城下 智 (ジョウシタ サトル)
医学部 医学科 内科学第二
- 慢性肝疾患, 免疫遺伝学, ウイルス肝炎, 自己免疫性肝疾患, 非侵襲的病態診断法
- 2021年
日本組織適合性学会学術奨励賞優秀賞 - 2020年
大樹生命厚生財団 特別研究助成 - 2020年
日本人間ドック学会英文優秀論文賞 - 2019年
新潟大学有壬記念学術奨励賞 - 2018年
ウイルス肝炎研究財団研究助成事業(研究奨励金) - 2018年
三井生命厚生財団 医学研究助成 - 2017年
Asian Pacific Digestive Week Federation / Journal - 2016年
日本消化器病学会Young Investigator Travel Award - 2016年
信州大学医学部松医会奨励賞 - 2010年
Young Investigator the Bursaries of European Association for the Study of the Liver - 2009年
信州医学会賞 - 2009年
日本肝臓学会若手奨励賞 - 2009年
日本肝臓学会Young Investigator Travel Award
- Higher Responsiveness for Women, High Transaminase Levels, and Fat Percentage to Pemafibrate Treatment for NAFLD
Iwadare T, Kimura T, Kunimoto H, Tanaka N, Wakabayashi SI, Yamazaki T, Okumura T, Kobayashi H, Yamashita Y, Sugiura A, Joshita S, Umemura T
BIOMEDICINES, 10(11), 2022年11月 - Circulating thrombospondin 2 levels reflect fibrosis severity and disease activity in HCV-infected patients
Iwadare T, Kimura T, Tanaka N, Yamazaki T, Wakabayashi SI, Okumura T, Kobayashi H, Yamashita Y, Pydi SP, Nakajima T, Iwaya M, Sugiura A, Joshita S, Uehara T
Sci Rep, 12(1), 18900, 2022年11月 - Toward the accumulation of evidence for a novel high-sensitivity hepatitis B core-related antigen assay in patients with hepatitis B virus infection
Joshita, S.
Hepatol Res, 52(9), 743-744, 2022年09月 - Quantitative changes of lipoprotein(a) in chronic hepatitis C patients achieving a sustained virological response by direct-acting antivirals
Okumura T, Joshita S, Sugiura A, Ota M, Umemura T
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol, 46(8), 102011, 2022年08月 - The levels of IL-1beta and soluble IL-1 receptors in patients with IgG4-related periaortitis/periarteritis
Ashihara N, Ota M, Fujinaga Y, Ozawa M, Kuraishi Y, Watanabe T, Hamano H, Joshita S, Kawa S, Umemura T
Adv Med Sci, 67(2), 257-261, 2022年07月 - The aryl hydrocarbon receptor instructs the immunomodulatory profile of a subset of Clec4a4(+) eosinophils unique to the small intestine
Wang WL, Kasamatsu J, Joshita S, Gilfillan S, Di Luccia B, Panda SK, Kim DH, Desai P, Bando JK, Huang SC, Yomogida K, Hoshino H, Fukushima M, Jacobsen EA, Van Dyken SJ, Ruedl C, Cella M, Colonna M
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119(23), e2204557119, 2022年06月 - Clinical practice guidelines for autoimmune hepatitis
Ohira H, Takahashi A, Zeniya M, Abe M, Arinaga-Hino T, Joshita S, Takaki A, Nakamoto N, Kang JH, Suzuki Y, Sogo T, Inui A, Koike K, Harada K, Nakamoto Y, Kondo Y, Genda T, Tsuneyama K, Matsui T, Tanaka A:
Hepatol Res, 52(7), 571-585, 2022年05月 - Risk factors for relapse of autoimmune hepatitis in Japan: A nationwide survey
Takahashi A, Ohira H, Abe K, Zeniya M, Abe M, Arinaga-Hino T, Nakamoto N, Takaki A, Kang JH, Joshita S, Suzuki Y, Koike K, Inui A, Tanaka A, Japan Autoimmune Hepatitis Study G
Hepatol Res, 52(7), 597-602, 2022年04月 - IL-33 signaling in sensory neurons promotes dry skin itch
Trier AM, Mack MR, Fredman A, Tamari M, Ver Heul AM, Zhao Y, Guo CJ, Avraham O, Ford ZK, Oetjen LK, Feng J, Dehner C, Coble D, Badic A, Joshita S, Kubo M, Gereau RWt, Alexander-Brett J, Cavalli V, Davidson S, Hu H, Liu Q, Kim BS
J Allergy Clin Immunol, 149(4), 1473-1480, 2022年04月 - 2-Step PLT16-AST44 method: Simplified liver fibrosis detection system in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Fujimori N, Kimura T, Tanaka N, Yamazaki T, Okumura T, Kobayashi H, Wakabayashi SI, Yamashita Y, Sugiura A, Pham J, Pydi SP, Sano K, Joshita S, Umemura T
Hepatol Res, 52(4), 352-363, 2022年01月 - Serum thrombospondin 2 is a novel predictor for the severity in the patients with NAFLD
Kimura T, Tanaka N, Joshita S (8th), et al.
