Faculty of Engineering
Professor Professor Emeritus
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Groundwater, Dating of groundwater, Fracture, Water Resources
Field Of Study
Mail Address
- nakayas★
Research activity information
- Effect of groundwater residence time on geogenic fluoride release into groundwater in the Mt. Meru slope area, Tanzania, the Great Rift Valley, East Africa
Shinji Nakaya, Ryogo Takada, Jun Yasumoto, Harue Masuda, Junichi Yoshitani, Ryuichi Shinjo, Innocent Lugodisha, Hans Komakech
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 253, 104125, 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Lead, Corresponding - Spatial variations of tritium concentrations in groundwater collected in the southern coastal region of Fukushima, Japan, after the nuclear accident
Koki Kashiwaya, Yuta Muto, Taiki Kubo, Reo Ikawa, Shinji Nakaya, Katsuaki Koike & Atsunao Marui
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7: 12578 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-12840-3, 03 Oct. 2017, Refereed - 気候変動に伴う年降水量の非定常頻度分析~広域関東圏への適用~
自然災害科学, 33(4), 391-401, 2015, Refereed - Hydrological and geochemical constraints on the mechanism of formation of arsenic contaminated groundwater in Sonargaon, Bangladesh
Itai, T., Masuda, H., Seddique, A.A., Mitamura, M., Maruoka, T., Li, X., Kusakabe, M., Dipak, B.K., Farooqi, A., Yamanaka, T., Nakaya, S., Matsuda, J-i., Ahmed, K.M.
Applied Geochemistry, 23(11), 3155-3176, 2008 - Spatial separation of groundwater flow paths from a multi-flow system by a simple mixing model using stable isotopes of oxygenand hydrogen as natural tracers
Nakaya, S., K. Uesugi, Y. Motodate, I. Ohmiya, H. Komiya, H. Masuda, and M. Kusakabe (2007),
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 43(W09404), doi:10.1029 /2006WR005059, 2007 - Field investigation of groundwater contamination on nitric acid in Matsumoto Basin, Nagano, Japan
Nakaya S., A. Ikeuchi,I. Ohmiya, H. Komiya, H. Masuda and M. Kusakabe
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Groundwater Problems related to Geo-Environment, Okayama, Japan, 387-391, 2003 - Correction to "Determination of anisotropy of spatial correlation structure in a three-dimensional permeability field accompanied by shallow faults" by Shinji Nakaya et al. (vol 38, No.8, 10.1029/2001WR000672, 2002)
Nakaya, S; Yohmei, T; Koike, A; Hirayama, T; Yoden, T; Nishigaki, M
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 38(11), Nov. 2002 - Spatial correlation structure in the three-dimensional permeability field accompanied by shallow faults
Nakaya S., T. Yohmei, A. Koike, T. Hirayama, T. Yoden and M. Nishigaki
Proceedings of the International Groundwater Symposium /LBNL, Berkeley, California/USA, 98-102, 2002 - An estimation of flow channels in a natural rock using fractal of fractures, 共著, Nakaya, S. 他3名, Proceedings of the tenth International conference on Computer methods and advances in geomechanics/Arizona/USA, pp.1801-1804 (2001).
