URAI Atsushi
Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Science
Faculty of Science Department of Science Course of Environmental Sciences
Assistant Professor
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Dissolved Organic Matter, carbon cycle, limnology, methane, Organic geochemistry, Radiocarbon isotope ratio analysis
Field Of Study
Mail Address
- uraia★shinshu-u.ac.jp
- 2023
Guest Researcher, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology - 2023
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science Department of Science Course of Environmental Science, Shinshu University - 2021
Part-time University Lecturer, Teacher Training Center, Keio University - 2021 - 2023
JSPS Research Fellow, Biogeochemistry Research Center, Research Institute for Marine Resources Utilization,, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology - 2020 - 2021
Research Assistant (Research Student), Biogeochemisry Center (BGC), Research Institute for Marine Resources Utilization (MRU), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology - 2019 - 2020
Research Assistant(Research student), Biogeochemisry Program, Research Institute for Marine Resources Utilization, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology - 2017 - 2019
Research Assistant (Research Student), Department of Biogeochemistry, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Tecnology
Educational Background
- 2018 - 2021, Shinshu University, 総合医理工学研究科, 総合理工学専攻
- 2012 - 2014, Shinshu University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, 地球生物圏科学専攻
- 2008 - 2012, Shinshu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Sciences
- 2008 - 2012, Shinshu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Sciences
Research activity information
- Origin of Deep Methane from Active Faults along the Itoigawa–Shizuoka Tectonic Line between the Eurasian and North American Plates: 13C/12C and 14C/12C Methane Profiles from a Pull-Apart Basin at Lake Suwa
Atsushi Urai; Yoshinori Takano; Yohei Matsui; Hiroki Iwata; Yosuke Miyairi; Yusuke Yokoyama; Yuichi Miyabara; Naohiko Ohkouchi; Ho-Dong Park
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Jul. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead, Corresponding - Detection of planktonic coenzyme factor 430 in a freshwater lake: small-scale analysis for probing archaeal methanogenesis
Atsushi Urai; Makoto Matsushita; Ho-Dong Park; Hiroyuki Imachi; Miyuki Ogawara; Hiroki Iwata; Masanori Kaneko; Nanako O. Ogawa; Naohiko Ohkouchi; Yoshinori Takano
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8(1), 62, Dec. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead, Corresponding - Origin of Deep Methane Associated with a Unique Community of Microorganisms in an Organic- and Iodine-Rich Aquifer
Atsushi Urai; Yoshinori Takano; Hiroyuki Imachi; Shun’ichi Ishii; Yohei Matsui; Miyuki Ogawara; Eiji Tasumi; Yosuke Miyairi; Nanako O. Ogawa; Toshihiro Yoshimura; Fumio Inagaki; Yusuke Yokoyama; Kenjiro Kawano; Daisuke Murai; Ho-Dong Park; Naohiko Ohkouchi
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(1), 1-11, Jan. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead, Corresponding - Deep methagenesis and iodine-rich aquifer: Insight from organic geochemical approach
A. Urai; Y. Takano; H. Imachi; S. Ishii; Y. Matsui; M. Ogawara; Y. Miyairi; N. O. Ogawa; T. Yoshimura; F. Inagaki; Y. Yokoyama; H. D. Park; D. Murai; K. Kawano; N. Ohkouchi
29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, IMOG 2019, 2019 - Algal-derived 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (stigmasterol) is frequently found in high-molecular-weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM) during summer in freshwater and brackish lakes
Atsushi Urai; Koji Takahashi; Yoshito Chikaraishi; Kazuo Fukushima
GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 52(4), e15-e20, Jun. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead, Corresponding - Detection of planktonic coenzyme factor 430 in a freshwater lake: Small-scale analysis for probing archaeal methanogenesis
Atsushi Urai; Makoto Matsushita; Ho-Dong Park; Hiroyuki Imachi; Miyuki Ogawara; Hiroki Iwata; Masanori Kaneko; Nanako O. Ogawa; Naohiko Ohkouchi; Yoshinori Takano
Lead, Corresponding
- LC-MS/MSによる補酵素F430の高感度分析法:環境中のメタン生成アーキアの探索
浦井 暖史
ぶんせき, 221, Jun. 2022, Invited - 補酵素F430を経由するメタン生成とメタン酸化の2核種炭素同位体比フィンガープリント法の展開:地球深部での炭素循環
高野淑識; 浦井暖史; 金子雅紀; 大河内直彦
Isotope news, 778, 36 - 40, Dec. 2021, Refereed, Invited - Load to researcher
Atsushi Urai
News letter of The Japanese Association of Organic Geochemistry, 68, 8 - 11, Jul. 2018, Invited
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Insights of the food web in freshwater lake using radiocarbon measurements
A. Urai; Y. Takano; Y. Matsui; N.F. Ishikawa; Y. Miyairi; Y. Yokoyama; Y. Miyabara; N. Ohkouchi
⽇本地球化学会 第70回年会, Sep. 2023, InvitedDeep biosphere at the intersection of Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line and Median Tectonic Line.
