashi, T
    信州大学教育学部紀要, 90, 147-156, Mar. 1997リポジトリ
  • Imagery and prose learning capabilities of mildly retarded children
    Gibson , L., Glynn , S. M., Takahashi, T., Britton, B. K.
    Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20, 476-482, Oct. 1995
  • Japanese students in the U.S. higher education: Their preference for staying in the U.S.A. and academic motivation
    Tano, D., Hamazaki, T., Mogi-Hein, Y., Takahashi, T.
    College Student Journal, 29, 347-355, Sep. 1995
  • 信州大学10年間の大学入学時「ASD・ADHD困り感」「希死念慮」における学部による違い
    高橋徹、山﨑勇、高橋知音、徳永まゆ子、金井美保子、山﨑暁、糸川航平、森光晃子、 小幡興一、森田洋
  • ポストベンション面接記録の分析 -計量テキスト分析による内容の検討-
  • Paradigm shift in student support at Shinshu University
    Mihoko KANAI, Isamu YAMAZAKI, Sayaka SHINHA, Noriko SHIMODAIRA, Hanako NOMURA, Toshihide YAMAOKA, Haruna OOBA, Tohru TAKAHASHI, Tomone TAKAHASHI, Hiroshi MORITA


  • 読み書き困難のある大学生への支援
    LISN: Library & information science news, 196, 13 - 17, 2023
  • 発達障害関連困り感質問紙実施マニュアル
    Mar. 2012
  • 個性の自立を補い高める学生支援 報告書
    文科省「学生支援GP」報告書, Mar. 2011
  • 高機能広汎性発達障害における社会性の問題の背景要因を評価する検査バッテリーの開発
    科研費(基盤研究)研究成果報告書, Mar. 2011
  • 学生相談における軽度発達障害学生等の援助システムの開発―アダルトADHDを中心として―
    研究代表者:篠田晴男, 研究分担者:高橋知音,今田里佳,尾崎久記,田中康雄,山下富美代,松原達哉
    平成14年度~平成16年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C(1))研究成果報告書, 12-31、60-136頁, Mar. 2005
  • 信州大学における学生のメンタルヘルスの現状と課題-キャンパス分散型総合大学における学生支援体制のあり方-
    平成13年度信州大学学長裁量経費によるプロジェクト研究報告書, Apr. 2002
  • 規範意識を育てる背景要因:調査研究の結果と考察 気になる行動・表現からみた最近の子どもの心の特徴とその背景-子どもの自立を支える心の要因を求めて-
    心の教育調査研究報告書2, 40-56, 2000

Books and other publications

  • 発達障害の大学生のためのキャンパスライフQ&A
    石井 京子, 池嶋 貫二, 高橋 知音, Joint work
    弘文堂, 20 Jun. 2017
  • 知ってほしい乳幼児から大人までのADHD・ASD・LD ライフサイクルに沿った発達障害支援ガイドブック
    齊藤 万比古・小枝 達也・本田 秀夫他, Joint work
    診断と治療社, 154-158 10 Jun. 2017
  • 発達障害のある大学生への支援
    高橋知音編著 ; 岩田淳子 [ほか著]
    金子書房, - 2016
  • 教職員のための障害学生修学支援ガイド(平成26年度改訂版)
    独立行政法人 日本学生支援機構, Mar. 2015
  • 発達障害のある人の大学進学 : どう選ぶかどう支えるか
    金子書房, Jul. 2014
  • 世界の学校心理学事典 第45章 世界の学校心理学:これまでのあゆみ、第46章 学校心理学の国際的発展に影響を与える求心的、遠心的動向、国際学校心理学会:その設立、成果、および将来展望
    シェーン・R・ジマーソン、トーマス・D・オークランド、ピーター・T・ファレル 編 石隈利紀、松本真里子、飯田順子監訳, Joint work
    明石書店, Sep. 2013
  • 発達障害のある大学生のキャンパスライフサポートブック : 大学・本人・家族にできること
    学研教育出版, - Jun. 2012
  • 教職員のための障害学生支援ガイド(平成23年度改訂版)
    169-201頁 Mar. 2012
  • 日本版WAIS-IIIの解釈事例と臨床研究
    日本文化科学社, Mar. 2011
  • ADHDコーチング―大学生活を成功に導く援助技法―
    パトリシア O クイン (著), ナンシー A レイティ (著), テレサ L メイトランド (著), 篠田 晴男監訳 (監修), 高橋 知音監訳 (監修), ハリス 淳子 (翻訳)
    明石書店, Feb. 2011
  • シリーズ子どもへの発達支援のエッセンス 第2巻 情動的な人間関係の問題への対応
    遠藤利彦, 浜田寿美男, 高橋知音,外11名
    金子書房, 229-245頁 Aug. 2009
  • 大学・高校のLD・AD/HD・高機能自閉症の支援のためのヒント集
    太田正己, 吉岡幸司,高橋知音, 外7名
    黎明書房, 98-114頁 Jan. 2009
  • 発達障害のある学生支援ガイドブック―確かな学びと充実した生活をめざして―
    ジアース教育新社, 43-48頁 May 2005
  • 読んで学べるADHDの理解と対応 どうしてうちの子は落ち着きがないの?
    明石書店, 42-55、115-127頁を翻訳 Apr. 2005
  • 臨床心理学からみた生徒指導・教育相談
    川島一夫, 神村栄一, 高橋知音, 外9名, Joint work
    ブレーン出版, 69-84頁 Apr. 2004
  • 臨床心理学シリーズ1 心理学概論
    松原達哉他14名, Joint work
    培風館, 150-168頁 Dec. 2002
  • スクールカウンセリングの実践技術 第1巻 教師のためのカウンセリング技術
    松原達哉他12名, Joint work
    教育開発研究所, 201-216頁 Apr. 2001
  • 教職に活かす教育心理-子どもと学校の今-
    古川聡他17名, Joint work
    福村出版, 170-180頁 Jan. 2000
  • Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry
    G. W. Hynd, S. R. Hooper,&T. Takahashi, Joint work
    American Psychiatric Press, 691-717頁 1998
  • L.31)
    日本児童研究所編集, 児童心理学の進歩
    金子書房, - 1992

