Predation by
Lasius ants on the obligate ant-symbiotic aphid
Stomaphis japonica with special reference to the aphid honeydew delivery
Takumi Matsuura; Chihiro Handa; Satobu Takahashi; Takao Itino
Journal of Natural History, 59(9-12), 557-571, 2025年02月

The long proboscis of the aphid Stomaphis yanonis (Aphididae Lachninae) is advantageous for avoiding predation by tending ants
Takumi Matsuura; Shunsuke Nakamura; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Tsubasa Toji; Takao Itino
The Science of Nature, 111(4), 2024年06月

Evolutionary host shifts across plant orders despite high host specificity in tree stem surface-living Stomaphis aphids inferred from molecular phylogeny
Takumi Matsuura; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Yoshiyuki Matsumoto; Takao Itino
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 26(4), 102138-102138, 2023年12月

Sympatric co-existence of two ecotypes of Impatiens noli-tangere (Balsaminaceae) with different morphology and flowering phenology
Tsubasa Toji; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Hikaru Kondo; Yoshinori Shinohara; Takao Itino
Journal of Plant Research, 2023年02月

Parasitism by multiple strepsipterans accelerates timing of adult parasite emergence
Nakase, Yuta; Fukumasu, Yuichiro; Toji, Tsubasa; Ishimoto, Natsumi; Itino, Takao
ECOLOGY, 103(11), e3811, 2022年02月

Positive geographic correlation between soldiers’ weapon size and defensive prowess in a eusocial aphid, Ceratovacuna japonica
Mitsuru Hattori; Masato Ono; Takao Itino
Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2022年

Multiple Parasitism by Strepsipteran Insects Accelerates Timing of Strepsipteran Adult Emergence
Yuta Nakase; Yuichiro Fukumasu; Tsubasa Toji; Natsumi Ishimoto; Takao Itino
The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103(4), 2022年

Measurement of inbreeding depression in Rhododendron kaempferi: seed production, germination, juvenile survival, and growth
Takahashi, Keigo; Itino, Takao
BOTANY, 100(4), 359-365, 2022年

Intraspecific independent evolution of floral spur length in response to local flower visitor size in Japanese Aquilegia in different mountain regions
Toji, Tsubasa; Hirota, Shun K.; Ishimoto, Natsumi; Suyama, Yoshihisa; Itino, Takao
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 12(3), e8668, 2022年

Discovery of cryptic diversity in phytophagous gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) associated with different ecotypes of the perennial herb Cimicifuga simplex
Toji, Tsubasa; Tokuda, Makoto; Yamamoto, Tetsuya; Nakase, Yuta; Itino, Takao
JOURNAL OF ASIA-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY, 24(4), 1010-1016, 2021年12月

Differences in the flower visitor behaviour on female and hermaphroditic flowers of Cimicifuga simplex.
Toji T and Itino T
Journal of Natural History, 55(19-20), 1289-1298, 2021年

Effect of pollinator size on seed set in Lamium album var. barbatum.
Hattori M, Tamada Y and Itino T
Plant Ecology and Evolution, 154(2), 201–206-206, 2021年

Intraspecific convergence of floral size correlates with pollinator size on different mountains: a case study of a bumblebee-pollinated Lamium (Lamiaceae) flowers in Japan.
Toji T, Ishimoto N, Egawa S, Nakase Y, Hattori M and Itino T
BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21(1), 64, 2021年

信州大学環境科学年報, 43, 28-36, 2021年
Contrasting altitudinal patterns of diversity between bumblebees and bumblebee-visited flowers: poverty of bumblebee diversity in a high mountain of Japan.
Egawa S and Itino T
Ecological Research, 35, 504-510, 2020年
Evolutionary diversification of Japanese Stomaphis aphids (Aphididae, Lachninae) in relation to their host plant use and ant association.
Yamamoto T, Hattori M, Matsumoto Y, Ueda S and Itino T
The Science of Nature, 107, 14, 2020年
The relative importance of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators of Platanthera hologlottis Maxim. (Orchidaceae).
Hattori M, Tamada Y and Itino T
Journal of Plant Interactions, 15(1), 106-110, 2020年

