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MIKAMI Emiko|Shinshu University Researcher List


Center for Global Education and Collaboration 

Assistant Professor 


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration, New York University
  • Master of Science in Development Sociology, Cornell University
  • Bachelor of Laws, Osaka University

Research Keyword

    Human Resource Development for Business and Industry, Human Resource for Regional Development, Inter-organizational Collaboration, Career Development

Field Of Study

  • International Development Cooperation
  • Regional Development Policy
  • Policy Analysis
  • Human Resource Development, Career Development



Mail Address



  • 2021 - 2024
    Toyama Prefectural Government, Hilly and Mountainous Areas Division, Regional Revitalization Bureau
  • 2019 - 2021
    Policy Aide for a Diet member
  • 2016 - 2017
    Toyama Volunteer Support Center, Coordinator-collaboration management
  • 2013 - 2016
    独立行政法人国際協力機構, Nigeria Office, Policy Advisor-Social Development & Industrial Development
  • 2008 - 2013
    Save the Children Japan, Overseas Division/Regional Office of Save the Children, etc., Manager/Regional Representative, etc.
  • 2006 - 2008
    The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia, Overseas Division, Project Director/Regional Manager for Asia, etc.
  • 2003 - 2007
    Hiroshima Shudo University, Department of Global Politics, Faculty of Law, Lecturer-part time
  • 1998 - 2000
    United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, Policy Analysis Unit, Office of Commissioner-General, Policy Analysis Officer (P4)
  • 1992 - 1998
    United Nations, Population and Development Section, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Development, Population Affairs Officer (P2 & P3)
  • 1990 - 1992
    Institute of Statistical Research, Research Fellow
  • 1989 - 1990
    Sanwa Research Institute, Ltd., Industrial Research Team, Research and Development Division, Tokyo HQ, Analyst
  • 1987 - 1989
    Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Teaching/Research Assistant

Educational Background

  • New York University, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, Public Policy Analysis
  • Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Development Sociology (International Development, Research Methods)
  • Osaka University, Faculty of Law, International Politics, International Laws
  • Also, a special student at Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (received a Certificate in Population Research) and International Development Program of Nagoya University as well as Nihon Fukushi University Graduate School (International Social Development Program)


  • Awarded with the Rotary Foundation Scholarship, studying at Asian Studies Program (Development Studies) of University of Hawaii from 1986 to 87.


  • Implications of Urban Population Aging for Elderly and Child Care Services: A Comparative Analysis of Services across Tokyo's Municipalities
    Doctoral Dissertation submitted to New York University, 2005
  • Rural Entrepreneurship and Small-scale and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh
    Master's Thesis submitted to Cornell University, 1989


  • 富山県中山間地域対策課にて、地域おこし協力隊員向け「研修会」や「交流会」、各自治体の協力隊担当者向け「研修会」を企画実施、さらに隊員や担当者からの相談対応、自治体担当者向けアンケート調査の企画実施などに従事(2021年~24年)
  • 富山県内地域おこし協力隊向け情報紙「とやまの地おこ」
    富山県中山間地域対策課 年6回発行(企画・取材・執筆担当、2023~24年)
  • 情報紙「こんにちは、総合支援センターです」
  • その他、富山県ボランティア総合支援センターにて「NPO法人設立説明会」や「助成金説明会」などの研修企画・実施を担当(2016年~17年)
  • JICAナイジェリア事務所 企画調査員業務完了報告書
  • JICA保健セクター:今後の事業展開に向けて
  • The World Cities Project: Health, Quality of Life, and Health and Social Services for Older Persons-Profiles of Tokyo 23 Wards
    (a background paper of Tokyo Meeting, 23 June 2000)
  • UNRWA Area Staff Complement: Gender Balance 1990-1999
    (an internal report submitted to Office of Commissioner-General, 2000)
  • Impacts of Financial Crisis and Austerity Measures on Education and Health Programmes
    (an internal report submitted to Office of Commissioner-General, 1999)
  • その他、UNRWA所蔵の難民記録に関する調査、UNRWA設立50周年事業の企画などに従事(1998~2000年)
  • Impacts of Population Growth on Poverty-Literature Survey on Recent Empirical Examinations
    (an internal report submitted to UN Population Division, 1998)
  • Poverty: Literature Survey and Research Bibliography
    (an internal report submitted to UN Population Division, 1995)
  • Population, Resources, Environment and Development Databank ver. 2.0 and 2.1
    (UN databank) (engaged in database design, data collection & analysis and publication preparation, 1994 and 1997)
  • 海外における日本文化の受容に関する実証的研究
  • 金融自由化の進展に伴う財政投融資の変化の方向と簡保・年金資金の対応
  • シルバーサービス動向調査
  • その他、株式会社三和総合研究所、および財団法人統計研究会にて、委託調査研究、助成調査研究プロジェクトに従事(1989~92年)

Books and other publications

  • 地域おこし協力隊ハンドブック
    富山県地方創生局中山間地域対策課(県内自治体担当者向けマニュアル。企画から情報収集、執筆、デザインなど担当), Feb. 2024
  • ナイジェリア連邦共和国JICA国別分析ペーパー
    JICA(担当分野執筆), Jul. 2015
  • Charting the Progress of Population
    UN Publications (ESA/P/WP.149 and E.00.XIII.6), 1999
  • The Wall Chart on Basic Social Services for All
    UN Publications (ST/ESA/SER.A/160), 1998
  • The National Trend in Population, Resources, Environment and Development: Country Profiles
    UN Publications (ESA/P/WP.134) (Draft preparation), 1997
  • Indicators of Sustainable Development: Framework and Methodologies
    UN Publications (E.96.II.A.16) (Prepared a set of indicators related to population and sustainable development), 1996
  • フィリピン・インドネシアの所得・消費構造
    財団法人統計研究会 ( 「インドネシアの家計調査の方法-補論の執筆」と報告書編集), 1991

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • JICA's Policy Priority and Activities in Health Sector
    presented with Dr. Omolola Odebiyi at Donor Meeting, Ministry of Health, Government of Nigeria
    Sep. 2014
  • Japan and Gender Mainstreaming-Towards A Society Where Women Shine-
    Business Forum, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Aug. 2014
  • インドネシア・ニアス島緊急復興支援事業報告
    所属団体主催の一般・支援者向け報告会にて活動報告, Jan. 2007
  • インドネシア・ニアス島緊急復興支援事業について
    岡山県立大学一般科目のゲストスピーカーとして講義, Sep. 2006
  • Dynamics of Population Pressure and Land-use in Agrarian Economies
    Academic Council on the United Nations System Summer Workshop on Sustainable Development, Aug. 1992


  • English for International Politics
    Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2007
    Hiroshima Shudo University

Research Themes

  • World System and Agricultural Trade
    by Prof. Philip McMichael of Cornell University (Worked as a research assistant, 1988)
  • Italian Urban Hierarchy
    by Profs Frank Young & Eugene Erickson of Cornell University (Worked as a research assistant, 1987)

Social Contribution Activities

  • 富山市国際交流協会主催の日本語ボランティア養成講座を受講、無料日本語教室にてボランティア教師を務める(2023年)


  • Career Consultant, nationally certified (passed the 2024 exam)