Academic Assembly School of Medicine and Health Sciences Institute of Medicine
Shinshu University Hospital Patient Support Center
Senior Assistant Professor
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- Innovative formulae for the estimation of standard liver volume in the era of widespread imaging analysis software
Koya Yasukawa , Akira Shimizu , Toshihiko Ikegami , Atsuyoshi Mita , Yasunari Ohno , Yuichi Masuda , Yuji Soejima
Clin Transplant, 37(6), 1-10, 23 May 2023, Refereed - De Novo Malignancy After Adult-to-Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation: A Single-Center Long-Term Experience
Yuichi Masuda, Atsuyohi Mita, Yasunari Ohno, Koji Kubota, Tsuyoshi Notake, Akira Shimizu, Yuji Soejima
Transplant Proceeding, 55(4), 952-955, 21 Apr. 2023, Refereed - Primary leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava in a pediatric case: a case report and literature review
Kazuki Yoshizawa , Yasunari Ohno, Takashi Kurata, Yuki Takagi, Tomoko Kasai, Momoko Takizawa and Yuji Soejima
Surg Case Reports, 9(52), 1-8, 06 Apr. 2023 - Late-onset Chronic Kidney Disease Over 2 Decades After Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Single-center, Retrospective Study
Kentaro Umemura 1, Atsuyoshi Mita, Yasunari Ohno, Yuichi Masuda, Kazuki Yoshizawa, Koji Kubota, Tsuyoshi Notake, Kiyotaka Hosoda, Atsushi Kamachi, Takamune Goto, Hidenori Tomida, Shiori Yamazaki, Akira Shimizu, Yuji Soejima
TRANSPLANTATION, 107(7), 1535-1544, 10 Jan. 2023, Refereed - Fatal disseminated mucormycosis due to Cunninghamella bertholletiae infection after ABO-incompatible living donor liver transplantation: a case report
Atsuyoshi Mita 1, Shohei Hirano 2, Takeshi Uehara 3, Kai Uehara 3, Yasunari Ohno 2, Koji Kubota 2, Yuichi Masuda 2, Tsuyoshi Notake 2, Kazuki Yoshizawa 2, Akira Shimizu 2, Yuji Soejima 2
Surgical case reports, (8), 164, Aug. 2022 - Successful Active Immunization Using a Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Protocol for a Recipient With Hepatitis B Core AntibodyePositive Liver Graft
Y. Ohno, A. Mita, T. Ikegami, Y. Masuda, K. Urata, Y. Nakazawa, A. Kobayashi, and S. Miyagawa
Transplantation Proceeding, 46(3), 721-725, Apr. 2014 - Optimal Initial Dose of Orally Administered Once-daily Extended-release Tacrolimus Following Intravenous Tacrolimus Therapy After Liver Transplantation
Mita, A; Ikegami, T; Masuda, Y; Katsuyama, Y; Ohno, Y; Urata, K; Nakazawa, Y; Kobayashi, A; Miyagawa, S
TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, 46(3), 794-796, Apr. 2014 - Temporary Auxiliary Partial Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Using a Small Volume Liver Graft for Amyloid Polyneuropathy.
Ohno Y, Mita A, Ikegami T, Masuda Y, Urata K, Nakazawa Y, Kobayashi A, Terada M, Ikeda S, Miyagawa S.
Am J Transplant, 12(8), 2211-9, 2012
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Small incision living donor hepatectomy
Yasunari Ohno, Atsuyoshi Mita, Yudai Kuroiwa, Kenya Nakamura, Yuta Hongo, Tsuyoshi Notake, Yuichi Masuda, Koji Kubota, Akira Shimizu, Yuji Soejima
The 35th General Meeting of the Japan Society Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery, 30 Jun. 2023当院における高齢者に対する肝移植症例の検討
大野康成、三田篤義、増田雄一、野竹剛、窪田晃治、清水 明、副島 雄二
第41回日本肝移植学会, 02 Jun. 2023小児肝移植後に発症したde novo悪性腫瘍の検討
大野 康成, 三田篤義, 吉澤一貴, 増田雄一, 野竹 剛, 窪田晃治, 清水 明, 副島 雄二
日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集123回, 28 Apr. 2023当科における成人肝移植の治療成績と問題点
大野康成,三田篤義,黒岩雄大、中村健也、吉澤一貴、野竹 剛、増田雄一,窪田晃治、清水 明、副島雄二
第84回臨床外科学総会, 25 Nov. 2022肝移植術後胆管結石に対する治療成績
JDDW2022, 27 Oct. 2022肝細胞癌以外の担癌患者の肝移植経験
第40回日本肝移植学会, 07 Jul. 2022家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチーの肝移植治療成績と問題点
第108回 消化器病学会総会, 21 Apr. 2022Laparoscopic surgery for pediatric patients in Shinshu University Hospital.
大野康成、三田篤義、窪田晃治、増田雄一、野竹 剛、吉澤一貴、細田清孝、梅村謙太郎、蒲池厚志、後藤貴宗、富田英紀、清水 明、副島雄二
第122回日本外科学会総会, 14 Apr. 2022信州大学における肝移植の経験
第153回 日本輸血学会甲信越支部会2022, 26 Feb. 2022, InvitedTemporary auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation (APOLT) using small volume liver graft for familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) –A single center experience
Yasunari Ohno, Kazuki Yoshizawa, Yuichi Masuda, Akira Shimizu, Atsuyoshi Mita, Akira Kobayashi, Toshihiko Ikegami, Yuji Soejima
The 120th annual congress Japan surgical society, 14 Aug. 2020