Seasonal change of flower sex ratio and pollinator dynamics in three reproductive ecotypes of protandrous plant.
Toji T, Ishimoto N and Itino T
Ecosphere, 11(9), e03251, 2020年

Geographic changes in pollinator species composition affect the corolla tube length of self-heal (Prunella vulgaris L.): evidence from three elevational gradients.
Egawa S and Itino T
Ecological Research, 35, 819–825, 2020年
New Entomologist, 69, 39–47, 2020年
Seasonal migration in aphid genus Stomaphis (Hemiptera Aphididae): discovery of host alternation between woody plants in subfamily Lachninae.
Yamamoto T, Hattori M and Itino T
Journal of Insect Science, 20, 13, 2020年
Cryptic diversity in the aphid-parasitizing wasp Protaphidius nawaii (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): discovery of two attendant-ant-specific mtDNA lineages.
Yamamoto T, Hasegawa H, Nakase Y, Komatsu T and Itino T
Zoological Science, 37(2), 117-121, 2020年

Comparison of flower-visiting behaviour of bumblebees and swallowtail butterflies to the Japanese azalea (Rhododendron japonicum).
Takahashi K and Itino T
Journal of Pollination Ecology, 26, 32-37, 2020年
Differences in sex expression and mating systems in three pollination morphs of Cimicifuga simplex.
Toji T and Itino T
Plant Species Biology, 35(2), 112–119-119, 2020年

篠原 義典; 市野 隆雄
雑草研究, 63(2), 15-22, 2018年, 招待無し

Morphological characteristics reflect food sources and degree of host ant specificity in four Myrmecophilus crickets.
Komatsu T; Maruyama M; Hattori M; Itino T
Insectes Sociaux, 65, 47-57, 2018年, 招待無し
Soldiers with large weapons behave aggressively against predators: correlated morphological and behavioral defensive traits in a eusocial aphid
M. Hattori; O. Kishida; T. Itino
INSECTES SOCIAUX, 64(1), 39-44, 2017年02月, 招待無し

Nuclear-DNA-based species delineations in Coccus (Hemiptera: Coccidae) scale insects help reveal compartmentalized preferences structured by epicuticular wax in a tripartite symbiosis of ants, plants and scales.
Quek S-P, Ueda S, Gullan PJ, Kondo T, Hattori M, Itioka T, Murase K, Itino T
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120, 818–835, 2017年
Population genetic analysis of a highland DNA clade in the red ant Myrmica kotokui Forel 1911 (Formicidae, Myrmicinae)
Shouhei Ueda; Takao Itino
Japanese journal of environmental entomology and zoology, 28(1), 5-13, 2017年, 招待無し
Visitation frequencies of bumblebees and swallowtail butterflies to flowers and the nectar sugar concentration of Rhododendron kaempferi and R. japonicum in mountains of central Japan.
Takahashi K; Itino T
Journal of Pollination Ecology, 21, 91-97, 2017年, 招待無し
上田 昇平; 市野 隆雄;
環動昆 = Japanese journal of environmental entomology and zoology : 日本環境動物昆虫学会誌, 28(1), 5-13, 2017年

Host-ant specificity of endangered large blue butterflies (Phengaris spp., Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Japan
Shouhei Ueda; Takashi Komatsu; Takao Itino; Ryusuke Arai; Hironori Sakamoto
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6, 36364, 2016年11月, 査読有り, 招待無し

