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HIRATA YUICHI|Shinshu University Researcher List


Academic Assembly School of Science and Technology Institute of Textile Science and Technology

Faculty of Textile Science and Technology Division of Chemistry and Materials 

Associate Professor 

Research Keyword

    Barrier, Dialysis, Dyeing, Gas separation, Nanofiber

Field Of Study

  • Polymer chemistry
  • Polymer chemistry
  • Polymer chemistry
  • Polymer/Textile materials

Educational Background

  • 1996 - 2000, Meiji University, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, Industrial Chemistry
  • 1990 - 1994, Meiji University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, 工業化学科


  • Cationic-Cellulose Nanofibers: Preparation and Dyeability with Anionic Reactive Dyes for Apparel Application
    Z. Khatri, G. Mayakrishnan, Y. Hirata, K. Wei, I.-S. Kim
    Carbohydrate Polym., 91, 434-443, 2013
  • Dye Aggregation and Interaction of Dyes with a Water-Soluble Polymer in Inkjet Ink for Textiles
    Ju-Young Park, Yuichi Hirata, Kunihiro Hamada
    Coloration Technology, 128(3), 184-191, 2012WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Relationship between the Dye/Additive Interaction and Inkjet Ink Droplet Formation
    J.-Y. Park, Y. Hirata, K. Hamada
    DYES AND PIGMENTS, 95(3), 502-511, 2012WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Interaction between Dyes and Surfactants in Inkjet Ink for Textiles
    Ju-Young Park, Yuichi Hirata, Kunihiro Hamada
    J. Oleo Sci., 60, 627-637, 2011
  • Effects of Polymer Molecular Weight on the Interaction between Dyes and Polymers in Inkjet Ink for Textiles
    Ju-Young Park, Yuichi Hirata, Kunihiro Hamada
    J. Soc. Fiber Sci. Tech., Japan, 67(11), 233-239, 2011WebofScienceリポジトリ電子ジャーナル
  • Introduction of various quaternary ammonium salts as cationic binding sites in partially-hydrolyzed poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) films,
    Y. Hirata, T. Kawasumi, K. Hamada
    Desalination and water treatment, 17, 127-134, 2010
  • Sorption of water vapor of EVAL/PAA Blend nano-nonwovens modified by Layer-by-layer technique
    T. Kouzu, Y. Hirata, K. Hamada
    Desalination and water treatment, 17, 2-9, 2010
  • Ethyl hexanoate transfer in paper and plastic food packaging by sorption and permeation experiments
    Cecile Dury-Brun, Yuichi Hirata, Valerie Guillard, Violette Ducruet, Pascale Chalier, Andree Voilley
    Journal of Food Engineering, 89, 217-226, 2008
  • Preparation and solubility of water-methanol mixtures in sulfonated poly(etherketone) containing a cardo-ring structure
    C. Akiba; K. Watanabe; K. Nagai; Y. Hirata; Q. T. Nguyen
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100(2), 1113-1123, 2006
  • Effect of temperature on the solubility of aroma compounds in polyethylene film
    Y. Hirata; V. Ducruet
    Polymer Testing, 25(5), 690-696, 2006
  • Effect of a low-pressure plasma treatment on water vapor diffusivity and permeability of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol)and polyethylene films
    S. Marais; Y. Hirata; C. Cabot; S. Morin-Grognet; M.-R. Garda; H. Atmani; F. Poncin-Epaillard
    Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(3-4), 868-879, 2006

Books and other publications

  • 有機エレクトロニクス封止・バリア技術の開発
    平田雄一, 第18章 フィルムのバリア性測定
    シーエムシー出版, 179-188 2017
  • 最新フィラー全集
    平田雄一 他14名, 第11章 ガスバリア性フィラーの種類、特性と活用法
    R&D支援センター, 203-213 2015
  • バリア技術
    永井一清、共同執筆:平田雄一 他14名, 第2章 バリア性の理論第3節非多孔材中の物質移動
    共立出版, 32-70 2014
  • 最新バリア技術 ―バリアフィルム,バリア容器,封止材・シーリング材の現状と展開―
    平田雄一, 第1章 2節 複層構造(ラミネート等)
    シーエムシー出版, 13-20 2011
  • Clayteam 技術解説書
    平田雄一, 第3章 第2節 フィルムのバリア性測定
    中央印刷, 89-104 2011
  • 気体分離膜・透過膜・バリア膜の最新技術
    平田雄一, 第1章 2節 ラミネート膜の透過メカニズム
    シーエムシー出版, 16-22 2007