2001 - Study on a chemical characteristics of aerosol in Emeishan, Sichuan
Yanagisawa, F., S. Jia, H. Masuda, H. Yang, X. Wan, S. Nakaya, and N. Kitada
J. Mineral Petrol., 21(4), 93-96, 2001 - Chemical characteristics of the rainfall collected inEmeishan in june, 1998
Yanagisawa, F., S. Jia, H. Masuda, H. Yang, X. Wan, S. Nakaya, and N. Kitada
J. Mineral Petrol., 21(4), 97-99, 2001 - Contrast study on chemical composition of rain water collected in August and December of 1988 at Emei mountain
Yanagisawa F., S. Jia, H. Masuda, H. Yang, X. Wan, S. Nakaya, N. Kitada
J. Geological Hazards and Environment Prevervation, 12(4), 17-20, 2001 - 東アジアの降水に含まれる硫酸イオンの硫黄同位体比
エコテクノロジ-研究, 7(1), 7-12, 2001 - An estimation of flow channels in a natural rock using fractal of fractures
Nakaya, S., H. Kondoh, M. Nishikuni, and M. Nishigaki
Proceedings of the tenth International conference on Computer methods and advances in geomechanics/Arizona/USA, 1801-1804, 2001 - 不連続性岩盤における調査・解析事例(浸透問題)(その1)
土と基礎, 48(11), 43-50, 2000 - 割れ目系岩盤における水理定数に三次元空間分布の推定法
日本地下水学会誌, 42(1), 95-105, 2000 - 日本・中国・韓国で採取したエアロゾルの化学組成(序報)
エコテクノロジ-研究, 6(2), 25-30, 2000 - 地質統計学的手法を用いた不連続性岩盤の水理定数推定法
電力土木, (274), 104-109, 1998 - A geostatistical approach to estimate the groundwater flow path in fractured rocks
Nakaya, S., A. Koike, M. Horie, T. Hirayama and T. Yoden
Proceedings of the 9th International conference on Computer methods and advances in geomechanics/Wuhan/China, 1011-1014, 1997 - Seismic analysis of the 25 Stone Buddhas Group at Hakone, Japan
Christianson M., J. Itoh and S.Nakaya
Rock Mechanics Proceedings of the 35th U.S. Symposium/Univ. of Nevada/Reno, 107-112, 1995 - Theoretical determination of the three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity tensor of fractured rock masses using geometric data of fractures and the results of the Lugeon-water test
Nakaya, S. and M. Nishigaki
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock/Vienna/Austria, 381-386, 1995 - A new method for the field measurement to determine the three dimensional hydraulic parameters of a fractured rock mass
Nakaya, S. and M. Nishigaki
In Siriwardane H.J., and Zaman M.M. ed. Computer methods and advances in geomechanics, Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Computer methods andadvances ingeomechanics /Morgantown/West Virginia, A.A.BALKEMA : ROTTERDAM, 1609-1614, 1994 - A new method for the field measurement of three dimensional anisotropic hydraulic conductivities in jointed rock mass using a single-hole
Nakaya, S., M. Nishigaki, and I. Kohno
In Beer G., Booker J.R. and Carter J.P. ed. Computer methods and advances in geomechanics, Proceedings of the 7th International conference on Computer methods and advances in geomechanics/ Cairns, A.A.BALKEMA :ROTTERDAM, 1577-1582, 1991 - Interpretation of concrete top base foundation behaviour on soft ground by coupled stress flow finite element analysis
Arai K., Y. Ohnishi, M. Horita, I. Yasukawa, and S. Nakaya
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics: Innsbruck, 625-630, 1988
Books and other publications
- M. Taniguchi and T. Hiyama (eds.) Groundwater as a Key for Adaptation to Changing Climate and Society, Global Environmental Studies
Shinji Nakaya, Single work, Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow Using Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen as Natural Tracers
Springer 2014, 83-110 2014, Refereed
Joint work, アジアの都市と水環境
古今書院, 2011
Joint work, 地下水流動 モンスーンアジアの資源と循環
共立出版, 2011
Joint work, 名水を科学する
技報堂出版, 1994
- フィリピン海プレート・マントル由来の自然水銀の調査
01 Jun. 2022, Architectural works - 多良間島の地下水調査
24 Nov. 2018, Architectural works - 長野県佐久地域の地下水賦存量調査、地下水流動調査
Jun. 2012 - Present, Architectural works - 兵庫県淡路島の地下水調査
Oct. 2013 - 2013, Architectural works - 宮古島の地下水調査
14 Sep. 2016 - Present, Architectural works - 与論島の陸水、海底湧水調査
Aug. 2017 - Present, Architectural works - 長野県水環境調査
2014 - Present, Architectural works - 大阪平野の地下水調査
2000, Architectural works - 中国四川省の大気・地下水汚染にかかわる環境調査
1998 - 2001, Architectural works - 松本盆地の地下水調査
1999 - Present, Architectural works - バングラデッシュ砒素汚染調査
2003 - Present, Architectural works - 長野県北東部の地下水ヒ素汚染調査
2006 - 2008, Architectural works - 長野県佐久平の水源調査
Jun. 2011 - Present, Architectural works - 沖縄本島の地下水調査
Sep. 2011 - Present, Architectural works - 宮城県の地下水汚染リスク評価の概要調査
Apr. 2012 - 2012, Architectural works - 安曇野市とその周辺地域の地下水調査
Apr. 2016 - Present, Architectural works - Water resources and water fluoride pollution research in Arusha and Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
23 May 2018, Architectural works