Plant genetic diversity and plant-pollinator interactions along altitudinal gradients.
Itino T; AS Hirao
In: Structure and Function of Mountain Ecosystems in Japan: Biodiversity and Vulnerability to Climate Change (Ecological Research Monographs) (eds. By Kudo G) . Springer. ISBN 978-4-431-55954-2, 63-88-88, 2016年, 招待無し
Pattern of flower size variation along an altitudinal gradient differs between Impatiens textori and Impatiens noli-tangere
Mitsuru Hattori; Yusuke Nagano; Yoshinori Shinohara; Takao Itino
JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS, 11(1), 152-157, 2016年, 査読有り, 招待無し

Additional species and records of the “horn-backed” Pilophorus plant bugs in Southeast Asia (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae).
Nakatani Y; Komatsu T; Itino T; Shimizu-Kaya U; Itioka T; Hashim R; Ueda S
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 159(1), 1-8, 2016年, 招待無し

Altitudinal flower size variation correlates with local pollinator size in a bumblebee-pollinated herb, Prunella vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae)
S. Kuriya; M. Hattori; Y. Nagano; T. Itino
JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, 28(10), 1761-1769, 2015年10月, 招待無し

Two Cleptoparasitic Ant Crickets (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) that Share Similar Host Ant Species Differentiate Their Habitat Use in Areas of Sympatry in Japan
T. Komatsu; M. Maruyama; T. Itino
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 62(3), 364-373, 2015年09月, 招待無し

Genetic structure of a hybrid zone between two violets, Viola rossiiHemsl. and V.bissetiiMaxim.: dominance of F-1 individuals in a narrow contact range
Yusuke Nagano; Akira S. Hirao; Takao Itino
PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY, 30(3), 237-243, 2015年07月, 査読有り, 招待無し

First report of seed dispersal by ants in Dicentra peregrina (Papaveraceae), an alpine plant in the Japanese Alps
Takashi Komatsu; Takao Itino; Shouhei Ueda
ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 18(2), 271-273, 2015年04月, 査読有り, 招待無し

Demonstration of pollinator-mediated competition between two native Impatiens species, Impatiens noli-tangere and I. textori (Balsaminaceae)
Nanako Tokuda; Mitsuru Hattori; Kota Abe; Yoshinori Shinohara; Yusuke Nagano; Takao Itino
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 5(6), 1271-1277, 2015年03月, 査読有り, 招待無し

Clonal composition of colonies of a eusocial aphid, Ceratovacuna japonica
M. Hattori; T. Yamamoto; T. Itino
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 62(1), 116-119, 2015年03月, 招待無し

Congruence of Microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Acrobat Ants (Crematogaster Subgenus Decacrema, Formicidae: Myrmicinae) Inhabiting Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) Myrmecophytes
Shouhei Ueda; Yusuke Nagano; Yowsuke Kataoka; Takashi Komatsu; Takao Itioka; Usun Shimizu-kaya; Yoko Inui; Takao Itino
PLOS ONE, 10(2), e0116602, 2015年02月, 査読有り, 招待無し

長野県松本市におけるクヌギクチナガオオアブラムシStomaphis japonicaの随伴アリ種組成
山本哲也; 服部充; 上田昇平; 市野隆雄
New Entomologist, 64, 1-6, 2015年, 招待無し
長野県におけるキツリフネImpatiens noli-tangere L. (Balsaminaceae)の開花フェノロジーと株あたり花数にみられる二型
篠原義典; 服部充; 市野隆雄
長野県植物研究会誌, 48, 25-28, 2015年, 招待無し
長野県中部におけるツリフネソウImpatiens textori Miq. (Blasaminaceae)の訪花昆虫
服部充; 山本哲也; 市野隆雄
長野県植物研究会誌, 48, 29-30, 2015年, 招待無し
宮入, 啓彰; 服部, 充; 山本, 哲也; 市野, 隆雄
環境科学年報, 37, 15-17, 2015年, 招待無し
Changes in pollinator fauna affect altitudinal variation of floral size in a bumblebee-pollinated herb
Yusuke Nagano; Kota Abe; Tomoaki Kitazawa; Mitsuru Hattori; Akira S. Hirao; Takao Itino
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 4(17), 3395-3407, 2014年09月, 査読有り, 招待無し