Liver Int., 41(3), 505-514, 2021年01月20日, 査読有り - The ursodeoxycholic acid response score predicts pathological features in primary biliary cholangitis
Kawata K, Joshita S (2nd), Shimoda S, et al.
Hepatol Res., 51(1), 80-89, 2021年01月01日, 査読有り - Relationship of early acute complications and insertion site in push method percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Suzuki H (FA), Joshita S (FA), Nagaya T (CA), et al.
Sci Rep, 10(1), 20551, 2020年11月25日, 査読有り - Clinical utility of steatohepatitis-related FibroScan-aspartate aminotransferase score for predicting hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis C virus patients achieving a sustained virological response by direct-acting antivirals
Joshita S (FA), Umemura T (CA).
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics., 52(7), 1222-1223, 2020年10月01日, 査読有り - A case report of pancreatic panniculitis due to acute pancreatitis with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
Yamashita Y (FA), Joshita S (CA), Ito T, Maruyama M, Wada S, Umemura T.
BMC Gastroenterol., 20(1), 286, 2020年08月24日, 査読有り - Clinical impact of normal alanine aminotransferase on direct‐acting antiviral outcome in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Joshita S (FA), Sugiura A (FA), Umemura T (CA), et al.
JGH Open., 4, 574-581, 2020年08月01日, 査読有り - A validation study of the Ursodeoxycholic Acid Response Score in Japanese patients with primary biliary cholangitis
Yagi M, Matsumoto K, Joshita S (15th), et al.
Liver Int., 40(8), 1926-1933, 2020年08月01日, 査読有り - Polymorphism at rs9264942 is associated with HLA-C expression and inflammatory bowel disease in the Japanese
Suzuki H (FA), Joshita S (CA), Hirayama H, et al.
Sci Rep., 10(1), 12424, 2020年07月24日, 査読有り - Clinical utility of FibroScan as a non-invasive diagnostic test for primary biliary cholangitis.
Joshita S (FA/CA), Yamashita Y, Sugiura A, et al.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol., 35(7), 1208-1214, 2020年07月01日, 査読有り - Effectiveness of Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir for Hepatitis C: Real-World Experience and Clinical Features of Retreatment Cases.
Sugiura A (FA), Joshita S (CA), Yamashita Y, et al.
Biomedicines., 8(4), E74, 2020年04月03日, 査読有り - Clinical In¬fluence of Hepatitis C Virus Eradication by Direct-acting Antivirals on Lipid Levels and “Ningen Dock” Health Check-up Categories in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Joshita S (FA/CA), Sugiura A, Yamazaki T, et al.
Ningen Dock International., 7, 19-25, 2020年03月01日, 査読有り - KIR/HLA genotypes confer susceptibility and progression in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.
Umemura T, Joshita S (2nd), Saito H, Yoshizawa K, Norman GL, Tanaka E, Ota M.
JHEP Rep., 1(5), 353-360, 2019年10月25日, 査読有り - Long-term luseogliflozin therapy improves histological activity of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis accompanied by type 2 diabetes mellitus
Fujimori N, Tanaka N, Joshita S (11th), et al.
Clin J Gastroenterol., 13(1), 83-89, 2019年07月10日, 査読有り - Biochemical and plasma lipid responses to pemafibrate in patients with primary biliary cholangitis
Joshita S (FA/CA), Umemura T, Yamashita Y, et al.
Hepatol Res., 49(10), 1236-1243, 2019年06月14日, 査読有り - Bezafibrate Improves GLOBE and UK-PBC Scores and Long-Term Outcomes in Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Honda A, Tanaka A, Joshita S (15th), et al.
Hepatology., 70(6), 2035-2046, 2019年04月12日, 査読有り - A Case of Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Complicated with Bilateral Chylothorax
Kako S (FA), Joshita S (CA), Matsuo A, et al.
Case Rep Oncol Med., 2019, 8357893, 2019年02月17日, 査読有り - Improvement of porphyria cutanea tarda following treatment of hepatitis C virus by direct-acting antivirals: A case report.