H. Nishimura; A. Urai; Y. Matsui; Y. Miyabara; Y. Takahashi; Y. Takano
⽇本地球化学会 第70回年会, Aug. 2023, Not invitedInsights of the interaction between surface and deep sub-surface hydrosphere using radiocarbon measurements ○Atsushi Urai1,2
Atsushi Urai
第40回日本有機地球化学シンポジウム(伊都大会), Aug. 2023, Invited異なる自生性有機物の添加に対する富栄養湖堆積物中のメタン生成応答の違い
Yang Chun Je; 岩田拓記; 朴虎東; 宮原裕一; 伊藤雅之; 浦井暖史; 高野淑識
日本農業気象学会2023年全国大会, Mar. 2023, Not invitedApplication of methane-specific stable carbon and radiocarbon isotope measurements (δ13C & Δ14C) for ecology and biogeochemistry
Atsushi Urai; Yoshinori Takano; Yohei Matsui; Nanako O. Ogawa; Yusuke Yokoyama; Naohiko Ohkouchi
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ISOTOPE PHYSIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND GEOCHEMISTRY, Sep. 2022, Not invited断層湖堆積盆から湧出する深部メタンの起源と表層生態系への影響:糸魚川静岡構造線と中央構造線の交点のカーボンサイクル
浦井暖史; 高野淑識; 松井洋平; 岩田拓記; 宮入陽介; 横山祐典; 宮原裕一; 大河内直彦; 朴虎東
2022年日本地球惑星科学連合大会, May 2022, Invited,アオコ添加に対する富栄養湖堆積物中のメタン生成の応答
Yang Chun Jet; 岩田拓記; 朴虎東; 宮原裕一; 伊藤雅之; 高野淑識; 浦井暖史
日本農業気象学会2022年全国大会, Mar. 2022淡水湖表層水でのメタン生成プロセスの探索
浦井暖史; 松下慎; 朴虎東; 井町寛之; 小河原美幸; 岩田拓記; 金子雅紀; 小川奈々子; 大河内直彦; 高野淑識
第38回有機地球化学シンポジウム札幌大会, Nov. 2021, Not invitedOngoing archaeal methanogenesis in an organic- and iodine-rich deep aquifer: molecular evidence from coenzyme factor 430 and methane-specific radiocarbon measurements
Atsushi Urai; Yoshinori Takano; Naohiko Ohkouchi
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, Jun. 2021, Japan Geoscience Union, Not invitedDeep methane emission from the active fault lake on Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Lines: Impact and interaction between deep carbon and surface ecosystems.
A. Urai; Y. Takano; Y. Matsui; H. Iwata; Y. Miyairi; Y. Yokoyama; Y. Miyabara; H. D. Park; N. Ohkouchi
Conference of the geochemical society of Japan, Nov. 2020, Not invitedBiogeochemical and molecular approaches for methane cycle of surface and deep sub-surface origins on an active fault lake
Urai, A; Takano, Y; Matsushita, M; Imachi, H; Matsui, Y; Miyairi, Y; Iwata, H; Park, H. D; Yokoyama,Y; Ohkouchi, N
The geochemical society of Japan, Sep. 2019, Not invitedDeep methanogenesis and iodine-rich aquifer: Insight from organic geochemical approach
Urai, A; Takano, Y; Imachi, H; Ishii, S; Matsui, Y; Ogawara, M; Miyairi, Y; Ogawa, N. O; Yoshimura, T; Inagaki, F; Yokoyama, Y; Park, H. D; Murai, D; Kawano, K; Ohkouchi, N
29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), Sep. 2019, Not invitedSearch for microbial CH4 production processes in lake sediments and surface water associated with cyanobacterial bloom
Matsushita, M; Takano, Y; Imachi, H; Urai, A; Park, H.D; Iwata, H; Ohkouchi, N
JpGU Meeting 2019, May 2019, Not invitedDynamisms and characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in deep aquifer: A scope for deep biosphere
Urai, A.; Takano, Y.; Ohkouchi, N
JpGU Meeting 2019, May 2019, Not invitedDeep methanogenesis and iodine aquifer: an organic geochemical approach
A. Urai; Y. Takano; S. Ishii; H. Imachi; Y. Matsui; Y. Miyairi; N.O. Ogawa; T. Yoshimura; F. Inagaki; Y. Yokoyama; D. Murai; K. Kawano; N. Ohkouchi
第65回日本地球化学会年会, Sep. 2018, Not invitedCharacterization of Sterols in Dissolved Organic Matter
Urai, A; Takahahi, K; Chikaraishi, Y; Fukushima, K
第36回日本有機地球化学シンポジウム, Aug. 2018, Not invited農薬モニタリング評価における河川調査法の一考察
内田成人; 土屋秀平; 浦井暖史; 北條敏彦
日本農薬学会第40回大会, Mar. 2015, Not invitedChemical characterization of sterol composition dissolved in freshwater lakes in Japan.
Urai, A; Takahashi, K; Fukuhshima, K; Chikaraishi, Y
26th International Meetings on Organic Geochemistry, 206, Sep. 2013, Not invited