Moth caterpillar solicits for homopteran honeydew
Takashi Komatsu; Takao Itino
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4, 3922, 2014年01月, 査読有り, 招待無し

北アルプス常念岳東麓におけるハシリドコロ (ナス科)の訪花オドリバエ
服部充; 長野祐介; 三枝豊平; 上田昇平; 小松貴; 江川信; 市野隆雄
環動昆, 25(2), 67-70, 2014年, 招待無し

長野祐介; 服部充; 市野隆雄
信州大学環境科学年報, 36, 1-3, 2014年, 招待無し
市野 隆雄; 栗谷 さと子; 楠目 晴花; 平尾 章; 長野 祐介
地球環境, 19(1), 71-78, 2014年, 招待無し

Soldiers with large weapons in predator-abundant midsummer: phenotypic plasticity in a eusocial aphid
Mitsuru Hattori; Osamu Kishida; Takao Itino
EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY, 27(5), 847-862, 2013年09月, 招待無し

Myrmecophilous aphids produce cuticular hydrocarbons that resemble those of their tending ants
Shintaro Endo; Takao Itino
POPULATION ECOLOGY, 55(1), 27-34, 2013年01月, 招待無し

New Pilophorus species associated with myrmecophilous Macaranga trees from the Malay Peninsula and Borneo (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae)
Y. Nakatani; T. Komatsu; T. Itino; U. Shimizu-kaya; T. Itioka; R. Hashim; S. Ueda
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 156(2-3), 113-126, 2013年, 招待無し

Ecological and morphological differentiation between two cryptic DNA clades in the red ant Myrmica kotokui Forel 1911 (Myrmicinae).
Ueda S; Ando T; Sakamoto H; Yamamoto T; Matsuzuki T; Itino T
New Entomologist, 62, 1-10, 2013年, 招待無し
Nonintegrated host association of myrmecophilus tetramorii, a specialist myrmecophilous ant cricket (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae)
Takashi Komatsu; Munetoshi Maruyama; Takao Itino
Psyche (New York), 2013, 568536, 2013年, 招待無し

Buying time for colony mates: The anti-predatory function of soldiers in the eusocial aphid Ceratovacuna japonica (Homoptera, Hormaphidinae)
M. Hattori; O. Kishida; T. Itino
Insectes Sociaux, 60(1), 15-21, 2013年, 招待無し

Congruence between pollination morphs and genotypes based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA in Cimicifuga simplex (Ranunculaceae)
Kuzume H; Itino T
The Journal of Japanese Botany, 88(3), 176-181, 2013年, 招待無し

The aphid-tending ant Lasius fuji exhibits reduced aggression toward aphids marked with ant cuticular hydrocarbons
Shintaro Endo; Takao Itino
POPULATION ECOLOGY, 54(3), 405-410, 2012年07月, 招待無し

Timing of butterfly parasitization of a plant-ant-scale symbiosis
Shouhei Ueda; Tadahiro Okubo; Takao Itioka; Usun Shimizu-kaya; Masaya Yago; Yoko Inui; Takao Itino
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 27(2), 437-443, 2012年03月, 招待無し

Larger Seeds are Dispersed Farther: the Long-Distance Seed Disperser ant Aphaenogaster famelica Prefers Larger Seeds
Satobu Takahashi; Takao Itino
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 59(4), 1401-1411, 2012年, 招待無し

Eggs of a Eusial Aphid’s Predator are Protected Against Attacks by Aphid Soldiers
Hattori, Mitsuru; Itino, Takao
Sociobiology, 59(4), 1315-1322, 2012年, 招待無し

