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MIZUGUCHI Takashi|Shinshu University Researcher List


Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Education

Faculty of Education Educational Science 


Researcher Information

Member History

  • Editorial Board, Journal of Psychology:Interdisciplinary and Applied:2018-2021
  • Editorial Review Board, Perceptual and Motor Skills:2022-present
  • Reviewer, Child Development:2013-present
  • Reviewer, Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied:2014-2018, 2021-present
  • Reviewer, Cognitive Science Society (Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society):2017-present
  • Reviewer, SAGE Open: 2021-present
  • Reviewer, Heliyon: 2021-present
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer, The Japanese Psychological Research
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer, Perceptual and Motor Skills
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer, Pragmatics & Cognition
  • NPO法人ながのこどもの城,運営委員会.委員,2021-現在
  • Publons (登録されたメンバー)(SAGE, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, BMJ, Springer Nature等,主要な出版社と連携している査読者の国際的なデータベース)2019年1月-present
Research activity information


  • Observations while holding a tool activates the imitation of actions
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Mitsutoshi Takayanagi, Masayuki Kumai (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Educational Informatics Research, 19, 43-54, 01 Dec. 2020, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Imitation learning errors are affected by visual cues in both response performance and visual observation phases
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Ryoko Sugimura, Hideaki Shimada, Takehiro Hasegawa (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Perceptual and Motor Skills, 124, 846-863, Aug. 2017, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Children's imitation is not always goal-directed: evidence from goal clarification task
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Hideaki Shimada, Ryoko Sugimura, Toshisada Deguchi (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    SOJ Psychology, 1, 1-6, 2014, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Physical imitation and verbal description of modeled movements engage different encoding
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Ryoko Sugimura, Toshisada Deguchi (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Psychological Reports, 111, 64-74, 2012, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Children's imitation is affected by goals, but the goals are outstanding action characteristics than action outcomes
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Ryoko Sugimura, Ryujiro Suzuki, Toshisada Deguchi (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Psychology, 2, 869-874, 2011, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Imitation of modeled manipulation of objects by children and adults
    Takashi Mizuguchi,Ryujiro Suzuki, Ryoko Sugimura Toshisada Deguchi (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110, 603-612, 2010, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Children’s imitations of movements are goal-directed and context-specific
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Ryoko Sugimura, Toshisada Deguchi (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108, 513-523, 2009, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Significanceof definition and classification of a gesture for study of spontaneous gesture: comment on Cheiffi and Ricci’s study
    Takashi Mizuguchi
    Perceptual and Motor Skills, 103, 461-462, 2006, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Action models and verbal descriptions in object representation given though gestures by preschool children
    Takashi Mizuguchi
    Psychological Reports, 93, 1295-1306, 2003, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding
  • Object-related knowledge and the production of gestures with imagined objects by preschool children
    Takashi Mizuguchi, Kuniaki Sugai (Corresponding author: Takashi Mizuguchi)
    Perceptual and Motor Skills, 94, 71-79, 2002, Refereed
    Lead, Corresponding

Books and other publications

  • 介護職員基礎研修テキスト作成委員会(編)介護の基本Ⅰ・Ⅱ
    水口 崇, 介護を必要とする高齢者・障害のある人の支援の課題
    第一法規, 2019

Research Themes

  • 乳幼児期における文化的知性の発達(文化的所産, 累進的文化進化, 前頭葉機能)
  • ヒト固有の精神機能に関する実験研究(意図,観念運動,視線注意,自他の変換)

Academic Contribution Activities

  • Peer review
    Child Development:3件
  • Peer review
    Cognitive Science Society:23件
  • Peer review
    The Japanese Psychological Research :1件
  • Peer review
    Journal of Nonverbal Behavior:1件
  • Peer review
    Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied:22件
  • Peer review
    Perceptual and Motor Skills:44件
  • Peer review
    Pragmatics & Cognition:1件