HORAI Tomoko
Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Humanities
Center for General Education
Associate Professor
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Language Testing, Performance Test, Monologue, Task
Field Of Study
Mail Address
- t_horai★shinshu-u.ac.jp
Educational Background
Research activity information
- 資格試験対策に取り入れた「ふりかえり」の有効性
言語教育センター実践報告書, 4, 58-63, Mar. 2015 - Impact of task difficulty in a monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
Proceedings of the 9th&10th Current Trends in English Language Testing(CTELT) Conference., Vol.5, 11-25, Nov. 2007, Refereed - Task difficulties and learners' reactions to a monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
IATEFL 2006 Harrogate Conference Selections., 1, 31-34, Apr. 2007, Refereed - Exploring difficulty in speaking tasks: an intra-task perspective.
O'Sullivan, B., Weir, C. and Horai, T.
IELTS Research Reports., Vol. 6., 119-160, Apr. 2006, Refereed - Exploring difficulty in speaking tasks: An intra-task perspective. IELTS join-FundedResearch Project 2004 Final Report.
O'Sullivan, B., Weir, C. and Horai, T.
Cambridge University ESOL Examinations., 1, 1-22, Jun. 2004, Refereed - Evaluation of L2 Speaking: Can speakers' pronunciation cover up mistaken sentence structure in L2 speech?
Horai, T.
LEO, Vol.28., 45-72, Aug. 1999, Refereed - 高校英語教科書の分析的研究
日本教材学会年報, 第7巻, 70-72, Mar. 1997, Refereed
- Investigating Task Difficulties in a Monologic Speaking Test
Horai, T.
CREOLE Weekly Seminar Programme., 07 Jun. 2006, Invited - The Impact on Performance of Monologic Speaking Task Variability
O'Sullivan, B. and Horai, T.
The Applied Linguistics Seminar, 10 Feb. 2006, Invited - Investigating Variability in Monologic Speaking Task
O'Sullivan, B. and Horai, T.
The Applied Linguistics Circle, 25 Nov. 2005, Invited
Books and other publications
- Brown, A. and Hill, K. (eds.) Tasks and Criteria in Performance Assessment
T.Horai, Single work, Intra-task comparison in a monologic oral performance test: the impact of task manipulation on performance.
PETER LANG, 2009金谷憲教授還暦記念論文集刊行委員会(編)「金谷憲教授還暦記念論文集 英語教育・英語学習研究: 現場型リサーチと実践へのアプローチ」
T.Horai, Single work, The Role of Planning Time in a Monologic Task in L2 Oral Performance Test.
桐原書店, 2008Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Impact of task difficulty in a monologic speaking task.
Current Trends in English Language Testing (CTELT), the 9th Annual Conference., 16 Nov. 2006Intra-task comparison in monologic oral performance test: What makes a task difficult?
Horai, T.
Joint Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) and the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IAAL)., 07 Sep. 2006Intra-task comparison in monologic test of speaking: aspects of linguistic analysis.
Horai, T.
Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF) 2006., 04 Jul. 2006Intra-task comparison in a monologic oral performance test: the impact of task manipulation on performance.
Horai, T.
28th Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium. International Language Testing Association (ILTA)., 28 Jun. 2006Task difficulty and learners’ reactions to a monologic speaking test.
Horai, T.
The Joint Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and the Association Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquée/Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL) 2006., 17 Jun. 2006Task difficulties and learners’ reactions to a monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
International Annual IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Conference&Exhibitions., 08 Apr. 2006Effect of Manipulating Task Conditions in a Monologic Speaking Task.
Horai, T.
The Language Testing Forum, Annual Meeting 2005., 25 Nov. 2005Aspects of task difficulty in monologic speaking task.
Horai, T.
The 40th JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Annual Conference., 08 Oct. 2005Investigating aspects of task difficulty in monologic L2 speaking tasks.
Horai, T.
The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Annual Conference., 15 Sep. 2005Exploring difficulty in an L2 monologue test task.
Horai, T.
The 27th Language Testing Research Colloquium., 20 Jul. 2005Exploring task difficulty in an L2 Monologic speaking test.
Horai, T.
The 39th International IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Annual Conference., 05 Apr. 2005Task Difficulty in an L2 Monologic speaking test.
Horai, T.
The Language Testing Forum, Annual Meeting 2004., 26 Nov. 2004Task Difficulties in Monologic tasks in an L2 speaking test.
Horai, T.
The 39th JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers) Annual Conference., 19 Nov. 2004Preliminary Questions Related to Selection of Tasks in Speaking Test.
Horai, T.
The Language Testing Forum, Annual Meeting 2003., 21 Nov. 2003Affiliated academic society
Research Themes