How Do Scale Insects Settle into the Nests of Plant-Ants on Macaranga Myrmecophytes? Dispersal by Wind and Selection by Plant-Ants
Chihiro Handa; Shouhei Ueda; Hirotaka Tanaka; Takao Itino; Takao Itioka
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 59(2), 435-446, 2012年, 招待無し

栂井龍一; 上田昇平; 服部充; 市野隆雄
環動昆 = Japanese journal of environmental entomology and zoology : 日本環境動物昆虫学会誌, 23(3), 119-125, 2012年, 招待無し

Phylogeny and phylogeography of Myrmica rubra complex (Myrmicinae) in the Japanese Alps
Ueda Shouhei; Nozawa Taito; Matsuzuki Tetsuya; Seki Ryo-ichi; Shimamoto Shinya; Itino Takao
Psyche, 2012(2012), 319097-319097, 2012年, 招待無し

Molecular phylogenetic affinities of Japanese Xenid and Stylopid Strepsipterans (Strepsiptera: Xenidae, Stylopidae) parasitizing wasps and bees.
ISAKA Yuichi; UEDA Souhei; ITINO Takao
New Entomologist, 61(1-2), 15-20, 2012年, 招待無し

How do scale insects settle into the nests of plant-ants on macaranga myrmecophytes? dispersal by wind and selection by plant-ants
Chihiro Handau; Shouhei Ueda; Hirotaka Tanaka; Takao Itino; Takao Itioka
Practice Nurse, 41(17), 435-446, 2011年10月
Phylogeography of the Coccus scale insects inhabiting myrmecophytic Macaranga plants in Southeast Asia
Shouhei Ueda; Swee-Peck Quek; Takao Itioka; Kaori Murase; Takao Itino
POPULATION ECOLOGY, 52(1), 137-146, 2010年01月, 招待無し

Differences in host specificity and behavior of two ant cricket species (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) in Honshu, Japan
Takashi Komatsu; Munetoshi Maruyama; Takao Itino
Journal of Entomological Science, 45(3), 227-238, 2010年, 招待無し

淺木宏覚; 市野隆雄
信州大学環境科学年報, 32, 73-98, 2010年, 招待無し
Multiple Factors Maintaining High Species-Specificity in Macaranga-Crematogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Myrmecophytism: Higher Mortality in Mismatched Ant-Seedling Pairs
Kaori Murase; Seiki Yamane; Takao Itino; Takao Itioka
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 55(3), 883-898, 2010年, 招待無し

Behavioral differences between two ant cricket species in Nansei Islands: host-specialist versus host-generalist
Takashi Komatsu; M. Maruyama; T. Itino
INSECTES SOCIAUX, 56(4), 389-396, 2009年11月, 招待無し

In: シリーズ群集生態学 第2巻「進化生物学からせまる」 京都大学学術出版会, 2009年, 招待無し
片岡陽介; 平尾章; 長野祐介; 市野隆雄
信州大学環境科学年報, 31, 96-110, 2009年, 招待無し
An ancient tripartite symbiosis of plants, ants and scale insects
Shouhei Ueda; Swee-Peck Quek; Takao Itioka; Keita Inamori; Yumiko Sato; Kaori Murase; Takao Itino
PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 275(1649), 2319-2326, 2008年10月, 査読有り, 招待無し

mtDNA phylogeny of Japanese ant crickets (Orthoptera : Myrmecophilidae): Diversification in host specificity and habitat use
Takashi Komatsu; Munetoshi Maruyama; Shouhei Ueda; Takao Itino
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 52(3), 553-565, 2008年, 査読有り, 招待無し

Soldiers' armature changes seasonally and locally in an eusocial aphid (Homoptera : Aphididae)
Mitsuru Hattori; Takao Itino
SOCIOBIOLOGY, 52(2), 429-436, 2008年, 査読有り, 招待無し

アリ植物とアリ ー 共多様化の歴史を探る
市野 隆雄; QUEK Swee-Peck; 上田 昇平
In : 共進化の生態学 ー 生物間相互作用が織りなす多様性 (種生物学会編) 文一総合出版, 2008年, 招待無し