Nihei T, Kiniwa Y, Joshita S (4th), et al.
J Dermatol., 46(5), E149-E151, 2018年11月03日, 査読有り - Quantitative analysis of serum chemokines associated with treatment failure of direct-acting antivirals in chronic hepatitis C.
Umemura T, Yamazaki T, Joshita S (3rd), et al.
Cytokine., 111(1), 357-363, 2018年10月05日, 査読有り - Past history of hepatocellular carcinoma is an independent risk factor of treatment failure in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection receiving direct-acting antivirals.
Sugiura A (FA), Joshita S (FA), Umemura T (CA), et al.
J Viral Hepat., 25(12), 1462-1471, 2018年08月30日, 査読有り - A cis-eQTL of HLA-DPB1 Affects Susceptibility to Type 1 Autoimmune Hepatitis.
Yamazaki T, Umemura T, Joshita S (3rd), et al.
Sci Rep., 8(1), 11924, 2018年08月09日, 査読有り - Miglitol attenuates non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in diabetic patients.
Komatsu M, Tanaka N, Joshita S (10th), et al .
Hepatol Res., 48(13), 1092-1098, 2018年07月27日, 査読有り - Serum autotaxin levels are correlated with hepatic fibrosis and ballooning in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Fujimori N, Umemura T, Joshita S (7th), et al.
World J Gastroenterol., 24(11), 1239-1249, 2018年05月21日, 査読有り - Salmonella Enteritidis cholecystitis with chronic granulomatous disease.
Yamashita Y, Kimura T, Joshita S (6th). et al.
IDCases., 12(1), 49-52, 2018年05月14日, 査読有り - KIR2DL2 combined with HLA-C1 confers risk of hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma in younger patients.
Saito H, Umemura T, Joshita S (3rd), et al.
Oncotarget., 9(28), 19650-19661, 2018年04月13日, 査読有り - Association between KIR-HLA combination and ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in a Japanese population.
Saito H, Hirayama A, Joshita S (4th), et al.
PLoS One., 13(4), e0195778, 2018年04月12日, 査読有り - Mild drinking habit is a risk factor for hepatocarcinogenesis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with advanced fibrosis.
Kimura T, Tanaka N, Joshita S (6th), et al.
World J Gastroenterol., 24(13), 1440-1450, 2018年04月07日, 査読有り - Changes in serum levels of autotaxin with direct-acting antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Yamazaki T (FA), Joshita S (FA), Umemura T (CA), et al.
PLoS One., 13(4), e0195632, 2018年04月04日, 査読有り - Clinical features of autoimmune hepatitis with acute presentation: a Japanese nationwide survey.
Joshita S (FA), Yoshizawa K (CA), Umemura T, et al.
J Gastroenterol., 53(9), 1079-1088, 2018年02月23日, 査読有り - Emergence of anti-mitochondrial M2 antibody in patient with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.
Wakabayashi SI, Kimura T, Joshita S (4th), et al.
Clin J Gastroenterol., 11(4), 302-308, 2018年02月10日, 査読有り - Renal impairment is associated with increased risk of mortality in patients with cirrhosis: A retrospective cohort study
Umemura T, Joshita S (2nd), Shibata S, et al.
Medicine (Baltimore)., 98(6), e14475, 2018年02月01日, 査読有り - Astrocyte-derived interleukin-33 promotes microglial synapse engulfment and neural circuit development.
Vainchtein ID, Chin G, Joshita S (12th), et al.
Science., 359(6381), 1269-1273, 2018年02月01日, 査読有り - Humanized TREM2 mice reveal microglia-intrinsic and -extrinsic effects of R47H polymorphism.
Song WM (FA), Joshita S (FA), Zhou Y, et al.
J Exp Med., 215(3), 745-760, 2018年01月10日, 査読有り - A case of liver abscess co-infected with Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Escherichia coli and review of the literature.
Yamazaki T (FA), Joshita S (CA), Kasuga E, et al.
J Infect Chemother., 24(5), 393-397, 2017年12月18日, 査読有り - Serum autotaxin is a useful liver fibrosis marker in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.
Joshita S (FA), Ichikawa Y (FA), Umemura T (CA), et al.
Hepatol Res., 48(4), 275-285, 2017年12月04日, 査読有り - Genetics and epigenetics in the pathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis.
Joshita S (FA/CA), Umemura T, Tanaka E, Ota M.
