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WU Po Tsang|Shinshu University Researcher List

WU Po Tsang

Academic Assembly School of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Social Sciences

Faculty of Economics and Law Department of Economics 

Senior Assistant Professor 


  • Doctor of the Science of Law, Keio University(JAPAN)
  • Master of LAW, National Taipei University (TAIWAN)

Field Of Study

  • Criminal Policy
  • Victimology
  • Criminal law, Criminal Justice

Mail Address



  • 2020 - 2021
    Lecturer, Teikyo University
  • 2019 - 2022
  • 2019 - 2019
    Lecturer, Correspondence Courses of Keio University.
  • 2018 - 2018
    Lecturer, Correspondence Courses of Keio University.
  • 2018 - 2019
    Research Assistant, Graduate School of Law, Keio University.
  • 2017 - 2017
    Lecturer, Correspondence Courses of Keio University.
  • 2016 - 2017
    Research Assistant, Graduate School of Law, Keio University.
  • 2003 - 2005
    Research Assistant, College of Law, National Taipei University.

Educational Background

  • 2016, Keio University, Graduate School of Law, 公法専攻
  • 2006, National Taipei University, Division of Criminal Law, Graduate School of Law, 刑事法専攻


  • Recent Discussions about the Right to Parole and Appeal System for Parole decisions in Taiwan
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Shinshu Economics and Law Review, 16, 87-110, Mar. 2024
  • Structure and Criteria of The Parole System in Taiwan
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Shinshu Economics and Law Review, 13, 1-36, Sep. 2022, Refereedリポジトリ
  • 被害者の損害賠償請求の実現に対する支援―台湾法の観点から―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Japanese Journal of Vicimology, (31), 104-115, Mar. 2022
  • 日本「刑之一部緩刑」制度之再確認
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Essays on Criminal Policy and Crime Research, (24), 95-121, Sep. 2021, Refereed
  • 日本近年関於自刑由制度改革之議論:以自由刑單一化與法制審議會之議論為中心
    Wu Po-Tsang
    刑事政策與犯罪防治(台湾), (23), 81-87, Dec. 2019
  • 台湾の没収制度における被害者の損害回復―民事請求権への対応を中心に―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Japanese Journal of Vicimology, (29), 71-85, Mar. 2019
  • 台湾における条件付起訴猶予の運用による薬物自己用使対策について
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Jourbal of Law and Political Studies (KEIO University), (119), 1-33, Dec. 2018, Refereed
  • 台湾における没収制度の改革―新法の検討を中心に―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Jourbal of Law and Political Studies (KEIO University), (116), 1-35, Mar. 2018, Refereed
  • 台湾における性犯罪非親告罪化に関する議論と被害者保護
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Jourbal of Law and Political Studies (KEIO University), (106), 33-66, Sep. 2015, Refereed
  • 台湾における犯罪被害者補償制度の特徴と近年の改革
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Japanese Journal of Vicimology, (25), 22-36, Mar. 2015
  • 台湾における犯罪被害者補償制度の改革
    Wu Po-Tsang
    罪と罰, 51(2), 120-131, Mar. 2014
  • 起訴猶予と犯罪被害者―台湾における緩起制度訴を中心に―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Jourbal of Law and Political Studies (KEIO University), (99), 69-103, Dec. 2013, Refereed
  • 台湾における犯罪被害者補償制度の改革―その意味と課題―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    Jourbal of Law and Political Studies (KEIO University), (97), 125-128, Jun. 2013, Refereed
  • 危険犯試論
    Wu Po-Tsang
    刑事法雑誌(台湾), 52(2), 129-172, Apr. 2008
  • 日本最高裁判所裁判――船艦覆没破壊罪事件
    Wu Po-Tsang
    軍法専刊(台湾), 55(1), 148-154, Sep. 2002


  • 台湾司法IT化の現状(下)
    林 祐宸著、呉 柏蒼訳
    https://www.keiben-oasis.com/17228, Feb. 2023
  • 台湾司法IT化の現状(上)
    林 祐宸著、呉 柏蒼訳
    https://www.keiben-oasis.com/16835, Jan. 2023
  • The end of the Adultery Laws in Taiwan.
    https://www.keiben-oasis.com/9366, 04 Dec. 2020
  • 平成27 年版検察講義案(中国語・監訳)
    呉 柏蒼 監訳
    Mar. 2020
  • 日本裁判員裁判之検察基本方針(中国語・監訳)
    呉 柏蒼 監訳
    Aug. 2018
  • 日本『刑的一部執行猶豫』新制之意義與課題(中国語・翻訳)
    太田達也著、呉 柏蒼 訳
    刑事法雑誌(台湾), 59(1), Feb. 2015
  • 台湾における被害者支援の現状と課題(翻訳)
    廖 英蔵著、呉 柏蒼訳
    Japanese Journal of Vicimology, (30), 24 - 36
  • 韓國國民参與裁判制度施行五年之評慣與最終型態(中国語・共訳)
    趙 均錫著、呉景芳・呉柏蒼 訳
    刑事法雑誌(台湾), 57(4), 145 - 190

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 台湾の保護司制度の現状と展望―日台の比較を兼ねて―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    松本保護司会2024年新年総会, Jan. 2024
  • 犯罪被害者の損害賠償請求の実現に対する支援―台湾法の観点から―
    Wu Po-Tsang
    日本被害者学会第31 回学術大会(於:慶應義塾大学), Jun. 2021
  • 台湾における没収制度の運用による被害者支援
    Wu Po-Tsang
    日本被害者学会第29 回学術大会(於:東洋学園大学), Jun. 2018
  • Private prosecution and Suspension of prosecution in TAIWAN
    Wu Po-Tsang
    30th LAWASIA Conference LAWASIA 東京大会2017, Sep. 2017
  • 台湾における犯罪被害者補償制度の改革
    Wu Po-Tsang
    日本被害者学会第25回学術大会(於:京都産業大学), Jun. 2014

Affiliated academic society

  • Criminal Law Society of Japan
  • Japanese Association of Victimology