The geography of diversification in mutualistic ants: a gene’s-eye view into the Neogene history of Sundaland rain forests.
Quek, S.-P; S. J. Davies; P. S. Ashton; T. Itino; N. E. Pierce
Molecular Ecology, 16(10), 2045-2062, 2007年05月, 招待無し

Phylogeography of Japanese alpine butterfly Erebia niphonica (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) inferred from mitochondrial gene sequences
BAN U; SEKIGUCHI Masayuki; NAKATANI Takatoshi; ITOHTateto; USAMI Shin-ichi; ITINO Takao
New Entomologist, 56(1-2), 1-7, 2007年, 招待無し

Coevolution of ants and plants.
Itino, T
In: Pollination Ecology and the Rain Forest (eds. by Roubik, D. W., Sakai, S. and Hamid, A. A.) Springer, New York., 172-177, 2005年, 招待無し

松村 行栄; 宇佐美 真一; 上田 昇平; 市野 隆雄; 伊藤 建夫; 〓 連喜
蝶と蛾, 56(4), 333-341, 2005年, 招待無し

Codiversification in an ant-plant mutualism: Stem texture and the evolution of host use in Crematogaster (Formicidae : Myrmicinae) inhabitants of Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae)
SP Quek; SJ Davies; T Itino; NE Pierce
EVOLUTION, 58(3), 554-570, 2004年03月, 招待無し

Difference in Crematogaster borneensis on Macaranga myrmecophytes between primary and secondary forests inferred from ecological data and mitochondrial COI gene sequences.
Murase, K; Itioka, T; Itino, T; Yamane, S; Su, ZH
ANet Newsletter, 7, 5-9, 2004年, 招待無し
壮大なフロンティア精神の現代的意義 ー 今西錦司の生物学
市野 隆雄
科学, 73(12), 1321-1327, 2003年12月, 招待無し

Duration of developmental stages of Callosobruchus chinensis L. (Coleoptera:Bruchidae) on Azuki bean and the effects of neem and sesame oils at different stages of their development.
Ahmed, K. S; T. Itino; T. Ichikawa
Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 6(10), 932-935, 2003年, 招待無し

Coadaptation and coevolution of Macaranga trees and their symbiotic ants.
Itino, T; Itioka, T; Davies, S. J
In: Genes, Behaviors and Evolution of Social Insects (eds. by Kikuchi, T., Higashi, S. and Azuma, N.) Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, Japan., 283-294, 2003年, 招待無し

Carbon and nitrogen contents of food bodies in three myrmecophytic species of Macaranga: implications for antiherbivore defense mechanisms
A Hatada; T Itioka; R Yamaoka; T Itino
JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH, 115(1119), 179-184, 2002年06月, 査読有り, 招待無し

アリと植物 ー 共生の自然史
In: ハチとアリの自然史(前田泰生・伊藤文紀・杉浦直人編) 北海道大学図書刊行会, 2002年, 招待無し
Species specificity in settling-plant selection by foundress ant queens in Macaranga-Crematogaster myrmecophytism in a Bornean dipterocarp forest
K Murase; T Itioka; Y Inui; T Itino
JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY, 20(1), 19-24, 2002年, 招待無し

Interspecific variation and ontogenetic change in antiherbivore defense in myrmecophytic Macaranga species
T Itino; T Itioka
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 16(4), 765-774, 2001年12月, 招待無し

Effects of food rewards offered by ant-plant Macaranga on the colony size of ants
T Itino; T Itioka; A Hatada; AA Hamid
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 16(4), 775-786, 2001年12月, 招待無し

Cospeciation of ants and plants
T Itino; SJ Davies; H Tada; O Hieda; M Inoguchi; T Itioka; S Yamane; T Inoue
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 16(4), 787-793, 2001年12月, 招待無し