Clin J Gastroenterol., 11(1), 11-18, 2017年11月20日, 査読有り - Association of autoimmune hepatitis with Src homology 2 adaptor protein 3 gene polymorphisms in Japanese patients
Umemura T, Joshita S (2nd), Hamano H, et al.
J Hum Genet., 62(11), 963-967, 2017年11月01日, 査読有り - Cimetidine/lactulose therapy ameliorates erythropoietic protoporphyria-related liver injury
Fujimori N, Komatsu M, Joshita S (13th), et al.
Clin J Gastroenterol., 10(5), 452-458, 2017年10月01日, 査読有り - Association of Serum Autotaxin Levels with Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
Yamazaki T (FA), Joshita S (FA), Umemura T (CA), et al.
Sci Rep., 20(7), 46705, 2017年04月01日, 査読有り - A Patency Capsule Remained Intact in the Colon over 210 Hours.
Hihara Y, Joshita S (CA), Takahashi T, et al.
2017(2017), 1201404, 2017年02月22日, 査読有り - Lymphocyte Antigen 75 Polymorphisms Are Associated with Disease Susceptibility and Phenotype in Japanese Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Hirayama A, Joshita S (CA), Kitahara K, et al.
Dis Markers., 2016(2016), 6485343, 2016年11月14日, 査読有り - Serum Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive human Mac-2 binding protein may predict liver fibrosis and progression to hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.
Ichikawa Y (FA), Joshita S (FA), Umemura T (CA), et al.
Hepatol Res., 47(2), 226-233, 2016年04月22日, 査読有り - 【C型肝炎治療update】 治療 IFNβ+リバビリン併用療法
城下智, 田中榮司
日本臨床, 73(2), 273-279, 2015年02月01日 - AST/platelet ratio index associates with progression to hepatic failure and correlates with histological fibrosis stage in Japanese patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Joshita S (FA/CA), Umemuta T, Ota M, Tanaka E.
J Hepatol., 61(6), 1443-5, 2014年12月01日, 査読有り - Serum levels of interleukin-22 and hepatitis B core-related antigen are associated with treatment response to entecavir therapy in chronic hepatitis B.
Okuhara S, Umemura T, Joshita S (3rd), et al.
Hepatol Res., 44(10), E172-80, 2014年10月01日, 査読有り - Characteristics and prediction of hepatitis B e-antigen negative hepatitis following seroconversion in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
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Hepatol Res., 44(10), E45-53, 2014年10月01日, 査読有り - KIR3DL1-HLA-Bw4 combination and IL28B polymorphism predict response to Peg-IFN and ribavirin with and without telaprevir in chronic hepatitis C.
Umemura T, Ota M, Joshita S (11th), et al,.
Hum Immunol., 75(8), 822-6, 2014年08月01日, 査読有り - Laparoscopic findings of congenital hepatic fibrosis: A case report and review of the published work.
Komatsu M, Tanaka N, Joshita S (7th), et al.
Hepatol Res., 44(7), 818-24, 2014年07月01日, 査読有り - Genetic polymorphism in IFNL4 and response to pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin in Japanese chronic hepatitis C patients.
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PLOS ONE, 8(12), e83381, 2013年12月12日, 査読有り - Genome-wide association study identifies TNFSF15 and POU2AF1 as susceptibility loci for primary biliary cirrhosis in the Japanese population
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J Gastroenterol., 46(10), 1203-1212, 2011年05月19日, 査読有り - Cytokine profiles affecting the pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis in Japanese patients
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Hepatol Res., 41(4), 350-357, 2011年02月24日, 査読有り - Down-regulation of SREBP-1c is associated with the development of burned-out NASH.
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Haematologica., 91(8), ECR34, 2006年08月01日, 査読有り
- 日本肝臓学会肝がん撲滅運動市民公開講座
Web, 2020年12月14日 - 2020年12月20日 - 肝炎医療従事者等研修会
信州大学医学部附属病院, 2019年07月28日 - 2019年07月28日 - 日本肝臓学会市民公開講座
長野赤十字病院, 2018年11月11日 - 2018年11月11日 - 肝炎医療従事者等研修会
信州大学, 2018年11月09日 - 2018年11月09日 - 日本肝臓学会市民公開講座(甲信越地区)
松本市, 2018年07月29日 - 2018年07月29日 - 肝炎医療従事者等研修会
信州大学医学部附属病院, 2017年09月29日 - 2017年09月29日 - 日本消化器がん検診学会 関東甲信越地方会 超音波部会
佐久市, 2011年08月06日 - 2011年08月06日 - 肝癌撲滅キャンペーン B型肝炎の治療
飯田市, 2010年07月25日 - 2010年07月25日