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Eye movement function and the perception of difficulty in reading affects actual reading performance in university students.
    Akihiro, K., Taku, K.,, & Tomone, T.
    19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 27 Aug. 2019
  • Developing a reading and writing difficulties questionnaire for students in higher education.
    Tomone Takahashi, Ene Mitani
    BDA International Conference 2018, 2018
  • Development, initial validation, and reliability of a reading and writing fluency task, and a reading and writing support needs scale for students in higher education in Japan.
    Tomone Takahashi, Ene Mitani
    30th APS Annual Convention, 2018
  • Relationships of Cognitive Flexibility, ASD Traits, ADHD Traits and Psychological Maladaptation in University Students in Japan
    Naoko Shinoda, Yuwen Takahashi, Haruo Shinoda, Tomone Takahashi
    30th APS Annual Convention, 2018
  • The difference of the involvement in visual attention lead to different results in the performance of the eye movement function
    48th annual meeting, Neuroscience 2018, 2018
  • The effect of having a strong sense of being poor at learning for a long time on autonomic nerve activities - A pilot study to elucidate the situations of dyslexic students at Japanese universities -
    48th annual meeting, Neuroscience 2018, 2018
  • The relationship between support needs, grades, and needs for consultation of students with ASD and/or ADHD in Japanese university
    Ginga Sasaki, Tomone Takahash, & Kazunori Takeda
    AHEAD2019, 2018
  • Developing a Reading and Writing Difficulties Scale for Students in Higher Education.
    Takahashi, T. & Mitani, E.
    Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Jul. 2017, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Not invited
  • Developing a Support Needs Questionnaire for Students with ADHD
    Takahashi T.&Iwabuchi M.
    2012 The 35th AHEAD Conference, New Orleans, USA, Jul. 2012
  • International Perspective on Access Services 共同(5人)
    Takahashi T.
    2012 The 35th AHEAD Conference, New Orleans, USA, Jul. 2012
  • ADHD Symptoms and support needs of Japanese university students
    Takahashi T.&Iwabuchi M.
    Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling Conference. Hong Kong, Jul. 2011
  • Developing a needs assessment instrument for students with attention-related difficulties in higher education
    Takahashi T.&Iwabuchi M.
    3rd International Congress on ADHD. Berlin, Germany, May 2011
  • Developing needs assessment instruments for a proactive approach to supporting students with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
    Tomone Takahashi
    The 7th International Conference on Higher Education&Disability, Innsbruck, Austria, Jul. 2010
  • Disabilities or differences? : Issues in disclosure and support for university students with special needs in Japan
    CRG Conference, Indianapolis USA, Mar. 2010
  • Development of new emotion recognition tasks. 共同(5人)
    XXIX International Congressof Psychology, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2008
  • Relationship between musical ability and foreign word pronunciation 共同(3人)
    XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2008
  • Development of the attitude toward English scale
    日本教育心理学会第48回総会 岡山コンベンションセンター, 発表論文集, p.701, Sep. 2006
  • The advantages and disadvantages of learning psychology in English: Student perspective
    日本心理学会第66回大会, 広島大学, 発表論文集, 1156, Sep. 2002
  • Processing Units for Morphologically Complex Verbs in Japanese
    Takahashi, T.
    XXXII International Congress of Psychology. Stockholm, Sweden., Jul. 2000
  • Using knowledge structure as a diagnostic tool with students taking introductory statistics.
    Takahashi, Y., Takahashi, T.,&Wisenbaker, J. M.
    The 52nd session of the International Statistics Institute, Helsinki, Finland., Aug. 1999

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本心理学会
  • 日本教育心理学会
  • 日本LD学会
  • 日本カウンセリング学会
  • 日本学校心理学会
  • Oct. 2014
  • Association on Higher Education and Disability

Research Themes

  • supporting students with developmental disorders in higher education.
  • 信州大学における学生支援体制充実のためのプロジェクト
    共同研究, 信州大学保健管理センター
  • assessment of reading and writing

Social Contribution Activities

  • Association of Higher Education and Disability, Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (Editorial board)
  • Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience (Review editor)