Chemical recognition of partner plant species by foundress ant queens in Macaranga-Crematogaster myrmecophytism
Y Inui; T Itioka; K Murase; R Yamaoka; T Itino
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY, 27(10), 2029-2040, 2001年10月, 招待無し

市野 隆雄; 市岡 孝朗; 畑田 彩; HAMID A. A
日本生態学会誌, 51(3), 314-314, 2001年, 招待無し

市野 隆雄; 市岡 孝朗
日本生態学会誌, 51(3), 314-314, 2001年, 招待無し

市野 隆雄; DAVES S. J; 多田 英子; 稗田 良宏; 猪口 美嘉; 市岡 孝朗; 山根 正気; 井上 民二
日本生態学会誌, 51(3), 314-314, 2001年, 招待無し

Difference in intensity of ant defense among three species of Macaranga myrmecophytes in a southeast Asian dipterocarp forest
T Itioka; M Nomura; Y Inui; T Itino; T Inoue
BIOTROPICA, 32(2), 318-326, 2000年06月, 招待無し

Variations in abiotic defense within myrmecophytic and non-myrmecophytic species of Macaranga in a Bornean dipterocarp forest
M Nomura; T Itioka; T Itino
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 15(1), 1-11, 2000年03月, 招待無し

香川県における訪花性ハナアブ類の季節消長と花利用様式 (香川大学五十周年記念号)
田井 謙一郎; 市野 隆雄
香川大学農学部学術報告, 52(105), 71-77, 2000年, 招待無し

The efficacy of volatile ingredients in neem oil against Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera:Bruchidae) (Special Issue for the Fiftieth Anniversary of Kagawa University)
Ban U; AHMED Kazi Shahanara; Itino Takao
Technical bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, 52, 67-69, 2000年, 招待無し

Effects of plant oils on oviposition preference and larval survivorship of Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera : Bruchidae) on azuki bean
KS Ahmed; T Itino; T Ichikawa
APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY, 34(4), 547-550, 1999年11月, 招待無し

熱帯雨林のアリとアリ植物 ー 相利共生と共進化
市野 隆雄; 市岡 孝朗
インセクタリゥム, 36(6), 172-179, 1999年06月, 招待無し

Effects of plant oils on oviposition preference and larval survivorship of Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on azuki bean
Kazi Shahanara Ahmed; Takao Itino; Toshihide Ichikawa
Applied Entomology and Zoology, 34(4), 547-550, 1999年, 招待無し

第7章 生物多様性の保全にむけて
市野隆雄; 井上民二
In: 岩波講座「地球環境学」第5巻 生物多様性とその保全(井上民二・和田英太郎編) 岩波書店, 1998年, 招待無し
Monitoring of plant phenology in an aseasonal tropical rain forest
Yumoto, T; Momose, K; Nagamitsu, T; Inoue, T; Nagamasu, H; Kato, M; Itino. T; Hamid, A
Thai Studies in Biodiversity, 2, 289-306, 1998年, 招待無し

保全生態学研究会; 荒木 佐智子; 市野 隆雄; 加藤 徹; 加藤 真; 神谷 光太郎; 栗原 祐子; 小杉山 晃一; 小林 芽里; 須賀 丈; 鈴木 和雄; 田井 謙一郎; 田中 肇; 中島 真紀; 中野 千賀; 日江井 香弥子; 廣田 幸将; 福田 陽子; 古水 孝尚; 松井 淳; 松村 千鶴; 松本 雅道; 鷲谷 いづみ
保全生態学研究, 2(3), 201-207, 1998年, 招待無し

Pollination of hemiparasites (Loranthaceae) by spider hunters (Nectariniidae) in the canopy of a Bornean tropical rainforest
Yumoto Takakazu; Itino Takao; Nagamasu Hidetoshi
Selbyana, 18(1), 51-60, 1997年, 招待無し