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Effects of Acyl Chain Structures on Oxygen Permeability through Cellulose Ester Films
    Yuichi HIRATA, Nao Ozawa
    1.8, 10 May 2019
    Yuichi Hirata, Takuya Kitajima
    ISSP-18, Jul. 2018
    Yuichi Hirata, Takuya Kitajima
    Biopol2017, Sep. 2017
  • Water vapor permeability of Cellulose nanofiber/PLA nanocomposite membranes
    Yuichi Hirata, Takuya Kitajima
    MATBIM2017, Apr. 2017
  • Development of water vapor transmission rate measurement apparatus for high permeable materials
    Yuichi Hirata
    Third French-Japanese meetings on future of fibers and textiles 12, Oct. 2016
  • Effect of cellulose nanowhisker on oxygen permeability through cellulose nanowhisker/cellulose triacetate nanocomposite films
    Yuichi Hirata, Yoshihito Aizawa, Kunihiro Hamada
    BiPoCo P60, Aug. 2016
  • Synthesis of Novel Cationic Gemini Surfactants having Benzene Dicarboxylic Ester Structures in the Spacer Group and theSolubilization of Non-Ionic Dyes in their Micellar Solutions
    Yuichi Hirata, Misato Sakakibara, Kunihiro Hamada
    The 13th Asian Textile Conference, 2015
  • Shrink Proofing of Wool Fibers: Effect of Pretreatments with Shellac and Keratinase
    Naoko Nagashima, Yuichi Hirata, Kunihiro Hamada, Toru Takagishi
    The 13th Asian Textile Conference, 2015
  • The shrink-resistance performance and dyeability of wool coated with CMADK
    K.Watanabe, Y.Hirata, T.Hamada, N.Nagashima, M.Shinozuka
    ISF2014, Sep. 2014
  • Synthesis of novel cationic surfactants having different chemical structure in the hydrophobic tail and the solubilization of nonionic dyes in their micellar solutions
    Okabe Moe, Yuichi Hirata, Kunihiro Hamada
    ISF2014, Sep. 2014
  • Dyeing Behavior and Structural Change of the Wool Fibers Treated with Reduction and Subsequent Oxidation
    Y. Matsumoto,Y. Hirata, K. Hamada, K. Suzuta
    ISF2014, Sep. 2014
  • Synthesis of novel cationic gemini surfactants having benzene dicarboxylic ester structures in the spacer group and the solubilization of disperse dye in their micellar solutions
    Misato Sakakibara, Yuichi Hirat, Kunihiro Hamad
    ISF2014, Sep. 2014
  • Preparation of the charged mosaic membrane based on nanofiber nonwoven and their solute permeability
    H. Misawa, Y. Hirata, K. Hamada
    ISF2014, Sep. 2014
  • Preparation of Graded Hydrophilic Materials by Deacetylation of Cellulose Acetate Films
    Y. Hirata, R. Wada, K. Hamada
    MATBIM2012, 2012
  • Preparation of charged mosaic membranes based on nanofiber nonwovens and their solute permeability
    Yuichi Hirata, Takashi Kouze, Kunihiro Hamada
    PACHIFICHEM2010, 2010
  • Introduction of various quaternary ammonium salts as cationic binding sites in partially-hydrolyzed poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) films
    Y. Hirata, T. Kawasumi, K. Hamada
    AMS-5, Jul. 2009
  • Sorption of water vapor of EVAL/PAA Blend nano-nonwovens modified by Layer-by-layer technique
    Takashi Kouzu, Yuichi Hirata, Kunihiro Hamada
    AMS-5, Jul. 2009
  • Development of a novel permeation system for determining the water vapor transmission of high barrier polymer films
    Y.Hirata, K. Hamada, Y. Murakami
    ICOM2008, Jun. 2008

Research Themes

  • Dyeing nanofibers
  • Preparation of charged mosaic membranes
  • Preparation of barrier films