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Deprecated: substr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\Apache24\htdocs\search\index.php on line 12 中里 亮介|信州大学 研究者総覧
Global solutions for the incompressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamics system around constant equilibrium states Mikihiro Fujii; Ryosuke Nakasato Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 536(2), 128231-128231, 2024年08月, 査読有り
Mathematical modeling and dissipative structure for systems of magnetohydrodynamics with Hall effect Shuichi Kawashima; Ryosuke Nakasato; Takayoshi Ogawa Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 32(09), 1807-1878, 2022年08月, 査読有り 責任著者
Global well-posedness and time-decay of solutions for the compressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic system in the critical Besov framework Shuichi Kawashima; Ryosuke Nakasato; Takayoshi Ogawa Journal of Differential Equations, 328, 1-64, 2022年08月, 査読有り 責任著者
Global well-posedness for the incompressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic system in critical Fourier–Besov spaces Ryosuke Nakasato Journal of Evolution Equations, 22(1), 2022年03月, 査読有り 筆頭著者, 責任著者
Singular limit for the magnetohydrodynamics of the damped wave type in the critical Fourier–Sobolev space Tatsuya Matsui; Ryosuke Nakasato; Takayoshi Ogawa Journal of Differential Equations, 271, 414-446, 2021年01月, 査読有り 責任著者
A Regularity Criterion for the Density-Dependent Magnetohydrodynamics System in Critical Besov Spaces Ryosuke Nakasato Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 20(4), 1911-1919, 2018年12月, 査読有り, 招待無し 筆頭著者, 責任著者
Analyticity and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations In an End-Point Scaling Critical Framework Ryosuke Nakasato 2024年10月
Global well-posedness for the Hall-magnetohydrodynamic system with quantum effects in a critical $L^p$ framework Ryosuke Nakasato 2023年04月
Analyticity estimate in Fourier-Herz spaces and its application to the model of viscous fluids 中里 亮介 若手による流体力学の基礎方程式研究集会, 2025年01月, 招待有り,
Diffusion wave phenomenon for solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations in critical spaces 中里 亮介 第2回 非線型分散型・双曲型偏微分方程式の解の長時間挙動, 2024年09月, 招待有り,
On the analyticity and asymptotic behavior of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in an end-point critical space 中里 亮介 諏訪偏微分方程式研究集会, 2024年07月, 招待有り,
Analyticity and large time behavior of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in end-point critical Fourier-Herz spaces 中里 亮介 信州大学偏微分方程式研究集会, 2024年06月, 招待有り,
Analyticity of solutions and its application to the Navier-Stokes equations in an end-point critical space 中里 亮介 熊本大学応用解析セミナー, 2024年05月, 招待有り,
Time-decay estimate with diffusion waves for the compressible viscous fluid model with capillarity 中里亮介 第15回名古屋微分方程式研究集会, 2024年03月, 招待有り,
On the multi-dimensional diffusion waves for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system in scaling critical spaces 中里 亮介 Recent Topics on the Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2023年12月, 招待有り,
On the multi-dimensional diffusion waves for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system in scaling critical spaces 中里 亮介 九州関数方程式セミナー, 2023年10月, 招待有り,
Asymptotic stability for the quantum Hall-MHD in a scaling critical framework 中里 亮介 第44回 発展方程式若手セミナー, 2023年09月, 招待無し,
Large time behavior of solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system in critical spaces 中里 亮介 応用解析研究会, 2023年06月, 招待有り,
Fourier-Herz 空間上でのエネルギー法と Hall 効果を伴う準線形プラズマモデルの漸近安定性への応用 中里 亮介 日本数学会2023年度春季総合分科会, 2023年03月, 招待無し,
Global well-posedness for the quantum Hall-MHD in critical Fourier-Besov spaces 中里亮介 第10回弘前非線形方程式研究会, 2022年12月, 招待有り,
On the asymptotic stability for the quantum Hall-MHD via $\widehat{L}^p$ energy methods Ryosuke Nakasato International Workshop on Multiphase Flows:Analysis, Modelling and Numerics, 2022年12月, 招待有り,
On the asymptotic stability for the quantum Hall-MHD system in a critical $L^p$ framework Ryosuke Nakasato The Eighth Japan-China Workshop on Mathematical Topics from Fluid Mechanics, 2022年10月, 招待有り,
Global well-posedness for Hall-MHD system with quantum effects in a scaling critical framework 中里 亮介 第182回神楽坂解析セミナー, 2022年10月, 招待有り,
Hall 効果を考慮した量子プラズマ MHD モデルの時間大域適切性と時間減衰評価について 中里 亮介 日本数学会2022年度秋季総合分科会, 2022年09月, 招待無し,
Global well-posedness for the incompressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic system in the end-point critical Fourier--Sobolev space 中里亮介 East Asian Workshop on Partial Differential Equations in Fluid Dynamics, 2022年01月, 招待有り,
Well-posedness for the magnetohydrodynamics with Hall-effect near non-zero magnetic equilibrium states Ryosuke Nakasato RIMS 共同研究「非圧縮性粘性流体の数理解析」, 2021年12月, 招待有り,
Global well-posedness for the Hall-MHD system in a critical framework 中里 亮介 第14回若手のための偏微分方程式と数学解析, 2021年02月, 招待有り,
Global well-posedness for the Hall-MHD system in the critical Fourier-Besov space Ryosuke Nakasato The 22nd Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, 2021年02月, 招待有り,
Well-posedness and time-decay estimates for the compressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic system in the critical $L^2$ framework Ryosuke Nakasato International Workshop on Multiphase Flows: Analysis, Modelling and Numerics, 2020年12月, 招待有り,
The Optimal time-decay estimates for the compressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic system in critical $L^2$ framework Ryosuke Nakasato The 21th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, 2020年02月, 招待無し,
Global well-posedness and singular limit for the magnetohydrodynamics of the damped wave type in the critical Fourier−Sobolev spaces Ryosuke Nakasato East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics 2020, 2020年01月, 招待有り,
Global well-posedness and singular limit for the magnetohydrodynamics of the damped wave type in the critical Fourier−Sobolev spaces Ryosuke Nakasato East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics 2020, 2020年01月, 招待有り,
A singular limit for the magnetohydrodynamics of the damped wave type in the critical Fourier−Sobolev space 中里 亮介 若手による流体力学の基礎方程式研究集会, 2020年01月, 招待有り,
Global well-posedness and time-decay estimates for the compressible hall-magnetohydrodynamic system in $L^2$ Besov framework Ryosuke Nakasato Waseda Workshop on Partial Differential Equations 2019-December, 2019年12月, 招待有り,
Global existence of the two-dimensional density-dependent magnetohydrodynamics system in homogeneous Besov spaces Ryosuke Nakasato The 20th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, 2019年02月, 招待無し,
A regularity criterion for the density-dependent magnetohydrodynamics system in critical Besov spaces Ryosuke Nakasato 8th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up, 2018年06月, 招待無し,
Blow-up criterion for the density-dependent magnetohydrodynamics system in critical Besov spaces Ryosuke Nakasato The 19th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, 2018年02月,
Blow-up criterion for magnetohydrodynamics system in a critical Besov spaces Ryosuke Nakasato Hirosaki Workshop for Mathmatical Fluid Mechanics 2018, 2018年01月, 招待有り,