市野 隆雄
香川大学農学部紀要, 62, 1-206, 1997年, 招待無し

Ground ant fauna in a Bornean dipterocarp forest
S Yamane; T Itino; AR Nona
RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY, 44(1), 253-262, 1996年06月, 招待無し

In: 昆虫個体群生態学の展開(久野英二編著) 京都大学学術出版会, 1996年, 招待無し
蟻, 20, 41-55, 1996年, 招待無し
The vertical distribution of ants on canopy trees in a Bornean lowland rain forest
市野隆雄; 山根正気
Tropics, 4(2-3), 277-281, 1996年, 招待無し

RESEARCHES ON POPULATION ECOLOGY, 37(1), 59-79, 1995年06月, 招待無し

Melittophily and ornithophily of long-tubed flowers in West Sumatra
Kato, M; Itino, T; Nagamitsu, T
Tropics, 2(3), 129-142, 1993年, 招待無し

Inter- and intra-specific variation in prey assemblages and inhabitant communities in Nepenthes pitchers in Sumatra
M. Kato; M. Hotta; R. Tamin; T. Itino
Tropical Zoology, 6(1), 11-25, 1993年, 招待無し

RESEARCHES ON POPULATION ECOLOGY, 34(1), 203-211, 1992年06月, 招待無し


杉山 隆史; 阿南 一; 市野 隆雄; 市川 俊英; 岡本 秀俊
日本林學會誌, 74(4), 273-281, 1992年, 招待無し

The flights of adults of the sugi bark borer, Semanotus japonicus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), from standing trees of Japanese cedar and their behaviors on branches and on the ground
杉山 隆史; 阿南 一; 市野 隆雄; 市川 俊英; 岡本 秀俊
日本林學會誌, 74(4), 273-281-281, 1992年, 招待無し

BIOTROPICA, 23(2), 151-158, 1991年06月, 招待無し

Thrinchostoma (Diagonozus) asianum sp. nov.: discovery of an African subgenus of long-malared halictine bees from Sumatra, with some observations on its oligotrophy to Impatiens
SAKAGAMI Shôichi F; KATO Makoto; ITINO Takao
Tropics, 1(1), 49-58, 1991年, 招待無し

Pollination of four Sumatran Impatiens species by hawkmoths and bees
KATO Makoto; ITINO Takao; HOTTA Mitsuru; INOUE Tamiji
Tropics, 1(1), 59-73, 1991年, 招待無し

Behavior of the Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), on Live Standing Trees of Japanese Cedar in a Wood
SUGIYAMA Takashi; URANO Hiroyuki; ITINO Takao; ICHIKAWA Toshihide; OKAMOTO Hidetoshi
Japanese journal of entomology, 59(3), 675-691, 1991年, 招待無し

村上一男; 市野隆雄
ミツバチ科学, 11, 11-16, 1990年, 招待無し
Insect-flower relationship in the temperate deciduous forest of Kibune, Kyoto: an overview of the flowering phenology and the seasonal pattern of insect visits
INOUE Tamiji; KATO Makoto; KAKUTANI Takehiko; SUKA Takeshi; ITINO Takao
Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, 27(4), 377-463, 1990年, 招待無し

Insect-flower relationship in the primary beech forest of Ashu, Kyoto: an overview of the flowering phenology and the seasonal pattern of insect visits
KATO Makoto; KAKUTANI Takehiko; INOUE Tamiji; ITINO Takao
Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, 27(4), 309-375-375, 1990年, 招待無し

Flower visitors of 32 plant species in West Sumatra
加藤真; 市野隆雄; 堀田満; I. Abbas; 岡田博
Occasional papers of the Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific, 16, 15-31, 1989年, 招待無し
RESEARCHES ON POPULATION ECOLOGY, 30(1), 1-12, 1988年06月, 招待無し

RESEARCHES ON POPULATION ECOLOGY, 28(2), 185-199, 1986年12月, 招待無し