GOTO Norihiko
Shinshu University Hospital Endoscopy
Assistant Professor
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- Referential equations for pulmonary diffusing capacity generated from the Japanese population using the Lambda, Mu, or Sigma method and their comparisons with prior referential equations.
Masayuki Hanaoka; Yosuke Wada; Norihiko Goto; Yoshiaki Kitaguchi; Akira Koarai; Masaru Kubota; Yoshitaka Oyamada; Hiroshi Koto
Respiratory investigation, 61(6), 687-697, Sep. 2023 - Associations Between Morphological Phenotypes of COPD and Clinical Characteristics in Surgically Resected Patients with COPD and Concomitant Lung Cancer.
Yusuke Suzuki; Yoshiaki Kitaguchi; Fumika Ueno; Yunden Droma; Norihiko Goto; Takumi Kinjo; Yosuke Wada; Masanori Yasuo; Masayuki Hanaoka
International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 17, 1443-1452, 2022 - The usefulness of a combination of age, body mass index, and blood urea nitrogen as prognostic factors in predicting oxygen requirements in patients with coronavirus disease 2019.
Norihiko Goto; Yosuke Wada; Yuichi Ikuyama; Jumpei Akahane; Makoto Kosaka; Atsuhito Ushiki; Yoshiaki Kitaguchi; Masanori Yasuo; Hiroshi Yamamoto; Akemi Matsuo; Tsutomu Hachiya; Gen Ideura; Yoshitaka Yamazaki; Masayuki Hanaoka
Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, 27(12), 1706-1712, Dec. 2021
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- LMS法による最大吸気量予測式の作成と検証
後藤 憲彦; 和田 洋典; 鈴木 祐介; 北口 良晃; 安尾 将法; 花岡 正幸
第120回日本内科学会総会, Apr. 2023Combination of CAR(CARSKNKDC) peptide with sildenafil in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension associated with emphysema induced by SU5416 in rats
Norihiko Goto; Yosuke Wada; Yoshiaki Kitaguchi; Masanori Yasuo; Masayuki Hanaoka
26th Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Respirology 2022, Nov. 2022第3群肺高血圧症動物モデルへの肺血管拡張薬とCAR併用投与の効果
後藤 憲彦; 和田 洋典; 北口 良晃; 安尾 将法; 花岡 正幸
第7回日本肺高血圧・肺循環学会学術集会, Jul. 2022SU5416/慢性低酸素曝露肺高血圧症ラットモデルへのシルデナフィル投与におけるホーミングペプチド併用の効果
後藤 憲彦; 和田 洋典; 北口 良晃; 安尾 将法; 花岡 正幸
第62回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会, Apr. 2022, Not invited新型コロナウイルス感染症重症化予測スコアの検証
後藤 憲彦; 和田 洋典; 北口 良晃; 安尾 将法; 立石 一成; 漆畑 一寿; 牛木 淳人; 山本 洋; 小林 信光; 小坂 充; 松尾 明美; 蜂谷 勤; 山﨑 善隆; 出浦 弦; 森田 正重; 澤木 章二; 稲葉 俊郎; 高濱 充貴; 花岡 正幸
第61回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会, Apr. 2021, Not invited