WADA Kentaro
Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Science
Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics Course of Mathematical Sciences
Associate Professor
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- Finite dimensional simple modules of (q,Q)-current algebras
Ryosuke Kodera, Kentaro Wada
Journal of Algebra, 570, 470-530, Mar. 2021, Refereed - On the Mackey formulas for cyclotomic Hecke algebras and categories O of rational Cherednik algebras
Toshiro Kuwabara, Hyohe Miyachi, Kentaro Wada
Osaka J. Math, 58(1), 103-134, Jan. 2021, Refereed - Self-injective cellular algebras whose representation type are tame of polynomial growth
S.Ariki, R.Kase, K.Miyamoto, K.Wada
Algebr. Represent. Theory, 23, 833-871, Jun. 2020, Refereed - Finite dimensional simple modules of deformed current Lie algebras
K. Wada
J. of Algebra, 501, 1- 43, 01 May 2018, Refereed - New Realization of Cyclotomic q-Schur Algebras
Kentaro Wada
Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ., 52(4), 497-555, Dec. 2016, Refereed - Induction and Restriction Functors for Cyclotomic q-Schur Algebras
Kentaro Wada
Osaka J. Math., 51, 785-822, Sep. 2014, Refereed - Blocks of category O for rational Cherednik algebras and of cyclotomic Hecke algebras of type G(r,p,n)
Kentaro Wada
Osaka J. Math., 48, 895-912, Dec. 2011, Refereed - Presenting cyclotomic q-Schur algebras
Kentaro Wada
Nagoya Math. J., 201, 45–116, Mar. 2011, Refereed - The representation type of Ariki-Koike algebras and cyclotomic q-Schur algebras
Kentaro Wada
Adv. Math., 224, 539–560, Jun. 2010, Refereed - Cyclotomic q-Schur algebras associated to the Ariki-Koike algebra
Toshiaki Shoji, Kentaro Wada
Represent. Theory, 14, 379–416, May 2010, Refereed - On decomposition numbers with Jantzen filtration of cyclotomic q-Schur algebras
Kentaro Wada
Represent. Theory, 14, 417–434, May 2010, Refereed - Product formulas for the cyclotomic v-Schur algebra and for the canonical bases of the Fock space
Toshiaki Shoji, Kentaro Wada
J. Algebra, 321, 3527–3549, Jun. 2009, Refereed - A Product formula for decomposition numbers of the cyclotomic q-Schur algebraand its analogue for the Fock space
Kentaro Wada
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B11, 125-144, Apr. 2009, Refereed